约束在父表中存在,那么就不能删除分区的列上的对应的NOT NULL
约束。分区表的CHECK约束和NOT NULL约束总是会被其所有的分区所继承。不允许在分区表上创建标记为NO INHERIT的CHECK约束。只要分区表中不存在分区,则支持使用ONLY仅在分区表上增加或者删除约束。一旦分区存在,那样做就会导致错误,因为当分区存在时是不支持仅在分区表上增加或删除约束的。不过,分区表本身上的约束可以被增加(如果它们不出现在父表中)和删除。
CREATE TABLE public.measurement (
city_id int4 NOT NULL,
logdate date NOT NULL,
peaktemp int4 NULL,
unitsales int4 NULL
CREATE TABLE public.measurement_y2006m03 PARTITION OF public.measurement (
CONSTRAINT measurement_y2006m03_pk PRIMARY KEY (city_id)
)FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-03-01') TO ('2006-04-01');
CREATE INDEX measurement_logdate_idx ON ONLY public.measurement USING btree (logdate);
DROP TABLE measurement_y2006m03;
ALTER TABLE measurement DETACH PARTITION measurement_y2006m02;
create table measurement_default partition of measurement default;
/* -- function: Create partitions for table measurement. -- parameter: -- p_partition_unit: Partition unit. month, day; -- p_partiton_cnt: Count of partitions to be created when this function is called. The default value is 7. -- p_start_utc_time: One UTC timestamp value that is in the range of the first partition's partition-key, in milliseconds. The default value is now. -- return: -- success: 0 -- 模板复用方法: -- 1. measurement 替换为新的表名 -- 2. (city_id) 替换为新的表的 (主键字段) */ create or replace function func_create_partition_for_measurement(p_partition_unit text default 'month', p_partiton_cnt int default 6, p_start_time timestamp default now()) returns int as $body$ declare v_child_tbname text; v_start_time timestamp with time zone; v_end_time timestamp with time zone; v_has_default int default 0; v_parent_tbname text; v_partition_defaultname text; v_partition_defaultname_tmp text; partition_interval interval; time_format text; begin v_parent_tbname := 'measurement'; v_partition_defaultname := v_parent_tbname || '_default'; v_partition_defaultname_tmp := v_partition_defaultname || '_tmp'; --pg_inherits为系统表用来记录表间的继承关系 inhparent为主表oid inhrelid为分区表oid regclass是oid的别名 oid是一个库中对象的唯一标识 perform * from pg_inherits where cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) = v_parent_tbname and cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) = v_partition_defaultname; if found then v_has_default := 1; --如果默认分区*_default在系统表中已经存在,解除该表的分区(但是数据未删除) execute 'alter table ' || v_parent_tbname || ' detach partition ' || v_partition_defaultname ; end if; partition_interval := (case p_partition_unit when 'month' then interval '1 month' when 'day' then interval '1 day' end); time_format := (case p_partition_unit when 'month' then 'YYYYMM' when 'day' then 'YYYYMMDD' end); if p_partition_unit in ('month', 'day') then --按照月分割开始时间的时间戳 v_start_time := date_trunc(p_partition_unit, p_start_time); for v_i in 0..(p_partiton_cnt - 1) loop v_child_tbname := v_parent_tbname || '_' || to_char(v_start_time, time_format); perform * from pg_inherits where cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) = v_parent_tbname and cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) = v_child_tbname; if not found then v_end_time := v_start_time + partition_interval; execute 'create table ' || v_child_tbname || ' partition of ' || v_parent_tbname || ' for values from (''' || v_start_time || ''') to (''' || v_end_time || ''')'; execute 'alter table ' || v_child_tbname || ' add constraint pk_' || v_child_tbname || ' primary key (city_id)'; end if; v_start_time := v_start_time + partition_interval; end loop; end if; if v_has_default = 1 then --如果默认分区表存在,把default分区表的数据重新分区 execute 'drop table if exists ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' drop constraint if exists pk_' || v_partition_defaultname; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' rename to ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp ; execute 'create table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' partition of ' || v_parent_tbname || ' default'; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' add constraint pk_' || v_partition_defaultname || ' primary key (city_id)'; execute 'insert into ' || v_parent_tbname || ' select * from ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp; execute 'drop table if exists ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp; else execute 'create table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' partition of ' || v_parent_tbname || ' default'; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' add constraint pk_' || v_partition_defaultname || ' primary key (city_id)'; end if; return 0; end; $body$ language plpgsql; select func_create_partition_for_measurement('month',2,'2023-02-23')
