- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "rk_mpi.h"
- #include "mpp_env.h"
- #include "mpp_mem.h"
- #include "mpp_log.h"
- #include "mpp_time.h"
- #include "mpp_common.h"
- #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
- #include <signal.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace cv;
- typedef struct
- {
- MppCodingType type;
- RK_U32 width;
- RK_U32 height;
- MppFrameFormat format;
- RK_U32 num_frames;
- } MpiEncTestCmd;
- typedef struct
- {
- //global flow control flag
- RK_U32 frm_eos;
- RK_U32 pkt_eos;
- RK_U32 frame_count;
- RK_U64 stream_size;
- //input ang output file
- FILE *fp_input;
- FILE *fp_output;
- //input and output
- MppBuffer frm_buf;
- MppEncSeiMode sei_mode;
- //base flow context
- MppCtx ctx;
- MppApi *mpi;
- MppEncPrepCfg prep_cfg;
- MppEncRcCfg rc_cfg;
- MppEncCodecCfg codec_cfg;
- //paramter for resource malloc
- RK_U32 width;
- RK_U32 height;
- RK_U32 hor_stride; //horizontal stride
- RK_U32 ver_stride; //vertical stride
- MppFrameFormat fmt;
- MppCodingType type;
- RK_U32 num_frames;
- //resources
- size_t frame_size;
- //NOTE: packet buffer may overflow
- size_t packet_size;
- //rate control runtime parameter
- RK_S32 gop;
- RK_S32 fps;
- RK_S32 bps;
- } MpiEncTestData;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MpiEncTestData encoder_params;
- MpiEncTestData *encoder_params_ptr = &encoder_params;
- //
- MppApi *mpi;
- MppCtx ctx;
- //
- bool first_frame_flg = true;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //功能:MPP上下文初始化
- //说明:根据MpiEncTestCmd参数设置MpiEncTestData参数
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPP_RET test_ctx_init(MpiEncTestData **data, MpiEncTestCmd *cmd)
- {
- MpiEncTestData *p = NULL;
- MPP_RET ret = MPP_OK;
- if (!data || !cmd)
- {
- mpp_err_f("invalid input data %p cmd %p\n", data, cmd);
- return MPP_ERR_NULL_PTR;
- }
- p = mpp_calloc(MpiEncTestData, 1);
- if (!p)
- {
- mpp_err_f("create MpiEncTestData failed\n");
- goto RET;
- }
- //get paramter from cmd
- p->width = cmd->width;
- p->height = cmd->height;
- p->hor_stride = MPP_ALIGN(cmd->width, 16);
- p->ver_stride = MPP_ALIGN(cmd->height, 16);
- p->fmt = cmd->format;
- p->type = cmd->type;
- p->num_frames = cmd->num_frames;
- p->frame_size = p->hor_stride * p->ver_stride * 3 / 2;
- p->packet_size = p->width * p->height;
- RET:
- *data = p;
- return ret;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //功能:设置MPP编码器参数
- //说明:1-输入控制配置;2-码率控制配置;3-协议控制配置;4-SEI模式配置
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPP_RET test_mpp_setup(MpiEncTestData *p)
- {
- MPP_RET ret;
- MppApi *mpi;
- MppCtx ctx;
- MppEncCodecCfg *codec_cfg;
- MppEncPrepCfg *prep_cfg;
- MppEncRcCfg *rc_cfg;
- if (NULL == p)
- {
- return MPP_ERR_NULL_PTR;
- }
- mpi = p->mpi;
- ctx = p->ctx;
- codec_cfg = &p->codec_cfg;
- prep_cfg = &p->prep_cfg;
- rc_cfg = &p->rc_cfg;
- p->fps = 30;
- p->gop = 60;
- //p->bps = p->width * p->height / 5 * p->fps;
- p->bps = 4096*1024;
- //1--输入控制配置
- prep_cfg->width = p->width;
- prep_cfg->height = p->height;
- prep_cfg->hor_stride = p->hor_stride;
- prep_cfg->ver_stride = p->ver_stride;
- prep_cfg->format = p->fmt;
- prep_cfg->rotation = MPP_ENC_ROT_0;
- ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_ENC_SET_PREP_CFG, prep_cfg);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpi control enc set prep cfg failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto RET;
