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怎么填写relevant work experience


Not receiving a call for an interview after applying several times for your dream job? You might have a lot of relevant experience, but if your resume is not eye-catching, there is a high probability of rejection.

多次申请理想工作后没有收到面试电话? 您可能有很多相关经验,但是如果您的简历不引人注目,那么拒绝的可能性就很大。

My story was nothing different. When I was a job seeker, I used to apply for tens of openings every day. Fortunately, I didn’t receive a call for six months. Fortunately? Yes. If someone would have hired me I wouldn’t have learned this lesson. Meanwhile, I got the opportunity to conduct interviews. The first task was to shortlist resumes. HR shared around 150 resumes. I had to scan them in a stipulated time while managing other tasks.

我的故事没什么不同。 当我是一个求职者时,我曾经每天申请数十个职位。 幸运的是,我六个月没有接到电话了。 幸好? 是。 如果有人会雇用我,我将不会学到这一课。 同时,我有机会进行采访。 第一项任务是将简历入围。 人力资源部分享了大约150份简历。 在管理其他任务时,我必须在规定的时间内扫描它们。

I decided to study each resume thoroughly to avoid injustice with anyone. However, very soon, I realized some were not worthy of justice. They were too lengthy, barely formatted, and hard to read. After studying a few resumes, I deliberately opened mine. A four-page long, barely formatted, and non-informative resume didn’t even find a place in the recycle bin (Shift + del). After this, I studied resume designing, formatting, and techniques to make it more meaningful. Also studied hundreds of resumes before crafting my own. It was miraculous. I started receiving 3–4 calls every day. My mailbox was flooding with interview calls. I received an invitation from my dream company. The rest is history now.

我决定彻底研究每份简历,以免与任何人发生不公。 但是,很快,我意识到有些不值得伸张正义。 它们太长,几乎没有格式,很难阅读。 研究了几张简历后,我特意开设了我的简历。 长达四页,几乎没有格式且无信息的简历甚至没有在回收站中找到位置(Shift + del)。 之后,我研究了简历设计,格式和技术,使之更有意义。 在制作自己的简历之前,还研究了数百份简历。 太神奇了。 我每天开始接到3-4个电话。 我的邮箱里充斥着面试电话。 我收到了我梦company以求的公司的邀请。 剩下的就是历史了。

It’s time to pass on my learning with folks who are still struggling to get noticed by their dream company.


自我实现 (Self-Realization)

Before following these tips, I would recommend scanning others’ resumes for self-realization. You will realize how good it feels while reading a well-organized resume.

在遵循这些技巧之前,我建议您扫描他人的简历以实现自我。 阅读井井有条的简历时,您会意识到它的感觉。

Crafting a resume is a two-phase process:


  1. Designing outline

  2. Content writing and formatting


阶段1:设计大纲 (Phase 1: Designing Outline)

Before start working on a resume, you need to get your outline right.


图片(可选) (Picture (optional))

When applying for a job position in Asia, recruiters expect to see a picture in your job application. They prefer pictured in formal attire with a white background.

在亚洲申请工作职位时,招聘人员希望在您的工作申请中看到一张照片。 他们更喜欢穿着白色背景的正装。

选择一个调色板 (Choose a color palette)

It is important to have uniformity in the color scheme. Choose your color palette before crafting a resume. By default, black and white would be part of the palette.

在配色方案中保持均匀很重要。 在制作简历之前选择您的调色板。 默认情况下,黑白将成为调色板的一部分。

Pick one more color, like blue, then pick two lighter and two darker shades of it. So the color palette looks like:

再选择一种颜色,例如蓝色,然后再选择两种浅色和两种深色。 因此调色板看起来像:

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Blue theme color palette

Make use of only these colors while crafting your resume. I will be using the same palette throughout this post.

制作简历时,请仅使用这些颜色。 在这篇文章中,我将使用相同的调色板。

单页或多页简历 (Single vs. multi-page resume)

Having a multi-page resume doesn’t mean you are highly qualified. A recruiter may prefer a short resume to read first. It is strongly recommended to have a single-page resume.

拥有多页简历并不意味着您具备高素质。 招聘人员可能更喜欢简短的简历才能优先阅读。 强烈建议您使用单页简历。

一列与两列布局 (One vs. two-column layout)

The two-column layout is optional, but it is strongly recommended to write your resume only on one column for increased readability. However, if you feel there is too much space due to a one-column layout, go for a two-column layout.

两列布局是可选的,但强烈建议您仅将简历写在一列上以提高可读性。 但是,如果由于一列布局而感到空间过多,请选择两列布局。

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One-column layout
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Two-column layout

简历部分 (Resume sections)

Divide your resume into distinct sections. Some common sections are:

将您的简历分成不同的部分。 一些常见的部分是:

  • Contact information

  • Resume summary or objective (optional)

  • Skills

  • Work experience

  • Education

  • Certifications and rewards (optional)

  • Volunteering experience (optional)

  • Languages (optional)

  • Personal projects (optional)

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Two-column resume layout with sections

Depending on your background, what you put on your resume is going to be a bit different. In phase two, you will get to know about what to write under each section and how to format it.

根据您的背景,简历上的内容可能会有所不同。 在第二阶段,您将了解每个部分的内容以及格式。

阶段2:内容编写和格式化 (Phase 2: Content Writing and Formatting)

I will take you through each section mentioned earlier and explain how to format them.


