a)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> RTL8812AU ==> Hi3536DV100 ==> FPV Goggles/Display
b)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> RTL8812AU ==> Hi3536DV100 ==> Ground Control Station
c)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> RTL8812AU ==> Jetson Orin Nano (GPU/AI)
d)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> Raspberry Pi3B+ (GPU/CPU/AI)
e)【控制链路】FC <== SCC338Q <== RTL8812AU <== Hi3536DV100 <== Ground Control Station
f)【控制链路】FC <== RC Receiver <== RC Transmitter <== RC Controller
e)【控制链路】FC <== SCC338Q <== RTL8812AU <== Jetson Orin Nano (GPU/AI)
g)【控制链路】FC <== SCC338Q <== RTL8812AU <== Raspberry Pi3B+ (GPU/CPU/AI)
略. 后续根据情况再做展开,目前可以看做是一个开源的黑匣子,它的底层实现依赖于WFB-NG。
# cat /etc/wfb.conf ### unit: drone or gs unit=drone wlan=wlan0 region=00 ### By default used channel number, but, you may set freq instead. For ex: 2387M channel=64 frequency= txpower=20 driver_txpower_override=20 bandwidth=20 stbc=0 ldpc=0 mcs_index=1 stream=0 link_id=7669206 udp_port=5600 rcv_buf=456000 frame_type=data fec_k=8 fec_n=12 pool_timeout=0 guard_interval=long
# cat /etc/majestic.yaml system: staticDir: /var/www webPort: 80 httpsPort: 443 plugins: false buffer: 1024 isp: antiFlicker: disabled exposure: 20 aGain: 40 sensorConfig: /etc/sensors/imx415_fpv.bin image: mirror: false flip: false rotate: 0 contrast: 50 hue: 50 saturation: 50 luminance: 50 video0: enabled: true codec: h265 fps: 60 bitrate: 2048 rcMode: cbr gopSize: 1 size: 1024x768 video1: enabled: false codec: h264 size: 704x576 fps: 15 jpeg: enabled: false qfactor: 50 fps: 5 osd: enabled: false font: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/UbuntuMono-Regular.ttf template: "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" posX: 16 posY: 16 audio: enabled: false volume: 30 srate: 8000 codec: opus outputEnabled: false outputVolume: 30 rtsp: enabled: true port: 554 nightMode: enabled: false irCutSingleInvert: false colorToGray: true irSensorPinInvert: false motionDetect: enabled: false visualize: false debug: false records: enabled: false path: /mnt/mmcblk0p1/%F/%H.mp4 maxUsage: 95 outgoing: enabled: true server: udp:// naluSize: 1200 watchdog: enabled: true timeout: 300 hls: enabled: false onvif: enabled: false ipeye: enabled: false youtube: enabled: false
# cat /etc/wfb.conf ### unit: drone or gs unit=gs wlan=wlan0 region=00 ### By default used channel number, but, you may set freq instead. For ex: 2387M channel=64 frequency= txpower=20 driver_txpower_override=20 stream=0 link_id=7669206 udp_addr= udp_port=5600 telemetry=true
# cat /etc/vdec.conf ### Port for video rx (default: 5000) port=5600 ### Codec: h264 or h265 (default: h264) codec=h265 ### Incoming data format: stream or frame (default: stream) format=frame ### Screen output mode: # 720p60 - 1280 x 720 @ 60 fps # 1080p60 - 1920 x 1080 @ 60 fps # 1024x768x60 - 1024 x 768 @ 60 fps # 1366x768x60 - 1366 x 768 @ 60 fps # 1280x1024x60 - 1280 x 1024 @ 60 fps # 1600x1200x60 - 1600 x 1200 @ 60 fps # 2560x1440x30 - 2560 x 1440 @ 30 fps mode=1024x768x60 ### Mavlink port for telemetry (default: 14750) mavlink_port=14750 ### Osd: none, simple or custom for use own lvgl based osd (custom osd binary need to be upload to /usr/bin directory) (default: simple) osd=simple ### Records archive (Mount ssd, set up full path to records archive, file names generated automatically. example: /mnt/sda1/recorder) records= ### Extra param (write in one line split by space): # --ar [mode] - Aspect ratio mode (Default: keep) # keep - Keep stream aspect ratio # stretch - Stretch to output resolution # manual - Manual image size definition # --ar-bg-r [Value] - Fill color red component (Default: 0) # --ar-bg-g [Value] - Fill color green component (Default: 0) # --ar-bg-b [Value] - Fill color blue component (Default: 0) # --ar-x [Value] - Image position X # --ar-y [Value] - Image position Y # --ar-w [Value] - Image width # --ar-h [Value] - Image height # --bg-r [Value] - Background color red (Default: 0) # --bg-g [Value] - Background color green (Default: 96) # --bg-b [Value] - Background color blue (Default: 0) extra="--bg-r 30 --bg-g 0 --bg-b 30"
注:H265编解码存在花屏现象,可能与底层分包组装有关,详见:How to configure 720P@120fps on wfb_gs on ubuntu(not OpenIPC gs)
