对于以往的时间序列研究而言,像ARIMA、时间序列分解那样的统计模型都对数据有着“线性”以及“平稳性”的假设依赖,而且需要人工调优以及领域知识;而之前的深度学习模型也有类似的研究如用循环神经网络以及Transformer模型做时序模型。而到了最近,Foundation model兴起,在计算机视觉与自然语言处理任务中通过大量数据上进行有监督/无监督的预训练,能够在多个不同领域、不同大小甚至于不同子任务的数据集上都获得了较好的效果。作者的目标是将Foundation Model的方法应用到单变量时间序列任务上并研究其迁移任务的效果。
- def create_transformation(time_feat) -> Transformation:
- if time_feat:
- return Chain(
- [
- AddTimeFeatures(
- start_field=FieldName.START,
- target_field=FieldName.TARGET,
- output_field=FieldName.FEAT_TIME,
- time_features=time_features_from_frequency_str("S"),
- pred_length=31,
- ),
- AddObservedValuesIndicator(
- target_field=FieldName.TARGET,
- output_field=FieldName.OBSERVED_VALUES,
- imputation_method=DummyValueImputation(0.0),
- ),
- ]
- )
- else:
- return Chain(
- [
- AddObservedValuesIndicator(
- target_field=FieldName.TARGET,
- output_field=FieldName.OBSERVED_VALUES,
- imputation_method=DummyValueImputation(0.0),
- ),
- ]
- )

- def _normalize(xs, num: float):
- """Scale values of ``xs`` to [-0.5, 0.5]."""
- return np.asarray(xs) / (num - 1) - 0.5
- def minute_of_hour(index: pd.PeriodIndex) -> np.ndarray:
- """
- Minute of hour encoded as value between [-0.5, 0.5]
- """
- return _normalize(index.minute, num=60)
- def _make_lags(middle: int, delta: int) -> np.ndarray:
- """
- Create a set of lags around a middle point including +/- delta.
- """
- return np.arange(middle - delta, middle + delta + 1).tolist()
- def get_lags_for_frequency(
- freq_str: str,
- lag_ub: int = 1200,
- num_lags: Optional[int] = None,
- num_default_lags: int = 7,
- ) -> List[int]:
- """
- Generates a list of lags that that are appropriate for the given frequency
- string.
- By default all frequencies have the following lags: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
- Remaining lags correspond to the same `season` (+/- `delta`) in previous
- `k` cycles. Here `delta` and `k` are chosen according to the existing code.
- Parameters
- ----------
- freq_str
- Frequency string of the form [multiple][granularity] such as "12H",
- "5min", "1D" etc.
- lag_ub
- The maximum value for a lag.
- num_lags
- Maximum number of lags; by default all generated lags are returned.
- num_default_lags
- The number of default lags; by default it is 7.
- """
- # Lags are target values at the same `season` (+/- delta) but in the
- # previous cycle.
- def _make_lags_for_second(multiple, num_cycles=3):
- # We use previous ``num_cycles`` hours to generate lags
- return [
- _make_lags(k * 60 // multiple, 2) for k in range(1, num_cycles + 1)
- ]
- def _make_lags_for_minute(multiple, num_cycles=3):
- # We use previous ``num_cycles`` hours to generate lags
- return [
- _make_lags(k * 60 // multiple, 2) for k in range(1, num_cycles + 1)
- ]
- def _make_lags_for_hour(multiple, num_cycles=7):
- # We use previous ``num_cycles`` days to generate lags
- return [
- _make_lags(k * 24 // multiple, 1) for k in range(1, num_cycles + 1)
- ]
- def _make_lags_for_day(
- multiple, num_cycles=4, days_in_week=7, days_in_month=30
- ):
- # We use previous ``num_cycles`` weeks to generate lags
- # We use the last month (in addition to 4 weeks) to generate lag.
