在做智家 APP 悬浮窗优化需求时,需要获取列表的滑动并通知悬浮窗进行收起或全部显示。
基础库同事已经把 基础逻辑整理好如下:
- NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (notification){
- //1.监听事件的类型
- if (notification.depth == 0 && notification.metrics.axis == Axis.vertical) {
- if (notification is ScrollStartNotification) {
- print("开始滚动...");
- } else if (notification is ScrollUpdateNotification) {
- //当前滚动的位置和总长度
- if (!scrolling) {
- scrolling = true;
- UIMessage.fireEvent(ScrollPageMessage(scrolling));
- }
- } else if (notification is ScrollEndNotification) {
- print("滚动结束....");
- if (scrolling) {
- scrolling = false;
- UIMessage.fireEvent(ScrollPageMessage(scrolling));
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- child: ListView.builder(
- itemCount: 100,
- itemBuilder: (context, index) {
- return ListTile(title: Text("$index"),);
- }),
- );
逻辑很简单,用 NotificationListener
把我们的列表包装一下运行一下测试一下,没问题就把代码提交一下。不管懂不懂 Flutter 中的 ScrollNotification
- NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification){
- /// 处理 notification 逻辑
- return false;
- },
- /// EasyReresh 为包含 Head 的方便下拉刷新的组件
- child: EasyRefresh(
- child: ListView()
- )
- )
运行起来效果很正常,能正常收到 ScrollNotification
但是需求要求下拉时不能收起悬浮窗。那很很简单,下拉是 EasyRefresh
的行为,那用 NotificationListener
包一下 EasyRefresh
的 child
- EasyRefresh(
- child: NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification){
- /// 处理 notification 逻辑
- return false;
- },
- child: ListView()
- )
- )
运行一下发现 onNotification 不回调,这是为什么?
是 Flutter 中常见通知,用于通知页面滑动。
以下为从 ScrollNotification
触发页面滑动的原因有两种,手动和程序控制。手动则涉及 GestureDetector
,程序控制则可以调用 ScrollController
的 jumpTo(double value)
因为程序控制相对监听手势滑动更简单,所以从 ScrollController.jumpTo(double value)
入手,看一下里面有没有发送 ScrollNotification
- /// scroll_controller.dart
- void jumpTo(double value) {
- assert(_positions.isNotEmpty, 'ScrollController not attached to any scroll views.');
- for (final ScrollPosition position in List<ScrollPosition>.from(_positions))
- position.jumpTo(value);
- }
当调用 ScrollController
的 jumpTo(double value)
时会继续调用 ScrollPosition
的 jumpTo(double value)
是抽象类,具体实现类有多种,以滑动常见的 Listview
为例会调用 scroll_position_with_single_context.dart
中 ScrollPositionWithSingleContext
- /// scroll_position_with_single_context.dart
- @override
- void jumpTo(double value) {
- goIdle();
- if (pixels != value) {
- final double oldPixels = pixels;
- forcePixels(value);
- didStartScroll();
- didUpdateScrollPositionBy(pixels - oldPixels);
- didEndScroll();
- }
- goBallistic(0.0);
- }
从上面代码中的可以看到这里调用了 开始滑动,滑动中,结束滑动,正好对应 ScrollNotification
的三个实现子类 ScrollStartNotification
- ///scroll_position.dart
- void didUpdateScrollPositionBy(double delta) {
- activity!.dispatchScrollUpdateNotification(copyWith(), context.notificationContext!, delta);
- }
- /// scroll_activity.dart
- void dispatchScrollUpdateNotification(ScrollMetrics metrics, BuildContext context, double scrollDelta) {
- ScrollUpdateNotification(metrics: metrics, context: context, scrollDelta: scrollDelta).dispatch(context);
- }
- ///notification_listener.dart
- void dispatch(BuildContext? target) {
- // The `target` may be null if the subtree the notification is supposed to be
- // dispatched in is in the process of being disposed. target?.visitAncestorElements(visitAncestor);
- target?.visitAncestorElements(visitAncestor);
- }
- ...
