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Node.js Manual & Documentation

Table Of Contents

Synopsis 概要

An example of a web server written with Node which responds with 'HelloWorld':

下边是一个用Node编写的对所有请求简单返回'Hello World‘的web服务器例子:

  1. var http = require('http');
  2. http.createServer(function (request, response) {
  3. response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  4. response.end('Hello World\n');
  5. }).listen(8124);
  6. console.log('Server running at');

To run the server, put the code into a file called example.js and executeit with the node program


  1. > node example.js
  2. Server running at

All of the examples in the documentation can be run similarly.

此文档中所有例子均可用同样的方法运行。## Global Objects 全局对象

These object are available in the global scope and can be accessed from anywhere.



The global namespace object.


In browsers, the top-level scope is the global scope. That means that inbrowsers if you're in the global scopevar something will define a globalvariable. In Node this is different. The top-level scope is not the globalscope;var something inside a Node module will be local to that module.

在浏览器中,顶级作用域为全局作用域,在全局作用域下通过var something即定义了一个全局变量。但是在Node中并不如此,顶级作用域并非是全局作用域,在Node模块中通过var something定义的变量仅作用于该模块。


The process object. See the 'process object' section.

进程对象,参见'process object'章节。


To require modules. See the 'Modules' section.



Use the internal require() machinery to look up the location of a module,but rather than loading the module, just return the resolved filename.



An array of search paths for require(). This array can be modified to addcustom paths.


Example: add a new path to the beginning of the search list




The filename of the script being executed. This is the absolute path, and not necessarilythe same filename passed in as a command line argument.


Example: running node example.js from /Users/mjr

例如:在目录/Users/mjr下运行node example.js

  1. console.log(__filename);
  2. // /Users/mjr/example.js


The dirname of the script being executed.


Example: running node example.js from /Users/mjr

例如:在目录/Users/mjr下运行node example.js

  1. console.log(__dirname);
  2. // /Users/mjr


A reference to the current module. In particularmodule.exports is the same as theexports object. See src/node.jsfor more information.


Timers 定时器

setTimeout(callback, delay, [arg], [...])

To schedule execution of callback after delay milliseconds. Returns atimeoutId for possible use withclearTimeout(). Optionally, you canalso pass arguments to the callback.



Prevents a timeout from triggering.


setInterval(callback, delay, [arg], [...])

To schedule the repeated execution of callback every delay milliseconds.Returns aintervalId for possible use with clearInterval(). Optionally,you can also pass arguments to the callback.



Stops a interval from triggering.

清除定时器,阻止指定的interval(间隔)定时器被触发。## Modules 模块

Node uses the CommonJS module system.Node has a simple module loading system. In Node, files and modules are inone-to-one correspondence. As an example,foo.js loads the modulecircle.js in the same directory.


The contents of foo.js:


  1. var circle = require('./circle.js');
  2. console.log( 'The area of a circle of radius 4 is '
  3. + circle.area(4));

The contents of circle.js:


  1. var PI = Math.PI;
  2. exports.area = function (r) {
  3. return PI * r * r;
  4. };
  5. exports.circumference = function (r) {
  6. return 2 * PI * r;
  7. };

The module circle.js has exported the functions area() andcircumference(). To export an object, add to the specialexportsobject.


Variableslocal to the module will be private. In this example the variable PI isprivate to circle.js.


Core Modules 核心模块

Node has several modules compiled into the binary. These modules aredescribed in greater detail elsewhere in this documentation.


The core modules are defined in node's source in the lib/ folder.


Core modules are always preferentially loaded if their identifier ispassed to require(). For instance, require('http') will alwaysreturn the built in HTTP module, even if there is a file by that name.


File Modules 文件模块

If the exact filename is not found, then node will attempt to load therequired filename with the added extension of.js, and then .node..js files are interpreted as JavaScript text files, and.node filesare interpreted as compiled addon modules loaded with dlopen.


A module prefixed with '/' is an absolute path to the file. Forexample,require('/home/marco/foo.js') will load the file at/home/marco/foo.js.


A module prefixed with './' is relative to the file calling require().That is, circle.js must be in the same directory asfoo.js forrequire('./circle') to find it.

'./'为前缀的模块是指向文件的相对路径,相对于调用require()的文件。也就是说为了使require('./circle') 能找到正确的文件,circle.js必须位于与foo.js 相同的路径之下。

Without a leading '/' or './' to indicate a file, the module is either a"core module" or is loaded from anode_modules folder.

如果标明一个文件时没有 '/' 或 './'前缀,该模块或是"核心模块",或者位于 node_modules目录中。

Loading from `node_modules` Folders 从 `node_modules` 目录中加载

If the module identifier passed to require() is not a native module,and does not begin with'/', '../', or './', then node starts at theparent directory of the current module, and adds/node_modules, andattempts to load the module from that location.

如果传递到 require()的模块标识符不是一个核心模块,并且不是以'/''../''./'开头,node将从当前模块的父目录开始,在其/node_modules子目录中加载该模块。

If it is not found there, then it moves to the parent directory, and soon, until either the module is found, or the root of the tree isreached.


For example, if the file at '/home/ry/projects/foo.js' calledrequire('bar.js'), then node would look in the following locations, inthis order:

例如,如果在文件 '/home/ry/projects/foo.js'中调用 `require('bar.js'),node将会依次查找以下位置:

  • /home/ry/projects/node_modules/bar.js
  • /home/ry/node_modules/bar.js
  • /home/node_modules/bar.js
  • /node_modules/bar.js

This allows programs to localize their dependencies, so that they do notclash.


Optimizations to the `node_modules` Lookup Process 优化 `node_modules` 的查找过程

When there are many levels of nested dependencies, it is possible forthese file trees to get fairly long. The following optimizations are thusmade to the process.


First, /node_modules is never appended to a folder already ending in/node_modules.

首先, /node_modules不要添加到以 /node_modules结尾的目录上。

Second, if the file calling require() is already inside a node_moduleshierarchy, then the top-mostnode_modules folder is treated as theroot of the search tree.