- return [
- _make_lags(k * days_in_week // multiple, 1)
- for k in range(1, num_cycles + 1)
- ] + [_make_lags(days_in_month // multiple, 1)]
- def _make_lags_for_week(multiple, num_cycles=3):
- # We use previous ``num_cycles`` years to generate lags
- # Additionally, we use previous 4, 8, 12 weeks
- return [
- _make_lags(k * 52 // multiple, 1) for k in range(1, num_cycles + 1)
- ] + [[4 // multiple, 8 // multiple, 12 // multiple]]
- def _make_lags_for_month(multiple, num_cycles=3):
- # We use previous ``num_cycles`` years to generate lags
- return [
- _make_lags(k * 12 // multiple, 1) for k in range(1, num_cycles + 1)
- ]
- # multiple, granularity = get_granularity(freq_str)
- offset = to_offset(freq_str)
- # normalize offset name, so that both `W` and `W-SUN` refer to `W`
- offset_name = norm_freq_str(offset.name)
- if offset_name == "A":
- lags = []
- elif offset_name == "Q":
- assert (
- offset.n == 1
- ), "Only multiple 1 is supported for quarterly. Use x month instead."
- lags = _make_lags_for_month(offset.n * 3.0)
- elif offset_name == "M":
- lags = _make_lags_for_month(offset.n)
- elif offset_name == "W":
- lags = _make_lags_for_week(offset.n)
- elif offset_name == "D":
- lags = _make_lags_for_day(offset.n) + _make_lags_for_week(
- offset.n / 7.0
- )
- elif offset_name == "B":
- lags = _make_lags_for_day(
- offset.n, days_in_week=5, days_in_month=22
- ) + _make_lags_for_week(offset.n / 5.0)
- elif offset_name == "H":
- lags = (
- _make_lags_for_hour(offset.n)
- + _make_lags_for_day(offset.n / 24)
- + _make_lags_for_week(offset.n / (24 * 7))
- )
- # minutes
- elif offset_name == "T":
- lags = (
- _make_lags_for_minute(offset.n)
- + _make_lags_for_hour(offset.n / 60)
- + _make_lags_for_day(offset.n / (60 * 24))
- + _make_lags_for_week(offset.n / (60 * 24 * 7))
- )
- # second
- elif offset_name == "S":
- lags = (
- _make_lags_for_second(offset.n)
- + _make_lags_for_minute(offset.n / 60)
- + _make_lags_for_hour(offset.n / (60 * 60))
- )
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"invalid frequency | `freq_str={freq_str}` -> `offset_name={offset_name}`")
- # flatten lags list and filter
- lags = [
- int(lag) for sub_list in lags for lag in sub_list if 7 < lag <= lag_ub
- ]
- lags = list(range(1, num_default_lags + 1)) + sorted(list(set(lags)))
- return lags[:num_lags]

默认情况下,所有频率都具有以下滞后期: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] 。 其余的滞后期根据不同的传入频率而定。如传入一个‘S’(秒),会给出滞后期数:
["Q", "M", "W", "D", "H", "T", "S"]
- def lagged_sequence_values(
- indices: List[int],
- prior_sequence: torch.Tensor,
- sequence: torch.Tensor,
- dim: int,
- ) -> torch.Tensor:
- """
- Constructs an array of lagged values from a given sequence.
- Parameters
- ----------
- indices
- Indices of the lagged observations. For example, ``[0]`` indicates
- that, at any time ``t``, the will have only the observation from
- time ``t`` itself; instead, ``[0, 24]`` indicates that the output
- will have observations from times ``t`` and ``t-24``.
- prior_sequence
- Tensor containing the input sequence prior to the time range for
- which the output is required.
- sequence
- Tensor containing the input sequence in the time range where the
- output is required.
- dim
- Time dimension.
- Returns
- -------
- Tensor
- A tensor of shape (*sequence.shape, len(indices)).
- """
- assert max(indices) <= prior_sequence.shape[dim], (
- f"lags cannot go further than prior sequence length, found lag"
- f" {max(indices)} while prior sequence is only"
- f" {prior_sequence.shape[dim]}-long"
- )
- full_sequence = torch.cat((prior_sequence, sequence), dim=dim)
- lags_values = []
- for lag_index in indices:
- begin_index = -lag_index - sequence.shape[dim]
- end_index = -lag_index if lag_index > 0 else None
- lags_values.append(
- slice_along_dim(
- full_sequence, dim=dim, slice_=slice(begin_index, end_index)
- )
- )
- return torch.stack(lags_values, dim=-1)

模型默认采用Robust Standardization,相较于普通的标准化(减去均值除以方差)它将均值改为了中位数而方差改为了四分位数,论文中认为它对离群值有更强的鲁棒性。
平移量的绝对值的log1p(也就是log(1+x)), 缩放量的对数。
- class RobustScaler(Scaler):
- """
- Computes a scaling factor by removing the median and scaling by the
- interquartile range (IQR).