- @protected
- @mustCallSuper
- bool visitAncestor(Element element) {
- if (element is StatelessElement) {
- final StatelessWidget widget = element.widget;
- /// 遇到 NotificationListener 组件则调用它的 _dispatch 方法,并根据返回值判断是否继续_
- if (widget is NotificationListener<Notification>) {
- if (widget._dispatch(this, element)) // that function checks the type dynamically
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /// framework.dart
- void visitAncestorElements(bool visitor(Element element)) {
- assert(_debugCheckStateIsActiveForAncestorLookup());
- Element? ancestor = _parent;
- /// 循环获得 父 Element 并传给 visitor 方法
- while (ancestor != null && visitor(ancestor))
- ancestor = ancestor._parent;
- }
- /// notification_listener.dart
- bool _dispatch(Notification notification, Element element) {
- if (onNotification != null && notification is T) {
- final bool result = onNotification!(notification);
- return result == true; // so that null and false have the same effect
- }
- return false;
- }
用来循环向上查找父 Element,停止条件是 父 Element 是 null 或者 visitor
方法返回了 false
方法再遇到 NotificationListener
方法时会调用它的 _dispatch()
方法,之后又调用了 onNotification()
返回 true
则冒泡停止,事件不再向父传递,返回 false 则冒泡继续向上传。所以修改 onNotification()
以上是冒泡的产生和传递,通过以上的代码可以想到 使用 NotificationListener
- NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) {
- /// deal notification
- return false;
- },
- child: ListView()
- )
以上是 ScrollNotification
假如有下面布局代码,当滑动页面时,下面的两个 onNotification 一定能收到回调么?
- /// EasyRefresh 为自定义组件
- NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) {
- print('outer onNotification $notification');
- return false;
- },
- child: EasyRefresh(
- child: NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- /// 这里的 onNotification 收到回调么?
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification scrollNotification) {
- print('inner onNotification $scrollNotification');
- return false;
- },
- child: CustomScrollView(
- shrinkWrap: true,
- physics: ClampingScrollPhysics(),
- slivers: <Widget>[
- SliverToBoxAdapter(
- /// ListView
- child: ListView.builder(
- controller: _scrollController,
- shrinkWrap: true,
- itemCount: 100,
- physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
- itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
- return Text('data $index');
- }),
- )
- ],
- ),
- ),
- ))
滑动,在 ListView
与 外层的 NotificationListener
中间没有其他的组件拦截,则 内外层的 NotificationListener
都应该会被回调 onNotification
然而在实际测试中,只有外层的 outer onNotificationxxxx
被打印出来,内层的 inner onNotificationxxx
按理说既然外部都收到 ScrollNotification
通知了,内部应该更能收到通知才对。但是查看 EasyRefresh
源码,把它解构出来,得到如下代码。这段代码也是只会打印 最外层的 outer onNotification xxx
。这是因为手势滑动时其实是最外层的 CustomScrollView
带着 ListView 滑动,CustomScrollView
发送了 ScrollNotification
而不是 ListView
。所以内部的 NotificationListener
没有回调 onNotification
- NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) {
- print('outer onNotification ${notification}');
- return false;
- },
- child: CustomScrollView(
- slivers: [
- SliverToBoxAdapter(
- child: NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) {
- print('middle onNotification ${notification}');
- return false;
- },
- child: NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification: (ScrollNotification scrollNotification) {
- print('inner onNotification $scrollNotification');
- return false;
- },
- child: CustomScrollView(
- shrinkWrap: true,
- physics: ClampingScrollPhysics(),
- slivers: <Widget>[
- SliverToBoxAdapter(
- child: ListView.builder(
- controller: _scrollController,
- shrinkWrap: true,
- itemCount: 100,
- physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
- itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
- return Text('data $index');
- }),
- )
- ],
- ),
- ),
- ))
- ],
- ))
如何让 ListView
可以滚动?给 ListView
一个固定高度,并且 physics
不是 NeverScrollableScrollPhysics()
- Container(
- height: 600,
- child: NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>(
- onNotification:
- (ScrollNotification scrollNotification) {
- print(
- 'inner onNotification $scrollNotification');
- return false;
- },
- child: ListView.builder(
- shrinkWrap: true,
- controller: _scrollController,
- itemCount: 100,
- // physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
- itemBuilder:
- (BuildContext context, int index) {
- return Text('data $index');
- }),
- ),
- )
因为实际业务中列表较为复杂,修改列表层级需要再仔细分析代码逻辑容易引起问题。所以还是在 EasyRefresh
外层进行监听,并根据 scrollNotification.metrics.pixels
是否小于 0 来判断是否下拉刷新可以将影响范围降到最小。
通知冒泡原理为组件层层向上传递通知,直到根组件或者某 onNotification()
返回 true
ListView 不是一定会滑动
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