- }
- //2--码率控制配置
- rc_cfg->change = MPP_ENC_RC_CFG_CHANGE_ALL;
- rc_cfg->rc_mode = MPP_ENC_RC_MODE_VBR;
- rc_cfg->quality = MPP_ENC_RC_QUALITY_CQP;
- if (rc_cfg->rc_mode == MPP_ENC_RC_MODE_CBR)
- {
- //constant bitrate has very small bps range of 1/16 bps
- rc_cfg->bps_target = p->bps;
- rc_cfg->bps_max = p->bps * 17 / 16;
- rc_cfg->bps_min = p->bps * 15 / 16;
- }
- else if (rc_cfg->rc_mode == MPP_ENC_RC_MODE_VBR)
- {
- if (rc_cfg->quality == MPP_ENC_RC_QUALITY_CQP)
- {
- //constant QP does not have bps
- //rc_cfg->bps_target = -1;
- //rc_cfg->bps_max = -1;
- //rc_cfg->bps_min = -1;
- rc_cfg->bps_target = p->bps;
- rc_cfg->bps_max = p->bps * 17 / 16;
- rc_cfg->bps_min = p->bps * 1 / 16;
- }
- else
- {
- //variable bitrate has large bps range
- rc_cfg->bps_target = p->bps;
- rc_cfg->bps_max = p->bps * 17 / 16;
- rc_cfg->bps_min = p->bps * 1 / 16;
- }
- }
- //fix input / output frame rate
- rc_cfg->fps_in_flex = 0;
- rc_cfg->fps_in_num = p->fps;
- rc_cfg->fps_in_denorm = 1;
- rc_cfg->fps_out_flex = 0;
- rc_cfg->fps_out_num = p->fps;
- rc_cfg->fps_out_denorm = 1;
- rc_cfg->gop = p->gop;
- rc_cfg->skip_cnt = 0;
- mpp_log("mpi_enc_test bps %d fps %d gop %d\n", rc_cfg->bps_target, rc_cfg->fps_out_num, rc_cfg->gop);
- ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_ENC_SET_RC_CFG, rc_cfg);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpi control enc set rc cfg failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto RET;
- }
- //3--协议控制配置
- codec_cfg->coding = p->type;
- //66 - Baseline profile
- //77 - Main profile
- //100 - High profile
- codec_cfg->h264.profile = 77;
- /*
- * H.264 level_idc parameter
- * 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 - qcif@15fps / cif@7.5fps / cif@15fps / cif@30fps
- * 20 / 21 / 22 - cif@30fps / half-D1@@25fps / D1@12.5fps
- * 30 / 31 / 32 - D1@25fps / 720p@30fps / 720p@60fps
- * 40 / 41 / 42 - 1080p@30fps / 1080p@30fps / 1080p@60fps
- * 50 / 51 / 52 - 4K@30fps
- */
- codec_cfg->h264.level = 41;
- codec_cfg->h264.entropy_coding_mode = 1;
- codec_cfg->h264.cabac_init_idc = 0;
- //codec_cfg->h264.qp_min = 0;
- //codec_cfg->h264.qp_max = 50;
- //codec_cfg->h264.transform8x8_mode = 0;
- ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_ENC_SET_CODEC_CFG, codec_cfg);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpi control enc set codec cfg failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto RET;
- }
- //4--SEI模式配置
- p->sei_mode = MPP_ENC_SEI_MODE_ONE_FRAME;
- ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_ENC_SET_SEI_CFG, &p->sei_mode);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpi control enc set sei cfg failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto RET;
- }
- RET:
- return ret;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //功能:将YUV420视频帧数据填充到MPP buffer
- //说明:使用16字节对齐,MPP可以实现零拷贝,提高效率
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void read_yuv_buffer(RK_U8 *buf, Mat &yuvImg, RK_U32 width, RK_U32 height)
- {
- RK_U8 *buf_y = buf;
- RK_U8 *buf_u = buf + MPP_ALIGN(width, 16) * MPP_ALIGN(height, 16);
- RK_U8 *buf_v = buf_u + MPP_ALIGN(width, 16) * MPP_ALIGN(height, 16) / 4;
- //
- RK_U8 *yuvImg_y = yuvImg.data;
