关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS)是建立在关系模型基础上的数据库,主要代表有:Microsoft SQL Server,Oracle,MySQL(开源)。
原子性(Atomicity) | 基本可用(Basically Available) |
一致性(Consistency) | 软状态/柔性事务(Soft state) |
隔离性(Isolation) | 最终一致性 (Eventual consistency) |
持久性 (Durable) |
ACID是关系型数据库强一致性(Strong consistency)的四个要求。
(1) 原子性(Atomicity):事务里的所有操作要么全都执行完成,要么全都不执行。只要有一个操作失败,整个事务就失败,事务会回滚至它们最初的状态。
(2) 一致性(Consistency):数据库要一直处于一致的状态,事务的运行不会改变数据库原本的一致性约束。
(3) 隔离性(Isolation):事务的执行不被其他事务干扰。如果一个事务要访问的数据正在被另外一个事务修改,只要另外一个事务未提交,它所访问的数据就不受未提交事务的影响。
(4) 持久性(Durable):一旦事务提交后,它所做的修改将会永久的保存在数据库上,即使出现系统故障也不会丢失。
BASE是基于CAP理论逐步演化而来的,核心思想是即便不能达到强一致性,但是可以根据应用的特点采用适当的方式来达到最终一致性(Eventual consistency)。
(1) 基本可用(Basically Available):分布式系统在出现故障的时候,允许损失部分可用性,即保证核心功能或者当前最重要功能可用。
(2) 软状态/柔性事务(Soft-state):状态可以有一段时间的不同步。
(3) 最终一致性(Eventual consistency):当所有服务逻辑执行完成后,系统最后将回到一个一致的状态。
1. 事务控制模型不同
2. 数据结构不同
3. 可扩展性不同
第二,从架构的层面上讲,RDBMS是垂直扩展,当RDBMS数据库负载增加时,需要用更大更好的服务器来扩展数据库(因为RDBMS需要支持join,union等操作,一般不支持分布式集群)。而NoSQL数据库是横向扩展,可以自动对数据进行分片,并将分片存储在分布式系统(distributed system)上,这样,就可以通过增加更多的服务器来进行扩展。
4. 数据读写速度不同
5. 成熟度不同
6. 成本不同
NoSQL vs. SQL Summary
| SQL Databases | NoSQL Databases |
Types | One type (SQL database) with minor variations | Many different types including key-value stores, document databases, wide-column stores, and graph databases |
Development History | Developed in 1970s to deal with first wave of data storage applications | Developed in late 2000s to deal with limitations of SQL databases, especially scalability, multi-structured data, geo-distribution and agile development sprints |
Examples | MySQL, Postgres, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database | MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Neo4j |
Data Storage Model | Individual records (e.g., 'employees') are stored as rows in tables, with each column storing a specific piece of data about that record (e.g., 'manager,' 'date hired,' etc.), much like a spreadsheet. Related data is stored in separate tables, and then joined together when more complex queries are executed. For example, 'offices' might be stored in one table, and 'employees' in another. When a user wants to find the work address of an employee, the database engine joins the 'employee' and 'office' tables together to get all the information necessary. | Varies based on database type. For example, key-value stores function similarly to SQL databases, but have only two columns ('key' and 'value'), with more complex information sometimes stored as BLOBs within the 'value' columns. Document databases do away with the table-and-row model altogether, storing all relevant data together in single 'document' in JSON, XML, or another format, which can nest values hierarchically. |
Schemas | Structure and data types are fixed in advance. To store information about a new data item, the entire database must be altered, during which time the database must be taken offline. | Typically dynamic, with some enforcing data validation rules. Applications can add new fields on the fly, and unlike SQL table rows, dissimilar data can be stored together as necessary. For some databases (e.g., wide-column stores), it is somewhat more challenging to add new fields dynamically. |
Scaling | Vertically, meaning a single server must be made increasingly powerful in order to deal with increased demand. It is possible to spread SQL databases over many servers, but significant additional engineering is generally required, and core relational features such as JOINs, referential integrity and transactions are typically lost. | Horizontally, meaning that to add capacity, a database administrator can simply add more commodity servers or cloud instances. The database automatically spreads data across servers as necessary. |
Development Model | Mix of open-source (e.g., Postgres, MySQL) and closed source (e.g., Oracle Database) | Open-source |
Supports multi-record ACID transactions | Yes | Mostly no. MongoDB 4.0 and beyond support multi-document ACID transactions. Learn more |
Data Manipulation | Specific language using Select, Insert, and Update statements, e.g. SELECT fields FROM table WHERE… | Through object-oriented APIs |
Consistency | Can be configured for strong consistency | Depends on product. Some provide strong consistency (e.g., MongoDB, with tunable consistency for reads) whereas others offer eventual consistency (e.g., Cassandra). |