B = fir1(N,Wn)设计FIR低通滤波器,返回的滤波器参数保存在长度为N+1的数组B中。Wn为归一化截止频率,范围为0~1。截止频率用于区分过渡带和阻带。1处对应的是采样频率的一半。滤波器系数B是实的且有线性相位。
B=fir1(N,Wn,'high'); %表示N阶高通滤波器 B=fir1(N,Wn,'low'); %表示N阶低通滤波器;
如果Wn=[W1, W2]; B=fir1(N,Wn,'bandpass'); %N阶带通滤波器 B=fir1(N,Wn,'stop'); %N阶带阻滤波器。
sin_signal_filter = filter(filter_lowpass,1,sin_signal); %滤波函数,参数1为滤波器系数,参数2为行数(这里没有使用矩阵)故为1,参数3为输入信号。
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 低通滤波器仿真程序 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: fir_sim.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Date:2023-5-5 Author:侯永明 %%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%*******************程序说明**********************%%%%%%%
- %本程序完成了对于单音信号和双音信号的低通滤波仿真
- %版本信息:MATLAB 2017a
- %%%%%*******************程序主体**********************%%%%%%%
- clear clc
- close all;
- %%%%参数设置
- time=1:1000; %信号长度
- fre1 =50; %单音信号1的频率
- fre2 =500; %单音信号2的频率
- fs=8000; %采样频率
- sin_signal1 = sin(2*pi*fre1*time/fs);
- sin_signal2 = sin(2*pi*fre2*time/fs);
- sin_signal = sin_signal1+sin_signal2;
- %%%%%观察单音信号和双音信号的时域图和频域图
- figure(1)
- plot(sin_signal1);
- title('单音信号1的时域图');
- figure(2)
- plot(sin_signal2);
- title('单音信号2的时域图');
- figure(3)
- plot(sin_signal);
- title('双音信号的时域图');
- figure(4)
- plot(abs(fft(sin_signal1)));
- title('单音信号1的频域图');
- figure(5)
- plot(abs(fft(sin_signal2)));
- title('单音信号2的频域图');
- figure(6)
- plot(abs(fft(sin_signal)));
- title('双音信号的频域图');
- %%%%%设计低通滤波器
- filter_lowpass = fir1(128,550/8000); %归一化截止频率的公式:w=fc*2/fs
- %128为滤波阶数 fir1是滤波器的构造函数
- figure(7)
- freqz(filter_lowpass); %freqz是求频域图形的函数
- title('滤波器频域响应图');
- %%%%%对双音信号进行滤波
- sin_signal_filter = filter(filter_lowpass,1,sin_signal);
- %%%%%观察滤波之后的时域图和频域图
- figure(8)
- plot(sin_signal_filter);
- title('滤波之后信号的时域图');
- figure(9)
- plot(abs(fft(sin_signal_filter)));
- title('滤波之后信号的频域图');
- %%%%%*******************程序结束**********************%%%%%%%

- clear all;
- close all;
- clc;
- %滤波器长度
- N=41;
- %采样频率
- fs=2000;
- %各种滤波器的频率特征
- fc_lpf = 200;
- fc_hpf = 200;
- fp_bandpass = [200 400];
- fc_stop = [200 400];
- %以采样频率的一半,对频率进行归一化
- wn_lpf = fc_lpf*2/fs;
- wn_hpf = fc_hpf*2/fs;
- wn_bandpass = fp_bandpass*2/fs;
- wn_stop = fc_stop*2/fs;
- %采用fir1函数设计fir滤波器
- b_lpf = fir1(N-1,wn_lpf);
- b_hpf = fir1(N-1,wn_hpf,'high');
- b_bandpass = fir1(N-1,wn_bandpass, 'bandpass');
- b_stop = fir1(N-1,wn_stop,'stop');
- %求幅频响应
- m_lpf = 20*log(abs(fft(b_lpf)))/log(10);
- m_hpf = 20*log(abs(fft(b_hpf)))/log(10);
- m_bandpass = 20*log(abs(fft(b_bandpass)))/log(10);
- m_stop = 20*log(abs(fft(b_stop)))/log(10);
- %设置频率响应单位的横坐标为Hz
- x_f = 0:(fs/length(m_lpf)):fs/2; %???
- %绘制单位脉冲响应
- subplot(4,2,1); stem(b_lpf);xlabel('n');ylabel('h(n)');legend('lpf'); %stem绘制b_lpf的离散序列图 legend函数为数据创建图例
- subplot(4,2,3); stem(b_hpf);xlabel('n');ylabel('h(n)');legend('hpf');
- subplot(4,2,5); stem(b_bandpass);xlabel('n');ylabel('h(n)');legend('bandpass');
- subplot(4,2,7); stem(b_stop);xlabel('n');ylabel('h(n)');legend('stop');
- %绘制幅频响应
- subplot(4,2,2); plot(x_f,m_lpf(1:length(x_f))); xlabel('频率(Hz)');ylabel('幅度(dB)','fontsize',8); legend('lpf');
- subplot(4,2,4); plot(x_f,m_hpf(1:length(x_f))); xlabel('频率(Hz)');ylabel('幅度(dB)','fontsize',8); legend('hpf');
- subplot(4,2,6); plot(x_f,m_bandpass(1:length(x_f))); xlabel('频率(Hz)');ylabel('幅度(dB)','fontsize',8); legend('bandpass');
- subplot(4,2,8); plot(x_f,m_stop(1:length(x_f))); xlabel('频率(Hz)');ylabel('幅度(dB)','fontsize',8); legend('stop');

