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Ansible 2.7.5 支持模块总表(中文翻译施工中)

ansible lldp


a10_serverManage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices' server object.
a10_server_axapi3Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices
a10_service_groupManage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices' service groups.
a10_virtual_serverManage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices' virtual servers.
aci_aaa_userManage AAA users (aaa:User)
aci_aaa_user_certificateManage AAA user certificates (aaa:UserCert)
aci_access_port_to_interface_policy_leaf_profileManage Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:RsAccBaseGrp, infra:PortBlk)
aci_aepManage attachable Access Entity Profile (AEP) objects (infra:AttEntityP, infra:ProvAcc)
aci_aep_to_domainBind AEPs to Physical or Virtual Domains (infra:RsDomP)
aci_apManage top level Application Profile (AP) objects (fv:Ap)
aci_bdManage Bridge Domains (BD) objects (fv:BD)
aci_bd_subnetManage Subnets (fv:Subnet)
aci_bd_to_l3outBind Bridge Domain to L3 Out (fv:RsBDToOut)
aci_config_rollbackProvides rollback and rollback preview functionality (config:ImportP)
aci_config_snapshotManage Config Snapshots (config:Snapshot, config:ExportP)
aci_contractManage contract resources (vz:BrCP)
aci_contract_subjectManage initial Contract Subjects (vz:Subj)
aci_contract_subject_to_filterBind Contract Subjects to Filters (vz:RsSubjFiltAtt)
aci_domainManage physical, virtual, bridged, routed or FC domain profiles (phys:DomP, vmm:DomP, l2ext:DomP, l3ext:DomP, fc:DomP)
aci_domain_to_encap_poolBind Domain to Encap Pools (infra:RsVlanNs)
aci_domain_to_vlan_poolBind Domain to VLAN Pools (infra:RsVlanNs)
aci_encap_poolManage encap pools (fvns:VlanInstP, fvns:VxlanInstP, fvns:VsanInstP)
aci_encap_pool_rangeManage encap ranges assigned to pools (fvns:EncapBlk, fvns:VsanEncapBlk)
aci_epgManage End Point Groups (EPG) objects (fv:AEPg)
aci_epg_monitoring_policyManage monitoring policies (mon:EPGPol)
aci_epg_to_contractBind EPGs to Contracts (fv:RsCons, fv:RsProv)
aci_epg_to_domainBind EPGs to Domains (fv:RsDomAtt)
aci_fabric_nodeManage Fabric Node Members (fabric:NodeIdentP)
aci_filterManages top level filter objects (vz:Filter)
aci_filter_entryManage filter entries (vz:Entry)
aci_firmware_sourceManage firmware image sources (firmware:OSource)
aci_interface_policy_fcManage Fibre Channel interface policies (fc:IfPol)
aci_interface_policy_l2Manage Layer 2 interface policies (l2:IfPol)
aci_interface_policy_leaf_policy_groupManage fabric interface policy leaf policy groups (infra:AccBndlGrp, infra:AccPortGrp)
aci_interface_policy_leaf_profileManage fabric interface policy leaf profiles (infra:AccPortP)
aci_interface_policy_lldpManage LLDP interface policies (lldp:IfPol)
aci_interface_policy_mcpManage MCP interface policies (mcp:IfPol)
aci_interface_policy_ospfManage OSPF interface policies (ospf:IfPol)
aci_interface_policy_port_channelManage port channel interface policies (lacp:LagPol)
aci_interface_policy_port_securityManage port security (l2:PortSecurityPol)
aci_interface_selector_to_switch_policy_leaf_profileBind interface selector profiles to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:RsAccPortP)
aci_l3outManage Layer 3 Outside (L3Out) objects (l3ext:Out)
aci_l3out_route_tag_policyManage route tag policies (l3ext:RouteTagPol)
aci_restDirect access to the Cisco APIC REST API
aci_static_binding_to_epgBind static paths to EPGs (fv:RsPathAtt)
aci_switch_leaf_selectorBind leaf selectors to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:LeafS, infra:NodeBlk, infra:RsAccNodePGrep)
aci_switch_policy_leaf_profileManage switch policy leaf profiles (infra:NodeP)
aci_switch_policy_vpc_protection_groupManage switch policy explicit vPC protection groups (fabric:ExplicitGEp, fabric:NodePEp).
aci_taboo_contractManage taboo contracts (vz:BrCP)
aci_tenantManage tenants (fv:Tenant)
aci_tenant_action_rule_profileManage action rule profiles (rtctrl:AttrP)
aci_tenant_ep_retention_policyManage End Point (EP) retention protocol policies (fv:EpRetPol)
aci_tenant_span_dst_groupManage SPAN destination groups (span:DestGrp)
aci_tenant_span_src_groupManage SPAN source groups (span:SrcGrp)
aci_tenant_span_src_group_to_dst_groupBind SPAN source groups to destination groups (span:SpanLbl)
aci_vlan_poolManage VLAN pools (fvns:VlanInstP)
aci_vlan_pool_encap_blockManage encap blocks assigned to VLAN pools (fvns:EncapBlk)
aci_vrfManage contexts or VRFs (fv:Ctx)
aclSets and retrieves file ACL information.
acme_accountCreate, modify or delete ACME accounts
acme_account_factsRetrieves information on ACME accounts
acme_certificateCreate SSL/TLS certificates with the ACME protocol
acme_certificate_revokeRevoke certificates with the ACME protocol
acme_challenge_cert_helperPrepare certificates required for ACME challenges such as `tls-alpn-01'
add_hostadd a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory
airbrake_deploymentNotify airbrake about app deployments
aireos_commandRun commands on remote devices running Cisco WLC
aireos_configManage Cisco WLC configurations
aix_inittabManages the inittab on AIX
aix_lvolConfigure AIX LVM logical volumes
alternativesManages alternative programs for common commands
aos_asn_poolManage AOS ASN Pool
aos_blueprintManage AOS blueprint instance
aos_blueprint_paramManage AOS blueprint parameter values
aos_blueprint_virtnetManage AOS blueprint parameter values
aos_deviceManage Devices on AOS Server
aos_external_routerManage AOS External Router
aos_ip_poolManage AOS IP Pool
aos_logical_deviceManage AOS Logical Device
aos_logical_device_mapManage AOS Logical Device Map
aos_loginLogin to AOS server for session token
aos_rack_typeManage AOS Rack Type
aos_templateManage AOS Template
apache2_mod_proxySet and/or get members' attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool
apache2_moduleEnables/disables a module of the Apache2 webserver.
apkManages apk packages
aptManages apt-packages
apt_keyAdd or remove an apt key
apt_repositoryAdd and remove APT repositories
apt_rpmapt_rpm package manager
archiveCreates a compressed archive of one or more files or trees
aruba_commandRun commands on remote devices running Aruba Mobility Controller
aruba_configManage Aruba configuration sections
asa_aclManage access-lists on a Cisco ASA
asa_commandRun arbitrary commands on Cisco ASA devices
asa_configManage configuration sections on Cisco ASA devices
assembleAssembles a configuration file from fragments
assertAsserts given expressions are true
async_statusObtain status of asynchronous task
atSchedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command
atomic_containerManage the containers on the atomic host platform
atomic_hostManage the atomic host platform
atomic_imageManage the container images on the atomic host platform
authorized_keyAdds or removes an SSH authorized key
avi_actiongroupconfigModule for setup of ActionGroupConfig Avi RESTful Object
avi_alertconfigModule for setup of AlertConfig Avi RESTful Object
avi_alertemailconfigModule for setup of AlertEmailConfig Avi RESTful Object
avi_alertscriptconfigModule for setup of AlertScriptConfig Avi RESTful Object
avi_alertsyslogconfigModule for setup of AlertSyslogConfig Avi RESTful Object
avi_analyticsprofileModule for setup of AnalyticsProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_api_sessionAvi API Module
avi_api_versionAvi API Version Module
avi_applicationpersistenceprofileModule for setup of ApplicationPersistenceProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_applicationprofileModule for setup of ApplicationProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_authprofileModule for setup of AuthProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_autoscalelaunchconfigModule for setup of AutoScaleLaunchConfig Avi RESTful Object
avi_backupModule for setup of Backup Avi RESTful Object
avi_backupconfigurationModule for setup of BackupConfiguration Avi RESTful Object
avi_certificatemanagementprofileModule for setup of CertificateManagementProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_cloudModule for setup of Cloud Avi RESTful Object
avi_cloudconnectoruserModule for setup of CloudConnectorUser Avi RESTful Object
avi_cloudpropertiesModule for setup of CloudProperties Avi RESTful Object
avi_clusterModule for setup of Cluster Avi RESTful Object
avi_clusterclouddetailsModule for setup of ClusterCloudDetails Avi RESTful Object
avi_controllerpropertiesModule for setup of ControllerProperties Avi RESTful Object
avi_customipamdnsprofileModule for setup of CustomIpamDnsProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_dnspolicyModule for setup of DnsPolicy Avi RESTful Object
avi_errorpagebodyModule for setup of ErrorPageBody Avi RESTful Object
avi_errorpageprofileModule for setup of ErrorPageProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_gslbModule for setup of Gslb Avi RESTful Object
avi_gslbapplicationpersistenceprofileModule for setup of GslbApplicationPersistenceProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_gslbgeodbprofileModule for setup of GslbGeoDbProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_gslbhealthmonitorModule for setup of GslbHealthMonitor Avi RESTful Object
avi_gslbserviceModule for setup of GslbService Avi RESTful Object
avi_gslbservice_patch_memberAvi API Module
avi_hardwaresecuritymodulegroupModule for setup of HardwareSecurityModuleGroup Avi RESTful Object
avi_healthmonitorModule for setup of HealthMonitor Avi RESTful Object
avi_httppolicysetModule for setup of HTTPPolicySet Avi RESTful Object
avi_ipaddrgroupModule for setup of IpAddrGroup Avi RESTful Object
avi_ipamdnsproviderprofileModule for setup of IpamDnsProviderProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_l4policysetModule for setup of L4PolicySet Avi RESTful Object
avi_microservicegroupModule for setup of MicroServiceGroup Avi RESTful Object
avi_networkModule for setup of Network Avi RESTful Object
avi_networkprofileModule for setup of NetworkProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_networksecuritypolicyModule for setup of NetworkSecurityPolicy Avi RESTful Object
avi_pkiprofileModule for setup of PKIProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_poolModule for setup of Pool Avi RESTful Object
avi_poolgroupModule for setup of PoolGroup Avi RESTful Object
avi_poolgroupdeploymentpolicyModule for setup of PoolGroupDeploymentPolicy Avi RESTful Object
avi_prioritylabelsModule for setup of PriorityLabels Avi RESTful Object
avi_roleModule for setup of Role Avi RESTful Object
avi_schedulerModule for setup of Scheduler Avi RESTful Object
avi_sepropertiesModule for setup of SeProperties Avi RESTful Object
avi_serverautoscalepolicyModule for setup of ServerAutoScalePolicy Avi RESTful Object
avi_serviceengineModule for setup of ServiceEngine Avi RESTful Object
avi_serviceenginegroupModule for setup of ServiceEngineGroup Avi RESTful Object
avi_snmptrapprofileModule for setup of SnmpTrapProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_sslkeyandcertificateModule for setup of SSLKeyAndCertificate Avi RESTful Object
avi_sslprofileModule for setup of SSLProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_stringgroupModule for setup of StringGroup Avi RESTful Object
avi_systemconfigurationModule for setup of SystemConfiguration Avi RESTful Object
avi_tenantModule for setup of Tenant Avi RESTful Object
avi_trafficcloneprofileModule for setup of TrafficCloneProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_useraccountAvi UserAccount Module
avi_useraccountprofileModule for setup of UserAccountProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_virtualserviceModule for setup of VirtualService Avi RESTful Object
avi_vrfcontextModule for setup of VrfContext Avi RESTful Object
avi_vsdatascriptsetModule for setup of VSDataScriptSet Avi RESTful Object
avi_vsvipModule for setup of VsVip Avi RESTful Object
avi_wafpolicyModule for setup of WafPolicy Avi RESTful Object
avi_wafprofileModule for setup of WafProfile Avi RESTful Object
avi_webhookModule for setup of Webhook Avi RESTful Object
awallManage awall policies
aws_acm_factsRetrieve certificate facts from AWS Certificate Manager service
aws_api_gatewayManage AWS API Gateway APIs
aws_application_scaling_policyManage Application Auto Scaling Scaling Policies
aws_az_factsGather facts about availability zones in AWS.
aws_batch_compute_environmentManage AWS Batch Compute Environments
aws_batch_job_definitionManage AWS Batch Job Definitions
aws_batch_job_queueManage AWS Batch Job Queues
aws_caller_factsGet facts about the user and account being used to make AWS calls.
aws_config_aggregation_authorizationManage cross-account AWS Config authorizations
aws_config_aggregatorManage AWS Config aggregations across multiple accounts
aws_config_delivery_channelManage AWS Config delivery channels
aws_config_recorderManage AWS Config Recorders
aws_config_ruleManage AWS Config resources
aws_direct_connect_connectionCreates, deletes, modifies a DirectConnect connection
aws_direct_connect_gatewayManage AWS Direct Connect Gateway.
aws_direct_connect_link_aggregation_groupManage Direct Connect LAG bundles.
aws_direct_connect_virtual_interfaceManage Direct Connect virtual interfaces.
aws_eks_clusterManage Elastic Kubernetes Service Clusters
aws_elasticbeanstalk_appcreate, update, and delete an elastic beanstalk application
aws_glue_connectionManage an AWS Glue connection
aws_glue_jobManage an AWS Glue job
aws_inspector_targetCreate, Update and Delete Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets
aws_kmsPerform various KMS management tasks.
aws_kms_factsGather facts about AWS KMS keys
aws_region_factsGather facts about AWS regions.
aws_s3manage objects in S3.
aws_s3_bucket_factsLists S3 buckets in AWS
aws_s3_corsManage CORS for S3 buckets in AWS
aws_ses_identityManages SES email and domain identity
aws_ses_identity_policyManages SES sending authorization policies
aws_sgw_factsFetch AWS Storage Gateway facts
aws_ssm_parameter_storeManage key-value pairs in aws parameter store.
aws_waf_conditioncreate and delete WAF Conditions
aws_waf_factsRetrieve facts for WAF ACLs, Rule , Conditions and Filters.
aws_waf_rulecreate and delete WAF Rules
aws_waf_web_aclcreate and delete WAF Web ACLs
azurecreate or terminate a virtual machine in azure
azure_rm_acsManage an Azure Container Service Instance (ACS).
azure_rm_aksManage a managed Azure Container Service (AKS) Instance.
