然后利用MsBuild 编译UnrealBuildTool
最后调用…\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe -ProjectFiles %* ,即调用UnrealBuildTool.exe并传入所需参数
运行UnrealBuildTool.exe以生成Visual Studio解决方案和项目文件
3、几个关键点,UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt 和 UnrealBuildToolPrevFiles.txt 都是在上述bat中生成的
UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt 是扫描下面文件夹下所有的.CS文件生成的一个文件路径信息
UnrealBuildToolPrevFiles.txt 可以理解成是上一次点击生成的文件路径信息
@echo off rem @echo off 关闭回显,不显示正在执行的批处理命令及执行的结果 rem rem 注释 rem ## Unreal Engine 4 Visual Studio project setup script rem 虚幻4 Visual Studio 工程的启动脚本 rem ## Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. rem 版权 rem ## This script is expecting to exist in the UE4 root directory. It will not work correctly rem ## if you copy it to a different location and run it. rem 这个脚本要放在UE4的根目录中。如果你将他复制到一个另一个位置,将无法运行 setlocal rem 使启动批处理文件中环境变量的本地化 echo Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files... rem echo XXXXX 打印XXXXX到输出面板 rem ## First, make sure the batch file exists in the folder we expect it to. This is necessary in order to rem ## verify that our relative path to the /Engine/Source directory is correct rem 首先,确保这个批处理文件处于正确的位置,这是为了确保我们对于 /Engine/Source 路径的相对路径是正确的 if not exist "%~dp0..\..\Source" goto Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation rem 如果不存在 "",直接运行到Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation, 其中 "%~dp0" 代表的是当前批处理文件所在完整目录, 所以指代"UnrealEngine\Engine\Source"该路径 rem ## Change the CWD to /Engine/Source. We always need to run UnrealBuildTool from /Engine/Source! rem 改变脚本的运行路径到 /Engine/Source 我们需要UnrealBuildTool在 /Engine/Source 路径下运行 CWD是指脚本运行路径 pushd "%~dp0..\..\Source" rem 保存当前目录,并切换当前目录为 "%~dp0..\..\Source" if not exist ..\Build\BatchFiles\GenerateProjectFiles.bat goto Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation rem 如果 "UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\GenerateProjectFiles.bat" 不存在 运行到Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation rem ## Check to make sure that we have a Binaries directory with at least one dependency that we know that UnrealBuildTool will need rem ## in order to run. It's possible the user acquired source but did not download and unpack the other prerequiste binaries. rem 检查以确保我们有一个Binaries目录,其中至少有一个依赖项,我们知道UnrelbuildTool将需要该依赖项才能运行。用户可能获得了源代码,但没有下载和解包其他必备的二进制文件。 if not exist ..\Build\BinaryPrerequisitesMarker.dat goto Error_MissingBinaryPrerequisites rem 如果 "UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BinaryPrerequisitesMarker.dat" 不存在 运行Error_MissingBinaryPrerequisites rem ## Get the path to MSBuild rem 获取MSBuild的路径 call "%~dp0GetMSBuildPath.bat" rem 调用 "UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\dp0GetMSBuildPath.bat" 该批处理文件 if errorlevel 1 goto Error_NoVisualStudioEnvironment rem 如果错误等级≥1 运行Error_NoVisualStudioEnvironment 注意:if errorlevel 的比较方式是“大于或等于”。若是返回值大于或等于指定的数字,则条件成立,运行命令。因此返回值必须按照从大到小的顺序排列 rem ## If we're using VS2017, check that NuGet package manager is installed. MSBuild fails to compile C# projects from the command line with a cryptic error if it's not: rem ## https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/137779/the-getreferencenearesttargetframeworktask-task-wa.html rem 如果使用的VS2017版本 需要检查NuGet已经安装。MSBuild无法从命令行编译C#项目,如果不是:https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/137779/the-getreferencenearesttargetframeworktask-task-wa.html if not exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" goto NoVsWhere rem 如果不存在 "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" 运行NoVsWhere set MSBUILD_15_EXE= for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere" -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -property installationPath') do ( if exist "%%i\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ( set MSBUILD_15_EXE="%%i\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" goto FoundMsBuild15 ) ) rem for /d、/f、/l 对目录、文件、字符串、序列等进行循环遍历操作 参数 delims=设置分隔符 rem 设置 MSBUILD_15_EXE "C:\Program Files x86\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" 如果该路径存在 :FoundMsBuild15 set MSBUILD_15_EXE_WITH_NUGET= for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere" -latest -products * -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.NuGet -property installationPath') do ( if exist "%%i\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ( set MSBUILD_15_EXE_WITH_NUGET="%%i\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" goto FoundMsBuild15WithNuget ) ) rem 设置 MSBUILD_15_EXE_WITH_NUGET "C:\Program Files x86\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe 如果该路径存在 :FoundMsBuild15WithNuget if not [%MSBUILD_EXE%] == [%MSBUILD_15_EXE%] goto NoVsWhere if not [%MSBUILD_EXE%] == [%MSBUILD_15_EXE_WITH_NUGET%] goto Error_RequireNugetPackageManager :NoVsWhere rem Check to see if the files in the UBT directory have changed. We conditionally include platform files from the .csproj file, but MSBuild doesn't recognize the dependency when new files are added. rem 检查UBT目录中的文件是否已更改。