mooc 上的课程已有些年头了,其中许多内容早已经无法通过静态的手段进行爬取
# 所有的信息整合到了一个网址里,那么只需要对一个网站进行分析?! import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def getHtmltxt(url): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding return r.text except: print("Error in getHtmlTxt") return '' def getStockList(lst,html): #lst存储,通过html,regex 页面查找需要的信息 # 获取all stock's code # 得到所有的a soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser") tbodyStr = soup.find_all('tbody') # print(tbodyStr)#good alist = tbodyStr[0].find_all('a')#find all <a>....</a> # tbodyStr 因为是一个list 因此要用[0],(只有一个元素) # print(type(alist[0])) alist[0] 是一个bs tag 类型!!! #todo 解决重复问题! for i in range(len(alist)): if i%2 == 0: href = alist[i].attrs['href'] lst.append(re.findall(r'\d{6}',href)[0]) # lst = list(set(lst)) print(len(lst)) def printList(lst,stockInfoUrl,output_file,all_info):#lst 是所有的stock的 code ['111223','344554','234533','563463'] type(lst[0]) -> str template = "{:3}\t{:10}\t{:10}\t{:6}\t{:6}" print(template.format("序号","代码","名称","净值","累计净值")) for i in range(len(lst)): allUrl = stockInfoUrl + lst[i] + ".shtml" # 访问的网址 html = getHtmltxt(allUrl) # 接下来从网址中获取每一只股票的信息 # name code 净值 累计净值 使用list 存储 # 找到 class: trscontent soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"html.parser") divTag = soup.find('div',attrs={'class':'trscontent'})#attention the type # find h1 nametxt = soup.find('h1').text.strip() # print(nametxt) netWorth = soup.find('em').text.strip() #累计净值 使用 re 获取 netWorth_add = re.findall(r'累计净值:[\d\.]*',divTag.text)#return str all_info.append([i,lst[i],nametxt,netWorth,netWorth_add[0].split(':')[1]]) item = all_info[i] print(template.format(item[0],item[1],item[2],item[3],item[4])) fpath = output_file with open(fpath, 'a', encoding='gb2312') as f:#good a 追加写 s='' for i in item: s = s+str(i)+',' f.write(s[:-1]+'\r') def main(): url = "http://quote.stockstar.com/fund/stock_3_1_1.html" # http://fund.stockstar.com/funds/920002.shtml stockInfoUrl = 'http://fund.stockstar.com/funds/' output_file = 'D:/BaiduStockInfo.csv' all_info = [] lst = [] html = getHtmltxt(url) getStockList(lst,html) printList(lst,stockInfoUrl,output_file,all_info) #? 去除 \r \n ' ' #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 注意执行main()!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! main()
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