monitor org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank
monitor -c 5 org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank
-c --cycle 表示统计周期,默认60s。设置为-c 5我们发现命令行每5s打印一次,如果设置为-c 10,每10s打印一次。
monitor -m 1 -c 5 org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils isBlank
-m, --maxMatch 表示匹配类的最大限制数,感觉是为了避免相同类内容太多,加上这个参数如果实际类数量>-m的值,会报错。
[arthas@23052]$ monitor -m 1 -c 5 org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
Affect(class count: 0 , method count: 0) cost in 9 ms, listenerId: 14
The number of matched classes is 2, greater than the limit value 1. Try to change the limit with option '-m <arg>'.
monitor -c 5 com.example.controller.api.InvoiceApiContorller invoiceQueryFast “params[0] >1”
“params[0] >1” 在方法执行完之后,根据条件表达式进行过滤。
monitor -c 5 -b com.example.controller.api.InvoiceApiContorller invoiceQueryFast “params[0] >1”
-b 表示在方法执行完之前,根据条件表达式进行过滤。
方法拥有一个命名参数 [c:],意思是统计周期(cycle of output),拥有一个整型的参数值
参数名称 参数说明
class-pattern 类名表达式匹配
method-pattern 方法名表达式匹配
condition-express 条件表达式
[E] 开启正则表达式匹配,默认为通配符匹配
[c:] 统计周期,默认值为 120 秒
[b] 在方法调用之前计算 condition-express
[m ] 指定 Class 最大匹配数量,默认值为 50。长格式为[maxMatch ]。
输入 help monitor,返回的内容就是文档:
help monitor USAGE: monitor [-b] [-c <value>] [--exclude-class-pattern <value>] [-h] [-n <value>] [--listenerId <value>] [-m <value>] [ -E] [-v] class-pattern method-pattern [condition-express] SUMMARY: Monitor method execution statistics, e.g. total/success/failure count, average rt, fail rate, etc. Examples: monitor org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank monitor org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank -c 5 monitor org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank params[0]!=null monitor -b org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank params[0]!=null monitor -E org\.apache\.commons\.lang\.StringUtils isBlank WIKI: https://arthas.aliyun.com/doc/monitor OPTIONS: -b, --before Evaluate the condition-express before method invoke -c, --cycle <value> The monitor interval (in seconds), 60 seconds by default --exclude-class-pattern <value> exclude class name pattern, use either '.' or '/' as separator -h, --help this help -n, --limits <value> Threshold of execution times --listenerId <value> The special listenerId -m, --maxMatch <value> The maximum of matched class. -E, --regex Enable regular expression to match (wildcard matching by default) -v, --verbose Enables print verbose information, default value false. <class-pattern> Path and classname of Pattern Matching <method-pattern> Method of Pattern Matching <condition-express> Conditional expression in ognl style, for example: TRUE : 1==1 TRUE : true FALSE : false TRUE : 'params.length>=0' FALSE : 1==2 '#cost>100'
tt -t com.example.controller.RedisController keys
-t, --time-tunnel 时空隧道(相当于快照),这个参数必传
tt -t -n -m com.example.controller.RedisController keys
-n --limits 限制记录条数,如果请求足够多,瞬间可能撑爆内存。
-m --maxMatch 限制匹配类的数量,例如String类,那么匹配的类太多。
tt 命令有很多个主参数,-t 就是其中之一。这个参数的表明希望记录下类 *Test 的 print 方法的每次执行情况。
-n 3
当你执行一个调用量不高的方法时可能你还能有足够的时间用 CTRL+C 中断 tt 命令记录的过程,但如果遇到调用量非常大的方法,瞬间就能将你的 JVM 内存撑爆。
此时你可以通过 -n 参数指定你需要记录的次数,当达到记录次数时 Arthas 会主动中断 tt 命令的记录过程,避免人工操作无法停止的情况。
-m 1
通过 -m 参数指定 Class 匹配的最大数量,防止匹配到的 Class 数量太多导致 JVM 挂起,默认值是 50。
tt -d -i 1001 # 注:删除时-i必填,否则报错(因为不指定索引谁知道该删除哪条呢?)