azure_rm_aks_factsGet Azure Kubernetes Service facts.
azure_rm_appgatewayManage Application Gateway instance.
azure_rm_appserviceplanManage App Service Plan
azure_rm_appserviceplan_factsGet azure app service plan facts.
azure_rm_autoscaleManage Azure autoscale setting.
azure_rm_autoscale_factsGet Azure Auto Scale Setting facts.
azure_rm_availabilitysetManage Azure availability set.
azure_rm_availabilityset_factsGet availability set facts.
azure_rm_containerinstanceManage an Azure Container Instance.
azure_rm_containerregistryManage an Azure Container Registry.
azure_rm_containerregistry_factsGet Azure Container Registry facts.
azure_rm_deploymentCreate or destroy Azure Resource Manager template deployments
azure_rm_dnsrecordsetCreate, delete and update DNS record sets and records.
azure_rm_dnsrecordset_factsGet DNS Record Set facts.
azure_rm_dnszoneManage Azure DNS zones.
azure_rm_dnszone_factsGet DNS zone facts.
azure_rm_functionappManage Azure Function Apps
azure_rm_functionapp_factsGet Azure Function App facts
azure_rm_imageManage Azure image.
azure_rm_keyvaultManage Key Vault instance.
azure_rm_keyvaultkeyUse Azure KeyVault keys.
azure_rm_keyvaultsecretUse Azure KeyVault Secrets.
azure_rm_loadbalancerManage Azure load balancers.
azure_rm_loadbalancer_factsGet load balancer facts.
azure_rm_managed_diskManage Azure Manage Disks
azure_rm_managed_disk_factsGet managed disk facts.
azure_rm_mysqldatabaseManage MySQL Database instance.
azure_rm_mysqldatabase_factsGet Azure MySQL Database facts.
azure_rm_mysqlserverManage MySQL Server instance.
azure_rm_mysqlserver_factsGet Azure MySQL Server facts.
azure_rm_networkinterfaceManage Azure network interfaces.
azure_rm_networkinterface_factsGet network interface facts.
azure_rm_postgresqldatabaseManage PostgreSQL Database instance.
azure_rm_postgresqldatabase_factsGet Azure PostgreSQL Database facts.
azure_rm_postgresqlserverManage PostgreSQL Server instance.
azure_rm_postgresqlserver_factsGet Azure PostgreSQL Server facts.
azure_rm_publicipaddressManage Azure Public IP Addresses.
azure_rm_publicipaddress_factsGet public IP facts.
azure_rm_resourceCreate any Azure resource.
azure_rm_resource_factsGeneric facts of Azure resources.
azure_rm_resourcegroupManage Azure resource groups.
azure_rm_resourcegroup_factsGet resource group facts.
azure_rm_routeManage Azure route resource.
azure_rm_routetableManage Azure route table resource.
azure_rm_routetable_factsGet route table facts.
azure_rm_securitygroupManage Azure network security groups.
azure_rm_securitygroup_factsGet security group facts.
azure_rm_sqldatabaseManage SQL Database instance.
azure_rm_sqlfirewallruleManage Firewall Rule instance.
azure_rm_sqlserverManage SQL Server instance
azure_rm_sqlserver_factsGet SQL Server facts.
azure_rm_storageaccountManage Azure storage accounts.
azure_rm_storageaccount_factsGet storage account facts.
azure_rm_storageblobManage blob containers and blob objects.
azure_rm_subnetManage Azure subnets.
azure_rm_trafficmanagerendpointManage Azure Traffic Manager endpoint.
azure_rm_trafficmanagerendpoint_factsGet Azure Traffic Manager endpoint facts
azure_rm_trafficmanagerprofileManage Azure Traffic Manager profile.
azure_rm_trafficmanagerprofile_factsGet Azure Traffic Manager profile facts
azure_rm_virtualmachineManage Azure virtual machines.
azure_rm_virtualmachine_extensionManaged Azure Virtual Machine extension
azure_rm_virtualmachine_factsGet virtual machine facts.
azure_rm_virtualmachine_scalesetManage Azure virtual machine scale sets.
azure_rm_virtualmachine_scaleset_factsGet Virtual Machine Scale Set facts
azure_rm_virtualmachineimage_factsGet virtual machine image facts.
azure_rm_virtualnetworkManage Azure virtual networks.
azure_rm_virtualnetwork_factsGet virtual network facts.
azure_rm_webappManage Web App instance.
azure_rm_webapp_factsGet azure web app facts.
bcf_switchCreate and remove a bcf switch.
beadmManage ZFS boot environments on FreeBSD/Solaris/illumos systems.
bearychatSend BearyChat notifications
bigip_appsvcs_extensionManage application service deployments
bigip_asm_policyManage BIG-IP ASM policies
bigip_cli_aliasManage CLI aliases on a BIG-IP
bigip_cli_scriptManage CLI scripts on a BIG-IP
bigip_commandRun arbitrary command on F5 devices
bigip_configManage BIG-IP configuration sections
bigip_configsync_actionPerform different actions related to config-sync
bigip_data_groupManage data groups on a BIG-IP
bigip_device_authManage system authentication on a BIG-IP
bigip_device_connectivityManages device IP configuration settings for HA on a BIG-IP
bigip_device_dnsManage BIG-IP device DNS settings
bigip_device_factsCollect facts from F5 BIG-IP devices
bigip_device_groupManage device groups on a BIG-IP
bigip_device_group_memberManages members in a device group
bigip_device_httpdManage HTTPD related settings on BIG-IP
bigip_device_licenseManage license installation and activation on BIG-IP devices
bigip_device_ntpManage NTP servers on a BIG-IP
bigip_device_sshdManage the SSHD settings of a BIG-IP
bigip_device_trustManage the trust relationships between BIG-IPs
bigip_factsCollect facts from F5 BIG-IP devices
bigip_firewall_address_listManage address lists on BIG-IP AFM
bigip_firewall_dos_profileManage AFM DoS profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_firewall_policyManage AFM security firewall policies on a BIG-IP
bigip_firewall_port_listManage port lists on BIG-IP AFM
bigip_firewall_ruleManage AFM Firewall rules
bigip_firewall_rule_listManage AFM security firewall policies on a BIG-IP
bigip_gtm_datacenterManage Datacenter configuration in BIG-IP
bigip_gtm_factsCollect facts from F5 BIG-IP GTM devices
bigip_gtm_globalManages global GTM settings
bigip_gtm_monitor_bigipManages F5 BIG-IP GTM BIG-IP monitors
bigip_gtm_monitor_externalManages external GTM monitors on a BIG-IP
bigip_gtm_monitor_firepassManages F5 BIG-IP GTM FirePass monitors
bigip_gtm_monitor_httpManages F5 BIG-IP GTM http monitors
bigip_gtm_monitor_httpsManages F5 BIG-IP GTM https monitors
bigip_gtm_monitor_tcpManages F5 BIG-IP GTM tcp monitors
bigip_gtm_monitor_tcp_half_openManages F5 BIG-IP GTM tcp half-open monitors
bigip_gtm_poolManages F5 BIG-IP GTM pools
bigip_gtm_pool_memberManage GTM pool member settings
bigip_gtm_serverManages F5 BIG-IP GTM servers
bigip_gtm_virtual_serverManages F5 BIG-IP GTM virtual servers
bigip_gtm_wide_ipManages F5 BIG-IP GTM wide ip
bigip_hostnameManage the hostname of a BIG-IP
bigip_iapp_serviceManages TCL iApp services on a BIG-IP
bigip_iapp_templateManages TCL iApp templates on a BIG-IP
bigip_iapplx_packageManages Javascript iApp packages on a BIG-IP
bigip_iruleManage iRules across different modules on a BIG-IP
bigip_log_destinationManages log destinations on a BIG-IP.
bigip_log_publisherManages log publishers on a BIG-IP
bigip_management_routeManage system management routes on a BIG-IP
bigip_monitor_dnsManage DNS monitors on a BIG-IP
bigip_monitor_externalManages external LTM monitors on a BIG-IP
bigip_monitor_httpManages F5 BIG-IP LTM http monitors
bigip_monitor_httpsManages F5 BIG-IP LTM https monitors
bigip_monitor_snmp_dcaManages BIG-IP SNMP data collecting agent (DCA) monitors
bigip_monitor_tcpManages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp monitors
bigip_monitor_tcp_echoManages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp echo monitors
bigip_monitor_tcp_half_openManages F5 BIG-IP LTM tcp half-open monitors
bigip_monitor_udpManages F5 BIG-IP LTM udp monitors
bigip_nodeManages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes
bigip_partitionManage BIG-IP partitions
bigip_policyManage general policy configuration on a BIG-IP
bigip_policy_ruleManage LTM policy rules on a BIG-IP
bigip_poolManages F5 BIG-IP LTM pools
bigip_pool_memberManages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members
bigip_profile_client_sslManages client SSL profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_profile_dnsManage DNS profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_profile_httpManage HTTP profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_profile_http_compressionManage HTTP compression profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_profile_oneconnectManage OneConnect profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_profile_persistence_src_addrManage source address persistence profiles
bigip_profile_tcpManage TCP profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_profile_udpManage UDP profiles on a BIG-IP
bigip_provisionManage BIG-IP module provisioning
bigip_qkviewManage qkviews on the device
bigip_remote_roleManage remote roles on a BIG-IP
bigip_remote_syslogManipulate remote syslog settings on a BIG-IP
bigip_routedomainManage route domains on a BIG-IP
bigip_selfipManage Self-IPs on a BIG-IP system
bigip_service_policyManages service policies on a BIG-IP.
bigip_smtpManages SMTP settings on the BIG-IP
bigip_snat_poolManage SNAT pools on a BIG-IP
bigip_snmpManipulate general SNMP settings on a BIG-IP
bigip_snmp_communityManages SNMP communities on a BIG-IP.
bigip_snmp_trapManipulate SNMP trap information on a BIG-IP
bigip_software_imageManage software images on a BIG-IP
bigip_software_installInstall software images on a BIG-IP
bigip_software_updateManage the software update settings of a BIG-IP
bigip_ssl_certificateImport/Delete certificates from BIG-IP
bigip_ssl_keyImport/Delete SSL keys from BIG-IP
bigip_static_routeManipulate static routes on a BIG-IP
bigip_sys_dbManage BIG-IP system database variables
bigip_sys_globalManage BIG-IP global settings
bigip_timer_policyManage timer policies on a BIG-IP
bigip_traffic_groupManages traffic groups on BIG-IP
bigip_trunkManage trunks on a BIG-IP
bigip_tunnelManage tunnels on a BIG-IP
bigip_ucsManage upload, installation and removal of UCS files
bigip_ucs_fetchFetches a UCS file from remote nodes
bigip_userManage user accounts and user attributes on a BIG-IP
bigip_vcmp_guestManages vCMP guests on a BIG-IP
bigip_virtual_addressManage LTM virtual addresses on a BIG-IP
bigip_virtual_serverManage LTM virtual servers on a BIG-IP
bigip_vlanManage VLANs on a BIG-IP system
bigip_waitWait for a BIG-IP condition before continuing
bigiq_application_fasthttpManages BIG-IQ FastHTTP applications
bigiq_application_fastl4_tcpManages BIG-IQ FastL4 TCP applications
bigiq_application_fastl4_udpManages BIG-IQ FastL4 UDP applications
bigiq_application_httpManages BIG-IQ HTTP applications
bigiq_application_https_offloadManages BIG-IQ HTTPS offload applications
bigiq_application_https_wafManages BIG-IQ HTTPS WAF applications
bigiq_regkey_licenseManages licenses in a BIG-IQ registration key pool
bigiq_regkey_license_assignmentManage regkey license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ
bigiq_regkey_poolManages registration key pools on BIG-IQ
bigiq_utility_licenseManage utility licenses on a BIG-IQ
bigiq_utility_license_assignmentManage utility license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ
bigmon_chainCreate and remove a bigmon inline service chain.
bigmon_policyCreate and remove a bigmon out-of-band policy.
bigpandaNotify BigPanda about deployments
blockinfileInsert/update/remove a text block surrounded by marker lines
bowerManage bower packages with bower
bundlerManage Ruby Gem dependencies with Bundler
bzrDeploy software (or files) from bzr branches
campfireSend a message to Campfire
capabilitiesManage Linux capabilities
catapultSend a sms / mms using the catapult bandwidth api
ce_aaa_serverManages AAA server global configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_aaa_server_hostManages AAA server host configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_aclManages base ACL configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_acl_advanceManages advanced ACL configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_acl_interfaceManages applying ACLs to interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_bfd_globalManages BFD global configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_bfd_sessionManages BFD session configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_bfd_viewManages BFD session view configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_bgpManages BGP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_bgp_afManages BGP Address-family configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_bgp_neighborManages BGP peer configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_bgp_neighbor_afManages BGP neighbor Address-family configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_commandRun arbitrary command on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_configManage Huawei CloudEngine configuration sections.
ce_dldpManages global DLDP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_dldp_interfaceManages interface DLDP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_eth_trunkManages Eth-Trunk interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_evpn_bd_vniManages EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI) on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_evpn_bgpManages BGP EVPN configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_evpn_bgp_rrManages RR for the VXLAN Network on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_evpn_globalManages global configuration of EVPN on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_factsGets facts about HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_file_copyCopy a file to a remote cloudengine device over SCP on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_info_center_debugManages information center debug configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_info_center_globalManages outputting logs on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_info_center_logManages information center log configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_info_center_trapManages information center trap configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_interfaceManages physical attributes of interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_interface_ospfManages configuration of an OSPF interface instanceon HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_ip_interfaceManages L3 attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_link_statusGet interface link status on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_mlag_configManages MLAG configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_mlag_interfaceManages MLAG interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_mtuManages MTU settings on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_netconfRun an arbitrary netconf command on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_netstream_agingManages timeout mode of NetStream on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_netstream_exportManages netstream export on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_netstream_globalManages global parameters of NetStream on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_netstream_templateManages NetStream template configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_ntpManages core NTP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_ntp_authManages NTP authentication configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_ospfManages configuration of an OSPF instance on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_ospf_vrfManages configuration of an OSPF VPN instance on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_rebootReboot a HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_rollbackSet a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_sflowManages sFlow configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_snmp_communityManages SNMP community configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_snmp_contactManages SNMP contact configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_snmp_locationManages SNMP location configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_snmp_target_hostManages SNMP target host configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_snmp_trapsManages SNMP traps configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_snmp_userManages SNMP user configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_startupManages a system startup information on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_static_routeManages static route configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_stpManages STP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_switchportManages Layer 2 switchport interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_vlanManages VLAN resources and attributes on Huawei CloudEngine switches.