- RK_U8 *yuvImg_u = yuvImg_y + width * height;
- RK_U8 *yuvImg_v = yuvImg_u + width * height / 4;
- //
- memcpy(buf_y, yuvImg_y, width * height);
- memcpy(buf_u, yuvImg_u, width * height / 4);
- memcpy(buf_v, yuvImg_v, width * height / 4);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //功能:MPP执行编码
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPP_RET test_mpp_run_yuv(Mat yuvImg, MppApi *mpi, MppCtx &ctx, unsigned char * &H264_buf, int &length)
- {
- MpiEncTestData *p = encoder_params_ptr;
- MPP_RET ret;
- MppFrame frame = NULL;
- MppPacket packet = NULL;
- void *buf = mpp_buffer_get_ptr(p->frm_buf);
- read_yuv_buffer((RK_U8*)buf, yuvImg, p->width, p->height);
- ret = mpp_frame_init(&frame);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err_f("mpp_frame_init failed\n");
- goto RET;
- }
- //
- mpp_frame_set_width(frame, p->width);
- mpp_frame_set_height(frame, p->height);
- mpp_frame_set_hor_stride(frame, p->hor_stride);
- mpp_frame_set_ver_stride(frame, p->ver_stride);
- mpp_frame_set_fmt(frame, p->fmt);
- mpp_frame_set_buffer(frame, p->frm_buf);
- mpp_frame_set_eos(frame, p->frm_eos);
- ret = mpi->encode_put_frame(ctx, frame);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpp encode put frame failed\n");
- goto RET;
- }
- ret = mpi->encode_get_packet(ctx, &packet);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpp encode get packet failed\n");
- goto RET;
- }
- if (packet)
- {
- void *ptr = mpp_packet_get_pos(packet);
- size_t len = mpp_packet_get_length(packet);
- p->pkt_eos = mpp_packet_get_eos(packet);
- //
- H264_buf = new unsigned char[len];
- memcpy(H264_buf, ptr, len);
- length = len;
- mpp_packet_deinit(&packet);
- p->stream_size += len;
- p->frame_count++;
- if (p->pkt_eos)
- {
- mpp_log("found last packet\n");
- mpp_assert(p->frm_eos);
- }
- }
- RET:
- return ret;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //功能:初始化MPP编码器
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MpiEncTestData *test_mpp_run_yuv_init(MpiEncTestData *p, int width , int height, unsigned char * &SPS_buf, int &SPS_length)
- {
- MPP_RET ret;
- //
- MpiEncTestCmd cmd;
- cmd.width = width;
- cmd.height = height;
- cmd.type = MPP_VIDEO_CodingAVC;
- cmd.format = MPP_FMT_YUV420P;
- cmd.num_frames = 0;
- ret = test_ctx_init(&p, &cmd);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err_f("test data init failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto MPP_TEST_OUT;
- }
- //
- mpp_log("p->frame_size = %d----------------\n", p->frame_size);
- ret = mpp_buffer_get(NULL, &p->frm_buf, p->frame_size);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err_f("failed to get buffer for input frame ret %d\n", ret);
- goto MPP_TEST_OUT;
- }
- //
- mpp_log("mpi_enc_test encoder test start w %d h %d type %d\n",p->width, p->height, p->type);
- //encoder demo
- ret = mpp_create(&p->ctx, &p->mpi);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpp_create failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto MPP_TEST_OUT;
- }
- //
- ret = mpp_init(p->ctx, MPP_CTX_ENC, p->type);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpp_init failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto MPP_TEST_OUT;
- }
- //
- ret = test_mpp_setup(p);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err_f("test mpp setup failed ret %d\n", ret);