/* -- function: Clean old data for measurement -- parameter: -- p_partition_unit: Partition unit. month, day; -- p_keep_days: Duration of data retention, in days. The default value is 90. -- return: -- success: 0 -- 模板复用方法: -- 1. measurement 替换为新的表名 -- 2. logdate 替换为 分区字段。 */ create or replace function func_clean_partition_for_measurement(p_partition_unit varchar default 'month', p_keep_days int default 90) returns int as $body$ declare v_parent_tbname text; v_partition_defaultname text; v_sql text; v_clean_time timestamp with time zone ; v_recd record; v_partiton_colname text; time_format text; begin v_sql = e'select now() - interval \'' || p_keep_days || e' day\''; execute v_sql into v_clean_time; v_parent_tbname := 'measurement'; v_partiton_colname := 'logdate'; v_partition_defaultname := v_parent_tbname || '_default'; time_format := (case p_partition_unit when 'month' then 'YYYYMM' when 'day' then 'YYYYMMDD' end); perform * from pg_inherits where cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) = v_parent_tbname and cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) = v_partition_defaultname; if found then execute 'delete from ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' where ' || v_partiton_colname || ' < ' || 'cast(''' || v_clean_time || ''' as timestamp with time zone)'; end if; if p_partition_unit in ('month', 'day') then for v_recd in select cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) as parent_tbname, cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) as child_tbname from pg_inherits where cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) = v_parent_tbname and cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) < v_parent_tbname || '_' || to_char(v_clean_time, time_format) order by child_tbname asc loop execute 'drop table if exists ' || v_recd.child_tbname; end loop; end if; return 0; end; $body$ language plpgsql; select func_clean_partition_for_measurement('month',90);
--模拟数据 --创建自增序列 create sequence public.id_seq increment by 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 9223372036854775807 cache 1 no cycle; select nextval('public.id_seq'); with dedate as ( select ( select array_agg(i::date) from generate_series('2008-01-01'::date, '2008-03-01'::date, '+1 day'::interval) as t(i) ) ) insert into product select nextval('public.id_seq') as id, coalesce(( select * from dedate )[(random()* 59)] , '2008-01-01')as logdate, floor(random()* 20)+ 1 as peaktemp, floor(random()* 10000)+ 1 as unitsales from generate_series(1, 1000000, 1);
--创建主表 create table product ( id int not null, logdate date not null, peaktemp int, unitsales int ); --创建子表1 create table public.product_y2008m01 ( constraint product_y2008m01_logdate_check check (((logdate >= '2008-01-01'::date) and (logdate < '2008-02-01'::date))) ) inherits (public.product); create index product_y2008m01_logdate_idx on public.product_y2008m01 using btree (logdate); --创建子表2 create table public.product_y2008m02 ( constraint product_y2008m02_logdate_check check (((logdate >= '2008-02-01'::date) and (logdate < '2008-03-01'::date))) ) inherits (public.product); create index product_y2008m02_logdate_idx on public.product_y2008m02 using btree (logdate); --创建触发器函数 create or replace function product_insert_trigger() returns trigger as $$ begin if ( NEW.logdate >= date '2008-01-01' and NEW.logdate < date '2008-02-01' ) then insert into product_y2008m01 values (NEW.*); elsif ( NEW.logdate >= date '2008-02-01' and NEW.logdate < date '2008-03-01' ) then insert into product_y2008m02 values (NEW.*); else raise exception 'Date out of range. Fix the product_insert_trigger() function!'; end if; return null; end; $$ language plpgsql; --创建触发器 create trigger insert_product_trigger before insert on public.product for each row execute procedure product_insert_trigger();
DROP TABLE measurement_y2006m02;
ALTER TABLE measurement_y2006m02 NO INHERIT measurement;