For example, if the file at'/home/ry/projects/foo/node_modules/bar/node_modules/baz/quux.js'calledrequire('asdf.js'), then node would search the followinglocations:


  • /home/ry/projects/foo/node_modules/bar/node_modules/baz/node_modules/asdf.js
  • /home/ry/projects/foo/node_modules/bar/node_modules/asdf.js
  • /home/ry/projects/foo/node_modules/asdf.js

Folders as Modules 目录作为模块

It is convenient to organize programs and libraries into self-containeddirectories, and then provide a single entry point to that library.There are three ways in which a folder may be passed torequire() asan argument.

很方便将程序或库组织成自包含的目录,并提供一个单独的入口指向那个库。有三种方式可以将一个子目录作为参数传递给 require()

The first is to create a package.json file in the root of the folder,which specifies amain module. An example package.json file mightlook like this:

第一种方法是在目录的根下创建一个名为package.json的文件,它指定了一个main 模块。一个package.jso文件的例子如下面所示:

  1. { "name" : "some-library",
  2. "main" : "./lib/some-library.js" }

If this was in a folder at ./some-library, thenrequire('./some-library') would attempt to load./some-library/lib/some-library.js.


This is the extent of Node's awareness of package.json files.


If there is no package.json file present in the directory, then nodewill attempt to load anindex.js or index.node file out of thatdirectory. For example, if there was no package.json file in the aboveexample, thenrequire('./some-library') would attempt to load:

如果在目录中没有package.json文件,node将试图在该目录中加载index.jsindex.node文件。例如,在上面的例子中没有 package.json文件,require('./some-library')将试图加载:

  • ./some-library/index.js
  • ./some-library/index.node

Caching 缓存

Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. This means(among other things) that every call torequire('foo') will getexactly the same object returned, if it would resolve to the same file.


All Together... 总结一下...

To get the exact filename that will be loaded when require() is called, usetherequire.resolve() function.


Putting together all of the above, here is the high-level algorithmin pseudocode of what require.resolve does:


  1. require(X)
  2. 1. If X is a core module,
  3. a. return the core module
  4. b. STOP
  5. 2. If X begins with `./` or `/`,
  6. a. LOAD_AS_FILE(Y + X)
  8. 3. LOAD_NODE_MODULES(X, dirname(Y))
  9. 4. THROW "not found"
  11. 1. If X is a file, load X as JavaScript text. STOP
  12. 2. If X.js is a file, load X.js as JavaScript text. STOP
  13. 3. If X.node is a file, load X.node as binary addon. STOP
  15. 1. If X/package.json is a file,
  16. a. Parse X/package.json, and look for "main" field.
  17. b. let M = X + (json main field)
  18. c. LOAD_AS_FILE(M)
  19. 2. LOAD_AS_FILE(X/index)
  22. 2. for each DIR in DIRS:
  23. a. LOAD_AS_FILE(DIR/X)
  26. 1. let PARTS = path split(START)
  27. 2. let ROOT = index of first instance of "node_modules" in PARTS, or 0
  28. 3. let I = count of PARTS - 1
  29. 4. let DIRS = []
  30. 5. while I > ROOT,
  31. a. if PARTS[I] = "node_modules" CONTINUE
  32. c. DIR = path join(PARTS[0 .. I] + "node_modules")
  33. b. DIRS = DIRS + DIR
  34. 6. return DIRS

Loading from the `require.paths` Folders 从`require.paths`目录中加载

In node, require.paths is an array of strings that represent paths tobe searched for modules when they are not prefixed with'/', './', or'../'. For example, if require.paths were set to:


  1. [ '/home/micheil/.node_modules',
  2. '/usr/local/lib/node_modules' ]

Then calling require('bar/baz.js') would search the followinglocations:


  • 1: '/home/micheil/.node_modules/bar/baz.js'
  • 2: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bar/baz.js'

The require.paths array can be mutated at run time to alter thisbehavior.


It is set initially from the NODE_PATH environment variable, which isa colon-delimited list of absolute paths. In the previous example,theNODE_PATH environment variable might have been set to:



Loading from the require.paths locations is only performed if themodule could not be found using thenode_modules algorithm above.Global modules are lower priority than bundled dependencies.


**Note:** Please Avoid Modifying `require.paths` **注意:** 请不要修改`requires.paths`

For compatibility reasons, require.paths is still given first priorityin the module lookup process. However, it may disappear in a futurerelease.


While it seemed like a good idea at the time, and enabled a lot ofuseful experimentation, in practice a mutablerequire.paths list isoften a troublesome source of confusion and headaches.


Setting `require.paths` to some other value does nothing. 将`require.paths`设为其他值不会产生任何作用

This does not do what one might expect:


require.paths = [ '/usr/lib/node' ];

All that does is lose the reference to the actual node module lookuppaths, and create a new reference to some other thing that isn't usedfor anything.


Putting relative paths in `require.paths` is... weird. 不建议在`require.paths`中发入相对路径

If you do this:



then it does not add the full resolved path to where ./libis on the filesystem. Instead, it literally adds'./lib',meaning that if you do require('y.js') in /a/b/x.js, then it'll lookin /a/b/lib/y.js. If you then did require('y.js') in/l/m/n/o/p.js, then it'd look in /l/m/n/o/lib/y.js.


In practice, people have used this as an ad hoc way to bundledependencies, but this technique is brittle.


Zero Isolation 零隔离

There is (by regrettable design), only one require.paths array used byall modules.


As a result, if one node program comes to rely on this behavior, it maypermanently and subtly alter the behavior of all other node programs inthe same process. As the application stack grows, we tend to assemblefunctionality, and it is a problem with those parts interact in waysthat are difficult to predict.


Addenda: Package Manager Tips 附录:包管理技巧

The semantics of Node's require() function were designed to be generalenough to support a number of sane directory structures. Package managerprograms such asdpkg, rpm, and npm will hopefully find it possible tobuild native packages from Node modules without modification.

Node的require()函数的语义被设计的足够通用化,以支持各种常规目录结构。包管理程序如 dpkgrpmnpm将不用修改就能够从Node模块构建本地包。

Below we give a suggested directory structure that could work:


Let's say that we wanted to have the folder at/usr/lib/node/<some-package>/<some-version> hold the contents of aspecific version of a package.


Packages can depend on one another. In order to install package foo, youmay have to install a specific version of packagebar. The bar packagemay itself have dependencies, and in some cases, these dependencies may evencollide or form cycles.


