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The 7 Most Common Learner Mistakes(2)7种最常见的错误学习方法(二)

The 7 Most Common Learner Mistakes(2)7种最常见的错误学习方法(二)
Sometimes the problem isn't you, or the specific habits you've created, but you environment that's purposefully impeding your success.Look for people who have growth much faster than you and ask yourself if they have a different environment which facilitates that speed.


Mistake #4: Being a Short-Term Perfectionst

Nobody wants to be found out.Nobody wants the people around them to realize that they are the only one who doesn’t understand the lecture, who can’t solve the problem on the blackborad or who speaks with an accent.

The solution many people take is to wait until they are ‘ready’.Wait until you’ve fully mastered something before trying to use it or get feedback on it.Unfortunately, with this attitude you’ll never be ‘ready’.

Fail early and fail often is a better motto.Make mistakes so you can learn why they are mistakes.Many misunderstandings are like landmiines-hiden until you walk over them accidentally.Only by walking that terrain thoroughly can you expose them all.Your ego may be bruised a little, but the benefits exceed the cost.

Mistake #5 : Not Being a Long-Term Perfectionst

Short-term perfectionism is bad.This is the kind of “wait until I’m ready” approach that keeps you from learning quickly.

Long-term perfectionism is good.This is the kind of perfectionism that doesn’t wait to attempt, but doesn’t settle on your current level being good enough.There’s always room for improvement, and the long-term perfectionist isn’t happy with adequacy.

Language learning perfectly demonstrates the contrast.On the one hand, you have short-tern perfectionists who resuse to attempt a conversation, out of fear that they’ll make a mistake or look dumb.On the ohter hand, you have people who aren’t long-term perfectionists, who are happy saying an expression incorrectly repeatedly as long as the other person understands them.

The key to cultivating the good kind of perfectionism without the bad kind is to (a) never hold back but, (b) remember to learn something from every attempt.

Mistake #6: Learning Without Constraints

I frequently get emails from someone who says they want to “master programming” or “learn Chinese”.These aspirations are great, but most people will never do anything with them.It isn’t enough to acually have a system for learning it.
我经常收到一些人的邮件,说他们想要"掌握编程"或“学习中文"。 这些愿望很好,但绝大多数人永远不会去用这些技能做点什么。光想要学习某样东西是不够的,你需要设计一个包含约束条件的方案来确保学习的有效进行,

The problem with most systems is that they try to do too much.Mastering programming, for example, isn’t an actionable goal.Picking out a a specific Ruby course and learning it deeply over the next month is.You need to convert your learning aspirations into projects that make choices about what you plan to learn and what you won’t (or under what constraints you’ll follow).

Both my current language-learning experiment and the MIT Challenge benefited from this approach.With the MIT Challenge, I knew I wanted to learn more about computer science.There were many different approaches I could have taken, but I settled on working through MIT’s computer science curriculum.This had certain advantages, such as strong fundamentals in mathematics I might not have put the effort into learning otherwise(even though they are critical for advanced topics like artificial intelligence).But it also had disadvantages-web programming wasn’t a course I took, even though it’s a skill I’d still like to develop.
我目前的语言学习实验和 MIT挑战都受益于这一方法。对于MIT挑战,我知道我想多学一些计算机科学的知识。有很多不同的方法可以实现这一目的,但我最终选择完成MIT计算机科学项目的课程。这样选择有其裨益,例如如果不是这个项目的课程,我可能不会花这么多精力在艰深的数学原理上(尽管数学原理对于高阶领域至关重要,例如人工智能)。但同时也有不利的一面–我没能够学习网络开发,虽然这是我一直想学习的技能。

In my current language learning project, restricting the learning efforts to not speaking English also constrained the project.I could have easily put the constraint on taking a certain number of hours of classes, or prparing for a CEFR exam.Each would have then dictated somewhat different learning focuses.
在我目前的语言学习项目中,“不说英语"是这个项目的一个约束条件。我其实可以很容易地增加其他约束条件,例如上完一定小时数的课程,或者为 CEFR考试做准备。每个不同的约束条件都会使学习侧重点有所不同。

Designing constraints is an important step that a few months.Interview other past learners and see what constraints (formal and informal) they used.

Mistake #7: Not Being Interested in What You Learn

Many people have convinced themselves that boringness is intrinsic to a subject.If you dislike accounting, math or French, it’s because those subjects are dull, and the best you can do is grind through those classes.

This is false.Subjects are interesting both for their natural appeal and now you choose to learn them.Meaning you can choose to learn something in an interesting way or ini a boring way, irrespective of how inspiring your book or teacher is.

You can make a subject more interesting by deliberately connecting it to things you care about.Accounting may be boring , but perhaps your own money isn’t.Math may be boring, but the patterns in nature it describes are fascinating.Connections breathe life into subjects boxed into esoteric compartments.

The second way you can make a subject more interesting is to hunt for questions.Ask yourself why things are the way they are.Curiousity is the antidote to boredom, but if you don’t cultivate curiosity about a subject you can’t blame it later for being boring.

Not all topics will inspire.Others you might hate for reasons completely aside from their inherent boredom.Even if you use this method, you’ll still like some subjects more than others.But that doesn’t negate the potential to make a class more interesting by making connections and developing a curiosity about it.

Making a subject more interesting also makes it easier to learn.Believing a subject is dull is a sure way to make it needlessly more difficult.Believing a subject has the potential to be interesting helps you avoid all of the previous mistakes I’ve written about above.

