转自 https://www.jianshu.com/p/6bd4813b3c60
执行adb shell dumpsys,Android就会把系统里边的各种服务的状态给你dump出来。这里要提一下,不同的Android版本提供的服务会有所不同,不同的ROM厂商也会定制自己的服务跑在系统里边。
我的手机小米4C,MIUI6.3.31的系统(Android5.1.1),Dump出来的 结果大概是这样子。
Currently running services: DisplayFeatureControl DockObserver MiuiBackup MiuiInit SurfaceFlinger accessibility account activity alarm android.security.keystore appops appwidget assetatlas audio backup battery batteryproperties batterystats bluetooth_manager clipboard cneservice com.qualcomm.qti.auth.fidocryptodaemon com.xiaomi.mtservice com.xiaomi.vsimservice commontime_management connectivity consumer_ir content country_detector cpuinfo dbinfo device_policy devicestoragemonitor diskstats display display.qservice dpmservice dreams drm.drmManager dropbox entropy ethernet fingerprint gfxinfo hardware imms ims input input_method iphonesubinfo isms isub jobscheduler launcherapps location locationpolicy lock_settings media.audio_flinger media.audio_policy media.camera media.player media.sound_trigger_hw media_projection media_router media_session meminfo miui.fdpp miui.security.keystore miui.shell miui.whetstone miui.whetstone.klo miui.whetstone.mcd miui.whetstone.net miui.whetstone.power mount netpolicy netstats network_management network_score notification package permission phone power print procstats qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice restrictions rttmanager samplingprofiler scheduling_policy search security sensorservice serial servicediscovery simphonebook sip statusbar telecom telephony.registry textservices trust uimode updatelock usagestats usb user vendor.qcom.PeripheralManager vibrator voiceinteraction wallpaper webviewupdate wfdservice whetstone.activity wifi wifip2p wifiscanner window
然后后面还有很长,紧接着会把每个服务的dump的详细状况列举出来。这里我们能看到有几个Miui、com.xiaomi 开头的,这就是小米公司提供的服务。其他大部分是Android的标准的服务。
为了方便查看,我们可以传一个参数,来过滤掉多余的信息,比如dumpsys meminfo查看各个进程所占内存的情况。
Current DeviceStorageMonitor state:
mFreeMem=8.55 GB mTotalMemory=11.31 GB
mFreeMemAfterLastCacheClear=8.55 GB
mLastReportedFreeMem=8.55 GB mLastReportedFreeMemTime=-21m31s397ms
mLowMemFlag=false mMemFullFlag=false
mIsBootImageOnDisk=true mClearSucceeded=false mClearingCache=false
mMemLowThreshold=500 MB mMemFullThreshold=1.00 MB
mMemCacheStartTrimThreshold=375 MB mMemCacheTrimToThreshold=750 MB
Activity manager dump options: [-a] [-c] [-p package] [-h] [cmd] ... cmd may be one of: a[ctivities]: activity stack state r[recents]: recent activities state b[roadcasts] [PACKAGE_NAME] [history [-s]]: broadcast state i[ntents] [PACKAGE_NAME]: pending intent state p[rocesses] [PACKAGE_NAME]: process state o[om]: out of memory management prov[iders] [COMP_SPEC ...]: content provider state provider [COMP_SPEC]: provider client-side state s[ervices] [COMP_SPEC ...]: service state as[sociations]: tracked app associations service [COMP_SPEC]: service client-side state package [PACKAGE_NAME]: all state related to given package all: dump all activities top: dump the top activity write: write all pending state to storage track-associations: enable association tracking untrack-associations: disable and clear association tracking cmd may also be a COMP_SPEC to dump activities. COMP_SPEC may be a component name (com.foo/.myApp), a partial substring in a component name, a hex object identifier. -a: include all available server state. -c: include client state. -p: limit output to given package.
这里非常值得一提的就是 OOM参数,这里是指被踢出内存的优先级,也就是我们常说的进程优先级,值越小,就优先级越高,越不容易被杀,可以出现负数,系统App一般才会为负数,一般App最高为0。
cat /proc/${pid}/oom_adj
Current Battery Service state:
AC powered: false
USB powered: true
Wireless powered: false
status: 5
health: 2
present: true
level: 100
scale: 100
voltage: 4376
temperature: 272
technology: Li-poly
Battery stats (batterystats) dump options: [--checkin] [--history] [--history-start] [--unplugged] [--charged] [-c] [--reset] [--write] [-h] [<package.name>] --checkin: format output for a checkin report. --history: show only history data. --history-start <num>: show only history data starting at given time offset. --unplugged: only output data since last unplugged. --charged: only output data since last charged. --reset: reset the stats, clearing all current data. --write: force write current collected stats to disk. <package.name>: optional name of package to filter output by. -h: print this help text. Battery stats (batterystats) commands: enable|disable <option> Enable or disable a running option. Option state is not saved across boots. - Options are: full-history: include additional detailed events in battery history: wake_lock_in and proc events no-auto-reset: don't automatically reset stats when unplugged
adb shell dumpsys alarm > f:/alarm.txt
Latency: 1ms [512B Data Write]
Data-Free: 8963580K / 11855028K total = 75% free
Cache-Free: 371304K / 380888K total = 97% free
System-Free: 299116K / 1889440K total = 15% free
执行dumpsys meminfo查看的每个进程占用PSS的列表
执行dumpsys meminfo com.eg.android.AlipayGphone
package : 查看安装的信息
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