- Parameters
- ----------
- dim
- dimension along which to compute the scale
- keepdim
- controls whether to retain dimension ``dim`` (of length 1) in the
- scale tensor, or suppress it.
- minimum_scale
- minimum possible scale that is used for any item.
- """
- @validated()
- def __init__(
- self,
- dim: int = -1,
- keepdim: bool = False,
- minimum_scale: float = 1e-10,
- ) -> None:
- self.dim = dim
- self.keepdim = keepdim
- self.minimum_scale = minimum_scale
- def __call__(
- self, data: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor
- ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
- assert (
- data.shape == weights.shape
- ), "data and observed_indicator must have same shape"
- with torch.no_grad():
- observed_data = torch.where(weights == 1, data, torch.nan)
- med = torch.nanmedian(observed_data, dim=self.dim, keepdim=True).values
- q1 = torch.nanquantile(observed_data, 0.25, dim=self.dim, keepdim=True)
- q3 = torch.nanquantile(observed_data, 0.75, dim=self.dim, keepdim=True)
- iqr = q3 - q1
- # if observed data is all zeros, nanmedian returns nan
- loc = torch.where(torch.isnan(med), torch.zeros_like(med), med)
- scale = torch.where(torch.isnan(iqr), torch.ones_like(iqr), iqr)
- scale = torch.maximum(scale, torch.full_like(iqr, self.minimum_scale))
- scaled_data = (data - loc) / scale
- if not self.keepdim:
- loc = torch.squeeze(loc, dim=self.dim)
- scale = torch.squeeze(scale, dim=self.dim)
- # assert no nans in scaled data, loc or scale
- assert not torch.any(torch.isnan(scaled_data))
- assert not torch.any(torch.isnan(loc))
- assert not torch.any(torch.isnan(scale))
- assert not torch.any(scale == 0)
- return scaled_data, loc, scale

- # 首先对past_target作标准化,默认RobustScaler,保留其中位数与四分位差并将其作用于future_target上
- # 并且将lags_seq对应的滞后项与时间的time_feat项单独作为一个维度拼接
- # 最后还会将past_target中位数的绝对值、(log(1+x))以及四分位差的对数也加入至输入中
- def prepare_input(
- self,
- past_target: torch.Tensor,
- past_observed_values: torch.Tensor,
- past_time_feat: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
- future_time_feat: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
- future_target: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
- ):
- scaled_past_target, loc, scale = self.scaler(
- past_target, past_observed_values
- ) # Data is standardized (past_observed_values is passed as "weights" parameter) # (bsz, context_length+max(self.lags_seq)
- # In the below code, instead of max(self.lags_seq), it was previously -self.context_length
- if future_target is not None:
- input = torch.cat(
- (
- scaled_past_target[..., max(self.lags_seq) :], # Just the context
- (future_target[..., :-1] - loc)
- / scale, # Not sure about the -1 here. Maybe so since the last value isn't used in the model for prediction of any new values. also if the prediction length is 1, this doesn't really affect anything
- ),
- dim=-1,
- ) # Shape is (bsz, context_length+(pred_len-1))
- else:
- input = scaled_past_target[..., max(self.lags_seq) :]
- if (past_time_feat is not None) and (future_time_feat is not None):
- time_feat = (
- torch.cat(
- (
- past_time_feat[..., max(self.lags_seq) :, :],
- future_time_feat[..., :-1, :],
- ),
- dim=1,
- )
- if future_time_feat is not None
- else past_time_feat[..., max(self.lags_seq) :, :]
- )
- prior_input = (
- past_target[..., : max(self.lags_seq)] - loc
- ) / scale # This the history used to construct lags. # bsz, max(self.lags_seq)
- lags = lagged_sequence_values(
- self.lags_seq, prior_input, input, dim=-1
- ) # Lags are added as an extra dim. Shape is (bsz, context_length+(pred_len-1), len(self.lags_seq))