Since Node looks up the realpath of any modules it loads (that is,resolves symlinks), and then looks for their dependencies in thenode_modules folders as described above, this situation is very simple toresolve with the following architecture:


  • /usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/ - Contents of the foo package, version 1.2.3./usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/ - 包foo的1.2.3版本内容。
  • /usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/ - Contents of the bar package thatfoodepends on./usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/ - 包foo依赖的包bar的内容。
  • /usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/node_modules/bar - Symbolic link to/usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/./usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/node_modules/bar - 指向/usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/的符号链接。
  • /usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/node_modules/* - Symbolic links to the packagesthatbar depends on./usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/node_modules/* - 指向包bar所依赖的包的符号链接。

Thus, even if a cycle is encountered, or if there are dependencyconflicts, every module will be able to get a version of its dependencythat it can use.


When the code in the foo package does require('bar'), it will get theversion that is symlinked into/usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/node_modules/bar.Then, when the code in the bar package calls require('quux'), it'll getthe version that is symlinked into/usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/node_modules/quux.


Furthermore, to make the module lookup process even more optimal, ratherthan putting packages directly in/usr/lib/node, we could put them in/usr/lib/node_modules/<name>/<version>. Then node will not botherlooking for missing dependencies in/usr/node_modules or /node_modules.


In order to make modules available to the node REPL, it might be useful toalso add the/usr/lib/node_modules folder to the $NODE_PATH environmentvariable. Since the module lookups usingnode_modules folders are allrelative, and based on the real path of the files making the calls torequire(), the packages themselves can be anywhere.

为了使模块在node REPL中可用,你可能需要将/usr/lib/node_modules目录加入到$NODE_PATH环境变量中。由于在node_modules目录中搜索模块使用的是相对路径,基于调用require()的文件所在真实路径,因此包本身可以放在任何位置。## Addons 扩展插件

Addons are dynamically linked shared objects. They can provide glue to C andC++ libraries. The API (at the moment) is rather complex, involvingknowledge of several libraries:


  • V8 JavaScript, a C++ library. Used for interfacing with JavaScript:creating objects, calling functions, etc. Documented mostly in thev8.h header file (deps/v8/include/v8.h in the Node source tree).

    V8 JavaScript,C++类库,作为JavaScript的接口类,主要用于创建对象、调用方法等功能。大部分功能在头文件v8.h (在node文件夹下的路径为deps/v8/include/v8.h)中有详细文档。

  • libev, C event loop library. Anytime one needs to wait for a filedescriptor to become readable, wait for a timer, or wait for a signal toreceived one will need to interface with libev. That is, if you performany I/O, libev will need to be used. Node uses the EV_DEFAULT eventloop. Documentation can be found here.

    libev,基于C的事件循环库。当需要等待文件描述(file descriptor)为可读时,等待定时器时,或者等待接受信号时,会需要调用libev库。也可以说,任何IO操作都需要调用libev库。Node使用EV_DEFAULT事件循环机制。在这里可以查阅相关文档。

  • libeio, C thread pool library. Used to execute blocking POSIX systemcalls asynchronously. Mostly wrappers already exist for such calls, insrc/file.cc so you will probably not need to use it. If you do need it,look at the header filedeps/libeio/eio.h.


  • Internal Node libraries. Most importantly is the node::ObjectWrapclass which you will likely want to derive from.


  • Others. Look in deps/ for what else is available.

    其他的一些类库同样可以在deps/ 中找到。

Node statically compiles all its dependencies into the executable. Whencompiling your module, you don't need to worry about linking to any of theselibraries.


To get started let's make a small Addon which does the following except inC++:


exports.hello = 'world';

To get started we create a file hello.cc:


  1. #include <v8.h>
  2. using namespace v8;
  3. extern "C" void
  4. init (Handle<Object> target)
  5. {
  6. HandleScope scope;
  7. target->Set(String::New("hello"), String::New("world"));
  8. }

This source code needs to be built into hello.node, the binary Addon. Todo this we create a file calledwscript which is python code and lookslike this:


  1. srcdir = '.'
  2. blddir = 'build'
  3. VERSION = '0.0.1'
  4. def set_options(opt):
  5. opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx')
  6. def configure(conf):
  7. conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx')
  8. conf.check_tool('node_addon')
  9. def build(bld):
  10. obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib', 'node_addon')
  11. obj.target = 'hello'
  12. obj.source = 'hello.cc'

Running node-waf configure build will create a filebuild/default/hello.node which is our Addon.

运行node-waf configure build,我们就创建了一个Addon实例build/default/hello.node

node-waf is just WAF, the python-based build system.node-waf isprovided for the ease of users.


All Node addons must export a function called init with this signature:


extern 'C' void init (Handle<Object> target)

For the moment, that is all the documentation on addons. Please seehttp://github.com/ry/node_postgres for a real example.

目前关于addon的所有文档就是这些。另外,在http://github.com/ry/node_postgres中还提供了一个Addon的实例。## process 进程

The process object is a global object and can be accessed from anywhere.


It is an instance of EventEmitter.


Event: 'exit' 事件:'exit'

function () {}

Emitted when the process is about to exit. This is a good hook to performconstant time checks of the module's state (like for unit tests). The mainevent loop will no longer be run after the 'exit' callback finishes, sotimers may not be scheduled.


Example of listening for exit:


  1. process.on('exit', function () {
  2. process.nextTick(function () {
  3. console.log('This will not run');
  4. });
  5. console.log('About to exit.');
  6. });

Event: 'uncaughtException' 事件:'uncaughtException'

function (err) { }

Emitted when an exception bubbles all the way back to the event loop. If alistener is added for this exception, the default action (which is to printa stack trace and exit) will not occur.


Example of listening for uncaughtException:


  1. process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
  2. console.log('Caught exception: ' + err);
  3. });
  4. setTimeout(function () {
  5. console.log('This will still run.');
  6. }, 500);
  7. // Intentionally cause an exception, but don't catch it.
  8. nonexistentFunc();
  9. console.log('This will not run.');

Note that uncaughtException is a very crude mechanism for exceptionhandling. Using try / catch in your program will give you more control overyour program's flow. Especially for server programs that are designed tostay running forever,uncaughtException can be a useful safety mechanism.


Signal Events 信号事件

function () {}

Emitted when the processes receives a signal. See sigaction(2) for a list ofstandard POSIX signal names such as SIGINT, SIGUSR1, etc.


