DSW是为算法开发者量身打造的一站式AI开发平台,集成了JupyterLab、WebIDE、Terminal多种云端开发环境,其中,Gallery提供了丰富的案例和解决方案,帮助您快速熟悉研发流程。您可以打开DSW Gallery中的案例教程,实现一键式运行Notebook,完成基于EasyAnimate的视频生成模型的推理和训练任务,也可以进行模型推理和微调等二次开发操作。
参数 | 说明 |
实例名称 | 本教程使用的示例值为:AIGC_test_01 |
资源规格 | 选择GPU规格下的ecs.gn7i-c8g1.2xlarge,或其他A10、GU100规格。 |
镜像 | 选择官方镜像的easyanimate:1.1.4-pytorch2.2.0-gpu-py310-cu118-ubuntu22.04。 |
挂载配置(可选) | 单击添加,单击创建数据集,创建OSS或NAS数据集。 |
参数名 | 说明 | 类型 |
prompt | 用户输入的正向提示词。 | string |
negative_prompt | 用户输入的负向提示词。 | string |
num_inference_steps | 用户输入的步数。 | int |
guidance_scale | 引导系数。 | int |
sampler_name | 采样器类型。在生成风景类animation时,采样器 (sampler_name) 推荐使用DPM++和Euler A。在生成人像类animation时,采样器推荐使用Euler A和Euler。 | string |
width | 生成视频宽度。 | int |
height | 生成视频高度。 | int |
video_length | 生成视频帧数。 | int |
fps | 保存的视频帧率。 | int |
save_dir | 保存视频文件夹 (相对路径)。 | string |
seed | 随机种子。 | int |
lora_weight | LoRA模型参数的权重。 | float |
lora_path | 额外的LoRA模型路径。用于生成人物视频可以修改为预置的模型路径:models/Personalized_Model/easyanimate_portrait_lora.safetensors | string |
transformer_path | transformer模型路径。用于生成人物视频可以修改为预置的模型路径:models/Personalized_Model/easyanimate_portrait.safetensors | string |
motion_module_path | motion_module模型路径。 | string |
├── datasets/
│ ├── internal_datasets/
│ ├── videos/
│ │ ├── 00000001.mp4
│ │ ├── 00000002.mp4
│ │ └── .....
│ └── json_of_internal_datasets.json
"file_path": "videos/00000001.mp4",
"text": "A group of young men in suits and sunglasses are walking down a city street.",
"type": "video"
"file_path": "videos/00000002.mp4",
"text": "A notepad with a drawing of a woman on it.",
"type": "video"
参数 | 说明 |
file_path | 视频/图片数据的存放位置(相对路径)。 |
text | 数据的文本描述。 |
type | 视频为video,图片为image。 |
export DATASET_NAME=“” # 训练数据所在目录
export DATASET_META_NAME=“datasets/Minimalism/metadata_add_width_height.json” # 训练文件地址
如果已经在WebUI中选择模型,则无需发送请求重复调用。如遇请求超时,请在EAS日志中确认模型已加载完毕。加载完成,日志中将提示Update diffusion transformer done。
import json import requests def post_diffusion_transformer(diffusion_transformer_path, url='', token=None): datas = json.dumps({ "diffusion_transformer_path": diffusion_transformer_path }) head = { 'Authorization': token } r = requests.post(f'{url}/easyanimate/update_diffusion_transformer', data=datas, headers=head, timeout=15000) data = r.content.decode('utf-8') return data def post_update_edition(edition, url='',token=None): head = { 'Authorization': token } datas = json.dumps({ "edition": edition }) r = requests.post(f'{url}/easyanimate/update_edition', data=datas, headers=head) data = r.content.decode('utf-8') return data if __name__ == '__main__': url = '<eas-service-url>' token = '<eas-service-token>' # -------------------------- # # Step 1: update edition # -------------------------- # edition = "v2" outputs = post_update_edition(edition,url = url,token=token) print('Output update edition: ', outputs) # -------------------------- # # Step 2: update edition # -------------------------- # # 默认路径不可修改 diffusion_transformer_path = "/mnt/models/Diffusion_Transformer/EasyAnimateV2-XL-2-512x512" outputs = post_diffusion_transformer(diffusion_transformer_path, url = url, token=token) print('Output update edition: ', outputs)
参数名 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
prompt_textbox | 用户输入的正向提示词。 | string | 必填。无默认值 |