- static_feat = torch.cat(
- (loc.abs().log1p(), scale.log()), dim=-1
- ) # (bsz, 2) (loc and scale are concatenated)
- expanded_static_feat = unsqueeze_expand(
- static_feat, dim=-2, size=lags.shape[-2]
- ) # (bsz, context_length+(pred_len-1), 2)
- # expanded_static_feat: (bsz, context_length+(pred_len-1), len(self.lags_seq) + 2); (bsz, 1); (bsz, 1)
- if past_time_feat is not None:
- return (
- torch.cat((lags, expanded_static_feat, time_feat), dim=-1),
- loc,
- scale,
- )
- else:
- return torch.cat((lags, expanded_static_feat), dim=-1), loc, scale

Rotation: 随机翻转一部分数据
- def _create_instance_splitter(self, module: LagLlamaLightningModule, mode: str):
- assert mode in ["training", "validation", "test"]
- instance_sampler = {
- "training": self.train_sampler,
- "validation": self.validation_sampler,
- "test": TestSplitSampler(),
- }[mode]
- return InstanceSplitter(
- target_field=FieldName.TARGET,
- is_pad_field=FieldName.IS_PAD,
- start_field=FieldName.START,
- forecast_start_field=FieldName.FORECAST_START,
- instance_sampler=instance_sampler,
- past_length=self.context_length + max(self.lags_seq),
- future_length=self.prediction_length,
- time_series_fields=[FieldName.FEAT_TIME, FieldName.OBSERVED_VALUES]
- if self.time_feat
- else [FieldName.OBSERVED_VALUES],
- dummy_value=self.distr_output.value_in_support,
- )
- def create_training_data_loader(
- self,
- data: Dataset,
- module: LagLlamaLightningModule,
- shuffle_buffer_length: Optional[int] = None,
- **kwargs,
- ) -> Iterable:
- data = Cyclic(data).stream()
- instances = self._create_instance_splitter(module, "training").apply(
- data, is_train=True
- )
- if self.time_feat:
- return as_stacked_batches(
- instances,
- batch_size=self.batch_size,
- shuffle_buffer_length=shuffle_buffer_length,
- + ["past_time_feat", "future_time_feat"],
- output_type=torch.tensor,
- num_batches_per_epoch=self.num_batches_per_epoch,
- )
- else:
- return as_stacked_batches(
- instances,
- batch_size=self.batch_size,
- shuffle_buffer_length=shuffle_buffer_length,
- output_type=torch.tensor,
- num_batches_per_epoch=self.num_batches_per_epoch,
- )
- class InstanceSplitter(FlatMapTransformation):
- """
- Split instances from a dataset, by slicing the target and other time series
- fields at points in time selected by the specified sampler. The assumption
- is that all time series fields start at the same time point.
- It is assumed that time axis is always the last axis.
- The ``target_field`` and each field in ``time_series_fields`` are removed and
- replaced by two new fields, with prefix `past_` and `future_` respectively.
- A ``past_is_pad`` is also added, that indicates whether values at a given
- time point are padding or not.
- Parameters
- ----------
- target_field
- field containing the target
- is_pad_field
- output field indicating whether padding happened
- start_field
- field containing the start date of the time series
- forecast_start_field
- output field that will contain the time point where the forecast starts
- instance_sampler
- instance sampler that provides sampling indices given a time series
- past_length
- length of the target seen before making prediction
- future_length
- length of the target that must be predicted
- lead_time
- gap between the past and future windows (default: 0)
- output_NTC
- whether to have time series output in (time, dimension) or in
- (dimension, time) layout (default: True)
- time_series_fields
- fields that contains time series, they are split in the same interval