ce_vrfManages VPN instance on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_vrf_afManages VPN instance address family on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_vrf_interfaceManages interface specific VPN configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
ce_vrrpManages VRRP interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_vxlan_arpManages ARP attributes of VXLAN on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_vxlan_gatewayManages gateway for the VXLAN network on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_vxlan_globalManages global attributes of VXLAN and bridge domain on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_vxlan_tunnelManages VXLAN tunnel configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
ce_vxlan_vapManages VXLAN virtual access point on HUAWEI CloudEngine Devices.
certificate_complete_chainComplete certificate chain given a set of untrusted and root certificates
circonus_annotationcreate an annotation in circonus
cisco_sparkSend a message to a Cisco Spark Room or Individual.
clc_aa_policyCreate or Delete Anti Affinity Policies at CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_alert_policyCreate or Delete Alert Policies at CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_blueprint_packagedeploys a blue print package on a set of servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_firewall_policyCreate/delete/update firewall policies
clc_groupCreate/delete Server Groups at Centurylink Cloud
clc_loadbalancerCreate, Delete shared loadbalancers in CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_modify_servermodify servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_publicipAdd and Delete public ips on servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_serverCreate, Delete, Start and Stop servers in CenturyLink Cloud.
clc_server_snapshotCreate, Delete and Restore server snapshots in CenturyLink Cloud.
cli_commandRun a cli command on cli-based network devices
cli_configPush text based configuration to network devices over network_cli
cloud_init_data_factsRetrieve facts of cloud-init.
cloudflare_dnsmanage Cloudflare DNS records
cloudformationCreate or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack
cloudformation_factsObtain facts about an AWS CloudFormation stack
cloudformation_stack_setManage groups of CloudFormation stacks
cloudfront_distributioncreate, update and delete aws cloudfront distributions.
cloudfront_factsObtain facts about an AWS CloudFront distribution
cloudfront_invalidationcreate invalidations for aws cloudfront distributions
cloudfront_origin_access_identitycreate, update and delete origin access identities for a cloudfront distribution.
cloudscale_floating_ipManages floating IPs on the cloudscale.ch IaaS service
cloudscale_serverManages servers on the cloudscale.ch IaaS service
cloudtrailmanage CloudTrail create, delete, update
cloudwatchevent_ruleManage CloudWatch Event rules and targets
cloudwatchlogs_log_groupcreate or delete log_group in CloudWatchLogs
cloudwatchlogs_log_group_factsget facts about log_group in CloudWatchLogs
cnos_backupBackup the current running or startup configuration to a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_bgpManage BGP resources and attributes on devices running CNOS
cnos_commandRun arbitrary commands on Lenovo CNOS devices
cnos_conditional_commandExecute a single command based on condition on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_conditional_templateManage switch configuration using templates based on condition on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_configManage Lenovo CNOS configuration sections
cnos_factoryReset the switch startup configuration to default (factory) on devices running Lenovo CNOS.
cnos_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_imagePerform firmware upgrade/download from a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_interfaceManage interface configuration on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_portchannelManage portchannel (port channel) configuration on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_reloadPerform switch restart on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_rollbackRoll back the running or startup configuration from a remote server on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_saveSave the running configuration as the startup configuration on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_showrunCollect the current running configuration on devices running on CNOS
cnos_templateManage switch configuration using templates on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_vlagManage VLAG resources and attributes on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cnos_vlanManage VLAN resources and attributes on devices running Lenovo CNOS
cobbler_syncSync Cobbler
cobbler_systemManage system objects in Cobbler
commandExecutes a command on a remote node
composerDependency Manager for PHP
consulAdd, modify & delete services within a consul cluster.
consul_aclManipulate Consul ACL keys and rules
consul_kvManipulate entries in the key/value store of a consul cluster
consul_sessionManipulate consul sessions
copyCopies files to remote locations
cpanmManages Perl library dependencies.
cpm_userGet various status and parameters from WTI OOB and PDU devices
cronManage cron.d and crontab entries
cronvarManage variables in crontabs
crypttabEncrypted Linux block devices
cs_accountManages accounts on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_affinitygroupManages affinity groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_clusterManages host clusters on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_configurationManages configuration on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_disk_offeringManages disk offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_domainManages domains on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_factsGather facts on instances of Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_firewallManages firewall rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_hostManages hosts on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_instanceManages instances and virtual machines on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_instance_factsGathering facts from the API of instances from Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_instance_nicManages NICs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_instance_nic_secondaryipManages secondary IPs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_instancegroupManages instance groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_ip_addressManages public IP address associations on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_isoManages ISO images on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_loadbalancer_ruleManages load balancer rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_loadbalancer_rule_memberManages load balancer rule members on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_networkManages networks on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_network_aclManages network access control lists (ACL) on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_network_acl_ruleManages network access control list (ACL) rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_network_offeringManages network offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_nicManages NICs and secondary IPs of an instance on Apache CloudStack based clouds
cs_podManages pods on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_portforwardManages port forwarding rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_projectManages projects on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_regionManages regions on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_resourcelimitManages resource limits on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_roleManages user roles on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_role_permissionManages role permissions on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_routerManages routers on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_securitygroupManages security groups on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_securitygroup_ruleManages security group rules on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_service_offeringManages service offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_snapshot_policyManages volume snapshot policies on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_sshkeypairManages SSH keys on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_staticnatManages static NATs on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_storage_poolManages Primary Storage Pools on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_templateManages templates on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_userManages users on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_vmsnapshotManages VM snapshots on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_volumeManages volumes on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_vpcManages VPCs on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_vpc_offeringManages vpc offerings on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_vpn_connectionManages site-to-site VPN connections on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_vpn_customer_gatewayManages site-to-site VPN customer gateway configurations on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_vpn_gatewayManages site-to-site VPN gateways on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_zoneManages zones on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cs_zone_factsGathering facts of zones from Apache CloudStack based clouds.
cv_server_provisionProvision server port by applying or removing template configuration to an Arista CloudVision Portal configlet that is applied to a switch.
cyberark_authenticationModule for CyberArk Vault Authentication using PAS Web Services SDK
cyberark_userModule for CyberArk User Management using PAS Web Services SDK
data_pipelineCreate and manage AWS Datapipelines
datadog_eventPosts events to Datadog service
datadog_monitorManages Datadog monitors
dconfModify and read dconf database
debconfConfigure a .deb package
debugPrint statements during execution
dellos10_commandRun commands on remote devices running Dell OS10
dellos10_configManage Dell EMC Networking OS10 configuration sections
dellos10_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Dell EMC Networking OS10
dellos6_commandRun commands on remote devices running Dell OS6
dellos6_configManage Dell EMC Networking OS6 configuration sections
dellos6_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Dell EMC Networking OS6
dellos9_commandRun commands on remote devices running Dell OS9
dellos9_configManage Dell EMC Networking OS9 configuration sections
dellos9_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Dell EMC Networking OS9
deploy_helperManages some of the steps common in deploying projects.
digital_oceanCreate/delete a droplet/SSH_key in DigitalOcean
digital_ocean_account_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean User account
digital_ocean_block_storageCreate/destroy or attach/detach Block Storage volumes in DigitalOcean
digital_ocean_certificateManage certificates in DigitalOcean.
digital_ocean_certificate_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean certificates
digital_ocean_domainCreate/delete a DNS domain in DigitalOcean
digital_ocean_domain_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean Domains
digital_ocean_floating_ipManage DigitalOcean Floating IPs
digital_ocean_floating_ip_factsDigitalOcean Floating IPs facts
digital_ocean_image_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean images
digital_ocean_load_balancer_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean load balancers
digital_ocean_region_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean regions
digital_ocean_size_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean Droplet sizes
digital_ocean_snapshot_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean Snapshot
digital_ocean_sshkeyManage DigitalOcean SSH keys
digital_ocean_sshkey_factsDigitalOcean SSH keys facts
digital_ocean_tagCreate and remove tag(s) to DigitalOcean resource.
digital_ocean_tag_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean tags
digital_ocean_volume_factsGather facts about DigitalOcean volumes
dimensiondata_networkCreate, update, and delete MCP 1.0 & 2.0 networks
dimensiondata_vlanManage a VLAN in a Cloud Control network domain.
django_manageManages a Django application.
dladm_etherstubManage etherstubs on Solaris/illumos systems.
dladm_iptunManage IP tunnel interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems.
dladm_linkpropManage link properties on Solaris/illumos systems.
dladm_vlanManage VLAN interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems.
dladm_vnicManage VNICs on Solaris/illumos systems.
dnfManages packages with the `dnf' package manager
dnsimpleInterface with dnsimple.com (a DNS hosting service)
dnsmadeeasyInterface with dnsmadeeasy.com (a DNS hosting service).
docker_containermanage docker containers
docker_imageManage docker images.
docker_image_factsInspect docker images
docker_loginLog into a Docker registry.
docker_networkManage Docker networks
docker_secretManage docker secrets.
docker_serviceManage docker services and containers.
docker_swarmManage Swarm cluster
docker_swarm_servicedocker swarm service
docker_volumeManage Docker volumes
dpkg_selectionsDpkg package selection selections
dynamodb_tableCreate, update or delete AWS Dynamo DB tables.
dynamodb_ttlset TTL for a given DynamoDB table.
easy_installInstalls Python libraries
ec2create, terminate, start or stop an instance in ec2
ec2_amicreate or destroy an image in ec2
ec2_ami_copycopies AMI between AWS regions, return new image id
ec2_ami_factsGather facts about ec2 AMIs
ec2_ami_findSearches for AMIs to obtain the AMI ID and other information
ec2_asgCreate or delete AWS Autoscaling Groups
ec2_asg_factsGather facts about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS
ec2_asg_lifecycle_hookCreate, delete or update AWS ASG Lifecycle Hooks.
ec2_customer_gatewayManage an AWS customer gateway
ec2_customer_gateway_factsGather facts about customer gateways in AWS
ec2_eipmanages EC2 elastic IP (EIP) addresses.
ec2_eip_factsList EC2 EIP details
ec2_elbDe-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
ec2_elb_factsGather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
ec2_elb_lbCreates or destroys Amazon ELB.
ec2_eniCreate and optionally attach an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an instance
ec2_eni_factsGather facts about ec2 ENI interfaces in AWS
ec2_groupmaintain an ec2 VPC security group.
ec2_group_factsGather facts about ec2 security groups in AWS.
ec2_instanceCreate & manage EC2 instances
ec2_instance_factsGather facts about ec2 instances in AWS
ec2_keycreate or delete an ec2 key pair
ec2_lcCreate or delete AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
ec2_lc_factsGather facts about AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
ec2_lc_findFind AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
ec2_metadata_factsGathers facts (instance metadata) about remote hosts within ec2
ec2_metric_alarmCreate/update or delete AWS Cloudwatch 'metric alarms'
ec2_placement_groupCreate or delete an EC2 Placement Group
ec2_placement_group_factsList EC2 Placement Group(s) details
ec2_remote_factsGather facts about ec2 instances in AWS
ec2_scaling_policyCreate or delete AWS scaling policies for Autoscaling groups
ec2_snapshotcreates a snapshot from an existing volume
ec2_snapshot_copycopies an EC2 snapshot and returns the new Snapshot ID.
ec2_snapshot_factsGather facts about ec2 volume snapshots in AWS
ec2_tagcreate and remove tags on ec2 resources.
ec2_volcreate and attach a volume, return volume id and device map
ec2_vol_factsGather facts about ec2 volumes in AWS
ec2_vpc_dhcp_optionManages DHCP Options, and can ensure the DHCP options for the given VPC match what's requested
ec2_vpc_dhcp_option_factsGather facts about dhcp options sets in AWS
ec2_vpc_egress_igwManage an AWS VPC Egress Only Internet gateway
ec2_vpc_endpointCreate and delete AWS VPC Endpoints.
ec2_vpc_endpoint_factsRetrieves AWS VPC endpoints details using AWS methods.
ec2_vpc_igwManage an AWS VPC Internet gateway
ec2_vpc_igw_factsGather facts about internet gateways in AWS
ec2_vpc_naclcreate and delete Network ACLs.
ec2_vpc_nacl_factsGather facts about Network ACLs in an AWS VPC
ec2_vpc_nat_gatewayManage AWS VPC NAT Gateways.
ec2_vpc_nat_gateway_factsRetrieves AWS VPC Managed Nat Gateway details using AWS methods.
ec2_vpc_netConfigure AWS virtual private clouds
ec2_vpc_net_factsGather facts about ec2 VPCs in AWS
ec2_vpc_peercreate, delete, accept, and reject VPC peering connections between two VPCs.
ec2_vpc_peering_factsRetrieves AWS VPC Peering details using AWS methods.
ec2_vpc_route_tableManage route tables for AWS virtual private clouds
ec2_vpc_route_table_factsGather facts about ec2 VPC route tables in AWS
ec2_vpc_subnetManage subnets in AWS virtual private clouds
ec2_vpc_subnet_factsGather facts about ec2 VPC subnets in AWS
ec2_vpc_vgwCreate and delete AWS VPN Virtual Gateways.
ec2_vpc_vgw_factsGather facts about virtual gateways in AWS
ec2_vpc_vpnCreate, modify, and delete EC2 VPN connections.
ec2_vpc_vpn_factsGather facts about VPN Connections in AWS.
ec2_win_passwordgets the default administrator password for ec2 windows instances
ecs_attributemanage ecs attributes
ecs_clustercreate or terminate ecs clusters
ecs_ecrManage Elastic Container Registry repositories
ecs_servicecreate, terminate, start or stop a service in ecs
ecs_service_factslist or describe services in ecs
ecs_taskrun, start or stop a task in ecs
ecs_taskdefinitionregister a task definition in ecs
ecs_taskdefinition_factsdescribe a task definition in ecs
edgeos_commandRun one or more commands on EdgeOS devices
edgeos_configManage EdgeOS configuration on remote device
edgeos_factsCollect facts from remote devices running EdgeOS
efscreate and maintain EFS file systems
efs_factsGet information about Amazon EFS file systems
ejabberd_userManages users for ejabberd servers
elasticacheManage cache clusters in Amazon Elasticache.
elasticache_factsRetrieve facts for AWS Elasticache clusters
elasticache_parameter_groupManage cache security groups in Amazon Elasticache.
elasticache_snapshotManage cache snapshots in Amazon Elasticache.
elasticache_subnet_groupmanage Elasticache subnet groups
elasticsearch_pluginManage Elasticsearch plugins
elb_application_lbManage an Application load balancer
elb_application_lb_factsGather facts about application ELBs in AWS
elb_classic_lbCreates or destroys Amazon ELB.