- %%低通,过渡带为1~1.5KHz,采样频率8kHz,通带最大波纹0.01,阻带最大波纹0.05
- %获取凯赛窗参数,后续fir1要设计凯赛窗的低通滤波器
- fs=8000; %采样频率
- fc=[1000,1500]; %过渡带; 1000-1500过渡带. 通带:0~(1000*2/fs),阻带:(1500*2/fs)
- mag=[1 0]; %理想幅值 0~(1000*2/fs)是1,1500*2/fs~1是0
- dev=[0.01,0.05]; %波纹
- [n,wn,beta,ftype] = kaiserord(fc,mag,dev,fs); %获取凯赛窗参数,根据据过渡带幅值返回ftype类型
- %fir1设计凯赛窗和汉明窗滤波器
- h_kaiser=fir1(n,wn,ftype,kaiser(n+1,beta));
- h_hamm=fir1(n,fc(2)*2/fs);
- %设计最优滤波器
- fpm=[0 fc(1)*2/fs fc(2)*2/fs 1]; %firmp频段向量,归一化[0 1]
- magpm =[1 1 0 0]; %firpm幅值向量
- h_pm= firpm(n,fpm,magpm); %设计低通滤波器
- %幅值
- m_kaiser=20*log(abs(fft(h_kaiser,1024)))/log(10);
- m_hamm=20*log(abs(fft(h_hamm,1024)))/log(10);
- m_pm=20*log(abs(fft(h_pm,1024)));
- %设置幅频响应的横坐标为Hz
- x_f=[0:1:length(m_kaiser)/2]*fs/length(m_kaiser);
- %只显示正频率部分
- m1=m_kaiser(1:length(x_f));
- m2=m_hamm(1:length(x_f));
- m3=m_pm(1:length(x_f));
- %绘制幅频曲线
- plot(x_f,m1, '-',x_f,m2,'-.',x_f,m3,'--');
- xlabel('频率(Hz)');
- ylabel('幅度(dB)');
- legend('凯赛窗','汉明窗','最优滤波');
- grid;

2.方法2:通过fdatool(filter designer)来实现滤波器的设计。
可以生成 .m文件,需要注意把第一行函数头手动注释掉,代码如下:
- %function Hd = ditong2
- %DITONG2 Returns a discrete-time filter object.
- % MATLAB Code
- % Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.2 and the Signal Processing Toolbox 7.4.
- % Generated on: 05-May-2023 14:26:21
- % Equiripple Lowpass filter designed using the FIRPM function.
- % All frequency values are in Hz.
- Fs = 1000; % Sampling Frequency
- Fpass = 150; % Passband Frequency
- Fstop = 200; % Stopband Frequency
- Dpass = 0.057501127785; % Passband Ripple
- Dstop = 0.0001; % Stopband Attenuation
- dens = 20; % Density Factor
- % Calculate the order from the parameters using FIRPMORD.
- [N, Fo, Ao, W] = firpmord([Fpass, Fstop]/(Fs/2), [1 0], [Dpass, Dstop]);
- % Calculate the coefficients using the FIRPM function.
- b = firpm(N, Fo, Ao, W, {dens});
- Hd = dfilt.dffir(b);
- % [EOF]

- %%
- y1 = rand(50,1);
- subplot(4,1,1);
- plot(y1);
- title("滤波前波形");
- subplot(4,1,2);
- plot(abs(fft(y1)));
- title("滤波前频谱");
- %%
- y2 = filter(Hd,y1);
- subplot(4,1,3);
- plot(abs(fft(y2)));
- title("滤波后频谱");
- subplot(4,1,4);
- plot(y2);
- title("滤波后波形");

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