- goto MPP_TEST_OUT;
- }
- mpi = p->mpi;
- ctx = p->ctx;
- //
- if (p->type == MPP_VIDEO_CodingHEVC)
- {
- MppPacket packet = NULL;
- ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_ENC_GET_EXTRA_INFO, &packet);
- if (ret)
- {
- mpp_err("mpi control enc get extra info failed\n");
- }
- //get and write sps/pps for H.264
- if (packet)
- {
- void *ptr = mpp_packet_get_pos(packet);
- size_t len = mpp_packet_get_length(packet);
- SPS_buf = new unsigned char[len];
- memcpy(SPS_buf, ptr, len);
- SPS_length = len;
- packet = NULL;
- }
- }
- return p;
- return p;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //功能:将YUV420格式图像帧编码为H264数据包
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void YuvtoH264(int width, int height, Mat yuv_frame, unsigned char* (&encode_buf), int &encode_length)
- {
- unsigned char *H264_buf = NULL;
- int H264_buf_length = 0;
- unsigned char *SPS_buf = NULL;
- int SPS_length = 0;
- //
- if(first_frame_flg == true)
- {
- encoder_params_ptr = test_mpp_run_yuv_init(encoder_params_ptr, width, height, SPS_buf, SPS_length);
- //SPS数据,可以不使用
- // test_mpp_run_yuv(yuv_frame, mpi, ctx, H264_buf, length);
- // encode_buf = new unsigned char[SPS_length + length];
- // memcpy(encode_buf, SPS_buf, SPS_length);
- // memcpy(encode_buf + SPS_length, H264_buf, length);
- // encode_length = length + SPS_length;
- test_mpp_run_yuv(yuv_frame, mpi, ctx, H264_buf, H264_buf_length);
- encode_buf = new unsigned char[H264_buf_length];
- memcpy(encode_buf, H264_buf, H264_buf_length);
- encode_length = H264_buf_length;
- first_frame_flg = false;
- delete H264_buf;
- delete SPS_buf;
- printf("first_frame! \n");
- printf("SPS length: %d! \n", SPS_length);
- printf("frame length: %d! \n", H264_buf_length);
- }
- else
- {
- test_mpp_run_yuv(yuv_frame, mpi, ctx, H264_buf, H264_buf_length);
- encode_buf = new unsigned char[H264_buf_length];
- memcpy(encode_buf, H264_buf, H264_buf_length);
- encode_length = H264_buf_length;
- printf("frame length: %d! \n", H264_buf_length);
- delete H264_buf;
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
- FILE* fp_output = NULL;
- //opencv读取视频帧
- cv::Mat frame;
- frame = cv::imread("../mpp_enc_test_rtsp_push/img_01.jpg");
- cv::resize(frame,frame,cv::Size(1920,1080));
- cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, cv::COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420);
- //创建Linux FIFO文件
- ::unlink("/home/monster/live/testProgs/test.264");
- ::mkfifo("/home/monster/live/testProgs/test.264", O_CREAT | O_EXCL | 777);
- fp_output = fopen("/home/monster/live/testProgs/test.264", "w+b");
- //创建本地文件
- // fp_output = fopen("test.264", "w+b");
- int i = 0;
- while(1)
- {
- i++;
- // if(i == 30 * 60)
- // {
- // break;
- // }
- printf("frame:%d\n", i);
- //在图像上绘制帧计数
- cv::Mat frame_yuv = frame.clone();
- std::string str = to_string(i);
- cv::putText(frame_yuv, str,cv::Point(100,100), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2.0f,cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
- //H264编码
- uchar *h264_buf = nullptr;
- int buf_len = 0;
- YuvtoH264(1920, 1080, frame_yuv, h264_buf, buf_len);
- fwrite(h264_buf, 1, buf_len, fp_output);
- delete h264_buf;
- h264_buf = nullptr;
- }
- fclose(fp_output);
- }

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