elb_classic_lb_factsGather facts about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
elb_instanceDe-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
elb_network_lbManage a Network Load Balancer
elb_targetManage a target in a target group
elb_target_factsGathers which target groups a target is associated with.
elb_target_groupManage a target group for an Application or Network load balancer
elb_target_group_factsGather facts about ELB target groups in AWS
emc_vnx_sg_memberManage storage group member on EMC VNX
enos_commandRun arbitrary commands on Lenovo ENOS devices
enos_configManage Lenovo ENOS configuration sections
enos_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Lenovo ENOS
eos_bannerManage multiline banners on Arista EOS devices
eos_commandRun arbitrary commands on an Arista EOS device
eos_configManage Arista EOS configuration sections
eos_eapiManage and configure Arista EOS eAPI.
eos_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Arista EOS
eos_interfaceManage Interface on Arista EOS network devices
eos_l2_interfaceManage L2 interfaces on Arista EOS network devices.
eos_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on Arista EOS network devices.
eos_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on Arista EOS network devices
eos_lldpManage LLDP configuration on Arista EOS network devices
eos_loggingManage logging on network devices
eos_static_routeManage static IP routes on Arista EOS network devices
eos_systemManage the system attributes on Arista EOS devices
eos_userManage the collection of local users on EOS devices
eos_vlanManage VLANs on Arista EOS network devices
eos_vrfManage VRFs on Arista EOS network devices
etcd3Set or delete key value pairs from an etcd3 cluster
execute_lambdaExecute an AWS Lambda function
exo_dns_domainManages domain records on Exoscale DNS API.
exo_dns_recordManages DNS records on Exoscale DNS.
exos_commandRun commands on remote devices running Extreme EXOS
exos_configManage Extreme Networks EXOS configuration sections
exos_factsCollect facts from devices running Extreme EXOS
expectExecutes a command and responds to prompts.
facterRuns the discovery program `facter' on the remote system
failFail with custom message
fetchFetches a file from remote nodes
fileSets attributes of files
filesystemMakes a filesystem
findReturn a list of files based on specific criteria
firewalldManage arbitrary ports/services with firewalld
flatpakManage flatpaks
flatpak_remoteManage flatpak repository remotes
flowadmManage bandwidth resource control and priority for protocols, services and zones on Solaris/illumos systems
flowdockSend a message to a flowdock
fmgr_provisioningProvision devices via FortiMananger
fmgr_scriptAdd/Edit/Delete and execute scripts
foremanManage Foreman Resources
fortios_addressManage fortios firewall address objects
fortios_configManage config on Fortinet FortiOS firewall devices
fortios_ipv4_policyManage IPv4 policy objects on Fortinet FortiOS firewall devices
fortios_webfilterConfigure webfilter capabilities of FortiGate and FortiOS.
ftd_configurationManages configuration on Cisco FTD devices over REST API
ftd_file_downloadDownloads files from Cisco FTD devices over HTTP(S)
ftd_file_uploadUploads files to Cisco FTD devices over HTTP(S)
gc_storageThis module manages objects/buckets in Google Cloud Storage.
gcdns_recordCreates or removes resource records in Google Cloud DNS
gcdns_zoneCreates or removes zones in Google Cloud DNS
gcecreate or terminate GCE instances
gce_eipCreate or Destroy Global or Regional External IP addresses.
gce_imgutilize GCE image resources
gce_instance_templatecreate or destroy instance templates of Compute Engine of GCP.
gce_labelsCreate, Update or Destroy GCE Labels.
gce_lbcreate/destroy GCE load-balancer resources
gce_migCreate, Update or Destroy a Managed Instance Group (MIG).
gce_netcreate/destroy GCE networks and firewall rules
gce_pdutilize GCE persistent disk resources
gce_snapshotCreate or destroy snapshots for GCE storage volumes
gce_tagadd or remove tag(s) to/from GCE instances
gconftool2Edit GNOME Configurations
gcp_backend_serviceCreate or Destroy a Backend Service.
gcp_compute_addressCreates a GCP Address
gcp_compute_address_factsGather facts for GCP Address
gcp_compute_backend_bucketCreates a GCP BackendBucket
gcp_compute_backend_bucket_factsGather facts for GCP BackendBucket
gcp_compute_backend_serviceCreates a GCP BackendService
gcp_compute_backend_service_factsGather facts for GCP BackendService
gcp_compute_diskCreates a GCP Disk
gcp_compute_disk_factsGather facts for GCP Disk
gcp_compute_firewallCreates a GCP Firewall
gcp_compute_firewall_factsGather facts for GCP Firewall
gcp_compute_forwarding_ruleCreates a GCP ForwardingRule
gcp_compute_forwarding_rule_factsGather facts for GCP ForwardingRule
gcp_compute_global_addressCreates a GCP GlobalAddress
gcp_compute_global_address_factsGather facts for GCP GlobalAddress
gcp_compute_global_forwarding_ruleCreates a GCP GlobalForwardingRule
gcp_compute_global_forwarding_rule_factsGather facts for GCP GlobalForwardingRule
gcp_compute_health_checkCreates a GCP HealthCheck
gcp_compute_health_check_factsGather facts for GCP HealthCheck
gcp_compute_http_health_checkCreates a GCP HttpHealthCheck
gcp_compute_http_health_check_factsGather facts for GCP HttpHealthCheck
gcp_compute_https_health_checkCreates a GCP HttpsHealthCheck
gcp_compute_https_health_check_factsGather facts for GCP HttpsHealthCheck
gcp_compute_imageCreates a GCP Image
gcp_compute_image_factsGather facts for GCP Image
gcp_compute_instanceCreates a GCP Instance
gcp_compute_instance_factsGather facts for GCP Instance
gcp_compute_instance_groupCreates a GCP InstanceGroup
gcp_compute_instance_group_factsGather facts for GCP InstanceGroup
gcp_compute_instance_group_managerCreates a GCP InstanceGroupManager
gcp_compute_instance_group_manager_factsGather facts for GCP InstanceGroupManager
gcp_compute_instance_templateCreates a GCP InstanceTemplate
gcp_compute_instance_template_factsGather facts for GCP InstanceTemplate
gcp_compute_networkCreates a GCP Network
gcp_compute_network_factsGather facts for GCP Network
gcp_compute_routeCreates a GCP Route
gcp_compute_route_factsGather facts for GCP Route
gcp_compute_routerCreates a GCP Router
gcp_compute_router_factsGather facts for GCP Router
gcp_compute_ssl_certificateCreates a GCP SslCertificate
gcp_compute_ssl_certificate_factsGather facts for GCP SslCertificate
gcp_compute_ssl_policyCreates a GCP SslPolicy
gcp_compute_ssl_policy_factsGather facts for GCP SslPolicy
gcp_compute_subnetworkCreates a GCP Subnetwork
gcp_compute_subnetwork_factsGather facts for GCP Subnetwork
gcp_compute_target_http_proxyCreates a GCP TargetHttpProxy
gcp_compute_target_http_proxy_factsGather facts for GCP TargetHttpProxy
gcp_compute_target_https_proxyCreates a GCP TargetHttpsProxy
gcp_compute_target_https_proxy_factsGather facts for GCP TargetHttpsProxy
gcp_compute_target_poolCreates a GCP TargetPool
gcp_compute_target_pool_factsGather facts for GCP TargetPool
gcp_compute_target_ssl_proxyCreates a GCP TargetSslProxy
gcp_compute_target_ssl_proxy_factsGather facts for GCP TargetSslProxy
gcp_compute_target_tcp_proxyCreates a GCP TargetTcpProxy
gcp_compute_target_tcp_proxy_factsGather facts for GCP TargetTcpProxy
gcp_compute_target_vpn_gatewayCreates a GCP TargetVpnGateway
gcp_compute_target_vpn_gateway_factsGather facts for GCP TargetVpnGateway
gcp_compute_url_mapCreates a GCP UrlMap
gcp_compute_url_map_factsGather facts for GCP UrlMap
gcp_compute_vpn_tunnelCreates a GCP VpnTunnel
gcp_compute_vpn_tunnel_factsGather facts for GCP VpnTunnel
gcp_container_clusterCreates a GCP Cluster
gcp_container_node_poolCreates a GCP NodePool
gcp_dns_managed_zoneCreates a GCP ManagedZone
gcp_dns_resource_record_setCreates a GCP ResourceRecordSet
gcp_forwarding_ruleCreate, Update or Destroy a Forwarding_Rule.
gcp_healthcheckCreate, Update or Destroy a Healthcheck.
gcp_pubsub_subscriptionCreates a GCP Subscription
gcp_pubsub_topicCreates a GCP Topic
gcp_spanner_databaseCreates a GCP Database
gcp_spanner_instanceCreates a GCP Instance
gcp_sql_databaseCreates a GCP Database
gcp_sql_instanceCreates a GCP Instance
gcp_sql_userCreates a GCP User
gcp_storage_bucketCreates a GCP Bucket
gcp_storage_bucket_access_controlCreates a GCP BucketAccessControl
gcp_target_proxyCreate, Update or Destroy a Target_Proxy.
gcp_url_mapCreate, Update or Destory a Url_Map.
gcpubsubCreate and Delete Topics/Subscriptions, Publish and pull messages on PubSub
gcpubsub_factsList Topics/Subscriptions and Messages from Google PubSub.
gcspannerCreate and Delete Instances/Databases on Spanner
gemManage Ruby gems
get_urlDownloads files from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
getentA wrapper to the unix getent utility
gitDeploy software (or files) from git checkouts
git_configRead and write git configuration
github_deploy_keyManages deploy keys for GitHub repositories.
github_hooksManages GitHub service hooks.
github_issueView GitHub issue.
github_keyManage GitHub access keys.
github_releaseInteract with GitHub Releases
gitlab_deploy_keyManages GitLab project deploy keys.
gitlab_groupCreates/updates/deletes Gitlab Groups
gitlab_hooksManages GitLab project hooks.
gitlab_projectCreates/updates/deletes Gitlab Projects
gitlab_userCreates/updates/deletes Gitlab Users
gluster_peerAttach/Detach peers to/from the cluster
gluster_volumeManage GlusterFS volumes
grafana_dashboardManage Grafana dashboards
grafana_datasourceManage Grafana datasources
grafana_pluginManage Grafana plugins via grafana-cli
groupAdd or remove groups
group_byCreate Ansible groups based on facts
groveSends a notification to a grove.io channel
gunicornRun gunicorn with various settings.
hallSend notification to Hall
haproxyEnable, disable, and set weights for HAProxy backend servers using socket commands.
helmManages Kubernetes packages with the Helm package manager
heroku_collaboratorAdd or delete app collaborators on Heroku
hgManages Mercurial (hg) repositories
hipchatSend a message to Hipchat.
homebrewPackage manager for Homebrew
homebrew_caskInstall/uninstall homebrew casks.
homebrew_tapTap a Homebrew repository.
honeybadger_deploymentNotify Honeybadger.io about app deployments
hostnameManage hostname
hpilo_bootBoot system using specific media through HP iLO interface
hpilo_factsGather facts through an HP iLO interface
hponcfgConfigure HP iLO interface using hponcfg
htpasswdmanage user files for basic authentication
iamManage IAM users, groups, roles and keys
iam_certManage server certificates for use on ELBs and CloudFront
iam_groupManage AWS IAM groups
iam_managed_policyManage User Managed IAM policies
iam_mfa_device_factsList the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) devices registered for a user
iam_policyManage IAM policies for users, groups, and roles
iam_roleManage AWS IAM roles
iam_role_factsGather information on IAM roles
iam_server_certificate_factsRetrieve the facts of a server certificate
iam_userManage AWS IAM users
ibm_sa_hostAdds hosts to or removes them from IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage systems.
ibm_sa_poolHandles pools on an IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage array.
ibm_sa_volHandle volumes on an IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage array
icinga2_featureManage Icinga2 feature
icinga2_hostManage a host in Icinga2
imc_restManage Cisco IMC hardware through its REST API
imgadmManage SmartOS images
import_playbookImport a playbook
import_roleImport a role into a play
import_tasksImport a task list
includeInclude a play or task list
include_roleLoad and execute a role
include_tasksDynamically include a task list
include_varsLoad variables from files, dynamically within a task
infini_exportCreate, Delete or Modify NFS Exports on Infinibox
infini_export_clientCreate, Delete or Modify NFS Client(s) for existing exports on Infinibox
infini_fsCreate, Delete or Modify filesystems on Infinibox
infini_hostCreate, Delete and Modify Hosts on Infinibox
infini_poolCreate, Delete and Modify Pools on Infinibox
infini_volCreate, Delete or Modify volumes on Infinibox
infinitymanage Infinity IPAM using Rest API
influxdb_databaseManage InfluxDB databases
influxdb_queryQuery data points from InfluxDB.
influxdb_retention_policyManage InfluxDB retention policies
influxdb_userManage InfluxDB users
influxdb_writeWrite data points into InfluxDB.
ini_fileTweak settings in INI files
interfaces_fileTweak settings in /etc/network/interfaces files
ios_bannerManage multiline banners on Cisco IOS devices
ios_commandRun commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS
ios_configManage Cisco IOS configuration sections
ios_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Cisco IOS
ios_interfaceManage Interface on Cisco IOS network devices
ios_l2_interfaceManage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS devices.
ios_l3_interfaceManage Layer-3 interfaces on Cisco IOS network devices.
ios_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on Cisco IOS network devices
ios_lldpManage LLDP configuration on Cisco IOS network devices.
ios_loggingManage logging on network devices
ios_pingTests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices
ios_static_routeManage static IP routes on Cisco IOS network devices
ios_systemManage the system attributes on Cisco IOS devices
ios_userManage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS device
ios_vlanManage VLANs on IOS network devices
ios_vrfManage the collection of VRF definitions on Cisco IOS devices
iosxr_bannerManage multiline banners on Cisco IOS XR devices
iosxr_commandRun commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS XR
iosxr_configManage Cisco IOS XR configuration sections
iosxr_factsCollect facts from remote devices running IOS XR
iosxr_interfaceManage Interface on Cisco IOS XR network devices
iosxr_loggingConfiguration management of system logging services on network devices
iosxr_netconfConfigures NetConf sub-system service on Cisco IOS-XR devices
iosxr_systemManage the system attributes on Cisco IOS XR devices
iosxr_userManage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS XR device
ip_netnsManage network namespaces
ipa_configManage Global FreeIPA Configuration Settings
ipa_dnsrecordManage FreeIPA DNS records
ipa_dnszoneManage FreeIPA DNS Zones
ipa_groupManage FreeIPA group
ipa_hbacruleManage FreeIPA HBAC rule
ipa_hostManage FreeIPA host
ipa_hostgroupManage FreeIPA host-group
ipa_roleManage FreeIPA role
ipa_serviceManage FreeIPA service
ipa_subcaManage FreeIPA Lightweight Sub Certificate Authorities.