Example of listening for SIGINT:

监听 SIGINT的示例:

  1. // Start reading from stdin so we don't exit.
  2. process.stdin.resume();
  3. process.on('SIGINT', function () {
  4. console.log('Got SIGINT. Press Control-D to exit.');
  5. });

An easy way to send the SIGINT signal is with Control-C in most terminalprograms.



A Writable Stream to stdout.

一个指向标准输出stdoutWritable Stream可写流。

Example: the definition of console.log


  1. console.log = function (d) {
  2. process.stdout.write(d + '\n');
  3. };


A writable stream to stderr. Writes on this stream are blocking.



A Readable Stream for stdin. The stdin stream is paused by default, so onemust callprocess.stdin.resume() to read from it.

一个到标准输入的可读流Readable Stream。默认情况下标准输入流是暂停的,要从中读取内容需要调用方法process.stdin.resume()

Example of opening standard input and listening for both events:


  1. process.stdin.resume();
  2. process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
  3. process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) {
  4. process.stdout.write('data: ' + chunk);
  5. });
  6. process.stdin.on('end', function () {
  7. process.stdout.write('end');
  8. });


An array containing the command line arguments. The first element will be'node', the second element will be the name of the JavaScript file. Thenext elements will be any additional command line arguments.


  1. // print process.argv
  2. process.argv.forEach(function (val, index, array) {
  3. console.log(index + ': ' + val);
  4. });

This will generate:


  1. $ node process-2.js one two=three four
  2. 0: node
  3. 1: /Users/mjr/work/node/process-2.js
  4. 2: one
  5. 3: two=three
  6. 4: four


This is the absolute pathname of the executable that started the process.






Changes the current working directory of the process or throws an exception if that fails.


  1. console.log('Starting directory: ' + process.cwd());
  2. try {
  3. process.chdir('/tmp');
  4. console.log('New directory: ' + process.cwd());
  5. }
  6. catch (err) {
  7. console.log('chdir: ' + err);
  8. }


Returns the current working directory of the process.


console.log('Current directory: ' + process.cwd());


An object containing the user environment. See environ(7).



Ends the process with the specified code. If omitted, exit uses the'success' code0.

用指定的code代码结束进程。如果不指定,退出时将使用'success'(成功)代码 0

To exit with a 'failure' code:



The shell that executed node should see the exit code as 1.



Gets the group identity of the process. (See getgid(2).)This is the numerical group id, not the group name.


console.log('Current gid: ' + process.getgid());


Sets the group identity of the process. (See setgid(2).) This accepts eithera numerical ID or a groupname string. If a groupname is specified, this methodblocks while resolving it to a numerical ID.


  1. console.log('Current gid: ' + process.getgid());
  2. try {
  3. process.setgid(501);
  4. console.log('New gid: ' + process.getgid());
  5. }
  6. catch (err) {
  7. console.log('Failed to set gid: ' + err);
  8. }


Gets the user identity of the process. (See getuid(2).)This is the numerical userid, not the username.


console.log('Current uid: ' + process.getuid());


Sets the user identity of the process. (See setuid(2).) This accepts eithera numerical ID or a username string. If a username is specified, this methodblocks while resolving it to a numerical ID.


  1. console.log('Current uid: ' + process.getuid());
  2. try {
  3. process.setuid(501);
  4. console.log('New uid: ' + process.getuid());
  5. }
  6. catch (err) {
  7. console.log('Failed to set uid: ' + err);
  8. }


A compiled-in property that exposes NODE_VERSION.


console.log('Version: ' + process.version);


A compiled-in property that exposes NODE_PREFIX.


console.log('Prefix: ' + process.installPrefix);

process.kill(pid, signal='SIGTERM')

Send a signal to a process. pid is the process id and signal is thestring describing the signal to send. Signal names are strings like'SIGINT' or 'SIGUSR1'. If omitted, the signal will be 'SIGTERM'.See kill(2) for more information.


Note that just because the name of this function is process.kill, it isreally just a signal sender, like thekill system call. The signal sentmay do something other than kill the target process.


Example of sending a signal to yourself:


  1. process.on('SIGHUP', function () {
  2. console.log('Got SIGHUP signal.');
  3. });
  4. setTimeout(function () {
  5. console.log('Exiting.');
  6. process.exit(0);
  7. }, 100);
  8. process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGHUP');


The PID of the process.


console.log('This process is pid ' + process.pid);


Getter/setter to set what is displayed in 'ps'.



What platform you're running on. 'linux2', 'darwin', etc.


console.log('This platform is ' + process.platform);


Returns an object describing the memory usage of the Node process.


  1. var util = require('util');
  2. console.log(util.inspect(process.memoryUsage()));

This will generate:


  1. { rss: 4935680,
  2. vsize: 41893888,
  3. heapTotal: 1826816,
  4. heapUsed: 650472 }

heapTotal and heapUsed refer to V8's memory usage.



On the next loop around the event loop call this callback.This is not a simple alias tosetTimeout(fn, 0), it's much moreefficient.

在事件循环的下一次循环中调用callback回调函数。这不是setTimeout(fn, 0)的一个别名,因为它有效率多了。

  1. process.nextTick(function () {
  2. console.log('nextTick callback');
  3. });


Sets or reads the process's file mode creation mask. Child processes inheritthe mask from the parent process. Returns the old mask ifmask argument isgiven, otherwise returns the current mask.


  1. var oldmask, newmask = 0644;
  2. oldmask = process.umask(newmask);
  3. console.log('Changed umask from: ' + oldmask.toString(8) +
  4. ' to ' + newmask.toString(8));

util 工具模块

These functions are in the module 'util'. Use require('util') to accessthem.



A synchronous output function. Will block the process andoutput string immediately tostderr.


require('util').debug('message on stderr');


Output with timestamp on stdout.


require('util').log('Timestmaped message.');

util.inspect(object, showHidden=false, depth=2)

Return a string representation of object, which is useful for debugging.


If showHidden is true, then the object's non-enumerable properties will beshown too.


If depth is provided, it tells inspect how many times to recurse whileformatting the object. This is useful for inspecting large complicated objects.


The default is to only recurse twice. To make it recurse indefinitely, passin null for depth.