我们有条件地包含.csproj文件中的平台文件,但添加新文件时,MSBuild无法识别依赖关系 md ..\Intermediate\Build >nul 2>nul rem md命令是用来创建文件夹 >nul 是屏蔽操作成功显示的信息,但是出错还是会显示 2>nul 是屏蔽操作失败显示的信息,如果成功依旧显示 dir /s /b Programs\UnrealBuildTool\*.cs >..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt rem dir /s /b 获得文件夹及其子文件夹下的所有文件和子文件夹 所有后缀以cs结尾的文件输入到 UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt if not exist ..\Platforms goto NoPlatforms for /d %%D in (..\Platforms\*) do ( if exist %%D\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool dir /s /b %%D\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\*.cs >> ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt ) rem ..\Platforms 文件夹存在的话 就把 ..\Platforms\*\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool 下的cs文件路径保存到 UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt :NoPlatforms if not exist ..\Restricted goto NoRestricted for /d %%D in (..\Restricted\*) do ( if exist %%D\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool dir /s /b %%D\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\*.cs >> ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt ) rem ..\Restricted 文件夹存在的话 就把 ..\Restricted\*\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool 下的cs文件路径保存到 UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt :NoRestricted fc /b ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolPrevFiles.txt >nul 2>nul rem fc /b 以二进制文件的形式比较 ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolPrevFiles.txt if not errorlevel 1 goto SkipClean rem 如果 errorlevel ≥ 1 运行 SkipClean copy /y ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolPrevFiles.txt >nul rem 复制..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolFiles.txt 覆盖 ..\Intermediate\Build\UnrealBuildToolPrevFiles.txt /y 不使用确认是否要覆盖现有目标文件的提示 %MSBUILD_EXE% /nologo /verbosity:quiet Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.csproj /property:Configuration=Development /property:Platform=AnyCPU /target:Clean rem MSBuild指令 /nologo 隐藏启动版权标志和版权消息 清理 Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.csproj 并设置里面的两个参数Configuration=Development Platform=AnyCPU :SkipClean %MSBUILD_EXE% /nologo /verbosity:quiet Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.csproj /property:Configuration=Development /property:Platform=AnyCPU /target:Build rem MSBuild指令 /nologo 隐藏启动版权标志和版权消息 编译构造 Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.csproj 并设置里面的两个参数Configuration=Development Platform=AnyCPU if errorlevel 1 goto Error_UBTCompileFailed rem ## Run UnrealBuildTool to generate Visual Studio solution and project files rem ## NOTE: We also pass along any arguments to the GenerateProjectFiles.bat here ..\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe -ProjectFiles %* rem 运行UnrealBuildTool.exe 接受 -ProjectFiles %* 和所有传入的参数 if errorlevel 1 goto Error_ProjectGenerationFailed rem ## Success! popd exit /B 0 :Error_BatchFileInWrongLocation echo. echo GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: The batch file does not appear to be located in the /Engine/Build/BatchFiles directory. This script must be run from within that directory. echo. pause goto Exit :Error_MissingBinaryPrerequisites echo. echo GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: It looks like you're missing some files that are required in order to generate projects. Please check that you've downloaded and unpacked the engine source code, binaries, content and third-party dependencies before running this script. echo. pause goto Exit :Error_NoVisualStudioEnvironment echo. echo GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: Unable to find a valid installation of Visual Studio. Please check that you have Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio 2019 installed, and the MSBuild component is selected as part of your installation. echo. pause goto Exit :Error_RequireNugetPackageManager echo. echo UE4 requires the NuGet Package Manager to be installed to use %MSBUILD_EXE%. Please run the Visual Studio Installer and add it from the individual components list (in the 'Code Tools' category). echo. pause goto Exit :Error_UBTCompileFailed echo. echo GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool failed to compile. echo. pause goto Exit :Error_ProjectGenerationFailed echo. echo GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files. echo. pause goto Exit :Exit rem ## Restore original CWD in case we change it popd exit /B 1
PS 如果看不懂bat内东西可以去查一下批处理指令以及参考MSBuild参考
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