按照以下文件结构将colmap中的数据放入高斯中,就可以执行 python train.py -s data/data_blender_60 -m data/data_blender_60/output
就可以执行 python train.py -s data/data_blender_60 -m data/data_blender_60/output
@echo off
if not exist created\sparse\model (
mkdir created\sparse\model
echo Created directory: created\sparse\model
if not exist triangulated\sparse\model (
mkdir triangulated\sparse\model
echo Created directory: triangulated\sparse\model
if not exist mapper\sparse\model (
mkdir mapper\sparse\model
echo Created directory: mapper\sparse\model
import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation index = 339 #要转换的图片张数 def cameras(input_path, output_path): # 定义一个字典用于存储提取的数据 data_dict = {'frame': [], 'cameraID': [], 'PARAMS': []} # 打开文件并读取内容 with open(input_path, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines()[1:] # # 删除 camera=1的行 # lines = [line for index, line in enumerate(lines) if index % 2 == 0] # 遍历每一行数据 for line in lines: # 分割每一行数据 elements = line.split() # 提取frame和cameraID frame = int(elements[0]) cameraID = int(elements[1]) if cameraID == 1: continue # 提取PARAMS PARAMS = elements[2:6] # 将提取的数据存入字典 data_dict['frame'].append(frame) data_dict['cameraID'].append(frame + 1) data_dict['PARAMS'].append(PARAMS) width = 1242 height = 375 # 将处理后的内容写回文件 # 打开文件以写入数据 with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file: # 写入文件头部信息 output_file.write( "# Camera list with one line of data per camera:\n# CAMERA_ID, MODEL, WIDTH, HEIGHT, PARAMS[fx,fy,cx,cy]\n# Number of cameras: 1\n") # 遍历每个数据点 for i in range(len(data_dict['frame'])): # 获取相应的数据 if data_dict['frame'][i] > index - 1: break cameraID = data_dict['cameraID'][i] PARAMS = data_dict['PARAMS'][i] fx, fy, cx, cy = PARAMS # 写入数据到文件 output_file.write( f"{cameraID} PINHOLE {width} {height} {fx} {fy} {cx} {cy}\n") def images(input_path, output_path): # 定义一个字典用于存储提取的数据 data_dict = {'frame': [], 'cameraID': [], 'quaternions': []} # 打开文件并读取内容 with open(input_path, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines()[1:] # 遍历每一行数据 for line in lines: # 分割每一行数据 elements = line.split() # 提取frame和cameraID frame = int(elements[0]) cameraID = int(elements[1]) if cameraID == 1: continue # 提取旋转矩阵部分 rotation_matrix = np.array([[float(elements[i]) for i in range(2, 11, 4)], [float(elements[i]) for i in range(3, 12, 4)], [float(elements[i]) for i in range(4, 13, 4)]]) # 将旋转矩阵转换为四元数 rotation = Rotation.from_matrix(rotation_matrix) quaternion = rotation.as_quat() # 将提取的数据存入字典 data_dict['frame'].append(frame) data_dict['cameraID'].append(frame + 1) data_dict['quaternions'].append(quaternion) # 打开文件以写入数据 with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file: # 写入文件头部信息 output_file.write( "# Image list with two lines of data per image:\n# IMAGE_ID, QW, QX, QY, QZ, TX, TY, TZ, CAMERA_ID, NAME\n# POINTS2D[] as (X, Y, POINT3D_ID)\n# Number of images: 339, mean observations per image: 1\n") # 遍历每个数据点 for i in range(len(data_dict['frame'])): # 获取相应的数据 if data_dict['frame'][i] > index - 1: break frame = data_dict['frame'][i] cameraID = data_dict['cameraID'][i] quaternion = data_dict['quaternions'][i] # 将四元数和平移向量分开 qw, qx, qy, qz = quaternion tx, ty, tz = [float(elem) for elem in lines[i].split()[11:14]] # 写入数据到文件 output_file.write( f"{frame + 1} {qw} {qx} {qy} {qz} {tx} {ty} {tz} {cameraID} rgb_{frame:05d}.jpg\n\n") if __name__ == '__main__': input_path = "./intrinsic.txt" output_path = "./cameras.txt" cameras(input_path, output_path) input_path = "./extrinsic.txt" output_path = "./images.txt" images(input_path, output_path)
我的同学写了一个创建数据库的代码 ,这将cameras.txt和images.txt文件中的数据都放入database.db中:create_colmap_database.py