negative_prompt_textbox | 用户输入的负向提示词。 | string | “The video is not of a high quality, it has a low resolution, and the audio quality is not clear. Strange motion trajectory, a poor composition and deformed video, low resolution, duplicate and ugly, strange body structure, long and strange neck, bad teeth, bad eyes, bad limbs, bad hands, rotating camera, blurry camera, shaking camera. Deformation, low-resolution, blurry, ugly, distortion.” |
sample_step_slider | 用户输入的步数。 | int | 30 |
cfg_scale_slider | 引导系数。 | int | 6 |
sampler_dropdown | 采样器类型。 | string | Eluer |
在 [Eluer, EluerA, DPM++, PNDM, DDIM] 中选择 | |||
width_slider | 生成视频宽度。 | int | 672 |
height_slider | 生成视频高度。 | int | 384 |
length_slider | 生成视频帧数。 | int | 144 |
is_image | 是否是图片。 | bool | FALSE |
lora_alpha_slider | LoRA模型参数的权重。 | float | 0.55 |
seed_textbox | 随机种子。 | int | 43 |
lora_model_path | 额外的LoRA 模型路径。 | string | none |
若有,则会在请求时带上lora。在当次请求后移除。 | |||
base_model_path | 需要更新的transformer模型路径。 | string | none |
motion_module_path | 需要更新的motion_module模型路径。 | string | none |
import base64 import json import sys import time from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO import cv2 import requests import base64 def post_infer(is_image, length_slider, url='',token=None): head = { 'Authorization': token } datas = json.dumps({ "base_model_path": "none", "motion_module_path": "none", "lora_model_path": "none", "lora_alpha_slider": 0.55, "prompt_textbox": "This video shows Mount saint helens, washington - the stunning scenery of a rocky mountains during golden hours - wide shot. A soaring drone footage captures the majestic beauty of a coastal cliff, its red and yellow stratified rock faces rich in color and against the vibrant turquoise of the sea.", "negative_prompt_textbox": "Strange motion trajectory, a poor composition and deformed video, worst quality, normal quality, low quality, low resolution, duplicate and ugly, strange body structure, long and strange neck, bad teeth, bad eyes, bad limbs, bad hands, rotating camera, blurry camera, shaking camera", "sampler_dropdown": "Euler", "sample_step_slider": 30, "width_slider": 672, "height_slider": 384, "is_image": is_image, "length_slider": length_slider, "cfg_scale_slider": 6, "seed_textbox": 43, }) r = requests.post(f'{url}/easyanimate/infer_forward', data=datas, headers=head,timeout=1500) data = r.content.decode('utf-8') return data if __name__ == '__main__': # initiate time now_date = datetime.now() time_start = time.time() url = '<eas-service-url>' token = '<eas-service-token>' # -------------------------- # # Step 3: infer # -------------------------- # is_image = False length_slider = 27 outputs = post_infer(is_image, length_slider, url = url, token=token) # Get decoded data outputs = json.loads(outputs) base64_encoding = outputs["base64_encoding"] decoded_data = base64.b64decode(base64_encoding) if is_image or length_slider == 1: file_path = "1.png" else: file_path = "1.mp4" with open(file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(decoded_data) # End of record time time_end = time.time() time_sum = (time_end - time_start) % 60 print('# --------------------------------------------------------- #') print(f'# Total expenditure: {time_sum}s') print('# --------------------------------------------------------- #')
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