# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019/6/20 16:48 # @Author : MLee # @File : ushuffle_dbU.py import os from distutils.log import warn as printf from random import randrange as rand if isinstance(__builtins__, dict) and "raw_input" in __builtins__: scanf = raw_input elif hasattr(__builtins__, "raw_input"): scanf = raw_input else: scanf = input COLSIZ = 10 FILEDS = ("login", "userid", "projid") RDBMSs = {"s": "sqlite", "m": "mysql", "g": "gadfly"} DBNAME = "test" DBUSER = "root" DB_EXC = None NAMELEN = 16 tformat = lambda s: str(s).title().ljust(COLSIZ) cformat = lambda s: s.upper().ljust(COLSIZ) def setup(): return RDBMSs[scanf(""" Choose a database system: (M)ySQL (G)adfly (S)QLite Enter choice: """).strip().lower()[0]] def connect(db, DBNAME=DBNAME): global DB_EXC dbDir = "%s_%s" % (db, DBNAME) if db == "sqlite": try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: try: from pysqlite2 import dbapit2 as sqlite3 except ImportError: return None DB_EXC = sqlite3 if not os.path.isdir(dbDir): os.mkdir(dbDir) cxn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(dbDir, DBNAME)) elif db == "mysql": try: import MySQLdb import _mysql_excptions as DB_EXC try: cxn = MySQLdb.connect(db=DBNAME) except DB_EXC.OperationalError: try: cxn = MySQLdb.connect(user=DBUSER) cxn.query('CREATE DATABASE %s' % DBNAME) cxn.commit() cxn.close() cxn = MySQLdb.connect(db=DBNAME) except DB_EXC.OperationalError: return None except ImportError: return None elif db == "gadfly": try: from gadfly import gadfly DB_EXC = gadfly except ImportError: return None try: cxn = gadfly(DBNAME, dbDir) except IOError: cxn = gadfly() if not os.path.isdir(dbDir): os.mkdir(DBNAME, dbDir) else: return None return cxn def create(cur): try: cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE users ( login VARCHAR(%d), userid INTEGER, projid INTEGER) """ % NAMELEN) except DB_EXC.OperationalError as e: drop(cur) create(cur) drop = lambda cur: cur.execute("DROP TABLE users") NAMES = ( ('aaron', 8312), ('angela', 7603), ('deva', 7306), ('davina', 7902), ('elliot', 7911), ('ernie', 7410), ('jess', 7912), ('jim', 7512), ('larry', 7311), ) def randName(): pick = set(NAMES) while pick: yield pick.pop() def insert(cur, db): if db == 'sqlite': cur.executemany("INSERT INTO users VALUES (?,?,?)", [(who, uid, rand(1, 5)) for who, uid in randName()]) elif db == "gadfly": for who, uid in randName(): cur.execute("INSERT INTO users VALUES (?,?,?)", (who, uid, rand(1, 5))) elif db == 'mysql': cur.executemany("INSERT INTO users VALUES (%s,%s,%s)", [(who, uid, rand(1, 5)) for who, uid in randName()]) getRC = lambda cur: cur.rowcount if hasattr(cur, "rowcount") else -1 def update(cur): fr = rand(1, 5) to = rand(1, 5) cur.execute("UPDATE users SET projid=%d WHERE projid=%d" % (to, fr)) return fr, to, getRC(cur) def delete(cur): rm = rand(1, 5) cur.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE projid=%d" % rm) return rm, getRC(cur) def dbDump(cur): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users") printf("\n%s" % ''.join(map(cformat, FILEDS))) for data in cur.fetchall(): printf("".join(map(tformat, data))) def main(): db = setup() printf("*** Connect to %r database" % db) cxn = connect(db) if not cxn: printf("ERROR: %r not supported or unreachable, exit" % db) return cur = cxn.cursor() printf("\n*** Creating users table") create(cur) printf("\n*** Inserting names into table") insert(cur, db) dbDump(cur) printf("\n*** Randomly moving folks") fr, to, num = update(cur) printf("\t(%d users moved) from (%d) to (%d)" % (num, fr, to)) dbDump(cur) printf("\n*** Randomly choosing group") rm, num = delete(cur) printf("\t(group #%d; %d users removed)" % (rm, num)) dbDump(cur) printf("\n*** Dropping users table") drop(cur) printf("\n*** Close cxns") cur.close() cxn.commit() cxn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# 运行结果: Choose a database system: (M)ySQL (G)adfly (S)QLite Enter choice: s *** Connect to 'sqlite' database *** Creating users table *** Inserting names into table LOGIN USERID PROJID Deva 7306 4 Elliot 7911 2 Ernie 7410 2 Jim 7512 2 Davina 7902 1 Aaron 8312 4 Larry 7311 1 Angela 7603 1 Jess 7912 2 *** Randomly moving folks (2 users moved) from (4) to (3) LOGIN USERID PROJID Deva 7306 3 Elliot 7911 2 Ernie 7410 2 Jim 7512 2 Davina 7902 1 Aaron 8312 3 Larry 7311 1 Angela 7603 1 Jess 7912 2 *** Randomly choosing group (group #2; 4 users removed) LOGIN USERID PROJID Deva 7306 3 Davina 7902 1 Aaron 8312 3 Larry 7311 1 Angela 7603 1 *** Dropping users table *** Close cxns
这段代码摘自《Python 核心编程(第3版)》的 220 页。为什么要贴这个代码呢?不是因为其实现的数据库适配器的功能,而是在看这段代码时,发现有自己平时没怎么用过的编程技巧。想记录下来,方便以后查阅。
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