# Copyright (c) 2023, ETH Zurich and UNC Chapel Hill. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of ETH Zurich and UNC Chapel Hill nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This script is based on an original implementation by True Price. import sys import sqlite3 import numpy as np IS_PYTHON3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 MAX_IMAGE_ID = 2 ** 31 - 1 CREATE_CAMERAS_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cameras ( camera_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, model INTEGER NOT NULL, width INTEGER NOT NULL, height INTEGER NOT NULL, params BLOB, prior_focal_length INTEGER NOT NULL)""" CREATE_DESCRIPTORS_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS descriptors ( image_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, rows INTEGER NOT NULL, cols INTEGER NOT NULL, data BLOB, FOREIGN KEY(image_id) REFERENCES images(image_id) ON DELETE CASCADE)""" CREATE_IMAGES_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS images ( image_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, camera_id INTEGER NOT NULL, prior_qw REAL, prior_qx REAL, prior_qy REAL, prior_qz REAL, prior_tx REAL, prior_ty REAL, prior_tz REAL, CONSTRAINT image_id_check CHECK(image_id >= 0 and image_id < {}), FOREIGN KEY(camera_id) REFERENCES cameras(camera_id)) """.format( MAX_IMAGE_ID ) CREATE_TWO_VIEW_GEOMETRIES_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS two_view_geometries ( pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, rows INTEGER NOT NULL, cols INTEGER NOT NULL, data BLOB, config INTEGER NOT NULL, F BLOB, E BLOB, H BLOB, qvec BLOB, tvec BLOB) """ CREATE_KEYPOINTS_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS keypoints ( image_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, rows INTEGER NOT NULL, cols INTEGER NOT NULL, data BLOB, FOREIGN KEY(image_id) REFERENCES images(image_id) ON DELETE CASCADE) """ CREATE_MATCHES_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS matches ( pair_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, rows INTEGER NOT NULL, cols INTEGER NOT NULL, data BLOB)""" CREATE_NAME_INDEX = ( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_name ON images(name)" ) CREATE_ALL = "; ".join( [ CREATE_CAMERAS_TABLE, CREATE_IMAGES_TABLE, CREATE_KEYPOINTS_TABLE, CREATE_DESCRIPTORS_TABLE, CREATE_MATCHES_TABLE, CREATE_TWO_VIEW_GEOMETRIES_TABLE, CREATE_NAME_INDEX, ] ) def image_ids_to_pair_id(image_id1, image_id2): if image_id1 > image_id2: image_id1, image_id2 = image_id2, image_id1 return image_id1 * MAX_IMAGE_ID + image_id2 def pair_id_to_image_ids(pair_id): image_id2 = pair_id % MAX_IMAGE_ID image_id1 = (pair_id - image_id2) / MAX_IMAGE_ID return image_id1, image_id2 def array_to_blob(array): if IS_PYTHON3: return array.tobytes() else: return np.getbuffer(array) def blob_to_array(blob, dtype, shape=(-1,)): if IS_PYTHON3: return np.fromstring(blob, dtype=dtype).reshape(*shape) else: return np.frombuffer(blob, dtype=dtype).reshape(*shape) class COLMAPDatabase(sqlite3.Connection): @staticmethod def connect(database_path): return sqlite3.connect(database_path, factory=COLMAPDatabase) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(COLMAPDatabase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_tables = lambda: self.executescript(CREATE_ALL) self.create_cameras_table = lambda: self.executescript( CREATE_CAMERAS_TABLE ) self.create_descriptors_table = lambda: self.executescript( CREATE_DESCRIPTORS_TABLE ) self.create_images_table = lambda: self.executescript( CREATE_IMAGES_TABLE ) self.create_two_view_geometries_table = lambda: self.executescript( CREATE_TWO_VIEW_GEOMETRIES_TABLE ) self.create_keypoints_table = lambda: self.executescript( CREATE_KEYPOINTS_TABLE ) self.create_matches_table = lambda: self.executescript( CREATE_MATCHES_TABLE ) self.create_name_index = lambda: self.executescript(CREATE_NAME_INDEX) def add_camera( self, model, width, height, params, prior_focal_length=False, camera_id=None, ): params = np.asarray(params, np.float64) cursor = self.execute( "INSERT INTO cameras VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( camera_id, model, width, height, array_to_blob(params), prior_focal_length, ), ) return cursor.lastrowid def add_image( self, name, camera_id, prior_q=np.full(4, np.NaN), prior_t=np.full(3, np.NaN), image_id=None, ): cursor = self.execute( "INSERT INTO images VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( image_id, name, camera_id, prior_q[0], prior_q[1], prior_q[2], prior_q[3], prior_t[0], prior_t[1], prior_t[2], ), ) return cursor.lastrowid def add_keypoints(self, image_id, keypoints): assert len(keypoints.shape) == 2 assert keypoints.shape[1] in [2, 4, 6] keypoints = np.asarray(keypoints, np.float32) self.execute( "INSERT INTO keypoints VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (image_id,) + keypoints.shape + (array_to_blob(keypoints),), ) def add_descriptors(self, image_id, descriptors): descriptors = np.ascontiguousarray(descriptors, np.uint8) self.execute( "INSERT INTO descriptors VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (image_id,) + descriptors.shape + (array_to_blob(descriptors),), ) def add_matches(self, image_id1, image_id2, matches): assert len(matches.shape) == 2 assert matches.shape[1] == 2 if image_id1 > image_id2: matches = matches[:, ::-1] pair_id = image_ids_to_pair_id(image_id1, image_id2) matches = np.asarray(matches, np.uint32) self.execute( "INSERT INTO matches VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (pair_id,) + matches.shape + (array_to_blob(matches),), ) def add_two_view_geometry( self, image_id1, image_id2, matches, F=np.eye(3), E=np.eye(3), H=np.eye(3), qvec=np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), tvec=np.zeros(3), config=2, ): assert len(matches.shape) == 2 assert matches.shape[1] == 2 if image_id1 > image_id2: matches = matches[:, ::-1] pair_id = image_ids_to_pair_id(image_id1, image_id2) matches = np.asarray(matches, np.uint32) F = np.asarray(F, dtype=np.float64) E = np.asarray(E, dtype=np.float64) H = np.asarray(H, dtype=np.float64) qvec = np.asarray(qvec, dtype=np.float64) tvec = np.asarray(tvec, dtype=np.float64) self.execute( "INSERT INTO two_view_geometries VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (pair_id,) + matches.shape + ( array_to_blob(matches), config, array_to_blob(F), array_to_blob(E), array_to_blob(H), array_to_blob(qvec), array_to_blob(tvec), ), ) def example_usage(): import os import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--database_path", default="database.db") args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.exists(args.database_path): print("ERROR: database path already exists -- will not modify it.") return # Open the database. db = COLMAPDatabase.connect(args.database_path) # For convenience, try creating all the tables upfront. db.create_tables() # Create dummy cameras. model1, width1, height1, params1 = ( 0, 1024, 768, np.array((1024.0, 512.0, 384.0)), ) model2, width2, height2, params2 = ( 2, 1024, 768, np.array((1024.0, 512.0, 384.0, 0.1)), ) camera_id1 = db.add_camera(model1, width1, height1, params1) camera_id2 = db.add_camera(model2, width2, height2, params2) # Create dummy images. image_id1 = db.add_image("image1.png", camera_id1) image_id2 = db.add_image("image2.png", camera_id1) image_id3 = db.add_image("image3.png", camera_id2) image_id4 = db.add_image("image4.png", camera_id2) # Create dummy keypoints. # # Note that COLMAP supports: # - 2D keypoints: (x, y) # - 4D keypoints: (x, y, theta, scale) # - 6D affine keypoints: (x, y, a_11, a_12, a_21, a_22) num_keypoints = 1000 keypoints1 = np.random.rand(num_keypoints, 2) * (width1, height1) keypoints2 = np.random.rand(num_keypoints, 2) * (width1, height1) keypoints3 = np.random.rand(num_keypoints, 2) * (width2, height2) keypoints4 = np.random.rand(num_keypoints, 2) * (width2, height2) db.add_keypoints(image_id1, keypoints1) db.add_keypoints(image_id2, keypoints2) db.add_keypoints(image_id3, keypoints3) db.add_keypoints(image_id4, keypoints4) # Create dummy matches. M = 50 matches12 = np.random.randint(num_keypoints, size=(M, 2)) matches23 = np.random.randint(num_keypoints, size=(M, 2)) matches34 = np.random.randint(num_keypoints, size=(M, 2)) db.add_matches(image_id1, image_id2, matches12) db.add_matches(image_id2, image_id3, matches23) db.add_matches(image_id3, image_id4, matches34) # Commit the data to the file. db.commit() # Read and check cameras. rows = db.execute("SELECT * FROM cameras") camera_id, model, width, height, params, prior = next(rows) params = blob_to_array(params, np.float64) assert camera_id == camera_id1 assert model == model1 and width == width1 and height == height1 assert np.allclose(params, params1) camera_id, model, width, height, params, prior = next(rows) params = blob_to_array(params, np.float64) assert camera_id == camera_id2 assert model == model2 and