业务使用时,需要先进行import导入subjectSegmentation 调用通用主体分割接口,并传入想要识别的图片,接收处理返回的结果(文字信息)。参考:
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image' import hilog from '@ohos.hilog' import subjectSegmentation from '@hms.ai.vision.subjectSegmentation'; import { mContext } from '../entryability/EntryAbility'; import picker from '@ohos.file.picker' import fs from '@ohos.file.fs'; import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base' const TAG: string = "ImageSegmentationSample"; class PictureUtil { private constructor() { } /** * class to string. * * @param data the class to be converted * @return the result string */ public static async getPixelMap(picPath: Resource): Promise<image.PixelMap> { let resourceM = mContext.resourceManager; const value = await resourceM.getMediaContent(picPath); const imageSourceApi = image.createImageSource(value.buffer); return imageSourceApi.createPixelMap(); } } @Entry @Component struct Index { @State chooseImage: PixelMap | undefined = undefined @State dataValues: string = '' @State segmentedImage: PixelMap | undefined = undefined @State maxNum: string = '20' aboutToAppear() { PictureUtil.getPixelMap($r("app.media.3cat")).then(data => { this.chooseImage = data }) } build() { Column() { Image(this.chooseImage) .objectFit(ImageFit.Fill) .height('30%') .accessibilityDescription("待分割图片") Scroll() { Text(this.dataValues) .copyOption(CopyOptions.LocalDevice) .margin(10) .width('100%') } .height('20%') // 设置Scroll组件的高度 Image(this.segmentedImage) .objectFit(ImageFit.Fill) .height('30%') .accessibilityDescription("分割后的主体图像") Row() { Text('最大主体数:') .fontSize(16) TextInput({ placeholder: '请输入最大主体数', text: this.maxNum }) .type(InputType.Number) .placeholderColor(Color.Gray) .fontSize(16) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .onChange((value: string) => { this.maxNum = value }) } .width('80%') .margin(10) Button('选择图片') .type(ButtonType.Capsule) .fontColor(Color.White) .alignSelf(ItemAlign.Center) .width('80%') .margin(10) .onClick(() => { // 拉起图库 this.selectImage() }) Button('图像分割') .type(ButtonType.Capsule) .fontColor(Color.White) .alignSelf(ItemAlign.Center) .width('80%') .margin(10) .onClick(async () => { if (!this.chooseImage) { hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', "imageSegmentation not have chooseImage"); return } // 调用图像分割接口 let visionInfo: subjectSegmentation.VisionInfo = { pixelMap: this.chooseImage, }; let config: subjectSegmentation.SegmentationConfig = { maxCount: parseInt(this.maxNum), enableSubjectDetails: true, enableSubjectForegroundImage: true, }; let data: subjectSegmentation.SegmentationResult = await subjectSegmentation.doSegmentation(visionInfo, config); let outputString = `主体数量: ${data.subjectCount}\n`; outputString += `最大主体数: ${config.maxCount}\n`; outputString += `是否需要每个主体: ${config.enableSubjectDetails ? '是' : '否'}\n\n`; let segBox : subjectSegmentation.Rectangle = data.fullSubject.subjectRectangle; let segBoxString = `整体主体框:\nLeft: ${segBox.left}, Top: ${segBox.top}, Width: ${segBox.width}, Height: ${segBox.height}\n\n`; outputString += segBoxString; if (config.enableSubjectDetails) { outputString += '每个主体框:\n'; if (data.subjectDetails) { for (let i = 0; i < data.subjectDetails.length; i++) { let detailSegBox: subjectSegmentation.Rectangle = data.subjectDetails[i].subjectRectangle; outputString += `主体 ${i + 1}:\nLeft: ${detailSegBox.left}, Top: ${detailSegBox.top}, Width: ${detailSegBox.width}, Height: ${detailSegBox.height}\n\n`; } } } hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', "Segmentation result: " + outputString); this.dataValues = outputString; }) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) } private async selectImage() { let uri = await this.openPhoto() if (uri === undefined) { hilog.error(0x0000, 'imageSegmentation', "uri is undefined"); } this.loadImage(uri); } private openPhoto(): Promise<Array<string>> { return new Promise<Array<string>>((resolve, reject) => { let PhotoSelectOptions = new picker.PhotoSelectOptions(); PhotoSelectOptions.MIMEType = picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.IMAGE_TYPE; PhotoSelectOptions.maxSelectNumber = 1; let photoPicker = new picker.PhotoViewPicker(); console.error(TAG, 'PhotoViewPicker.select successfully, PhotoSelectResult uri: '); photoPicker.select(PhotoSelectOptions).then((PhotoSelectResult) => { console.error(TAG, 'PhotoViewPicker.select successfully, PhotoSelectResult uri: ' + JSON.stringify(PhotoSelectResult)); resolve(PhotoSelectResult.photoUris) }).catch((err: BusinessError) => { console.error(TAG, 'PhotoViewPicker.select failed with err: ' + err); reject(); }); }) } private loadImage(names: string[]) { setTimeout(async () => { let imageSource: image.ImageSource | undefined = undefined let f = await fs.open(names[0], fs.OpenMode.READ_ONLY) imageSource = image.createImageSource(f.fd) this.chooseImage = await imageSource.createPixelMap() hilog.info(0x0000, 'imageSegmentation', `this.chooseImage===${JSON.stringify(this.chooseImage)}`); }, 100 ) } }
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