A ssh term of cmdline Usage: FlySSH [OPTIONS] [src] [dst] Options: --help Print this help message and exit -u,--user User for login server -P,--password Password for login server -h,--host Host of ssh server -p,--port Port of ssh server -e,--exec Exec commands -i,--interactive Run ssh shell -s,--subsystem ENUM:value in { scp->0,sftp->1} OR { 0,1} Subsystem: scp or sftp -d,--direction ENUM:value in { download->1,upload->0} OR { 1,0} Operation direction: upload or download -t,--target ENUM:value in { dir->1,file->0} OR { 1,0} Target type: file or dir
#ifndef APPARGS_H #define APPARGS_H #include <CLI/CLI11.hpp> #include <string> enum class SubSystem : int { Scp, Sftp }; enum class Direction : int { Upload, Download }; enum class Target : int { File, Dir }; class AppArgs { CLI::App app_; std::string user_; std::string password_; std::string host_; uint16_t port_ = 22; bool isInteractive_ = false; SubSystem subSystem_ = SubSystem::Sftp; Direction direction_ = Direction::Upload; Target target_ = Target::File; std::string srcPath_; std::string dstPath_; public: AppArgs(); bool parse(int argc, char *argv[]); void usage(); std::string user() const { return user_; } std::string password() const { return password_; } std::string host() const { return host_; } uint16_t port() const { return port_; } bool hasCommand() const; std::string command() const; bool isInteractive<
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