联系信息 (Contact information)

This is a must-have section for any resume. Contact information should be at the top of the resume.

这是任何简历的必备部分。 联系信息应位于简历的顶部。

Here you can include:


  • Full name: First name and last name

  • Professional title: Your title in the current organization

  • Personal email: Email which you access frequently

  • Phone number (with country code)

  • Location: City and country

  • Social media: LinkedIn is the most widely accepted social platform in the professional world. One must include a LinkedIn profile link under the contact information. Prepare a simplified custom LinkedIn URL before adding. It is also recommended to highlight any community contributions. Add profile links to your community-specific platforms, if any. For example, IT folks can add their GitHub and StackOverflow profiles.

    社交媒体:LinkedIn是专业领域中被最广泛接受的社交平台。 一个人必须在联系信息下方包含一个LinkedIn个人资料链接。 在添加之前,请准备一个简化的自定义LinkedIn URL。 还建议强调任何社区贡献。 将个人资料链接添加到您的社区特定平台(如果有)。 例如,IT人员可以添加其GitHub和StackOverflow配置文件。
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Contact information and resume summary

简历摘要或目标 (Resume summary or objective)

This is optional, but good to have. A resume summary is a 2–3 sentence summary of your work experience and achievements. And the resume objective is a statement where you explain your professional goals.

这是可选的,但很好。 简历摘要是您工作经历和成就的2到3句话摘要。 简历目标是一份陈述,您可以在其中解释自己的职业目标。

Experienced professionals should opt for a summary. Students or professionals looking to change the field should go for the objective.

经验丰富的专业人员应选择摘要。 希望改变领域的学生或专业人士应该追求目标。

The summary should be in the past tense, whereas the objective should be in the present tense.


Resume summary or objective should be placed after contact information.


技能专长 (Skills)

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The very first section recruiter looks at is skills. They will continue reading your resume if your skills match their requirements. This does not mean you should list all your skills. Skills must be relevant to the job you are applying for. No one cares about your singing skills if you are applying for an accounting job

第一部分招募人员着眼的是技能。 如果您的技能符合他们的要求,他们将继续阅读您的简历。 这并不意味着您应该列出所有技能。 技能必须与您申请的工作相关。 如果您正在申请会计工作,没人会在乎您的歌唱技巧

Considering the importance of the skills section in the resume — it should be given a higher place. I recommend placing it below summary/objective.

考虑到简历中技能部分的重要性,应将其放在较高的位置。 我建议将其放在摘要/目标下方。

工作经验 (Work experience)

List out all the relevant jobs you’ve had. You can include:

列出您所拥有的所有相关工作。 您可以包括:

  • Job title

  • Company name

  • Dates employed

  • Tasks or achievements

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Work experience

Wherever possible, consider listing achievements over tasks to stand out. Try to mention numbers or percentages in achievements to stand out. Consider the below sentences:

尽可能考虑将成就列在任务之上,以脱颖而出。 尝试提及成就中的数字或百分比以脱颖而出。 考虑以下句子:

  1. Increased sales.

  2. Increased sales by 30% for 3 months in a row.


Which sounds more credible? The second, right? More are the achievements listed more is the value of your application.

哪个听起来更可信? 第二个吧? 列出的成就越多,您的应用程序的价值就越大。

Use the past tense while listing tasks/achievements.


教育 (Education)

For most of the jobs, graduation is mandatory. It is better to highlight your educational credentials. If you are alumni of the prestigious institute or university, do not forget to highlight it. Prestigious tags help you to stand out from other applicants and increase the chances of selection.

对于大多数工作,毕业是强制性的。 最好突出您的学历。 如果您是著名的学院或大学的校友,请不要忘记突出显示它。 久负盛名的标签可帮助您在其他申请人中脱颖而出,并增加选择的机会。

You can include:


  • Name of degree

  • Institute/university name

  • Dates attended

  • GPA (if applicable)


If you have a degree, prior educational credentials can be skipped.


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Education section

认证与奖励 (Certifications and rewards)

Prestigious certifications and rewards help you to stand out. If it is relevant to the job you are applying to, then the logo of the certification can be highlighted at the top besides contact information.

久负盛名的认证和奖励帮助您脱颖而出。 如果与您要申请的工作有关,则可以在顶部的联系信息旁边突出显示认证徽标。

义工经验 (Volunteering experience)

Volunteering experience helps to portray you as someone who is passionate about a cause.


语言能力 (Languages)

Sometimes, linguistic proficiency can help you to stand out from other candidates. For example, in some provinces of Canada, French is popular than English. Companies doing business in those provinces will prefer French-speaking candidates over English speakers. So it is better to make your potential employer aware of your proficiency.

有时,语言能力可以帮助您在其他候选人中脱颖而出。 例如,在加拿大的某些省份,法语比英语更受欢迎。 在这些省份开展业务的公司比说英语的人更喜欢说法语的人。 因此,最好让您的潜​​在雇主知道您的熟练程度。

Be honest while specifying language proficiency, or else you may find yourself in an awkward situation.


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Languages section

个人项目 (Personal projects)

Personal projects can help you to show how passionate you are about your field. If you have a blog, social media page, success story, valuable contribution to the community, or any relevant project, feel free to list them under personal projects.

个人项目可以帮助您显示您对自己领域的热情。 如果您有博客,社交媒体页面,成功案例,对社区的宝贵贡献或任何相关项目,请随时在个人项目中列出它们。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-write-an-effective-resume-445f0763a445