width == width2 and height == height2 assert np.allclose(params, params2) # Read and check keypoints. keypoints = dict( (image_id, blob_to_array(data, np.float32, (-1, 2))) for image_id, data in db.execute("SELECT image_id, data FROM keypoints") ) assert np.allclose(keypoints[image_id1], keypoints1) assert np.allclose(keypoints[image_id2], keypoints2) assert np.allclose(keypoints[image_id3], keypoints3) assert np.allclose(keypoints[image_id4], keypoints4) # Read and check matches. pair_ids = [ image_ids_to_pair_id(*pair) for pair in ( (image_id1, image_id2), (image_id2, image_id3), (image_id3, image_id4), ) ] matches = dict( (pair_id_to_image_ids(pair_id), blob_to_array(data, np.uint32, (-1, 2))) for pair_id, data in db.execute("SELECT pair_id, data FROM matches") ) assert np.all(matches[(image_id1, image_id2)] == matches12) assert np.all(matches[(image_id2, image_id3)] == matches23) assert np.all(matches[(image_id3, image_id4)] == matches34) # Clean up. db.close() if os.path.exists(args.database_path): os.remove(args.database_path) def create_database(): import os import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--database_path", default="database.db") args = parser.parse_args() # if os.path.exists(args.database_path): # print("ERROR: database path already exists -- will not modify it.") # return if os.path.exists(args.database_path): os.remove(args.database_path) # if not os.path.exists("distorted"): # os.mkdir("distorted") # Open the database. db = COLMAPDatabase.connect(args.database_path) # For convenience, try creating all the tables upfront. db.create_tables() # Create dummy cameras. camModelDict = {'SIMPLE_PINHOLE': 0, 'PINHOLE': 1, 'SIMPLE_RADIAL': 2, 'RADIAL': 3, 'OPENCV': 4, 'FULL_OPENCV': 5, 'SIMPLE_RADIAL_FISHEYE': 6, 'RADIAL_FISHEYE': 7, 'OPENCV_FISHEYE': 8, 'FOV': 9, 'THIN_PRISM_FISHEYE': 10} with open("created/sparse/model/cameras.txt", "r") as cameras_file: cameras_instinct = cameras_file.read().replace("\n", "") pass cameras_instinct = cameras_instinct.split(" ") # print(cameras_instinct) model1 = camModelDict[cameras_instinct[1]] width1, height1 = int(cameras_instinct[2]), int(cameras_instinct[3]) params1 = np.array([float(param) for param in cameras_instinct[4:]]) # print(model1,width1,height1,params1) camera_id1 = db.add_camera(model1, width1, height1, params1) # print(camera_id1) # 图片 with open("created/sparse/model/images.txt", "r") as images_file: images_list = images_file.readlines() pass for images_info in images_list: if images_info == "\n": continue images_info = images_info.replace("\n", "").split(" ") # print(images_info) idx = int(images_info[0]) image_name = images_info[-1] # images_info[1]-[4] QW, QX, QY, QZ image_q = np.array([float(q_i) for q_i in images_info[1:5]]) # images_info[5]-[7] TX, TY, TZ image_t = np.array([float(t_i) for t_i in images_info[5:8]]) image_id_from_db = db.add_image(image_name, camera_id1, prior_q=image_q, prior_t=image_t) if idx != image_id_from_db: print(f"{idx}!={image_id_from_db}") pass db.commit() db.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # example_usage() create_database()
colmap feature_extractor --database_path database.db --image_path images
colmap exhaustive_matcher --database_path database.db
colmap point_triangulator --database_path database.db --image_path images --input_path created\sparse\model --output_path triangulated\sparse\model
# 或者
colmap mapper --database_path database.db --image_path images --input_path created\sparse\model --output_path mapper\sparse\model
由于我的程序并没有给我 dense/stereo/ 目录下的 patch-match.cfg 等等,于是我自建:
import numpy as np import os def main(folder_path): # 获取文件夹中所有文件名 file_names = os.listdir(folder_path) # 写入文件名到txt文件 output_file_path = 'patch-match.cfg' with open(output_file_path, 'w') as file: for file_name in file_names: file.write(f"{file_name}\n__auto__, 20\n") output_file_path = 'fusion.cfg' with open(output_file_path, 'w') as file: for file_name in file_names: file.write(f"{file_name}\n") if __name__ == '__main__': folder_path = "images" main(folder_path)
就可以在高斯中执行就 python train.py -s data/data_scene18 -m data/data_scene18 /output
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