Example of inspecting all properties of the util object:


  1. var util = require('util');
  2. console.log(util.inspect(util, true, null));

util.pump(readableStream, writableStream, [callback])



Read the data from readableStream and send it to the writableStream.WhenwritableStream.write(data) returns false readableStream will bepaused until thedrain event occurs on the writableStream. callback getsan error as its only argument and is called whenwritableStream is closed orwhen an error occurs.


util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor)

Inherit the prototype methods from oneconstructorinto another. The prototype ofconstructor will be set to a newobject created from superConstructor.


As an additional convenience, superConstructor will be accessiblethrough theconstructor.super_ property.


  1. var util = require("util");
  2. var events = require("events");
  3. function MyStream() {
  4. events.EventEmitter.call(this);
  5. }
  6. util.inherits(MyStream, events.EventEmitter);
  7. MyStream.prototype.write = function(data) {
  8. this.emit("data", data);
  9. }
  10. var stream = new MyStream();
  11. console.log(stream instanceof events.EventEmitter); // true
  12. console.log(MyStream.super_ === events.EventEmitter); // true
  13. stream.on("data", function(data) {
  14. console.log('Received data: "' + data + '"');
  15. })
  16. stream.write("It works!"); // Received data: "It works!"

Events 事件模块

Many objects in Node emit events: a net.Server emits an event each timea peer connects to it, afs.readStream emits an event when the file isopened. All objects which emit events are instances ofevents.EventEmitter.You can access this module by doing: require("events");


Typically, event names are represented by a camel-cased string, however,there aren't any strict restrictions on that, as any string will be accepted.


Functions can then be attached to objects, to be executed when an eventis emitted. These functions are calledlisteners.



To access the EventEmitter class, require('events').EventEmitter.


When an EventEmitter instance experiences an error, the typical action isto emit an'error' event. Error events are treated as a special case in node.If there is no listener for it, then the default action is to print a stacktrace and exit the program.


All EventEmitters emit the event 'newListener' when new listeners areadded.


emitter.addListener(event, listener)
emitter.on(event, listener)

Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.


  1. server.on('connection', function (stream) {
  2. console.log('someone connected!');
  3. });
emitter.once(event, listener)

Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener isinvoked only the first time the event is fired, after whichit is removed.


  1. server.once('connection', function (stream) {
  2. console.log('Ah, we have our first user!');
  3. });
emitter.removeListener(event, listener)

Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.Caution: changes array indices in the listener array behind the listener.


  1. var callback = function(stream) {
  2. console.log('someone connected!');
  3. };
  4. server.on('connection', callback);
  5. // ...
  6. server.removeListener('connection', callback);

Removes all listeners from the listener array for the specified event.



By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners areadded to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks.Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allowsthat to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.



Returns an array of listeners for the specified event. This array can bemanipulated, e.g. to remove listeners.


  1. server.on('connection', function (stream) {
  2. console.log('someone connected!');
  3. });
  4. console.log(util.inspect(server.listeners('connection')); // [ [Function] ]
emitter.emit(event, [arg1], [arg2], [...])

Execute each of the listeners in order with the supplied arguments.


Event: 'newListener' 事件:'newListener'

function (event, listener) { }

This event is emitted any time someone adds a new listener.


Buffers 缓冲器

Pure Javascript is Unicode friendly but not nice to binary data. Whendealing with TCP streams or the file system, it's necessary to handle octetstreams. Node has several strategies for manipulating, creating, andconsuming octet streams.


Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class. A Buffer is similarto an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outsidethe V8 heap. ABuffer cannot be resized.

在实例化的Buffer类中存储了原始数据。Buffer类似于一个整数数组,但Buffer对应了在V8堆(the V8 heap)外的原始存储空间分配。一旦创建了Buffer实例,则无法改变其大小。

The Buffer object is global.


Converting between Buffers and JavaScript string objects requires an explicit encodingmethod. Here are the different string encodings;


  • 'ascii' - for 7 bit ASCII data only. This encoding method is very fast, and willstrip the high bit if set.

    'ascii' - 仅对应7位的ASCII数据。虽然这种编码方式非常迅速,并且如果设置了最高位,则会将其移去。

  • 'utf8' - Multi byte encoded Unicode characters. Many web pages and other document formats use UTF-8.

    'utf8' - 对应多字节编码Unicode字符。大量网页和其他文件格式使用这类编码方式。

  • 'ucs2' - 2-bytes, little endian encoded Unicode characters. It can encodeonly BMP(Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF).

    'ucs2' - 2字节的,低字节序编码Unicode字符。只能编码BMP(第零平面,U+0000 - U+FFFF)字符。

  • 'base64' - Base64 string encoding.

    'base64' - Base64 字符串编码.

  • 'binary' - A way of encoding raw binary data into strings by using onlythe first 8 bits of each character. This encoding method is depreciated andshould be avoided in favor ofBuffer objects where possible. This encodingwill be removed in future versions of Node.

    'binary' - 仅使用每个字符的头8位将原始的二进制信息进行编码。在需使用Buffer的情况下,应该尽量避免使用这个已经过时的编码方式。而且,这个编码方式不会出现在未来版本的Node中。

  • 'hex' - Encode each byte as two hexidecimal characters.

    'hex' - 将一个字节编码为两个16进制字符。

new Buffer(size)

Allocates a new buffer of size octets.


new Buffer(array)

Allocates a new buffer using an array of octets.


new Buffer(str, encoding='utf8')

Allocates a new buffer containing the given str.


buffer.write(string, offset=0, encoding='utf8')

Writes string to the buffer at offset using the given encoding. Returnsnumber of octets written. Ifbuffer did not contain enough space to fitthe entire string, it will write a partial amount of the string. In the caseof'utf8' encoding, the method will not write partial characters.


Example: write a utf8 string into a buffer, then print it


  1. buf = new Buffer(256);
  2. len = buf.write('\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be', 0);
  3. console.log(len + " bytes: " + buf.toString('utf8', 0, len));
  4. // 12 bytes: ½ + ¼ = ¾

buffer.toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)

Decodes and returns a string from buffer data encoded with encodingbeginning atstart and ending at end.


See buffer.write() example, above.



Get and set the octet at index. The values refer to individual bytes,so the legal range is between0x00 and 0xFF hex or 0 and 255.

