1.Andrew Moore。卡内基梅隆计算机学院的院长大大。这些基本上涵盖了很多的数据挖掘topic。
斯坦福大学在三月份开设了一门“深度学习与自然语言处理”的课程:CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing,授课老师是青年才俊 Richard Socher,他本人是德国人,大学期间涉足自然语言处理,在德国读研时又专攻计算机视觉,之后在斯坦福大学攻读博士学位,拜师NLP领域的巨牛 Chris Manning 和 Deep Learning 领域的巨牛Andrew Ng,其博士论文是《Recursive Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision》,也算是多年求学生涯的完美一击。毕业后以联合创始人及CTO的身份创办了MetaMind,作为AI领域的新星创业公司,MetaMind创办之初就拿了800万美元的风投,值得关注。
回到这们课程CS224d,其实可以翻译为“面向自然语言处理的深度学习(Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing)”,这门课程是面向斯坦福学生的校内课程,不过课程的相关材料都放到了网上,包括课程视频,课件,相关知识,预备知识,作业等等,相当齐备。课程大纲相当有章法和深度,从基础讲起,再讲到深度学习在NLP领域的具体应用,包括命名实体识别,机器翻译,句法分析器,情感分析等。Richard Socher此前在ACL 2012和NAACL 2013 做过一个Tutorial,Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic),感兴趣的同学可以先参考一下: Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic) – ACL 2012 Tutorial – 相关视频及课件 。另外,由于这门课程的视频放在Youtube上,@爱可可-爱生活 老师维护了一个网盘链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJyrXaF ,同步更新相关资料,可以关注。
Event | Date | Description | Course Materials | |
Lecture | Mar 30 | Intro to NLP and Deep Learning | Suggested Readings:
[python tutorial] [slides] [video] | |
Lecture | Apr 1 | Simple Word Vector representations: word2vec, GloVe | Suggested Readings: | |
Lecture | Apr 6 | Advanced word vector representations: language models, softmax, single layer networks | Suggested Readings: | |
Lecture | Apr 8 | Neural Networks and backpropagation -- for named entity recognition | Suggested Readings: [slides] [video] | |
Lecture | Apr 13 | Project Advice, Neural Networks and Back-Prop (in full gory detail) | Suggested Readings:
| |
Lecture | Apr 15 | Practical tips: gradient checks, overfitting, regularization, activation functions, details | Suggested Readings:
| |
A1 Due | Apr 16 | Assignment #1 due | [Pset 1] | |
Lecture | Apr 20 | Recurrent neural networks -- for language modeling and other tasks | Suggested Readings: | |
Proposal due | Apr 21 | Course Project Proposal due | [proposal description] | |
Lecture | Apr 22 | GRUs and LSTMs -- for machine translation | Suggested Readings:
| |
Lecture | Apr 27 | Recursive neural networks -- for parsing | Suggested Readings:
| |
Lecture | Apr 29 | Recursive neural networks -- for different tasks (e.g. sentiment analysis) | Suggested Readings:
| |
A2 Due | Apr 30 | Pset #2 Due date | [Pset #2] | |
Lecture | May 4 | Review Session for Midterm | Suggested Readings: N/A [slides] [video - see Piazza] | |
Midterm | May 6 | In-class midterm | ||
Lecture | May 11 | Guest Lecture with Jason Weston from Facebook: Neural Models with Memory -- for question answering | Suggested Readings: [slides] [video] | |
Milestone | May 13 | Course Project Milestone | [milestone description] | |
Lecture | May 13 | Convolutional neural networks -- for sentence classification | Suggested Readings: [slides] [video] | |
Lecture | May 18 | Guest Lecture with Andrew Maas: Speech recognition | Suggested Readings: [slides] [video] | |
Lecture | May 20 | Guest Lecture with Elliot English: Efficient implementations and GPUs | Suggested Readings: [slides] [video] | |
A3 Due | May 21 | Pset #3 Due date | [Pset #3] | |
Lecture | May 27 | Applications of Deep Learning to Natural Language Processing | Suggested Readings: [slides] [video] | |
Lecture | Jun 1 | The future of Deep Learning for NLP: Dynamic Memory Networks | Suggested Readings: [slides] [no video] | |
Poster Presentation | Jun 3 | Final project poster presentations: 2-5 pm, Gates patio | ||
Final Project Due | Jun 8 | Final course project due date | [project description] |
Geoffrey Hinton的nerual network used in Machine learning.(https://www.coursera.org/course/neuralnets)
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