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Google Earth Engine(GEE)——Export.image.toAsset/toDrive两者的区别和混用,正确导出分类样本数据到资产assets和引用_gee todrive unit

gee todrive unit

之前我们介绍过如何将影像或者表格导出到硬盘中,但是如何直接导出到assets中,然后再次调用呢?如果不知道如何导出Google drive 请看下面的链接

Google Earth Engine(GEE)——导出数据到Google硬盘和云端存储!和最大像素限制导出_此星光明的博客-CSDN博客导出数据您可以从 Earth Engine 导出图像、地图图块、表格和视频。导出可以发送到您的 Google Drive 帐户,到Google Cloud Storage或新的 Earth Engine 资产。要使用 Google Cloud Storage(一种收费服务),您需要设置一个项目、为该项目启用结算功能并创建一个存储桶。有关说明,请参阅Cloud Storage 快速入门页面。有关存储桶命名的信息,请参阅本指南。导出到 Cloud Storage 存储分区的数据将具有存储分区的..https://blog.csdn.net/qq_31988139/article/details/119846353


Export.image.toAsset(image, descriptionassetIdpyramidingPolicydimensionsregionscalecrscrsTransformmaxPixelsshardSize)

Creates a batch task to export an Image as a raster to an Earth Engine asset. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab.


image (Image):

The image to export.

description (String, optional):

A human-readable name of the task. Defaults to "myExportImageTask".

assetId (String, optional):

The destination asset ID.

pyramidingPolicy (Object, optional):

The pyramiding policy to apply to each band in the image, keyed by band name. Values must be one of: mean, sample, min, max, or mode. Defaults to "mean". A special key,

".default" may be used to change the default for all bands.

dimensions (Number|String, optional):

The dimensions to use for the exported image. Takes either a single positive integer as the maximum dimension or

"WIDTHxHEIGHT" where WIDTH and HEIGHT are each positive integers.

region (Geometry.LinearRing|Geometry.Polygon|String, optional):

A LinearRing, Polygon, or coordinates representing region to export. These may be specified as the Geometry objects or coordinates serialized as a string. If not specified, the region defaults to the viewport at the time of invocation.

scale (Number, optional):

Resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults to 1000.

crs (String, optional):

CRS to use for the exported image.

crsTransform (List<Number>|String, optional):

Affine transform to use for the exported image. Requires "crs" to be defined.

maxPixels (Number, optional):

Restrict the number of pixels in the export. By default, you will see an error if the export exceeds 1e8 pixels. Setting this value explicitly allows one to raise or lower this limit.

shardSize (Number, optional):

Size in pixels of the tiles in which this image will be computed. Defaults to 256.

 无论你是什么数据直接将数据利用此函数导出即可,即使你不用这个函数,用Export.image.toDrive也可以,然后在这个界面弹出后直接选择EE ASSET就可以了,但是这里有一个问题(请看第三步:A different Operation was already started with the given request_id.)




A different Operation was already started with the given request_id. 一个不同的操作已经以给定的request_id开始。


  1. //folder参数没有再asset中
  2. Export.image.toAsset({
  3. image: ndvi_before.select("SO3_column_number_density"),
  4. assetId:r.toString(),
  5. region:hh,
  6. scale:1000,
  7. description: "china_SO2_column_number_density_1000m_8day",
  8. //folder: 'china_SO2_column_number_density',
  9. })



Export.image.toAsset(image, descriptionassetIdpyramidingPolicydimensionsregionscalecrscrsTransformmaxPixelsshardSize)


Export.image.toDrive(image, descriptionfolderfileNamePrefixdimensionsregionscalecrscrsTransformmaxPixelsshardSizefileDimensionsskipEmptyTilesfileFormatformatOptions)