create or replace function func_create_partition_for_product(p_partition_method int default 1, p_partiton_cnt int default 6, p_start_time timestamp default now()) returns int as $body$ declare v_child_tbname text; v_start_time timestamp with time zone; v_end_time timestamp with time zone; v_has_default int default 0; v_parent_tbname text; v_partition_defaultname text; v_partition_defaultname_tmp text; v_partition_unit text; v_partition_interval interval; v_time_format text; begin v_parent_tbname := 'product'; v_partition_defaultname := v_parent_tbname || '_default'; v_partition_defaultname_tmp := v_partition_defaultname || '_tmp'; perform * from pg_inherits where cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) = v_parent_tbname and cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) = v_partition_defaultname; if found then v_has_default := 1; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' NO INHERIT ' || v_parent_tbname; end if; v_partition_unit := (case p_partition_method when 1 then 'month' when 2 then 'day' end); v_partition_interval := (case p_partition_method when 1 then interval '1 month' when 2 then interval '1 day' end); v_time_format := (case p_partition_method when 1 then 'YYYYMM' when 2 then 'YYYYMMDD' end); if p_partition_method in (1,2) then v_start_time := date_trunc(v_partition_unit, p_start_time); for v_i in 0..(p_partiton_cnt - 1) loop v_child_tbname := v_parent_tbname || '_' || to_char(v_start_time, v_time_format); perform * from pg_inherits where cast(cast(inhparent as regclass) as text) = v_parent_tbname and cast(cast(inhrelid as regclass) as text) = v_child_tbname; if not found then v_end_time := v_start_time + v_partition_interval; execute 'create table '||v_child_tbname||'() inherits ('||v_parent_tbname||')'; execute 'ALTER TABLE '||v_child_tbname||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||v_child_tbname||'_check CHECK ((logdate >= ''' || v_start_time || '''::date) and (logdate < ''' || v_end_time || '''::date))'; execute 'ALTER TABLE '||v_child_tbname||' ADD CONSTRAINT '||v_child_tbname||'_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)'; execute 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX '||v_child_tbname||'_logdate_idx ON '||v_child_tbname||' USING btree (id)'; end if; v_start_time := v_start_time + v_partition_interval; end loop; end if; if v_has_default = 1 then execute 'drop table if exists ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' drop constraint if exists pk_' || v_partition_defaultname; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' rename to ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp ; execute 'create table '||v_partition_defaultname||'() inherits ('||v_parent_tbname||')' ; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' add constraint pk_' || v_partition_defaultname || ' primary key (id)'; execute 'insert into ' || v_parent_tbname || ' select * from ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp; execute 'drop table if exists ' || v_partition_defaultname_tmp; else execute 'create table '||v_partition_defaultname||'() inherits ('||v_parent_tbname||')' ; execute 'alter table ' || v_partition_defaultname || ' add constraint pk_' || v_partition_defaultname || ' primary key (id)'; end if; return 0; end; $body$ language plpgsql;
--创建触发器函数 create or replace function product_insert_trigger() returns trigger as $$ declare v_curtime timestamp with time zone; begin v_curtime := date_trunc('month', now()); if ( NEW.logdate >= v_curtime and NEW.logdate < v_curtime + '1 month' ) then execute 'insert into product_' || to_char(v_curtime,'YYYYMM') ||' values ( $1.*)' using NEW; elseif ( NEW.logdate >= v_curtime + '1 month' and NEW.logdate < v_curtime + '2 month' ) then execute 'insert into product_' || to_char(v_curtime + '1 month', 'YYYYMM')|| ' values ($1.*)' using NEW; elseif ( NEW.logdate >= v_curtime + '2 month' and NEW.logdate < v_curtime + '3 month' ) then execute 'insert into product_' || to_char(v_curtime + '2 month', 'YYYYMM')|| ' values ($1.*)' using NEW; else --raise exception 'Date out of range. Fix the product_insert_trigger() function!'; insert into product_default values (NEW.*); end if; return null; end; $$ language plpgsql;
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