- as the target (default: None)
- dummy_value
- Value to use for padding. (default: 0.0)
- """
- @validated()
- def __init__(
- self,
- target_field: str,
- is_pad_field: str,
- start_field: str,
- forecast_start_field: str,
- instance_sampler: InstanceSampler,
- past_length: int,
- future_length: int,
- lead_time: int = 0,
- output_NTC: bool = True,
- time_series_fields: List[str] = [],
- dummy_value: float = 0.0,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- assert future_length > 0, "The value of `future_length` should be > 0"
- self.instance_sampler = instance_sampler
- self.past_length = past_length
- self.future_length = future_length
- self.lead_time = lead_time
- self.output_NTC = output_NTC
- self.ts_fields = time_series_fields
- self.target_field = target_field
- self.is_pad_field = is_pad_field
- self.start_field = start_field
- self.forecast_start_field = forecast_start_field
- self.dummy_value = dummy_value
- def _past(self, col_name):
- return f"past_{col_name}"
- def _future(self, col_name):
- return f"future_{col_name}"
- def _split_array(
- self, array: np.ndarray, idx: int
- ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
- if idx >= self.past_length:
- past_piece = array[..., idx - self.past_length : idx]
- else:
- past_piece = pad_axis(
- array[..., :idx],
- axis=-1,
- left=self.past_length - idx,
- value=self.dummy_value,
- )
- future_start = idx + self.lead_time
- future_slice = slice(future_start, future_start + self.future_length)
- future_piece = array[..., future_slice]
- return past_piece, future_piece
- def _split_instance(self, entry: DataEntry, idx: int) -> DataEntry:
- slice_cols = self.ts_fields + [self.target_field]
- dtype = entry[self.target_field].dtype
- entry = entry.copy()
- for ts_field in slice_cols:
- past_piece, future_piece = self._split_array(entry[ts_field], idx)
- if self.output_NTC:
- past_piece = past_piece.transpose()
- future_piece = future_piece.transpose()
- entry[self._past(ts_field)] = past_piece
- entry[self._future(ts_field)] = future_piece
- del entry[ts_field]
- pad_indicator = np.zeros(self.past_length, dtype=dtype)
- pad_length = max(self.past_length - idx, 0)
- pad_indicator[:pad_length] = 1
- entry[self._past(self.is_pad_field)] = pad_indicator
- entry[self.forecast_start_field] = (
- entry[self.start_field] + idx + self.lead_time
- )
- return entry
- def flatmap_transform(
- self, entry: DataEntry, is_train: bool
- ) -> Iterator[DataEntry]:
- sampled_indices = self.instance_sampler(entry[self.target_field])
- for idx in sampled_indices:
- yield self._split_instance(entry, idx)

首先程序会创建一个sampler用以对要输入到模型的数据进行采样,以此将数据分为多个窗口长度的序列。将数据变为环状(Cycling),然后将sampler输入到InstanceSplitter中进行处理。InstanceSplitter会用split_array方法将数据分成past和future两个部分 sample截断的点不足past_length时左侧会用0来做padding然后再用_split_instance方法将各个数字填入字典(包括:过去的特征、现在的特征以及是否做了padding、从哪里开始forecast)中。
这是论文中给出的模型架构图 。图中,对应上文的滞后项特征,而下面的
则对应上文的统计特征与时间特征。模型首先会使用一个projection层将上面的这些预处理后的数据线性投影然后传入Attention层中。而此处的Attention层以及Postional Encoding则是使用了Llama的Decoder-only结构。这里我简单介绍一下:
上图是Transformer中的Decoder部分,Llama将其中的Layer Normalization替换为了RMSNorm并且还对模型输入做了前置归一化;使用了RoPE方法作为位置编码;还将激活函数换位了SiLu函数。
RMSNorm是 Layer Normalization的简化版本,它认为Layer Normalization之所以有用不是因为它的平移中心而是因为它的缩放,于是在输入单个样本时不再减去其所有特征的均值了,改为使用下式作为Normalization化了。
- class RMSNorm(nn.Module):
- """Root Mean Square Layer Normalization.
- Derived from https://github.com/bzhangGo/rmsnorm/blob/master/rmsnorm_torch.py. BSD 3-Clause License:
- https://github.com/bzhangGo/rmsnorm/blob/master/LICENSE.