$ sudo apt-get install dkms
$ git clone -b v5.2.20 git@github.com:svpcom/rtl8812au.git
$ cd rtl8812au/
$ sudo ./dkms-install.sh
$ nmcli
wlan1: unmanaged
"Realtek RTL8812AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2T2R"
wifi (rtl88xxau_wfb), 20:0D:B0:32:DA:3A, hw, mtu 4052
注:这里笔者环境WiFi设备为Realtek RTL8812AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2T2R 设备号:wlan1
$ git clone -b stable git@github.com:svpcom/wfb-ng.git
$ cd wfb-ng
$ sudo ./scripts/install_gs.sh wlan1
注:Jetson Orin平台安装时,会存在问题,需要修复安装脚本,详见:[Jetson Orin] wfb-ng/env/bin/pip: No such file or directory
一致$ sudo cat /etc/wifibroadcast.cfg
wifi_channel = 64 # 161 -- radio channel @5825 MHz, range: 5815–5835 MHz, width 20MHz
# 1 -- radio channel @2412 Mhz,
# see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels for reference
wifi_region = 'BO' # Your country for CRDA (use BO or GY if you want max tx power)
peer = 'connect://' # outgoing connection
# peer = 'listen://' # incoming connection
peer = 'connect://' # outgoing connection for
# video sink (QGroundControl on GS)
$ wfb_keygen
Drone keypair (drone sec + gs pub) saved to drone.key
GS keypair (gs sec + drone pub) saved to gs.key
$ ls
drone.key gs.key
--> 天空端 /etc/drone.key
--> 地面端 /etc/gs.key
$ sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev gstreamer1.0-tools libgstreamer1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
$ make osd
$ ./osd --help
./osd: invalid option -- '-'
./osd [-p mavlink_port] [-P rtp_port] [ -R rtsp_url ] [-4] [-5] [-j rtp_jitter] [-x] [-a] [-w screen_width]
Default: mavlink_port=14551, rtp_port=5600, rtsp_url=none, codec=h264, rtp_jitter=5, screen_width=1920
WFB-ng OSD version
WFB-ng home page: <http://wfb-ng.org>
鉴于前面谈到的编解码问题,若要在Jetson Orin平台上能够对OpenIPC现在venc编码视频流进行解码,可以简单使用video-viewer
关于工具的安装,这里不再展开,感兴趣的朋友可以自行阅读:Linux 36.2@Jetson Orin Nano之Hello AI World!
a)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> RTL8812AU ==> Hi3536DV100 ==> FPV Goggles/Display
b)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> RTL8812AU ==> Hi3536DV100 ==> Ground Control Station
e)【控制链路】FC <== SCC338Q <== RTL8812AU <== Hi3536DV100 <== Ground Control Station
f)【控制链路】FC <== RC Receiver <== RC Transmitter <== RC Controller
c)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> RTL8812AU ==> Jetson Orin Nano (GPU/AI)
d)【视频链路】IMX415 ==> SCC338Q ==> Raspberry Pi3B+ (GPU/CPU/AI)
e)【控制链路】FC <== SCC338Q <== RTL8812AU <== Jetson Orin Nano (GPU/AI)
g)【控制链路】FC <== SCC338Q <== RTL8812AU <== Raspberry Pi3B+ (GPU/CPU/AI)
Raspberry Pi3B+(Companion Computer)和Jetson Orin(DataCenter) 组成了大数据决策和边缘AI的构架模型。
好了,废话不多说,上点这套OpenIPC(SCC338Q+IMX415+Hi3536DV100+RTL8812AU) + Jetson Orin Nano的视频,感性认识下ubuntu22.04@Jetson Orin Nano安装WFB-NG&OpenIPC性能。
注:受到venc/vdec编码器的影响,Jetson Orin似乎并不太支持这个解码流,效果不好。
上述配置摄像头端(SCC338Q+IMX415+RTL8812AU)是能够满足720P@120FPS H265的,从延时报告的数据,大约能做到30~40ms。
ssc338q+imx415+nvr3536 OpenIPC看视频
【1】 wfb-ng Release 23.01镜像无头烧录&配置(1)
【2】 wfb-ng Release 23.01镜像无头烧录&配置(2)
【3】wfb-ng 锁定WiFi接口
【4】Linux 36.2@Jetson Orin Nano之基础环境构建
【5】Aocoda-RC H743Dual BMI270x2飞控,支持Ardupilot
关于4G LTE的问题,之前《ArduPilot开源飞控之lida2003套机+伴机电脑首飞》已经Ready。
Ardupilot 4.5.1 Mark4 + RaspberryPi3B + Rpanion
Ardupilot 4.4.4 Mark4 + FuseAllVelocities + RaspberryPi3B+
注:下图将边缘计算前移;亦可以考虑:简单识别 - 智能识别 - 网络识别,分级部署。
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