ipa_sudocmdManage FreeIPA sudo command
ipa_sudocmdgroupManage FreeIPA sudo command group
ipa_sudoruleManage FreeIPA sudo rule
ipa_userManage FreeIPA users
ipa_vaultManage FreeIPA vaults
ipadm_addrManage IP addresses on an interface on Solaris/illumos systems
ipadm_addrpropManage IP address properties on Solaris/illumos systems.
ipadm_ifManage IP interfaces on Solaris/illumos systems.
ipadm_ifpropManage IP interface properties on Solaris/illumos systems.
ipadm_propManage protocol properties on Solaris/illumos systems.
ipify_factsRetrieve the public IP of your internet gateway.
ipinfoio_factsRetrieve IP geolocation facts of a host's IP address
ipmi_bootManagement of order of boot devices
ipmi_powerPower management for machine
iptablesModify the systems iptables
ircSend a message to an IRC channel
ironware_commandRun arbitrary commands on Extreme IronWare devices
ironware_configManage configuration sections on Extreme Ironware devices
ironware_factsCollect facts from devices running Extreme Ironware
iso_extractExtract files from an ISO image
jabberSend a message to jabber user or chat room
java_certUses keytool to import/remove key from java keystore(cacerts)
java_keystoreCreate or delete a Java keystore in JKS format.
jbossdeploy applications to JBoss
jenkins_jobManage jenkins jobs
jenkins_job_factsGet facts about Jenkins jobs
jenkins_pluginAdd or remove Jenkins plugin
jenkins_scriptExecutes a groovy script in the jenkins instance
jiracreate and modify issues in a JIRA instance
junos_bannerManage multiline banners on Juniper JUNOS devices
junos_commandRun arbitrary commands on an Juniper JUNOS device
junos_configManage configuration on devices running Juniper JUNOS
junos_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Juniper Junos
junos_interfaceManage Interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_l2_interfaceManage Layer-2 interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_lldpManage LLDP configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_lldp_interfaceManage LLDP interfaces configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_loggingManage logging on network devices
junos_netconfConfigures the Junos Netconf system service
junos_packageInstalls packages on remote devices running Junos
junos_rpcRuns an arbitrary RPC over NetConf on an Juniper JUNOS device
junos_scpTransfer files from or to remote devices running Junos
junos_static_routeManage static IP routes on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_systemManage the system attributes on Juniper JUNOS devices
junos_userManage local user accounts on Juniper JUNOS devices
junos_vlanManage VLANs on Juniper JUNOS network devices
junos_vrfManage the VRF definitions on Juniper JUNOS devices
k8sManage Kubernetes (K8s) objects
k8s_factsDescribe Kubernetes (K8s) objects
k8s_scaleSet a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.
katelloManage Katello Resources
kernel_blacklistBlacklist kernel modules
keycloak_clientAllows administration of Keycloak clients via Keycloak API
keycloak_clienttemplateAllows administration of Keycloak client templates via Keycloak API
kibana_pluginManage Kibana plugins
kinesis_streamManage a Kinesis Stream.
known_hostsAdd or remove a host from the `known_hosts' file
kubernetesManage Kubernetes resources
lambdaManage AWS Lambda functions
lambda_aliasCreates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function aliases.
lambda_eventCreates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function event mappings.
lambda_factsGathers AWS Lambda function details as Ansible facts
lambda_policyCreates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda policy statements.
laymanManage Gentoo overlays
ldap_attrAdd or remove LDAP attribute values.
ldap_entryAdd or remove LDAP entries.
ldap_passwdSet passwords in LDAP.
librato_annotationcreate an annotation in librato
lightsailCreate or delete a virtual machine instance in AWS Lightsail
lineinfileManage lines in text files
linodeManage instances on the Linode Public Cloud
lldpget details reported by lldp
locale_genCreates or removes locales
logentriesModule for tracking logs via logentries.com
logentries_msgSend a message to logentries.
logicmonitorManage your LogicMonitor account through Ansible Playbooks
logicmonitor_factsCollect facts about LogicMonitor objects
logstash_pluginManage Logstash plugins
lvgConfigure LVM volume groups
lvolConfigure LVM logical volumes
lxc_containerManage LXC Containers
lxd_containerManage LXD Containers
lxd_profileManage LXD profiles
macportsPackage manager for MacPorts
mailSend an email
makeRun targets in a Makefile
manageiq_alert_profilesConfiguration of alert profiles for ManageIQ
manageiq_alertsConfiguration of alerts in ManageIQ
manageiq_policiesManagement of resource policy_profiles in ManageIQ.
manageiq_providerManagement of provider in ManageIQ.
manageiq_tagsManagement of resource tags in ManageIQ.
manageiq_userManagement of users in ManageIQ.
mattermostSend Mattermost notifications
maven_artifactDownloads an Artifact from a Maven Repository
memset_dns_reloadRequest reload of Memset's DNS infrastructure,
memset_zoneCreates and deletes Memset DNS zones.
memset_zone_domainCreate and delete domains in Memset DNS zones.
memset_zone_recordCreate and delete records in Memset DNS zones.
meraki_adminManage administrators in the Meraki cloud
meraki_config_templateManage configuration templates in the Meraki cloud
meraki_deviceManage devices in the Meraki cloud
meraki_mr_l3_firewallManage MR access point layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud
meraki_mx_l3_firewallManage MX appliance layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud
meraki_networkManage networks in the Meraki cloud
meraki_organizationManage organizations in the Meraki cloud
meraki_snmpManage organizations in the Meraki cloud
meraki_ssidManage wireless SSIDs in the Meraki cloud
meraki_switchportManage switchports on a switch in the Meraki cloud
meraki_vlanManage VLANs in the Meraki cloud
metaExecute Ansible 'actions'
mksysbGenerates AIX mksysb rootvg backups.
modprobeLoad or unload kernel modules
mongodb_parameterChange an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server.
mongodb_userAdds or removes a user from a MongoDB database.
monitManage the state of a program monitored via Monit
mountControl active and configured mount points
mqttPublish a message on an MQTT topic for the IoT
mssql_dbAdd or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host.
mysql_dbAdd or remove MySQL databases from a remote host.
mysql_replicationManage MySQL replication
mysql_userAdds or removes a user from a MySQL database.
mysql_variablesManage MySQL global variables
na_cdot_aggregateManage NetApp cDOT aggregates.
na_cdot_licenseManage NetApp cDOT protocol and feature licenses
na_cdot_lunManage NetApp cDOT luns
na_cdot_qtreeManage qtrees
na_cdot_svmManage NetApp cDOT svm
na_cdot_useruseradmin configuration and management
na_cdot_user_roleuseradmin configuration and management
na_cdot_volumeManage NetApp cDOT volumes
na_elementsw_access_groupNetApp Element Software Manage Access Groups
na_elementsw_accountNetApp Element Software Manage Accounts
na_elementsw_admin_usersNetApp Element Software Manage Admin Users
na_elementsw_backupNetApp Element Software Create Backups
na_elementsw_check_connectionsNetApp Element Software Check connectivity to MVIP and SVIP.
na_elementsw_clusterNetApp Element Software Create Cluster
na_elementsw_cluster_pairNetApp Element Software Manage Cluster Pair
na_elementsw_driveNetApp Element Software Manage Node Drives
na_elementsw_ldapNetApp Element Software Manage ldap admin users
na_elementsw_network_interfacesNetApp Element Software Configure Node Network Interfaces
na_elementsw_nodeNetApp Element Software Node Operation
na_elementsw_snapshotNetApp Element Software Manage Snapshots
na_elementsw_snapshot_restoreNetApp Element Software Restore Snapshot
na_elementsw_snapshot_scheduleNetApp Element Software Snapshot Schedules
na_elementsw_vlanNetApp Element Software Manage VLAN
na_elementsw_volumeNetApp Element Software Manage Volumes
na_elementsw_volume_cloneNetApp Element Software Create Volume Clone
na_elementsw_volume_pairNetApp Element Software Volume Pair
na_ontap_aggregateNetApp ONTAP manage aggregates.
na_ontap_autosupportNetApp ONTAP manage Autosupport
na_ontap_broadcast_domainNetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domains..
na_ontap_broadcast_domain_portsNetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domain ports
na_ontap_cg_snapshotNetApp ONTAP manage consistency group snapshot
na_ontap_cifsNetApp ONTAP manage cifs-share
na_ontap_cifs_aclNetApp ONTAP manage cifs-share-access-control
na_ontap_cifs_serverNetApp ONTAP CIFS server configuration
na_ontap_clusterNetApp ONTAP cluster - create, join, add license
na_ontap_cluster_haNetApp ONTAP Manage HA status for cluster
na_ontap_cluster_peerNetApp ONTAP Manage Cluster peering
na_ontap_commandNetApp ONTAP Run any cli command
na_ontap_disksNetApp ONTAP Assign disks to nodes
na_ontap_dnsNetApp ONTAP Create, delete, modify DNS servers.
na_ontap_export_policyNetApp ONTAP manage export-policy
na_ontap_export_policy_ruleNetApp ONTAP manage export policy rules
na_ontap_fcpNetApp ONTAP Start, Stop and Enable FCP services.
na_ontap_firewall_policyNetApp ONTAP Manage a firewall policy
na_ontap_gather_factsNetApp information gatherer
na_ontap_igroupNetApp ONTAP iSCSI igroup configuration
na_ontap_interfaceNetApp ONTAP LIF configuration
na_ontap_iscsiNetApp ONTAP manage iSCSI service
na_ontap_job_scheduleNetApp ONTAP Job Schedule
na_ontap_licenseNetApp ONTAP protocol and feature licenses
na_ontap_lunNetApp ONTAP manage LUNs
na_ontap_lun_mapNetApp ONTAP LUN maps
na_ontap_motdSetup motd on cDOT
na_ontap_net_ifgrpNetApp Ontap modify network interface group
na_ontap_net_portNetApp ONTAP network ports.
na_ontap_net_routesNetApp ONTAP network routes
na_ontap_net_vlanNetApp ONTAP network VLAN
na_ontap_nfsNetApp ONTAP NFS status
na_ontap_nodeNetApp ONTAP Rename a node.
na_ontap_ntpNetApp ONTAP NTP server
na_ontap_qtreeNetApp ONTAP manage qtrees
na_ontap_service_processor_networkNetApp ONTAP service processor network
na_ontap_snapmirrorNetApp ONTAP Manage SnapMirror
na_ontap_snapshotNetApp ONTAP manage Snapshots
na_ontap_snmpNetApp ONTAP SNMP community
na_ontap_software_updateNetApp ONTAP Update Software
na_ontap_svmManage NetApp ONTAP svm
na_ontap_svm_optionsNetApp ONTAP Modify SVM Options
na_ontap_ucadapterNetApp ONTAP UC adapter configuration
na_ontap_userNetApp ONTAP user configuration and management
na_ontap_user_roleNetApp ONTAP user role configuration and management
na_ontap_volumeNetApp ONTAP manage volumes.
na_ontap_volume_cloneNetApp ONTAP manage volume clones.
na_ontap_vserver_peerNetApp ONTAP Vserver peering
nagiosPerform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications.
ncluConfigure network interfaces using NCLU
net_bannerManage multiline banners on network devices
net_getCopy a file from a network device to Ansible Controller
net_interfaceManage Interface on network devices
net_l2_interfaceManage Layer-2 interface on network devices
net_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on network devices
net_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on network devices
net_lldpManage LLDP service configuration on network devices
net_lldp_interfaceManage LLDP interfaces configuration on network devices
net_loggingManage logging on network devices
net_pingTests reachability using ping from a network device
net_putCopy a file from Ansible Controller to a network device
net_static_routeManage static IP routes on network appliances (routers, switches et. al.)
net_systemManage the system attributes on network devices
net_userManage the aggregate of local users on network device
net_vlanManage VLANs on network devices
net_vrfManage VRFs on network devices
netact_cm_commandManage network configuration data in Nokia Core and Radio networks
netapp_e_alertsNetApp E-Series manage email notification settings
netapp_e_amgNetApp E-Series create, remove, and update asynchronous mirror groups
netapp_e_amg_roleNetApp E-Series update the role of a storage array within an Asynchronous Mirror Group (AMG).
netapp_e_amg_syncNetApp E-Series conduct synchronization actions on asynchronous mirror groups.
netapp_e_asupNetApp E-Series manage auto-support settings
netapp_e_auditlogNetApp E-Series manage audit-log configuration
netapp_e_authNetApp E-Series set or update the password for a storage array.
netapp_e_factsNetApp E-Series retrieve facts about NetApp E-Series storage arrays
netapp_e_flashcacheNetApp E-Series manage SSD caches
netapp_e_globalNetApp E-Series manage global settings configuration
netapp_e_hostNetApp E-Series manage eseries hosts
netapp_e_hostgroupNetApp E-Series manage array host groups
netapp_e_iscsi_interfaceNetApp E-Series manage iSCSI interface configuration
netapp_e_iscsi_targetNetApp E-Series manage iSCSI target configuration
netapp_e_ldapNetApp E-Series manage LDAP integration to use for authentication
netapp_e_lun_mappingNetApp E-Series create, delete, or modify lun mappings
netapp_e_mgmt_interfaceNetApp E-Series management interface configuration
netapp_e_snapshot_groupNetApp E-Series manage snapshot groups
netapp_e_snapshot_imagesNetApp E-Series create and delete snapshot images
netapp_e_snapshot_volumeNetApp E-Series manage snapshot volumes.
netapp_e_storage_systemNetApp E-Series Web Services Proxy manage storage arrays
netapp_e_storagepoolNetApp E-Series manage disk groups and disk pools
netapp_e_syslogNetApp E-Series manage syslog settings
netapp_e_volumeNetApp E-Series manage storage volumes (standard and thin)
netapp_e_volume_copyNetApp E-Series create volume copy pairs
netconf_confignetconf device configuration
netconf_getFetch configuration/state data from NETCONF enabled network devices.
netconf_rpcExecute operations on NETCONF enabled network devices.
netcup_dnsmanage Netcup DNS records
netscalerManages Citrix NetScaler entities
netscaler_cs_actionManage content switching actions
netscaler_cs_policyManage content switching policy
netscaler_cs_vserverManage content switching vserver
netscaler_gslb_serviceManage gslb service entities in Netscaler.
netscaler_gslb_siteManage gslb site entities in Netscaler.
netscaler_gslb_vserverConfigure gslb vserver entities in Netscaler.
