之前我将爱智官方的代码移植到了 arduino 上,详细可见arduino 天下第一(暴论) – 智能猫眼与 SDDC 连接器移植到 arduino 上
arduino 官方提供demo已经封装很好了,只用调用一个函数就能完成拍摄上传等一系列操作,但是如果这个接口不符合我们的需求,就只能自己同时改改了。
通过下面的连接可以看到 ESP32-CAM 底层的东西一些接口
或者你已经安装了 ESP32-CAM 相关库后可以去:
可以看到一个 esp_camera.h 文件,里面有一些可以用到的接口和结构体。
/** * @brief Data structure of camera frame buffer */ typedef struct { uint8_t * buf; /*!< Pointer to the pixel data */ // 这就是摄像头拍下来的数据 size_t len; /*!< Length of the buffer in bytes */ size_t width; /*!< Width of the buffer in pixels */ size_t height; /*!< Height of the buffer in pixels */ pixformat_t format; /*!< Format of the pixel data */ struct timeval timestamp; /*!< Timestamp since boot of the first DMA buffer of the frame */ } camera_fb_t; #define ESP_ERR_CAMERA_BASE 0x20000 #define ESP_ERR_CAMERA_NOT_DETECTED (ESP_ERR_CAMERA_BASE + 1) #define ESP_ERR_CAMERA_FAILED_TO_SET_FRAME_SIZE (ESP_ERR_CAMERA_BASE + 2) #define ESP_ERR_CAMERA_FAILED_TO_SET_OUT_FORMAT (ESP_ERR_CAMERA_BASE + 3) #define ESP_ERR_CAMERA_NOT_SUPPORTED (ESP_ERR_CAMERA_BASE + 4) /** * @brief Initialize the camera driver * * @note call camera_probe before calling this function * * This function detects and configures camera over I2C interface, * allocates framebuffer and DMA buffers, * initializes parallel I2S input, and sets up DMA descriptors. * * Currently this function can only be called once and there is * no way to de-initialize this module. * * @param config Camera configuration parameters * * @return ESP_OK on success */ esp_err_t esp_camera_init(const camera_config_t* config); /** * @brief Deinitialize the camera driver * * @return * - ESP_OK on success * - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if the driver hasn't been initialized yet */ esp_err_t esp_camera_deinit(); /** * @brief Obtain pointer to a frame buffer. * * @return pointer to the frame buffer */ camera_fb_t* esp_camera_fb_get(); /** * @brief Return the frame buffer to be reused again. * * @param fb Pointer to the frame buffer */ void esp_camera_fb_return(camera_fb_t * fb); /** * @brief Get a pointer to the image sensor control structure * * @return pointer to the sensor */ sensor_t * esp_camera_sensor_get(); /** * @brief Save camera settings to non-volatile-storage (NVS) * * @param key A unique nvs key name for the camera settings */ esp_err_t esp_camera_save_to_nvs(const char *key); /** * @brief Load camera settings from non-volatile-storage (NVS) * * @param key A unique nvs key name for the camera settings */ esp_err_t esp_camera_load_from_nvs(const char *key);
摄像头拍下来的数据和图像属性都保存在 camera_fb_t 结构体中,其中 buf 就是图像数据,其他的都是相关属性
uint8_t * buf; /*!< Pointer to the pixel data */ // 这就是摄像头拍下来的数据
size_t len; /*!< Length of the buffer in bytes */
size_t width; /*!< Width of the buffer in pixels */
size_t height; /*!< Height of the buffer in pixels */
pixformat_t format; /*!< Format of the pixel data */
struct timeval timestamp; /*!< Timestamp since boot of the first DMA buffer of the frame */
} camera_fb_t;
然后通过 esp_camera_fb_get 可以拍摄一帧画面,并且返回 camera_fb_t 结构体指针。
* @brief Obtain pointer to a frame buffer.
* @return pointer to the frame buffer
camera_fb_t* esp_camera_fb_get();
另外每使用完一帧画面后一定要调用 esp_camera_fb_return 释放掉不用的数据,否则没办法拍摄下一帧。
* @brief Return the frame buffer to be reused again.
* @param fb Pointer to the frame buffer
void esp_camera_fb_return(camera_fb_t * fb);
另外这些接口都是比较底层原始的接口,没有 IDF 平台封装的 camera_run(), camera_get_data_size 等函数这么安全,所以无法使用官方代码中那种通过判断时间间隔控制拍照的方法,只能在应用端控制拍摄频率
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