void DisplayError(SQLRETURN nResult, SWORD fHandleType, SQLHANDLE handle)
UCHAR szErrState[SQL_SQLSTATE_SIZE+1]; // SQL Error State string
UCHAR szErrText[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH+1]; // SQL Error Text string
char szBuffer[1000];
char szDispBuffer[1000]; // Display Buffer
// formatted Error text Buffer
SWORD wErrMsgLen; // Error message length
long dwErrCode; // Native Error code
int iSize; // Display Error Text size
SQLRETURN nErrResult; // Return Code from SQLGetDiagRec
SWORD sMsgNum = 1;
SWORD fFirstRun = TRUE;
szBuffer[0] = '/0';
// continue to bring messageboxes till all errors are displayed.
// more than one message box may be reqd. as err text has fixed
// string size.
// initialize display buffer with the string in error text buffer
strcpy(szDispBuffer, szBuffer);
// call SQLGetDiagRec function with proper ODBC handles, repeatedly until
// function returns SQL_NO_DATA. Concatenate all error strings
// in the display buffer and display all results.
while ((nErrResult = SQLGetDiagRec(fHandleType, handle, sMsgNum++,
szErrState, &dwErrCode, szErrText,