获取或者设置位于index字节的值。由于返回值为单个的字节,因此其范围应该在0x000xFF(16进制)或者0 and255(10进制)之间

Example: copy an ASCII string into a buffer, one byte at a time:


  1. str = "node.js";
  2. buf = new Buffer(str.length);
  3. for (var i = 0; i < str.length ; i++) {
  4. buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
  5. }
  6. console.log(buf);
  7. // node.js


Tests if obj is a Buffer.


Buffer.byteLength(string, encoding='utf8')

Gives the actual byte length of a string. This is not the same asString.prototype.length since that returns the number ofcharacters in astring.




  1. str = '\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be';
  2. console.log(str + ": " + str.length + " characters, " +
  3. Buffer.byteLength(str, 'utf8') + " bytes");
  4. // ½ + ¼ = ¾: 9 characters, 12 bytes


The size of the buffer in bytes. Note that this is not necessarily the sizeof the contents.length refers to the amount of memory allocated for thebuffer object. It does not change when the contents of the buffer are changed.


  1. buf = new Buffer(1234);
  2. console.log(buf.length);
  3. buf.write("some string", "ascii", 0);
  4. console.log(buf.length);
  5. // 1234
  6. // 1234

buffer.copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)

Does a memcpy() between buffers.

在两个Buffer之间进行memcpy() 操作。

Example: build two Buffers, then copy buf1 from byte 16 through byte 19intobuf2, starting at the 8th byte in buf2.


  1. buf1 = new Buffer(26);
  2. buf2 = new Buffer(26);
  3. for (var i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++) {
  4. buf1[i] = i + 97; // 97 is ASCII a
  5. buf2[i] = 33; // ASCII !
  6. }
  7. buf1.copy(buf2, 8, 16, 20);
  8. console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, 25));
  9. // !!!!!!!!qrst!!!!!!!!!!!!!

buffer.slice(start, end=buffer.length)

Returns a new buffer which references thesame memory as the old, but offset and cropped by thestart and endindexes.


Modifying the new buffer slice will modify memory in the original buffer!


Example: build a Buffer with the ASCII alphabet, take a slice, then modify one bytefrom the original Buffer.


  1. var buf1 = new Buffer(26);
  2. for (var i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++) {
  3. buf1[i] = i + 97; // 97 is ASCII a
  4. }
  5. var buf2 = buf1.slice(0, 3);
  6. console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
  7. buf1[0] = 33;
  8. console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
  9. // abc
  10. // !bc

Streams 流

A stream is an abstract interface implemented by various objects in Node.For example a request to an HTTP server is a stream, as is stdout. Streamsare readable, writable, or both. All streams are instances ofEventEmitter.


Readable Stream 可读流

A Readable Stream has the following methods, members, and events.


Event: 'data' 事件:'data'

function (data) { }

The 'data' event emits either a Buffer (by default) or a string ifsetEncoding() was used.

'data'事件的回调函数参数默认情况下是一个Buffer对象。如果使用了setEncoding() 则参数为一个字符串。

Event: 'end' 事件:'end'

function () { }

Emitted when the stream has received an EOF (FIN in TCP terminology).Indicates that no more'data' events will happen. If the stream is alsowritable, it may be possible to continue writing.


Event: 'error' 事件:'error'

function (exception) { }

Emitted if there was an error receiving data.


Event: 'close' 事件:'close'

function () { }

Emitted when the underlying file descriptor has been closed. Not all streamswill emit this. (For example, an incoming HTTP request will not emit'close'.)

当底层的文件描述符被关闭时触发此事件,并不是所有流都会触发这个事件。(例如,一个连接进入的HTTP request流就不会触发'close'事件。)

Event: 'fd' 事件:'fd'

function (fd) { }

Emitted when a file descriptor is received on the stream. Only UNIX streamssupport this functionality; all others will simply never emit this event.



A boolean that is true by default, but turns false after an'error'occurred, the stream came to an 'end', or destroy() was called.



Makes the data event emit a string instead of a Buffer. encoding can be'utf8','ascii', or 'base64'.



Pauses the incoming 'data' events.



Resumes the incoming 'data' events after a pause().



Closes the underlying file descriptor. Stream will not emit any more events.



After the write queue is drained, close the file descriptor.


stream.pipe(destination, [options])

This is a Stream.prototype method available on all Streams.


Connects this read stream to destination WriteStream. Incomingdata on this stream gets written todestination. The destination and sourcestreams are kept in sync by pausing and resuming as necessary.


Emulating the Unix cat command:


  1. process.stdin.resume();
  2. process.stdin.pipe(process.stdout);

By default end() is called on the destination when the source stream emitsend, so thatdestination is no longer writable. Pass { end: false } asoptions to keep the destination stream open.

默认情况下,当来源流的end事件触发时目的流的end()方法会被调用,此时destination目的流将不再可写入。要在这种情况下为了保持目的流仍然可写入,可将options参数设为{ end: false }

This keeps process.stdout open so that "Goodbye" can be written at the end.


  1. process.stdin.resume();
  2. process.stdin.pipe(process.stdout, { end: false });
  3. process.stdin.on("end", function() {
  4. process.stdout.write("Goodbye\n");
  5. });

NOTE: If the source stream does not support pause() and resume(), this functionadds simple definitions which simply emit'pause' and 'resume' events onthe source stream.


Writable Stream 可写流

A Writable Stream has the following methods, members, and events.


Event: 'drain' 事件:'drain'

function () { }

Emitted after a write() method was called that returned false toindicate that it is safe to write again.


Event: 'error' 事件:'error'

function (exception) { }

Emitted on error with the exception exception.


Event: 'close' 事件:'close'

function () { }

Emitted when the underlying file descriptor has been closed.


Event: 'pipe' 事件:'pipe'

function (src) { }

Emitted when the stream is passed to a readable stream's pipe method.



A boolean that is true by default, but turns false after an'error'occurred or end() / destroy() was called.

一个布尔值,默认值为true。在'error'事件被触发之后,或end() /destroy()方法被调用后此属性被设为false

stream.write(string, encoding='utf8', [fd])

Writes string with the given encoding to the stream. Returnstrue ifthe string has been flushed to the kernel buffer. Returns false toindicate that the kernel buffer is full, and the data will be sent out inthe future. The'drain' event will indicate when the kernel buffer isempty again. Theencoding defaults to 'utf8'.


