作为一个Win C++ 程序员,最大的痛苦就是经常要引入一些第三方库时如libyuv,libheif,libcurl,这种我们首先需要解决的问题就是如何获取一个编译好的库,其次这些库如何引入到工程也是个问题。有的时候为了编译一个库,配置各种环境可能就已经劝退了很多的人。
这时候无比羡慕python、node那种一条命令安装的优越,当然linux下可以通过 wget或yum来安装第三方库。这时候用隆重请出微软推出的vcpkg。瞬间让我们的开发体验翻倍。
vcpkg 官方连接
Vcpkg官方的说明是可帮助您在 Windows、 Linux 和 MacOS 上管理 C 和 C++ 库。我目前只在windows下进行了验证,开发效率瞬间提升。
> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg
> .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
#package_name 替换自己需要安装的即可
> vcpkg install package_name
#vcpkg install libyuv
vcpkg在Windows中默认编译并安装x86版本的库。 若要编译并安装x64版本限定
> vcpkg install package_name:x64-windows
> vcpkg install package_name:x64 --triplet=x64-windows
> vcpkg install package_name
> vcpkg install package_name:x86-windows
> vcpkg install package_name:x64 --triplet=x86-windows
> vcpkg search package_name
更多的命令可以通过vcpkg --help查看
> vcpkg --help > Commands: vcpkg search [pat] Search for packages available to be built vcpkg install <pkg>... Install a package vcpkg remove <pkg>... Uninstall a package vcpkg remove --outdated Uninstall all out-of-date packages vcpkg list List installed packages vcpkg update Display list of packages for updating vcpkg upgrade Rebuild all outdated packages vcpkg x-history <pkg> (Experimental) Shows the history of CONTROL versions of a package vcpkg hash <file> [alg] Hash a file by specific algorithm, default SHA512 vcpkg help topics Display the list of help topics vcpkg help <topic> Display help for a specific topic vcpkg integrate install Make installed packages available user-wide. Requires admin privileges on first use vcpkg integrate remove Remove user-wide integration vcpkg integrate project Generate a referencing nuget package for individual VS project use vcpkg integrate powershell Enable PowerShell tab-completion vcpkg export <pkg>... [opt]... Exports a package vcpkg edit <pkg> Open up a port for editing (uses %EDITOR%, default 'code') vcpkg create <pkg> <url> [archivename] Create a new package vcpkg x-init-registry <path> Initializes a registry in the directory <path> vcpkg format-manifest --all Formats all vcpkg.json files. Run this before committing to vcpkg. vcpkg owns <pat> Search for files in installed packages vcpkg depend-info <pkg>... Display a list of dependencies for packages vcpkg env Creates a clean shell environment for development or compiling vcpkg version Display version information vcpkg contact Display contact information to send feedback Options: --triplet=<t> Specify the target architecture triplet. See 'vcpkg help triplet' (default: %VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%) --host-triplet=<t> Specify the host architecture triplet. See 'vcpkg help triplet' (default: %VCPKG_DEFAULT_HOST_TRIPLET%) --overlay-ports=<path> Specify directories to be used when searching for ports (also: %VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS%) --overlay-triplets=<path> Specify directories containing triplets files (also: %VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS%) --binarysource=<path> Add sources for binary caching. See 'vcpkg help binarycaching' --x-asset-sources=<path> Add sources for asset caching. See 'vcpkg help assetcaching' --downloads-root=<path> Specify the downloads root directory (default: %VCPKG_DOWNLOADS%) --vcpkg-root=<path> Specify the vcpkg root directory (default: %VCPKG_ROOT%) --x-buildtrees-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the buildtrees root directory --x-install-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the install root directory --x-packages-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the packages root directory --x-json (Experimental) Request JSON output @response_file Specify a response file to provide additional parameters
cmake -B build_folder -S . “-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake”
E:\Git\vcpkg\downloads\tools\cmake-3.22.2-windows\cmake-3.22.2-windows-i386\bin\cmake -B ./build_2019 -G “Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64” -S . “-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=E:\Git\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake”
> vcpkg install jsoncpp:x64-windows Computing installation plan... The following packages will be built and installed: jsoncpp[core]:x64-windows -> 1.9.5 Detecting compiler hash for triplet "x64-windows"... -- Automatically setting HTTP(S)_PROXY environment variables to "". ......省略 CMake Warning at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_copy_pdbs.cmake:44 (message): Could not find a matching pdb file for: E:/Git/vcpkg/packages/jsoncpp_x64-windows/bin/jsoncpp.dll E:/Git/vcpkg/packages/jsoncpp_x64-windows/debug/bin/jsoncpp.dll Call Stack (most recent call first): ports/jsoncpp/portfile.cmake:30 (vcpkg_copy_pdbs) scripts/ports.cmake:146 (include) -- Installing: E:/Git/vcpkg/packages/jsoncpp_x64-windows/share/jsoncpp/copyright -- Performing post-build validation -- Performing post-build validation done Stored binary cache: ......省略 jsoncpp provides CMake targets: # this is heuristically generated, and may not be correct #看到没?如何在CMake中添加已经直接把命令给你了!!! find_package(jsoncpp CONFIG REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE jsoncpp_lib jsoncpp_object JsonCpp::JsonCpp)
这一套组合拳下来,真的是让Windows下的C++ 开发一下子幸福感爆满
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