今天用Ai 打开Matlab 的eps 图片提示缺失字体,解决方法如下:
Helvetica font is one of the most used and remarkable sans serif typefaces in the
designing market that was designed by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann. It is also
known as Neue Haas Grotesk. This is a new neo-grotesque design that has been
inspired by the 19th century’s typefaces such as Akzidenz-Grotesk font and
some other German and Swiss designs.
这里,点击右键’为所有用户安装’.注:个别符号,如加减号,在Matlab 输出的图片中可能和字体自带符号不同,例如图片中 mwa_cmr10 字体下的减号其实是mwb_cmsy10 的减号. 此 bug 目前只能手动调整.
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