netscaler_lb_monitorManage load balancing monitors
netscaler_lb_vserverManage load balancing vserver configuration
netscaler_nitro_requestIssue Nitro API requests to a Netscaler instance.
netscaler_save_configSave Netscaler configuration.
netscaler_serverManage server configuration
netscaler_serviceManage service configuration in Netscaler
netscaler_servicegroupManage service group configuration in Netscaler
netscaler_ssl_certkeyManage ssl cerificate keys.
newrelic_deploymentNotify newrelic about app deployments
nexmoSend a SMS via nexmo
nginx_status_factsRetrieve nginx status facts.
nios_a_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS A records
nios_aaaa_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS AAAA records
nios_cname_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS CNAME records
nios_dns_viewConfigure Infoblox NIOS DNS views
nios_host_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS host records
nios_mx_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS MX records
nios_naptr_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS NAPTR records
nios_networkConfigure Infoblox NIOS network object
nios_network_viewConfigure Infoblox NIOS network views
nios_ptr_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS PTR records
nios_srv_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS SRV records
nios_txt_recordConfigure Infoblox NIOS txt records
nios_zoneConfigure Infoblox NIOS DNS zones
nmcliManage Networking
nos_commandRun commands on remote devices running Extreme Networks NOS
nos_configManage Extreme Networks NOS configuration sections
nos_factsCollect facts from devices running Extreme NOS
noshManage services with nosh
npmManage node.js packages with npm
nso_actionExecutes Cisco NSO actions and verifies output.
nso_configManage Cisco NSO configuration and service synchronization.
nso_queryQuery data from Cisco NSO.
nso_showDisplays data from Cisco NSO.
nso_verifyVerifies Cisco NSO configuration.
nsupdateManage DNS records.
nuage_vspkManage Nuage VSP environments
nxos_aaa_serverManages AAA server global configuration.
nxos_aaa_server_hostManages AAA server host-specific configuration.
nxos_aclManages access list entries for ACLs.
nxos_acl_interfaceManages applying ACLs to interfaces.
nxos_bannerManage multiline banners on Cisco NXOS devices
nxos_bgpManages BGP configuration.
nxos_bgp_afManages BGP Address-family configuration.
nxos_bgp_neighborManages BGP neighbors configurations.
nxos_bgp_neighbor_afManages BGP address-family's neighbors configuration.
nxos_commandRun arbitrary command on Cisco NXOS devices
nxos_configManage Cisco NXOS configuration sections
nxos_evpn_globalHandles the EVPN control plane for VXLAN.
nxos_evpn_vniManages Cisco EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI).
nxos_factsGets facts about NX-OS switches
nxos_featureManage features in NX-OS switches.
nxos_file_copyCopy a file to a remote NXOS device.
nxos_girTrigger a graceful removal or insertion (GIR) of the switch.
nxos_gir_profile_managementCreate a maintenance-mode or normal-mode profile for GIR.
nxos_hsrpManages HSRP configuration on NX-OS switches.
nxos_igmpManages IGMP global configuration.
nxos_igmp_interfaceManages IGMP interface configuration.
nxos_igmp_snoopingManages IGMP snooping global configuration.
nxos_install_osSet boot options like boot, kickstart image and issu.
nxos_interfaceManages physical attributes of interfaces.
nxos_interface_ospfManages configuration of an OSPF interface instance.
nxos_ip_interfaceManages L3 attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.
nxos_l2_interfaceManage Layer-2 interface on Cisco NXOS devices.
nxos_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on Cisco NXOS network devices
nxos_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on Cisco NXOS devices.
nxos_lldpManage LLDP configuration on Cisco NXOS network devices.
nxos_loggingManage logging on network devices
nxos_ntpManages core NTP configuration.
nxos_ntp_authManages NTP authentication.
nxos_ntp_optionsManages NTP options.
nxos_nxapiManage NXAPI configuration on an NXOS device.
nxos_ospfManages configuration of an ospf instance.
nxos_ospf_vrfManages a VRF for an OSPF router.
nxos_overlay_globalConfigures anycast gateway MAC of the switch.
nxos_pimManages configuration of a PIM instance.
nxos_pim_interfaceManages PIM interface configuration.
nxos_pim_rp_addressManages configuration of an PIM static RP address instance.
nxos_pingTests reachability using ping from Nexus switch.
nxos_portchannelManages port-channel interfaces.
nxos_rebootReboot a network device.
nxos_rollbackSet a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint.
nxos_rpmInstall patch or feature rpms on Cisco NX-OS devices.
nxos_smuPerform SMUs on Cisco NX-OS devices.
nxos_snapshotManage snapshots of the running states of selected features.
nxos_snmp_communityManages SNMP community configs.
nxos_snmp_contactManages SNMP contact info.
nxos_snmp_hostManages SNMP host configuration.
nxos_snmp_locationManages SNMP location information.
nxos_snmp_trapsManages SNMP traps.
nxos_snmp_userManages SNMP users for monitoring.
nxos_static_routeManages static route configuration
nxos_switchportManages Layer 2 switchport interfaces.
nxos_systemManage the system attributes on Cisco NXOS devices
nxos_udldManages UDLD global configuration params.
nxos_udld_interfaceManages UDLD interface configuration params.
nxos_userManage the collection of local users on Nexus devices
nxos_vlanManages VLAN resources and attributes.
nxos_vpcManages global VPC configuration
nxos_vpc_interfaceManages interface VPC configuration
nxos_vrfManages global VRF configuration.
nxos_vrf_afManages VRF AF.
nxos_vrf_interfaceManages interface specific VRF configuration.
nxos_vrrpManages VRRP configuration on NX-OS switches.
nxos_vtp_domainManages VTP domain configuration.
nxos_vtp_passwordManages VTP password configuration.
nxos_vtp_versionManages VTP version configuration.
nxos_vxlan_vtepManages VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE).
nxos_vxlan_vtep_vniCreates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI)
ocManage OpenShift Resources
office_365_connector_cardUse webhooks to create Connector Card messages within an Office 365 group
ohaiReturns inventory data from `Ohai'
omapi_hostSetup OMAPI hosts.
one_hostManages OpenNebula Hosts
one_imageManages OpenNebula images
one_image_factsGather facts about OpenNebula images
one_serviceDeploy and manage OpenNebula services
one_vmCreates or terminates OpenNebula instances
oneandone_firewall_policyConfigure 1&1 firewall policy.
oneandone_load_balancerConfigure 1&1 load balancer.
oneandone_monitoring_policyConfigure 1&1 monitoring policy.
oneandone_private_networkConfigure 1&1 private networking.
oneandone_public_ipConfigure 1&1 public IPs.
oneandone_serverCreate, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a 1&1 Host server.
onepassword_factsFetch facts from 1Password items
oneview_datacenter_factsRetrieve facts about the OneView Data Centers
oneview_enclosure_factsRetrieve facts about one or more Enclosures
oneview_ethernet_networkManage OneView Ethernet Network resources
oneview_ethernet_network_factsRetrieve the facts about one or more of the OneView Ethernet Networks
oneview_fc_networkManage OneView Fibre Channel Network resources.
oneview_fc_network_factsRetrieve the facts about one or more of the OneView Fibre Channel Networks
oneview_fcoe_networkManage OneView FCoE Network resources
oneview_fcoe_network_factsRetrieve the facts about one or more of the OneView FCoE Networks
oneview_logical_interconnect_groupManage OneView Logical Interconnect Group resources
oneview_logical_interconnect_group_factsRetrieve facts about one or more of the OneView Logical Interconnect Groups
oneview_network_setManage HPE OneView Network Set resources
oneview_network_set_factsRetrieve facts about the OneView Network Sets
oneview_san_managerManage OneView SAN Manager resources
oneview_san_manager_factsRetrieve facts about one or more of the OneView SAN Managers
online_user_factsGather facts about Online user.
onyx_bgpConfigures BGP on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_commandRun commands on remote devices running Mellanox ONYX
onyx_configManage Mellanox ONYX configuration sections
onyx_factsCollect facts from Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_igmpConfigures IGMP globl parameters
onyx_interfaceManage Interfaces on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_l2_interfaceManage Layer-2 interface on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_lldpManage LLDP configuration on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_lldp_interfaceManage LLDP interfaces configuration on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_magpManage MAGP protocol on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_mlag_iplManage IPL (inter-peer link) on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_mlag_vipConfigures MLAG VIP on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_ospfManage OSPF protocol on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_pfc_interfaceManage priority flow control on ONYX network devices
onyx_protocolEnables/Disables protocols on Mellanox ONYX network devices
onyx_vlanManage VLANs on Mellanox ONYX network devices
open_iscsiManage iscsi targets with open-iscsi
openbsd_pkgManage packages on OpenBSD
opendj_backendpropWill update the backend configuration of OpenDJ via the dsconfig set-backend-prop command.
openshift_rawManage Kubernetes (K8s) objects
openshift_scaleSet a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.
openssl_certificateGenerate and/or check OpenSSL certificates
openssl_csrGenerate OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
openssl_dhparamGenerate OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman Parameters
openssl_pkcs12Generate OpenSSL PKCS#12 archive.
openssl_privatekeyGenerate OpenSSL private keys.
openssl_publickeyGenerate an OpenSSL public key from its private key.
openvswitch_bridgeManage Open vSwitch bridges
openvswitch_dbConfigure open vswitch database.
openvswitch_portManage Open vSwitch ports
openwrt_initManage services on OpenWrt.
opkgPackage manager for OpenWrt
opx_cpsCPS operations on networking device running Openswitch (OPX)
ordnance_configManage Ordnance configuration sections
ordnance_factsCollect facts from Ordnance Virtual Routers over SSH
os_authRetrieve an auth token
os_client_configGet OpenStack Client config
os_coe_cluster_templateAdd/Remove COE cluster template from OpenStack Cloud
os_flavor_factsRetrieve facts about one or more flavors
os_floating_ipAdd/Remove floating IP from an instance
os_groupManage OpenStack Identity Groups
os_imageAdd/Delete images from OpenStack Cloud
os_image_factsRetrieve facts about an image within OpenStack.
os_ironicCreate/Delete Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack
os_ironic_inspectExplicitly triggers baremetal node introspection in ironic.
os_ironic_nodeActivate/Deactivate Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack
os_keypairAdd/Delete a keypair from OpenStack
os_keystone_domainManage OpenStack Identity Domains
os_keystone_domain_factsRetrieve facts about one or more OpenStack domains
os_keystone_endpointManage OpenStack Identity service endpoints
os_keystone_roleManage OpenStack Identity Roles
os_keystone_serviceManage OpenStack Identity services
os_listenerAdd/Delete a listener for a load balancer from OpenStack Cloud
os_loadbalancerAdd/Delete load balancer from OpenStack Cloud
os_memberAdd/Delete a member for a pool in load balancer from OpenStack Cloud
os_networkCreates/removes networks from OpenStack
os_networks_factsRetrieve facts about one or more OpenStack networks.
os_nova_flavorManage OpenStack compute flavors
os_nova_host_aggregateManage OpenStack host aggregates
os_objectCreate or Delete objects and containers from OpenStack
os_poolAdd/Delete a pool in the load balancing service from OpenStack Cloud
os_portAdd/Update/Delete ports from an OpenStack cloud.
os_port_factsRetrieve facts about ports within OpenStack.
os_projectManage OpenStack Projects
os_project_accessManage OpenStack compute flavors acceess
os_project_factsRetrieve facts about one or more OpenStack projects
os_quotaManage OpenStack Quotas
os_recordsetManage OpenStack DNS recordsets
os_routerCreate or delete routers from OpenStack
os_security_groupAdd/Delete security groups from an OpenStack cloud.
os_security_group_ruleAdd/Delete rule from an existing security group
os_serverCreate/Delete Compute Instances from OpenStack
os_server_actionPerform actions on Compute Instances from OpenStack
os_server_factsRetrieve facts about one or more compute instances
os_server_groupManage OpenStack server groups
os_server_metadataAdd/Update/Delete Metadata in Compute Instances from OpenStack
os_server_volumeAttach/Detach Volumes from OpenStack VM's
os_stackAdd/Remove Heat Stack
os_subnetAdd/Remove subnet to an OpenStack network
os_subnets_factsRetrieve facts about one or more OpenStack subnets.
os_userManage OpenStack Identity Users
os_user_factsRetrieve facts about one or more OpenStack users
os_user_groupAssociate OpenStack Identity users and groups
os_user_roleAssociate OpenStack Identity users and roles
os_volumeCreate/Delete Cinder Volumes
os_volume_snapshotCreate/Delete Cinder Volume Snapshots
os_zoneManage OpenStack DNS zones
osx_defaultsosx_defaults allows users to read, write, and delete macOS user defaults from Ansible
ovh_ip_loadbalancing_backendManage OVH IP LoadBalancing backends
ovirtoVirt/RHEV platform management
ovirt_affinity_groupModule to manage affinity groups in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_affinity_labelModule to manage affinity labels in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_affinity_label_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV affinity labels
ovirt_api_factsRetrieve facts about the oVirt/RHV API
ovirt_authModule to manage authentication to oVirt/RHV
ovirt_clusterModule to manage clusters in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_cluster_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV clusters
ovirt_datacenterModule to manage data centers in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_datacenter_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV datacenters
ovirt_diskModule to manage Virtual Machine and floating disks in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_disk_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV disks
ovirt_external_providerModule to manage external providers in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_external_provider_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV external providers
ovirt_groupModule to manage groups in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_group_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV groups
ovirt_hostModule to manage hosts in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_host_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV hosts
ovirt_host_networkModule to manage host networks in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_host_pmModule to manage power management of hosts in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_host_storage_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV HostStorages (applicable only for block storage)
ovirt_mac_poolModule to manage MAC pools in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_networkModule to manage logical networks in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_network_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV networks
ovirt_nicModule to manage network interfaces of Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_nic_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine network interfaces
ovirt_permissionModule to manage permissions of users/groups in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_permission_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV permissions
ovirt_quotaModule to manage datacenter quotas in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_quota_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV quotas
ovirt_scheduling_policy_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt scheduling policies
ovirt_snapshotModule to manage Virtual Machine Snapshots in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_snapshot_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine snapshots
ovirt_storage_connectionModule to manage storage connections in oVirt
ovirt_storage_domainModule to manage storage domains in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_storage_domain_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV storage domains
ovirt_storage_template_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV templates relate to a storage domain.
ovirt_storage_vm_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines relate to a storage domain.
