1) batch=8 #依据你电脑的显存大小而定,尽量设大一点
2) subdivisions=64 # 这里最好设为64,不然训练的时候会报错
3) max_batches=8000 #classes*2000
4) steps=6400,7200 #max_batches*0.8,max_batches*0.9
5) 修改3个[yolo]下classes=4 #你要训练的类别数
6) 修改3个[yolo]上面filters=27 #filters=(classes + 5)x3,注意只修改每个[yolo]上面最后一个conv的filters
classes= 4
train = build/darknet/x64/data/train.txt # 这个下面说,train.txt里面存放着训练图片的存放路径
valid = build/darknet/x64/data/test.txt #
names = build/darknet/x64/data/fre.names # 步骤3创建的fre.names
backup = backup/
1 0.716797 0.395833 0.216406 0.147222
0 0.687109 0.379167 0.255469 0.158333
1 0.420312 0.395833 0.140625 0.166667
注意上面的x_center y_center width height的数值都是相对图片的尺度而言的,即:
x_center = x / image_width
y_center = y / image_height
width = gt_width / image_width
height = gt_height / image_height
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ——author—— = “调得一手好参” # Email : 928343544@qq.com # time : 2020.5.12 # function: 将xml文件转为yolo的标签 import os import argparse import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import glob def xml_to_txt(data_path,anno_path,path,use_difficult_bbox=False): classes = ['am','fm','gsm','qpsk'] image_inds = file_name(data_path+"train_label/") #遍历xml文件 with open(anno_path, 'a') as f: for image_ind in image_inds: img_txt = data_path + 'obj/'+ image_ind + '.txt' img_txt_file = open(img_txt, 'w') image_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'obj/', image_ind + '.jpg') label_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'train_label', image_ind +'.xml') root = ET.parse(label_path).getroot() objects_size = root.findall('size') image_width = int(objects_size[0].find('width').text) image_height = int(objects_size[0].find('height').text) objects = root.findall('object') for obj in objects: difficult = obj.find('difficult').text.strip() if (not use_difficult_bbox) and(int(difficult) == 1): continue bbox = obj.find('bndbox') class_ind = str(classes.index(obj.find('name').text.lower().strip())) xmin = int(bbox.find('xmin').text.strip()) xmax = int(bbox.find('xmax').text.strip()) ymin = int(bbox.find('ymin').text.strip()) ymax = int(bbox.find('ymax').text.strip()) x_center = str((xmin + xmax)/(2*image_width)) y_center = str((ymin + ymax)/(2*image_height)) width_ = str((xmax - xmin)/(image_width)) height_ = str((ymax - ymin)/(image_height)) class_ind += ' ' + ','.join([x_center+' '+y_center+' '+width_+' '+height_]) img_txt_file.write(class_ind + "\n") f.write(image_path + "\n") def file_name(file_dir): L = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir): for file in files: if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.xml': L.append(file.split(".")[0]) return L if __name__ == '__main__': num1 = xml_to_txt('./build/darknet/x64/data/','./build/darknet/x64/data/train.txt','train') # num2 = convert_voc_annotation('./data/', './data/test.txt', False) print('done')
2)将xml文件放在 ./build/darknet/x64/data/train_label
3)将训练图片文件放在 ./build/darknet/x64/data/obj
在./build/darknet/x64/data/下生成 train.txt文件
在./build/darknet/x64/data/obj/ 下生成 img.txt
import os import argparse import json import glob import numpy as np def json_to_txt(data_path,save_path,train_txt_file): classes = ['apple','balance','car','person'] #这里填写你要训练的类 train_txt = train_txt_file train_txt_path = open(train_txt, 'w') for num,json_file in enumerate(data_path): with open(json_file,'r') as fp: data = json.load(fp) # 加载json文件 file_name = '' file_name = '' for name in data["imagePath"].split('.'): if name == 'jpg' or name == 'png': break elif name[-1]=='Z': file_name +=name elif data["imagePath"].split('.').index(name)<2: file_name += name+'.' else: file_name += name if file_name[-1] =='.': img_txt = save_path + file_name+ 'txt' image_path = save_path + file_name+ 'jpg' else: img_txt = save_path + file_name+ '.txt' image_path = save_path + file_name+ '.jpg' with open(img_txt,'w') as img_txt_file: img_height = data['imageHeight'] img_width = data['imageWidth'] for obj in data["shapes"]: class_id = str(classes.index(obj["label"])) x_zoom = [] y_zoom = [] for zoom in obj["points"]: x_zoom.append(zoom[0]) y_zoom.append(zoom[1]) min_x = min(x_zoom) max_x = max(x_zoom) min_y = min(y_zoom) max_y = max(y_zoom) # # convert() # right_low_index = np.argmax(np.sum(np.array(obj["points"]),1)) # left_top_index = np.argmin(np.sum(np.array(obj["points"]),1)) # right_low = obj["points"][right_low_index] # left_top = obj["points"][left_top_index] x_center = str((min_x + max_x)/(2*img_width)) y_center = str((min_y + max_y)/(2*img_height)) width_ = str(abs(max_x -min_x)/(img_width)) height_ = str(abs(max_y - min_y)/(img_height)) class_id += ' ' + ','.join([x_center+' '+y_center+' '+width_+' '+height_]) img_txt_file.write(class_id + "\n") train_txt_path.write(image_path + "\n") if __name__ == '__main__': ###训练数据生成 labelme_train_json=glob.glob('存放训练json文件的路径/*.json') train_txt_file = 'train.txt' #文件路径 save_train_path = '设置生成的训练标签存放的路径' json_to_txt(labelme_train_json,save_train_path,train_txt_file) ###测试数据生成 labelme_test_json=glob.glob('存放测试json文件的路径/*.json') test_txt_file = 'test.txt' #文件路径 save_test_path = '设置生成的测试标签存放的路径' json_to_txt(labelme_test_json,save_test_path ,test_txt_file )
./darknet detector train build/darknet/x64/data/fre.data cfg/yolo-obj_fre.cfg build/darknet/x64/yolov4.conv.137
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