-i, --index <value>
tt -d 1001 # 错误的命令
Error during processing the command:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, message:Time fragment index is expected,
please type -i to specify, please check $HOME/logs/arthas/arthas.log for more details.
这句说的很明显了,需要指定索引。 至于最后一句是通用的语句,让看日志呢。
tt --delete-all # 这个没报错,全都删除了
[arthas@22560]$ help tt USAGE: tt [-d] [--delete-all] [--exclude-class-pattern <value>] [-x <value>] [-h] [-i <value>] [-n <value>] [-l] [--listenerId <value>] [-m <value>] [-p] [-E] [--replay-interval <value>] [--replay-times <value>] [-s <value>] [-M <value>] [-t] [-v] [-w <value>] [cla ss-pattern] [method-pattern] [condition-express] SUMMARY: Time Tunnel The express may be one of the following expression (evaluated dynamically): target : the object clazz : the object's class method : the constructor or method params : the parameters array of method params[0..n] : the element of parameters array returnObj : the returned object of method throwExp : the throw exception of method isReturn : the method ended by return isThrow : the method ended by throwing exception #cost : the execution time in ms of method invocation EXAMPLES: tt -t *StringUtils isEmpty tt -t *StringUtils isEmpty params[0].length==1 tt -l tt -i 1000 tt -i 1000 -w params[0] tt -i 1000 -p tt -i 1000 -p --replay-times 3 --replay-interval 3000 tt -s '{params[0] > 1}' -w '{params}' tt --delete-all WIKI: https://arthas.aliyun.com/doc/tt OPTIONS: -d, --delete Delete time fragment specified by index --delete-all Delete all the time fragments --exclude-class-pattern <value> exclude class name pattern, use either '.' or '/' as separator -x, --expand <value> Expand level of object (1 by default) -h, --help this help -i, --index <value> Display the detailed information from specified time fragment -n, --limits <value> Threshold of execution times, default value 100 -l, --list List all the time fragments --listenerId <value> The special listenerId -m, --maxMatch <value> The maximum of matched class. -p, --play Replay the time fragment specified by index -E, --regex Enable regular expression to match (wildcard matching by default) --replay-interval <value> replay interval for play tt with option r greater than 1 --replay-times <value> execution times when play tt -s, --search-express <value> Search-expression, to search the time fragments by ognl express. The structure of 'advice' like conditional expression -M, --sizeLimit <value> Upper size limit in bytes for the result (10 * 1024 * 1024 by default) -t, --time-tunnel Record the method invocation within time fragments -v, --verbose Enables print verbose information, default value false. -w, --watch-express <value> watch the time fragment by ognl express. Examples: params params[0] 'params[0]+params[1]' '{params[0], target, returnObj}' returnObj throwExp target clazz method <class-pattern> Path and classname of Pattern Matching <method-pattern> Method of Pattern Matching <condition-express> Conditional expression in ognl style, for example: TRUE : 1==1 TRUE : true FALSE : false TRUE : 'params.length>=0' FALSE : 1==2 '#cost>100'
watch com.example.controller.RedisController keys "params"
Press Q or Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class count: 1 , method count: 1) cost in 85 ms, listenerId: 8
method=com.example.controller.RedisController.keys location=AtExit
ts=2024-06-27 14:28:39; [cost=34.9303ms] result=@Object[][
@RedisMapRequest[RedisMapRequest(key=set1, sonKey=null, sonValue=null, map=null)],
watch com.example.controller.RedisController keys "params[0]" # 第一个参数
watch com.taobao.container.Test test "params[0].size()"
{params, target, returnObj}
watch com.example.controller.RedisController keys "params, target, returnObj"
# 3个都写
watch com.example.controller.RedisController keys "returnObj"
# 只写一个
watch com.example.controller.RedisController keys "target"
# target
[arthas@22560]$ watch com.example.controller.RedisController keys "target"
Press Q or Ctrl+C to abort.