ovirt_tagModule to manage tags in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_tag_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV tags
ovirt_templateModule to manage virtual machine templates in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_template_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV templates
ovirt_userModule to manage users in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_user_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV users
ovirt_vmModule to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_vm_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines
ovirt_vmpoolModule to manage VM pools in oVirt/RHV
ovirt_vmpool_factsRetrieve facts about one or more oVirt/RHV vmpools
pacemaker_clusterManage pacemaker clusters
packageGeneric OS package manager
package_factspackage information as facts
packet_deviceManage a bare metal server in the Packet Host.
packet_sshkeyCreate/delete an SSH key in Packet host.
pacmanManage packages with `pacman'
pagerdutyCreate PagerDuty maintenance windows
pagerduty_alertTrigger, acknowledge or resolve PagerDuty incidents
pam_limitsModify Linux PAM limits
pamdManage PAM Modules
panos_adminAdd or modify PAN-OS user accounts password.
panos_admpwdchange admin password of PAN-OS device using SSH with SSH key
panos_cert_gen_sshgenerates a self-signed certificate using SSH protocol with SSH key
panos_checkcheck if PAN-OS device is ready for configuration
panos_commitcommit firewall's candidate configuration
panos_dagcreate a dynamic address group
panos_dag_tagsCreate tags for DAG's on PAN-OS devices.
panos_importimport file on PAN-OS devices
panos_interfaceconfigure data-port network interface for DHCP
panos_licapply authcode to a device/instance
panos_loadcfgload configuration on PAN-OS device
panos_match_ruleTest for match against a security rule on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console.
panos_mgtconfigconfigure management settings of device
panos_nat_policycreate a policy NAT rule
panos_nat_rulecreate a policy NAT rule
panos_objectcreate/read/update/delete object in PAN-OS or Panorama
panos_opexecute arbitrary OP commands on PANW devices (e.g. show interface all)
panos_pgcreate a security profiles group
panos_query_rulesPANOS module that allows search for security rules in PANW NGFW devices.
panos_restartrestart a device
panos_sagCreate a static address group.
panos_security_policyCreate security rule policy on PanOS devices.
panos_security_ruleCreate security rule policy on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console.
panos_setExecute arbitrary commands on a PAN-OS device using XPath and element
partedConfigure block device partitions
patchApply patch files using the GNU patch tool
pausePause playbook execution
pearManage pear/pecl packages
pingTry to connect to host, verify a usable python and return `pong' on success
pingdomPause/unpause Pingdom alerts
pipManages Python library dependencies
pkg5Manages packages with the Solaris 11 Image Packaging System
pkg5_publisherManages Solaris 11 Image Packaging System publishers
pkginPackage manager for SmartOS, NetBSD, et al.
pkgngPackage manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0
pkgutilManage CSW-Packages on Solaris
pn_clusterCLI command to create/delete a cluster.
pn_ospfCLI command to add/remove ospf protocol to a vRouter.
pn_ospfareaCLI command to add/remove ospf area to/from a vrouter.
pn_showRun show commands on nvOS device.
pn_trunkCLI command to create/delete/modify a trunk.
pn_vlagCLI command to create/delete/modify vlag.
pn_vlanCLI command to create/delete a VLAN.
pn_vrouterCLI command to create/delete/modify a vrouter.
pn_vrouterbgpCLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-bgp.
pn_vrouterifCLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-interface.
pn_vrouterlbifCLI command to add/remove vrouter-loopback-interface.
portagePackage manager for Gentoo
portinstallInstalling packages from FreeBSD's ports system
postgresql_dbAdd or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host.
postgresql_extAdd or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database.
postgresql_langAdds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database.
postgresql_privsGrant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects.
postgresql_schemaAdd or remove PostgreSQL schema from a remote host
postgresql_userAdds or removes a users (roles) from a PostgreSQL database.
profitbricksCreate, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a ProfitBricks virtual machine.
profitbricks_datacenterCreate or destroy a ProfitBricks Virtual Datacenter.
profitbricks_nicCreate or Remove a NIC.
profitbricks_volumeCreate or destroy a volume.
profitbricks_volume_attachmentsAttach or detach a volume.
proxmoxmanagement of instances in Proxmox VE cluster
proxmox_kvmManagement of Qemu(KVM) Virtual Machines in Proxmox VE cluster.
proxmox_templatemanagement of OS templates in Proxmox VE cluster
proxysql_backend_serversAdds or removes mysql hosts from proxysql admin interface.
proxysql_global_variablesGets or sets the proxysql global variables.
proxysql_manage_configWrites the proxysql configuration settings between layers.
proxysql_mysql_usersAdds or removes mysql users from proxysql admin interface.
proxysql_query_rulesModifies query rules using the proxysql admin interface.
proxysql_replication_hostgroupsManages replication hostgroups using the proxysql admin interface.
proxysql_schedulerAdds or removes schedules from proxysql admin interface.
psexecRuns commands on a remote Windows host based on the PsExec model
pubnub_blocksPubNub blocks management module.
pulp_repoAdd or remove Pulp repos from a remote host.
puppetRuns puppet
purefa_dsConfigure FlashArray Directory Service
purefa_factsCollect facts from Pure Storage FlashArray
purefa_hgManage hostgroups on Pure Storage FlashArrays
purefa_hostManage hosts on Pure Storage FlashArrays
purefa_pgManage protection groups on Pure Storage FlashArrays
purefa_pgsnapManage local protection group snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArrays
purefa_snapManage volume snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArrays
purefa_volumeManage volumes on Pure Storage FlashArrays
purefb_factsCollect facts from Pure Storage FlashBlade
purefb_fsManage filesystemon Pure Storage FlashBlade`
purefb_snapManage filesystem snapshots on Pure Storage FlashBlades
pushbulletSends notifications to Pushbullet
pushoverSend notifications via pushover.net
python_requirements_factsShow python path and assert dependency versions
rabbitmq_bindingThis module manages rabbitMQ bindings
rabbitmq_exchangeThis module manages rabbitMQ exchanges
rabbitmq_parameterAdds or removes parameters to RabbitMQ
rabbitmq_pluginManage RabbitMQ plugins
rabbitmq_policyManage the state of policies in RabbitMQ.
rabbitmq_queueThis module manages rabbitMQ queues
rabbitmq_userAdds or removes users to RabbitMQ
rabbitmq_vhostManage the state of a virtual host in RabbitMQ
rawExecutes a low-down and dirty SSH command
raxcreate / delete an instance in Rackspace Public Cloud
rax_cbsManipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volumes
rax_cbs_attachmentsManipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volume Attachments
rax_cdbcreate/delete or resize a Rackspace Cloud Databases instance
rax_cdb_databasecreate / delete a database in the Cloud Databases
rax_cdb_usercreate / delete a Rackspace Cloud Database
rax_clbcreate / delete a load balancer in Rackspace Public Cloud
rax_clb_nodesadd, modify and remove nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer
rax_clb_sslManage SSL termination for a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer.
rax_dnsManage domains on Rackspace Cloud DNS
rax_dns_recordManage DNS records on Rackspace Cloud DNS
rax_factsGather facts for Rackspace Cloud Servers
rax_filesManipulate Rackspace Cloud Files Containers
rax_files_objectsUpload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files
rax_identityLoad Rackspace Cloud Identity
rax_keypairCreate a keypair for use with Rackspace Cloud Servers
rax_metaManipulate metadata for Rackspace Cloud Servers
rax_mon_alarmCreate or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring alarm.
rax_mon_checkCreate or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring check for an existing entity.
rax_mon_entityCreate or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring entity
rax_mon_notificationCreate or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification.
rax_mon_notification_planCreate or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification plan.
rax_networkcreate / delete an isolated network in Rackspace Public Cloud
rax_queuecreate / delete a queue in Rackspace Public Cloud
rax_scaling_groupManipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Groups
rax_scaling_policyManipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Scaling Policy
rdscreate, delete, or modify an Amazon rds instance
rds_instanceManage RDS instances
rds_instance_factsobtain facts about one or more RDS instances
rds_param_groupmanage RDS parameter groups
rds_snapshot_factsobtain facts about one or more RDS snapshots
rds_subnet_groupmanage RDS database subnet groups
rebootReboot a machine
redfish_commandManages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs
redfish_configManages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs
redfish_factsManages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs
redhat_subscriptionManage registration and subscriptions to RHSM using the `subscription-manager' command
redisVarious redis commands, slave and flush
redshiftcreate, delete, or modify an Amazon Redshift instance
redshift_factsGather facts about Redshift cluster(s)
redshift_subnet_groupmanage Redshift cluster subnet groups
replaceReplace all instances of a particular string in a file using a back-referenced regular expression.
rhevmRHEV/oVirt automation
rhn_channelAdds or removes Red Hat software channels
rhn_registerManage Red Hat Network registration using the `rhnreg_ks' command
rhsm_repositoryManage RHSM repositories using the subscription-manager command
riakThis module handles some common Riak operations
rocketchatSend notifications to Rocket Chat
rollbar_deploymentNotify Rollbar about app deployments
route53add or delete entries in Amazons Route53 DNS service
route53_factsRetrieves route53 details using AWS methods
route53_health_checkadd or delete health-checks in Amazons Route53 DNS service
route53_zoneadd or delete Route53 zones
routeros_commandRun commands on remote devices running MikroTik RouterOS
rpm_keyAdds or removes a gpg key from the rpm db
rundeck_acl_policyManage Rundeck ACL policies.
rundeck_projectManage Rundeck projects.
runitManage runit services
s3_bucketManage S3 buckets in AWS, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3
s3_lifecycleManage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS
s3_loggingManage logging facility of an s3 bucket in AWS
s3_syncEfficiently upload multiple files to S3
s3_websiteConfigure an s3 bucket as a website
sayMakes a computer to speak.
scaleway_computeScaleway compute management module
scaleway_image_factsGather facts about the Scaleway images available.
scaleway_ip_factsGather facts about the Scaleway ips available.
scaleway_organization_factsGather facts about the Scaleway organizations available.
scaleway_security_group_factsGather facts about the Scaleway security groups available.
scaleway_server_factsGather facts about the Scaleway servers available.
scaleway_snapshot_factsGather facts about the Scaleway snapshots available.
scaleway_sshkeyScaleway SSH keys management module
scaleway_volumeScaleway volumes management module
scaleway_volume_factsGather facts about the Scaleway volumes available.
scriptRuns a local script on a remote node after transferring it
sebooleanToggles SELinux booleans
sefcontextManages SELinux file context mapping definitions
selinuxChange policy and state of SELinux
selinux_permissiveChange permissive domain in SELinux policy
sendgridSends an email with the SendGrid API
sensu_checkManage Sensu checks
sensu_clientManages Sensu client configuration
sensu_handlerManages Sensu handler configuration
sensu_silenceManage Sensu silence entries
sensu_subscriptionManage Sensu subscriptions
seportManages SELinux network port type definitions
serverlessManages a Serverless Framework project
serviceManage services
service_factsReturn service state information as fact data
set_factSet host facts from a task
set_statsSet stats for the current ansible run
setupGathers facts about remote hosts
sf_account_managerManage SolidFire accounts
sf_check_connectionsCheck connectivity to MVIP and SVIP.
sf_snapshot_schedule_managerManage SolidFire snapshot schedules
sf_volume_access_group_managerManage SolidFire Volume Access Groups
sf_volume_managerManage SolidFire volumes
shellExecute commands in nodes.
sl_vmcreate or cancel a virtual instance in SoftLayer
slackSend Slack notifications
slackpkgPackage manager for Slackware >= 12.2
slurpSlurps a file from remote nodes
slxos_commandRun commands on remote devices running Extreme Networks SLX-OS
slxos_configManage Extreme Networks SLX-OS configuration sections
slxos_factsCollect facts from devices running Extreme SLX-OS
slxos_interfaceManage Interfaces on Extreme SLX-OS network devices
slxos_l2_interfaceManage Layer-2 interface on Extreme Networks SLX-OS devices.
slxos_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices.
slxos_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices
slxos_lldpManage LLDP configuration on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices.
slxos_vlanManage VLANs on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices
smartos_image_factsGet SmartOS image details.
snmp_factsRetrieve facts for a device using SNMP.
snow_recordCreate/Delete/Update records in ServiceNow
snsSend Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) messages
sns_topicManages AWS SNS topics and subscriptions
solaris_zoneManage Solaris zones
sorceryPackage manager for Source Mage GNU/Linux
spectrum_deviceCreates/deletes devices in CA Spectrum.
spotinst_aws_elastigroupCreate, update or delete Spotinst AWS Elastigroups
sqs_queueCreates or deletes AWS SQS queues.
sros_commandRun commands on remote devices running Nokia SR OS
sros_configManage Nokia SR OS device configuration
sros_rollbackConfigure Nokia SR OS rollback
stackdriverSend code deploy and annotation events to stackdriver
stacki_hostAdd or remove host to stacki front-end
statRetrieve file or file system status
statusio_maintenanceCreate maintenance windows for your status.io dashboard
sts_assume_roleAssume a role using AWS Security Token Service and obtain temporary credentials
sts_session_tokenObtain a session token from the AWS Security Token Service
subversionDeploys a subversion repository
supervisorctlManage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord
svcManage daemontools services
svr4pkgManage Solaris SVR4 packages
swdepotManage packages with swdepot package manager (HP-UX)
swupdManages updates and bundles in ClearLinux systems.
synchronizeA wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy.
sysctlManage entries in sysctl.conf.
sysloggerLog messages in the syslog
systemdManage services
sysvinitManage SysV services.
taiga_issueCreates/deletes an issue in a Taiga Project Management Platform
telegrammodule for sending notifications via telegram
telnetExecutes a low-down and dirty telnet command
tempfileCreates temporary files and directories.
templateTemplates a file out to a remote server
terraformManages a Terraform deployment (and plans)
timezoneConfigure timezone setting
tower_credentialcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower credential.
tower_credential_typeCreate, update, or destroy custom Ansible Tower credential type.
tower_groupcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower group.
tower_hostcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower host.
tower_inventorycreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory.
tower_inventory_sourcecreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory source.
tower_job_cancelCancel an Ansible Tower Job.
tower_job_launchLaunch an Ansible Job.
tower_job_listList Ansible Tower jobs.
tower_job_templatecreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower job template.
tower_job_waitWait for Ansible Tower job to finish.
tower_labelcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower label.
tower_organizationcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower organizations
tower_projectcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower projects
tower_rolecreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower role.
tower_settingsModify Ansible Tower settings.
tower_teamcreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower team.
tower_usercreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower user.
tower_workflow_templatecreate, update, or destroy Ansible Tower workflow template.
twilioSends a text message to a mobile phone through Twilio.