If the optional fd parameter is specified, it is interpreted as an integralfile descriptor to be sent over the stream. This is only supported for UNIXstreams, and is silently ignored otherwise. When writing a file descriptor inthis manner, closing the descriptor before the stream drains risks sending aninvalid (closed) FD.



Same as the above except with a raw buffer.



Terminates the stream with EOF or FIN.


stream.end(string, encoding)

Sends string with the given encoding and terminates the stream with EOFor FIN. This is useful to reduce the number of packets sent.



Same as above but with a buffer.



Closes the underlying file descriptor. Stream will not emit any more events.


Crypto 加密模块

Use require('crypto') to access this module.


The crypto module requires OpenSSL to be available on the underlying platform.It offers a way of encapsulating secure credentials to be used as partof a secure HTTPS net or http connection.


It also offers a set of wrappers for OpenSSL's hash, hmac, cipher, decipher, sign and verify methods.



Creates a credentials object, with the optional details being a dictionary with keys:


  • key : a string holding the PEM encoded private key


  • cert : a string holding the PEM encoded certificate


  • ca : either a string or list of strings of PEM encoded CA certificates to trust.


If no 'ca' details are given, then node.js will use the default publicly trusted list of CAs as given inhttp://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt.



Creates and returns a hash object, a cryptographic hash with the given algorithmwhich can be used to generate hash digests.


algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the versionof OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are'sha1', 'md5', 'sha256', 'sha512', etc.On recent releases,openssl list-message-digest-algorithms will display the available digest algorithms.

参数algorithm可选择系统上安装的OpenSSL版本所支持的算法。例如:'sha1', 'md5', 'sha256', 'sha512'等。在近期发行的版本中,openssl list-message-digest-algorithms会显示这些可用的摘要算法。


Updates the hash content with the given data.This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.



Calculates the digest of all of the passed data to be hashed.The encoding can be'hex', 'binary' or 'base64'.

计算所有传入数据的hash摘要。参数encoding(编码方式)可以为'hex', 'binary' 或者'base64'

crypto.createHmac(algorithm, key)

Creates and returns a hmac object, a cryptographic hmac with the given algorithm and key.


algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by OpenSSL - see createHash above.key is the hmac key to be used.

参数algorithm可选择OpenSSL支持的算法 - 参见上文的createHash。参数key为hmac所使用的密钥。


Update the hmac content with the given data.This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.



Calculates the digest of all of the passed data to the hmac.The encoding can be'hex', 'binary' or 'base64'.

计算所有传入数据的hmac摘要。参数encoding(编码方式)可以为'hex', 'binary' 或者'base64'

crypto.createCipher(algorithm, key)

Creates and returns a cipher object, with the given algorithm and key.


algorithm is dependent on OpenSSL, examples are 'aes192', etc.On recent releases,openssl list-cipher-algorithms will display the available cipher algorithms.

参数algorithm可选择OpenSSL支持的算法,例如'aes192'等。在最近的发行版中,openssl list-cipher-algorithms会显示可用的加密的算法。

cipher.update(data, input_encoding='binary', output_encoding='binary')

Updates the cipher with data, the encoding of which is given in input_encodingand can be 'utf8', 'ascii' or 'binary'. The output_encoding specifiesthe output format of the enciphered data, and can be'binary', 'base64' or 'hex'.

使用参数data更新要加密的内容,其编码方式由参数input_encoding指定,可以为 'utf8', 'ascii'或者'binary'。参数output_encoding指定了已加密内容的输出编码方式,可以为'binary', 'base64''hex'

Returns the enciphered contents, and can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.



Returns any remaining enciphered contents, with output_encoding being one of:'binary', 'ascii' or 'utf8'.

返回所有剩余的加密内容,output_encoding输出编码为'binary', 'ascii''utf8'其中之一。

crypto.createDecipher(algorithm, key)

Creates and returns a decipher object, with the given algorithm and key.This is the mirror of the cipher object above.


decipher.update(data, input_encoding='binary', output_encoding='binary')

Updates the decipher with data, which is encoded in 'binary','base64' or 'hex'.The output_decoding specifies in what format to return the deciphered plaintext:'binary', 'ascii' or 'utf8'.



Returns any remaining plaintext which is deciphered,with output_encoding' being one of:'binary', 'ascii' or 'utf8'`.

返回全部剩余的已解密的明文,其output_encoding' 为'binary', 'ascii''utf8'`其中之一。


Creates and returns a signing object, with the given algorithm.On recent OpenSSL releases,openssl list-public-key-algorithms will displaythe available signing algorithms. Examples are'RSA-SHA256'.

使用给定的算法创建并返回一个签名器对象。在现有的OpenSSL发行版中,openssl list-public-key-algorithms会显示可用的签名算法,例如:'RSA-SHA256'


Updates the signer object with data.This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.


signer.sign(private_key, output_format='binary')

Calculates the signature on all the updated data passed through the signer.private_key is a string containing the PEM encoded private key for signing.


Returns the signature in output_format which can be 'binary','hex' or 'base64'.

返回签名,其output_format输出可以为'binary', 'hex' 或者'base64'


Creates and returns a verification object, with the given algorithm.This is the mirror of the signing object above.



Updates the verifier object with data.This can be called many times with new data as it is streamed.


verifier.verify(cert, signature, signature_format='binary')

Verifies the signed data by using the cert which is a string containingthe PEM encoded public key, andsignature, which is the previously calculatessignature for the data, in thesignature_format which can be 'binary', 'hex' or'base64'.

使用参数certsignature验证已签名的数据,cert为经过PEM编码的公钥字符串,signature为之前已计算的数据的签名,signature_format可以为'binary''hex' 或者'base64'

Returns true or false depending on the validity of the signature for the data and public key.

根据对数据和公钥进行签名有效性验证的结果,返回true或者false。## TLS (SSL) TLS (SSL)模块

Use require('tls') to access this module.


