范围 \ 目标类型 | 大药瓶 | 小药瓶 |
高度 | 30---40cm | 30---35cm |
距离 | 以自身为圆心,半径为31cm以内距离 | 以自身为圆心,半径为30cm以内距离 |
首先找到例程运行所在的文件夹Code202308,打开终端(Ctrl+alt+T),输入命令cd Desktop/,接着cd Robotic_arm_apps,运行例程文件 python3 free_pickup.py
我将这里分成三个部分,分别是 ① 机械臂相关运动驱动代码 ② BGR图像转换伪彩色深度图像代码 ③ 目标跟随及抓取动作代码。
- import math
- def step(x = None, y = None):
- pi = 3.14
- L1 = 105 # L1
- L2 = 110 # L2
- L3 = 110 # L3
- if x is None:
- x = int(input("x:"))
- if y is None:
- y = int(input("y:"))
- theta = math.radians(0)
- Bx = x - L3 * math.cos(theta)
- By = y - L3 * math.sin(theta)
- lp = Bx**2 + By**2
- alpha = math.atan2(By, Bx)
- tmp = (L1*L1 + lp - L2*L2) / (2*L1*math.sqrt(lp))
- if tmp < -1:
- tmp = -1
- elif tmp > 1:
- tmp = 1
- beta = math.acos(tmp)
- q1 = -(pi/2.0 - alpha - beta)
- tmp = (L1*L1 + L2*L2 - lp) / (2*L1*L2)
- if tmp < -1:
- tmp = -1
- elif tmp > 1:
- tmp = 1
- q2 = math.acos(tmp) - pi
- q3 = - q1 - q2 - pi/2
- step_5 = int(2047 + int(math.degrees(q1) * 11.375))
- step_4 = int(2047 + int(math.degrees(q2) * 11.375))
- step_3 = int(2047 - int(math.degrees(q3) * 11.375))
- return step_3, step_4, step_5

L1、L2、L3 是自定义连杆长度(标定值,提前测量好),接着定义好关节姿态theta坐标(x,y),接着计算中间位置Bx,By,即第二个关节的位置。这里用三角函数和末端关节的位置和姿态来求解,包括后面的所有动作基本上都是用三角函数逆解运算。
计算第一个和第二个关节的角度q1,q2,使用二连杆机械臂的逆运动学公式。这里用math.acos 和 math.atan2 函数来求解反余弦和反正切,使用math.sqrt函数求平方根。
计算第三个关节的角度q3,使用末端关节的姿态(预先定义,theta)减去前两个角度得到。math.degrees 函数将弧度转换为角度。
- ret_bgr, bgr_image = orbbec_cap.retrieve(None, cv.CAP_OBSENSOR_BGR_IMAGE)
- ret_depth, depth_map = orbbec_cap.retrieve(None, cv.CAP_OBSENSOR_DEPTH_MAP)
- if ret_depth:
- depth_map_8U = depth_map * 255.0 / 5000
- depth_map_8U = np.clip(depth_map_8U, 0, 255)
- depth_map_8U = np.uint8(depth_map_8U)
- color_depth_map = cv.applyColorMap(depth_map_8U, cv.COLORMAP_JET)
- cv.imshow("Depth: ColorMap", color_depth_map)
- def track_arm(packetHandler, bbox, frame_size,pid_errorx,pid_errory):
- c = frame_size[0] + 25
- s = frame_size[1] + (frame_size[1]/2)
- centerx = bbox[0]
- centery = bbox[1]
- stepx = int((centerx - c /2))
- stepy = int((centery - s /2))
- P_x = 0.2
- P_y = 0.3
- I_x = 0.05
- I_y = 0.06
- errorx = stepx - pid_errorx
- errory = stepy - pid_errory
- scs_present_position_3, scs_comm_result, scs_error = packetHandler.ReadPos(SCS_ID_3)
- scs_present_position_6, scs_comm_result, scs_error = packetHandler.ReadPos(SCS_ID_6)
- ACC_X = int (abs(P_x * stepx) + I_x * abs(errorx))
- if ACC_X > 256:
- ACC_X = 255
- elif ACC_X < 0:
- ACC_X = 0
- ACC_Y = int (abs(P_y * stepy) + I_y * abs(errory))
- if ACC_Y > 256:
- ACC_Y = 255
- elif ACC_Y < 0:
- ACC_Y = 0
- if scs_present_position_3 + stepy >= 3070:
- scs_comm_result, scs_error = packetHandler.WritePosEx(SCS_ID_5, 2480, SCS_MOVING_SPEED, SCS_MOVING_ACC)
- #packetHandler.WritePosEx(SCS_ID_2, 2048, SCS_MOVING_SPEED, SCS_MOVING_ACC)
- if scs_present_position_3 + stepy <= 2550:
- scs_comm_result, scs_error = packetHandler.WritePosEx(SCS_ID_5, 2900, SCS_MOVING_SPEED, SCS_MOVING_ACC)
- else:
- scs_comm_result, scs_error = packetHandler.WritePosEx(SCS_ID_3, scs_present_position_3 + stepy, SCS_MOVING_SPEED, ACC_Y)
- scs_comm_result, scs_error = packetHandler.WritePosEx(SCS_ID_6, scs_present_position_6 + stepx, SCS_MOVING_SPEED, ACC_X)
- pid_errorx = stepx
- pid_errory = stepy
- return pid_errorx, pid_errory

- def track_set_2(contours, x, y, w, h):
- arg = 0.0
- X_1 = x
- Y_1 = y
- X_2 = x + w - 1
- Y_2 = y + h - 1
- l = len(contours)
- for i in range(l - 1):
- if contours[i][0][0] == X_1:
- L1 = contours[i][0][1]
- break
- for i in range(l - 1):
- if contours[i][0][0] == X_2:
- L2 = contours[i][0][1]
- break
- for i in range(l - 1):
- if contours[i][0][1] == Y_1:
- R1 = contours[i][0][0]
- break
- for i in range(l - 1):
- if contours[i][0][1] == Y_2:
- R2 = contours[i][0][0]
- break
- '''0--90 AND 90--180 '''
- if R1 > R2 and h / w <= 0.65 * 56 / 22:
- arg1 = math.acos((R1 - X_1)/math.sqrt((R1 - X_1) * (R1 - X_1) + (Y_1 - L1) * (Y_1 - L1))) / math.pi * 180
- arg2 = math.acos((X_2 - R2)/math.sqrt((X_2 - R2) * (X_2 - R2) + (L2 - Y_2) * (L2 - Y_2))) / math.pi * 180
- arg = (arg1 + arg2) / 2
- if R1 < R2 and h / w <= 0.65 * 56 / 22:
- arg1 = math.acos((X_1 - R2) / math.sqrt((X_1 - R2) * (X_1 - R2) + (L1 - Y_2) * (L1 - Y_2))) / math.pi * 180
- arg2 = math.acos((R1 - X_2) / math.sqrt((R1 - X_2) * (R1 - X_2) + (Y_1 - L2) * (Y_1 - L2))) / math.pi * 180
- arg = (arg1 + arg2) / 2
- if h / w > 0.65 * 56 / 22:
- arg = 90
- arg = 1024 + int (arg / 180 * 2047)
- return arg

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