typetalkSend a message to typetalk
ucs_ip_poolConfigures IP address pools on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_lan_connectivityConfigures LAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_mac_poolConfigures MAC address pools on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_ntp_serverConfigures NTP server on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_san_connectivityConfigures SAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_storage_profileConfigures storage profiles on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_timezoneConfigures timezone on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_uuid_poolConfigures server UUID pools on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_vhba_templateConfigures vHBA templates on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_vlansConfigures VLANs on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_vnic_templateConfigures vNIC templates on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_vsansConfigures VSANs on Cisco UCS Manager
ucs_wwn_poolConfigures WWNN or WWPN pools on Cisco UCS Manager
udm_dns_recordManage dns entries on a univention corporate server
udm_dns_zoneManage dns zones on a univention corporate server
udm_groupManage of the posix group
udm_shareManage samba shares on a univention corporate server
udm_userManage posix users on a univention corporate server
ufwManage firewall with UFW
unarchiveUnpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine.
uptimerobotPause and start Uptime Robot monitoring
uriInteracts with webservices
urpmiUrpmi manager
userManage user accounts
vca_fwadd remove firewall rules in a gateway in a vca
vca_natadd remove nat rules in a gateway in a vca
vca_vappManages vCloud Air vApp instances.
vcenter_folderManage folders on given datacenter
vcenter_licenseManage VMware vCenter license keys
vdirect_commitCommits pending configuration changes on Radware devices
vdirect_fileUploads a new or updates an existing runnable file into Radware vDirect server
vdirect_runnableRuns templates and workflow actions in Radware vDirect server
vdoModule to control VDO
vertica_configurationUpdates Vertica configuration parameters.
vertica_factsGathers Vertica database facts.
vertica_roleAdds or removes Vertica database roles and assigns roles to them.
vertica_schemaAdds or removes Vertica database schema and roles.
vertica_userAdds or removes Vertica database users and assigns roles.
virtManages virtual machines supported by libvirt
virt_netManage libvirt network configuration
virt_poolManage libvirt storage pools
vmadmManage SmartOS virtual machines and zones.
vmware_about_factsProvides information about VMware server to which user is connecting to
vmware_categoryManage VMware categories
vmware_category_factsGather facts about VMware tag categories
vmware_cfg_backupBackup / Restore / Reset ESXi host configuration
vmware_clusterManage VMware vSphere clusters
vmware_cluster_factsGather facts about clusters available in given vCenter
vmware_datacenterManage VMware vSphere Datacenters
vmware_datastore_clusterManage VMware vSphere datastore clusters
vmware_datastore_factsGather facts about datastores available in given vCenter
vmware_datastore_maintenancemodePlace a datastore into maintenance mode
vmware_deploy_ovfDeploys a VMware virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file
vmware_dns_configManage VMware ESXi DNS Configuration
vmware_drs_rule_factsGathers facts about DRS rule on the given cluster
vmware_dvs_hostAdd or remove a host from distributed virtual switch
vmware_dvs_portgroupCreate or remove a Distributed vSwitch portgroup.
vmware_dvswitchCreate or remove a distributed vSwitch
vmware_guestManages virtual machines in vCenter
vmware_guest_boot_factsGather facts about boot options for the given virtual machine
vmware_guest_boot_managerManage boot options for the given virtual machine
vmware_guest_custom_attribute_defsManage custom attributes definitions for virtual machine from VMWare
vmware_guest_custom_attributesManage custom attributes from VMWare for the given virtual machine
vmware_guest_disk_factsGather facts about disks of given virtual machine
vmware_guest_factsGather facts about a single VM
vmware_guest_file_operationFiles operation in a VMware guest operating system without network
vmware_guest_findFind the folder path(s) for a virtual machine by name or UUID
vmware_guest_moveMoves virtual machines in vCenter
vmware_guest_powerstateManages power states of virtual machines in vCenter
vmware_guest_snapshotManages virtual machines snapshots in vCenter
vmware_guest_snapshot_factsGather facts about virtual machine's snapshots in vCenter
vmware_guest_tools_waitWait for VMware tools to become available
vmware_hostAdd / Remove ESXi host to / from vCenter
vmware_host_acceptanceManage acceptance level of ESXi host
vmware_host_capability_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's capability information
vmware_host_config_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's advance configuration information
vmware_host_config_managerManage advance configurations about an ESXi host
vmware_host_datastoreManage a datastore on ESXi host
vmware_host_dns_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's DNS configuration information
vmware_host_factsGathers facts about remote ESXi hostsystem
vmware_host_firewall_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's firewall configuration information
vmware_host_firewall_managerManage firewall configurations about an ESXi host
vmware_host_lockdownManage administrator permission for the local administrative account for the ESXi host
vmware_host_ntpManage NTP configurations about an ESXi host
vmware_host_ntp_factsGathers facts about NTP configuration on an ESXi host
vmware_host_package_factsGathers facts about available packages on an ESXi host
vmware_host_powerstateManages power states of host systems in vCenter
vmware_host_service_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's services
vmware_host_service_managerManage services on a given ESXi host
vmware_host_ssl_factsGather facts of ESXi host system about SSL
vmware_host_vmnic_factsGathers facts about vmnics available on the given ESXi host
vmware_local_role_factsGather facts about local roles on an ESXi host
vmware_local_role_managerManage local roles on an ESXi host
vmware_local_user_factsGather facts about users on the given ESXi host
vmware_local_user_managerManage local users on an ESXi host
vmware_maintenancemodePlace a host into maintenance mode
vmware_migrate_vmkMigrate a VMK interface from VSS to VDS
vmware_portgroupCreate a VMware portgroup
vmware_portgroup_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's portgroup configuration
vmware_resource_poolAdd/remove resource pools to/from vCenter
vmware_resource_pool_factsGathers facts about resource pool information
vmware_tagManage VMware tags
vmware_tag_factsManage VMware tag facts
vmware_target_canonical_factsReturn canonical (NAA) from an ESXi host system
vmware_vm_factsReturn basic facts pertaining to a vSphere virtual machine guest
vmware_vm_shellRun commands in a VMware guest operating system
vmware_vm_vm_drs_ruleConfigure VMware DRS Affinity rule for virtual machine in given cluster
vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrateMigrates a virtual machine from a standard vswitch to distributed
vmware_vmkernelManage a VMware VMkernel Interface aka. Virtual NICs of host system.
vmware_vmkernel_factsGathers VMKernel facts about an ESXi host
vmware_vmkernel_ip_configConfigure the VMkernel IP Address
vmware_vmotionMove a virtual machine using vMotion, and/or its vmdks using storage vMotion.
vmware_vsan_clusterConfigure VSAN clustering on an ESXi host
vmware_vswitchManage a VMware Standard Switch to an ESXi host.
vmware_vswitch_factsGathers facts about an ESXi host's vswitch configurations
voss_commandRun commands on remote devices running Extreme VOSS
voss_factsCollect facts from remote devices running Extreme VOSS
vsphere_copyCopy a file to a vCenter datastore
vsphere_guestCreate/delete/manage a guest VM through VMware vSphere.
vultr_account_factsGather facts about the Vultr account.
vultr_block_storageManages block storage volumes on Vultr.
vultr_block_storage_factsGather facts about the Vultr block storage volumes available.
vultr_dns_domainManages DNS domains on Vultr.
vultr_dns_domain_factsGather facts about the Vultr DNS domains available.
vultr_dns_recordManages DNS records on Vultr.
vultr_firewall_groupManages firewall groups on Vultr.
vultr_firewall_group_factsGather facts about the Vultr firewall groups available.
vultr_firewall_ruleManages firewall rules on Vultr.
vultr_networkManages networks on Vultr.
vultr_network_factsGather facts about the Vultr networks available.
vultr_os_factsGather facts about the Vultr OSes available.
vultr_plan_factsGather facts about the Vultr plans available.
vultr_region_factsGather facts about the Vultr regions available.
vultr_serverManages virtual servers on Vultr.
vultr_server_factsGather facts about the Vultr servers available.
vultr_ssh_keyManages ssh keys on Vultr.
vultr_ssh_key_factsGather facts about the Vultr SSH keys available.
vultr_startup_scriptManages startup scripts on Vultr.
vultr_startup_script_factsGather facts about the Vultr startup scripts available.
vultr_userManages users on Vultr.
vultr_user_factsGather facts about the Vultr user available.
vyos_bannerManage multiline banners on VyOS devices
vyos_commandRun one or more commands on VyOS devices
vyos_configManage VyOS configuration on remote device
vyos_factsCollect facts from remote devices running VyOS
vyos_interfaceManage Interface on VyOS network devices
vyos_l3_interfaceManage L3 interfaces on VyOS network devices
vyos_linkaggManage link aggregation groups on VyOS network devices
vyos_lldpManage LLDP configuration on VyOS network devices
vyos_lldp_interfaceManage LLDP interfaces configuration on VyOS network devices
vyos_loggingManage logging on network devices
vyos_static_routeManage static IP routes on Vyatta VyOS network devices
vyos_systemRun set system commands on VyOS devices
vyos_userManage the collection of local users on VyOS device
vyos_vlanManage VLANs on VyOS network devices
wait_forWaits for a condition before continuing
wait_for_connectionWaits until remote system is reachable/usable
wakeonlanSend a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet
webfaction_appAdd or remove applications on a Webfaction host
webfaction_dbAdd or remove a database on Webfaction
webfaction_domainAdd or remove domains and subdomains on Webfaction
webfaction_mailboxAdd or remove mailboxes on Webfaction
webfaction_siteAdd or remove a website on a Webfaction host
win_aclSet file/directory/registry permissions for a system user or group
win_acl_inheritanceChange ACL inheritance
win_audit_policy_systemUsed to make changes to the system wide Audit Policy
win_audit_ruleAdds an audit rule to files, folders, or registry keys
win_certificate_storeManages the certificate store
win_chocolateyManage packages using chocolatey
win_chocolatey_configManages Chocolatey config settings
win_chocolatey_featureManages Chocolatey features
win_chocolatey_sourceManages Chocolatey sources
win_commandExecutes a command on a remote Windows node
win_copyCopies files to remote locations on windows hosts
win_defragConsolidate fragmented files on local volumes
win_disk_factsShow the attached disks and disk information of the target host
win_disk_imageManage ISO/VHD/VHDX mounts on Windows hosts
win_dns_clientConfigures DNS lookup on Windows hosts
win_domainEnsures the existence of a Windows domain
win_domain_computerManage computers in Active Directory
win_domain_controllerManage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host
win_domain_groupCreates, modifies or removes domain groups
win_domain_membershipManage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host
win_domain_userManages Windows Active Directory user accounts
win_dotnet_ngenRuns ngen to recompile DLLs after .NET updates
win_dscInvokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
win_environmentModify environment variables on windows hosts
win_eventlogManage Windows event logs
win_eventlog_entryWrite entries to Windows event logs
win_featureInstalls and uninstalls Windows Features on Windows Server
win_fileCreates, touches or removes files or directories
win_file_versionGet DLL or EXE file build version
win_findReturn a list of files based on specific criteria
win_firewallEnable or disable the Windows Firewall
win_firewall_ruleWindows firewall automation
win_get_urlDownloads file from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
win_groupAdd and remove local groups
win_group_membershipManage Windows local group membership
win_hostnameManages local Windows computer name.
win_hotfixInstall and uninstalls Windows hotfixes
win_iis_virtualdirectoryConfigures a virtual directory in IIS
win_iis_webapplicationConfigures IIS web applications
win_iis_webapppoolConfigure IIS Web Application Pools
win_iis_webbindingConfigures a IIS Web site binding
win_iis_websiteConfigures a IIS Web site
win_lineinfileEnsure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression
win_mapped_driveMap network drives for users
win_msgSends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts
win_msiInstalls and uninstalls Windows MSI files
win_nssmNSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager
win_ownerSet owner
win_packageInstalls/uninstalls an installable package
win_pagefileQuery or change pagefile configuration
win_pathManage Windows path environment variables
win_pesterRun Pester tests on Windows hosts
win_pingA windows version of the classic ping module
win_power_planChanges the power plan of a Windows system
win_product_factsProvides Windows product information (product id, product key)
win_psexecRuns commands (remotely) as another (privileged) user
win_psmoduleAdds or removes a Powershell Module
win_rabbitmq_pluginManage RabbitMQ plugins
win_rebootReboot a windows machine
win_reg_statGet information about Windows registry keys
win_regeditAdd, change, or remove registry keys and values
win_regionSet the region and format settings
win_regmergeMerges the contents of a registry file into the windows registry
win_robocopySynchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy
win_routeAdd or remove a static route
win_sayText to speech module for Windows to speak messages and optionally play sounds
win_scheduled_taskManage scheduled tasks
win_scheduled_task_statGet information about Windows Scheduled Tasks
win_security_policyChange local security policy settings
win_serviceManage and query Windows services
win_shareManage Windows shares
win_shellExecute shell commands on target hosts
win_shortcutManage shortcuts on Windows
win_statGet information about Windows files
win_tempfileCreates temporary files and directories
win_templateTemplates a file out to a remote server
win_timezoneSets Windows machine timezone
win_toastSends Toast windows notification to logged in users on Windows 10 or later hosts
win_unzipUnzips compressed files and archives on the Windows node
win_updatesDownload and install Windows updates
win_uriInteracts with webservices
win_userManages local Windows user accounts
win_user_rightManage Windows User Rights
win_wait_forWaits for a condition before continuing
win_wait_for_processWaits for a process to exist or not exist before continuing.
win_wakeonlanSend a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet
win_webpicmdInstalls packages using Web Platform Installer command-line
win_whoamiGet information about the current user and process
win_xmlAdd XML fragment to an XML parent
xattrManage user defined extended attributes
xbpsManage packages with XBPS
xenserver_factsget facts reported on xenserver
xmlManage bits and pieces of XML files or strings
yarnManage node.js packages with Yarn
yumManages packages with the `yum' package manager
yum_repositoryAdd or remove YUM repositories
zabbix_groupZabbix host groups creates/deletes
zabbix_group_factsGather facts about Zabbix hostgroup
zabbix_hostZabbix host creates/updates/deletes
zabbix_host_factsGather facts about Zabbix host
zabbix_hostmacroZabbix host macro creates/updates/deletes
zabbix_maintenanceCreate Zabbix maintenance windows
zabbix_proxyZabbix proxy creates/deletes/gets/updates
zabbix_screenZabbix screen creates/updates/deletes
zabbix_templatecreate/delete/dump zabbix template
zfsManage zfs
zfs_factsGather facts about ZFS datasets.
znodeCreate, delete, retrieve, and update znodes using ZooKeeper
zpool_factsGather facts about ZFS pools.
zypperManage packages on SUSE and openSUSE
zypper_repositoryAdd and remove Zypper repositories