Affect(class count: 1 , method count: 1) cost in 88 ms, listenerId: 15
method=com.example.controller.RedisController.keys location=AtExit
ts=2024-06-27 15:04:31; [cost=25.5637ms] result=@RedisController[
watch 的参数比较多,主要是因为它能在 4 个不同的场景观察对象。
参数名称 | 参数说明 |
class-pattern | 类名表达式匹配 |
method-pattern | 函数名表达式匹配 |
express | 观察表达式,默认值:{params, target, returnObj} |
condition-express | 条件表达式 |
[b] | 在函数调用之前观察 |
[e] | 在函数异常之后观察 |
[s] | 在函数返回之后观察 |
[f] | 在函数结束之后(正常返回和异常返回)观察 |
[E] | 开启正则表达式匹配,默认为通配符匹配 |
[x:] | 指定输出结果的属性遍历深度,默认为 1,最大值是 4 |
[m <arg>] | 指定 Class 最大匹配数量,默认值为 50。长格式为[maxMatch <arg>] 。 |
这里重点要说明的是观察表达式,观察表达式的构成主要由 ognl 表达式组成,所以你可以这样写"{params,returnObj}",只要是一个合法的 ognl 表达式,都能被正常支持。
观察的维度也比较多,主要体现在参数 advice 的数据结构上。Advice 参数最主要是封装了通知节点的所有信息。请参考表达式核心变量中关于该节点的描述。
OGNL 表达式官网:https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-ognl/language-guide.html
help watch。
[arthas@22560]$ help watch USAGE: watch [-b] [-e] [--exclude-class-pattern <value>] [-x <value>] [-f] [-h] [-n <value>] [--listenerId <value>] [-m <value>] [-E] [ -M <value>] [-s] [-v] class-pattern method-pattern [express] [condition-express] SUMMARY: Display the input/output parameter, return object, and thrown exception of specified method invocation The express may be one of the following expression (evaluated dynamically): target : the object clazz : the object's class method : the constructor or method params : the parameters array of method params[0..n] : the element of parameters array returnObj : the returned object of method throwExp : the throw exception of method isReturn : the method ended by return isThrow : the method ended by throwing exception #cost : the execution time in ms of method invocation Examples: watch org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank watch org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank '{params, target, returnObj, throwExp}' -x 2 watch *StringUtils isBlank params[0] params[0].length==1 watch *StringUtils isBlank params '#cost>100' watch -f *StringUtils isBlank params watch *StringUtils isBlank params[0] watch -E -b org\.apache\.commons\.lang\.StringUtils isBlank params[0] watch javax.servlet.Filter * --exclude-class-pattern com.demo.TestFilter watch OuterClass$InnerClass WIKI: https://arthas.aliyun.com/doc/watch OPTIONS: -b, --before Watch before invocation -e, --exception Watch after throw exception --exclude-class-pattern <value> exclude class name pattern, use either '.' or '/' as separator -x, --expand <value> Expand level of object (1 by default), the max value is 4 -f, --finish Watch after invocation, enable by default -h, --help this help -n, --limits <value> Threshold of execution times --listenerId <value> The special listenerId -m, --maxMatch <value> The maximum of matched class. -E, --regex Enable regular expression to match (wildcard matching by default) -M, --sizeLimit <value> Upper size limit in bytes for the result (10 * 1024 * 1024 by default) -s, --success Watch after successful invocation -v, --verbose Enables print verbose information, default value false. <class-pattern> The full qualified class name you want to watch <method-pattern> The method name you want to watch <express> The content you want to watch, written by ognl. Default value is '{params, target, ret urnObj}' Examples: params params[0] 'params[0]+params[1]' '{params[0], target, returnObj}' returnObj throwExp target clazz method <condition-express> Conditional expression in ognl style, for example: TRUE : 1==1 TRUE : true FALSE : false TRUE : 'params.length>=0' FALSE : 1==2 '#cost>100'
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