- """
- def __init__(self, size: int, dim: int = -1, eps: float = 1e-5) -> None:
- super().__init__()
- self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(size))
- self.eps = eps
- self.dim = dim
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- # NOTE: the original RMSNorm paper implementation is not equivalent
- # norm_x = x.norm(2, dim=self.dim, keepdim=True)
- # rms_x = norm_x * d_x ** (-1. / 2)
- # x_normed = x / (rms_x + self.eps)
- # keep RMSNorm in float32
- norm_x = x.to(torch.float32).pow(2).mean(dim=self.dim, keepdim=True)
- x_normed = x * torch.rsqrt(norm_x + self.eps)
- return (self.scale * x_normed).type_as(x)

原本Transformer中的Positional Encoding只用了绝对位置编码,使用正弦余弦函数来对每个token的位置信息进行编码。而旋转位置编码则期望能够找到办法将各个token的相对位置信息也加入到编码中,也就是找到下面的这个函数(右侧代表内积):
更为详细的证明以及如何将它高效计算、还有外推性(针对序列的长度不同的泛化能力),可以参照这个:十分钟读懂旋转编码(RoPE) - 知乎
通俗易懂-大模型的关键技术之一:旋转位置编码rope (2)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- class LlamaRotaryEmbedding(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, dim, max_position_embeddings=2048, base=10000, device=None):
- super().__init__()
- self.dim = dim
- self.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings
- self.base = base
- inv_freq = 1.0 / (
- self.base ** (torch.arange(0, self.dim, 2).float().to(device) / self.dim)
- )
- self.register_buffer("inv_freq", inv_freq, persistent=False)
- # Build here to make `torch.jit.trace` work.
- self._set_cos_sin_cache(
- seq_len=max_position_embeddings,
- device=self.inv_freq.device,
- dtype=torch.get_default_dtype(),
- )
- def _set_cos_sin_cache(self, seq_len, device, dtype):
- self.max_seq_len_cached = seq_len
- t = torch.arange(
- self.max_seq_len_cached, device=device, dtype=self.inv_freq.dtype
- )
- freqs = torch.einsum("i,j->ij", t, self.inv_freq)
- # Different from paper, but it uses a different permutation in order to obtain the same calculation
- emb = torch.cat((freqs, freqs), dim=-1)
- self.register_buffer(
- "cos_cached", emb.cos()[None, None, :, :].to(dtype), persistent=False
- )
- self.register_buffer(
- "sin_cached", emb.sin()[None, None, :, :].to(dtype), persistent=False
- )
- def forward(self, device, dtype, seq_len=None):
- # x: [bs, num_attention_heads, seq_len, head_size]
- if seq_len > self.max_seq_len_cached:
- self._set_cos_sin_cache(seq_len=seq_len, device=device, dtype=dtype)
- return (
- self.cos_cached[:, :, :seq_len, ...].to(dtype=dtype),
- self.sin_cached[:, :, :seq_len, ...].to(dtype=dtype),
- )

- ## gluonts中,会根据分布的参数生成对应的全连接层
- class PtArgProj(nn.Module):
- r"""
- A PyTorch module that can be used to project from a dense layer
- to PyTorch distribution arguments.
- Parameters
- ----------
- in_features
- Size of the incoming features.
- dim_args
- Dictionary with string key and int value
- dimension of each arguments that will be passed to the domain
- map, the names are not used.
- domain_map
- Function returning a tuple containing one tensor
- a function or a nn.Module. This will be called with num_args
- arguments and should return a tuple of outputs that will be
- used when calling the distribution constructor.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- in_features: int,
- args_dim: Dict[str, int],
- domain_map: Callable[..., Tuple[torch.Tensor]],
- **kwargs,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- self.args_dim = args_dim
- self.proj = nn.ModuleList(
- [nn.Linear(in_features, dim) for dim in args_dim.values()]
- )
- self.domain_map = domain_map
- def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]:
- params_unbounded = [proj(x) for proj in self.proj]
- return self.domain_map(*params_unbounded)

- distr = self.model.distr_output.distribution(sliced_params, loc, scale)
- sample = distr.sample() # (#bsz*#parallel_samples, 1)
- if self.nonnegative_pred_samples:
- sample = F.relu(sample)
- future_samples.append(sample)
- repeated_past_target = torch.cat((repeated_past_target, sample), dim=1)
- repeated_past_observed_values = torch.cat(
- (repeated_past_observed_values, torch.ones_like(sample)), dim=1
- )
- self.model.reset_cache()
- concat_future_samples = torch.cat(future_samples, dim=-1)
- return concat_future_samples.reshape(
- (-1, self.model.num_parallel_samples, self.prediction_length)
- + self.model.distr_output.event_shape,
- )

GitHub - thuml/Time-Series-Library: A Library for Advanced Deep Time Series Models.
模型名称 | RMSE |
Lag-Llama | 939.1057805601199 |
AutoFormer | 913.2295919097843 |
Informer | 891.5629551489637 |
TimesNet | 761.2368708745257 |
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