The tls module uses OpenSSL to provide Transport Layer Security and/orSecure Socket Layer: encrypted stream communication.

tls模块使用OpenSSL提供Transport Layer Security(传输层安全协议)和 / 或Secure Socket Layer(安全套接层协议):加密的通信流。

TLS/SSL is a public/private key infrastructure. Each client and eachserver must have a private key. A private key is created like this


openssl genrsa -out ryans-key.pem 1024

All severs and some clients need to have a certificate. Certificates are publickeys signed by a Certificate Authority or self-signed. The first step togetting a certificate is to create a "Certificate Signing Request" (CSR)file. This is done with:


openssl req -new -key ryans-key.pem -out ryans-csr.pem

To create a self-signed certificate with the CSR, do this:


openssl x509 -req -in ryans-csr.pem -signkey ryans-key.pem -out ryans-cert.pem

Alternatively you can send the CSR to a Certificate Authority for signing.


(TODO: docs on creating a CA, for now interested users should just look attest/fixtures/keys/Makefile in the Node source code)


s = tls.connect(port, [host], [options], callback)

Creates a new client connection to the given port and host. (Ifhostdefaults to localhost.) options should be an object which specifies


  • key: A string or Buffer containing the private key of the server inPEM format. (Required)


  • cert: A string or Buffer containing the certificate key of the server inPEM format.


  • ca: An array of strings or Buffers of trusted certificates. If this isomitted several well known "root" CAs will be used, like VeriSign.These are used to authorize connections.


tls.connect() returns a cleartext CryptoStream object.


After the TLS/SSL handshake the callback is called. The callback will becalled no matter if the server's certificate was authorized or not. It is upto the user to tests.authorized to see if the server certificate wassigned by one of the specified CAs. Ifs.authorized === false then the errorcan be found in s.authorizationError.

TLS/SSL连接握手之后callback回调函数会被调用。无论服务器的数字证书是否通过验证,callback函数都会被调用。用户应该检查s.authorized以确定服务器数字证书是否通过了验证(被某个可信任的CA签名)。当s.authorized === false时可以从s.authorizationError中获得具体的错误。


This class is a subclass of net.Server and has the same methods on it.Instead of accepting just raw TCP connections, this accepts encryptedconnections using TLS or SSL.


Here is a simple example echo server:


  1. var tls = require('tls');
  2. var fs = require('fs');
  3. var options = {
  4. key: fs.readFileSync('server-key.pem'),
  5. cert: fs.readFileSync('server-cert.pem')
  6. };
  7. tls.createServer(options, function (s) {
  8. s.write("welcome!\n");
  9. s.pipe(s);
  10. }).listen(8000);

You can test this server by connecting to it with openssl s_client:

你可以使用openssl s_client连接到这个服务器进行测试:

openssl s_client -connect
tls.createServer(options, secureConnectionListener)

This is a constructor for the tls.Server class. The options objecthas these possibilities:


  • key: A string or Buffer containing the private key of the server inPEM format. (Required)


  • cert: A string or Buffer containing the certificate key of the server inPEM format. (Required)


  • ca: An array of strings or Buffers of trusted certificates. If this isomitted several well known "root" CAs will be used, like VeriSign.These are used to authorize connections.


  • requestCert: If true the server will request a certificate fromclients that connect and attempt to verify that certificate. Default:false.


  • rejectUnauthorized: If true the server will reject any connectionwhich is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs. This option onlyhas an effect ifrequestCert is true. Default: false.


Event: 'secureConnection' 事件:'secureConnection'

function (cleartextStream) {}

This event is emitted after a new connection has been successfullyhandshaked. The argument is a duplex instance ofstream.Stream. It has allthe common stream methods and events.


cleartextStream.authorized is a boolean value which indicates if theclient has verified by one of the supplied certificate authorities for theserver. IfcleartextStream.authorized is false, thencleartextStream.authorizationError is set to describe how authorizationfailed. Implied but worth mentioning: depending on the settings of the TLSserver, you unauthorized connections may be accepted.


server.listen(port, [host], [callback])

Begin accepting connections on the specified port and host. If thehost is omitted, the server will accept connections directed to anyIPv4 address (INADDR_ANY).


This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be calledwhen the server has been bound.


See net.Server for more information.



Stops the server from accepting new connections. This function isasynchronous, the server is finally closed when the server emits a'close'event.



Set this property to reject connections when the server's connection count gets high.



The number of concurrent connections on the server.


File System 文件系统模块

File I/O is provided by simple wrappers around standard POSIX functions. Touse this module dorequire('fs'). All the methods have asynchronous andsynchronous forms.


The asynchronous form always take a completion callback as its last argument.The arguments passed to the completion callback depend on the method, but thefirst argument is always reserved for an exception. If the operation wascompleted successfully, then the first argument will be null or undefined.


Here is an example of the asynchronous version:


  1. var fs = require('fs');
  2. fs.unlink('/tmp/hello', function (err) {
  3. if (err) throw err;
  4. console.log('successfully deleted /tmp/hello');
  5. });

Here is the synchronous version:


  1. var fs = require('fs');
  2. fs.unlinkSync('/tmp/hello')
  3. console.log('successfully deleted /tmp/hello');

With the asynchronous methods there is no guaranteed ordering. So thefollowing is prone to error:


  1. fs.rename('/tmp/hello', '/tmp/world', function (err) {
  2. if (err) throw err;
  3. console.log('renamed complete');
  4. });
  5. fs.stat('/tmp/world', function (err, stats) {
  6. if (err) throw err;
  7. console.log('stats: ' + JSON.stringify(stats));
  8. });

It could be that fs.stat is executed before fs.rename.The correct way to do this is to chain the callbacks.


  1. fs.rename('/tmp/hello', '/tmp/world', function (err) {
  2. if (err) throw err;
  3. fs.stat('/tmp/world', function (err, stats) {
  4. if (err) throw err;
  5. console.log('stats: ' + JSON.stringify(stats));
  6. });
  7. });

In busy processes, the programmer is strongly encouraged to use theasynchronous versions of these calls. The synchronous versions will blockthe entire process until they complete--halting all connections.


fs.rename(path1, path2, [callback])

Asynchronous rename(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.


fs.renameSync(path1, path2)

Synchronous rename(2).


fs.truncate(fd, len, [callback])

Asynchronous ftruncate(2). No arguments other than a possible exception aregiven to the completion callback.


fs.truncateSync(fd, len)

Synchronous ftruncate(2).


fs.chmod(path, mode, [callback])

Asynchronous chmod(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.


fs.chmodSync(path, mode)

Synchronous chmod(2).


fs.stat(path, [callback])

Asynchronous stat(2). The callback gets two arguments (err, stats) wherestats is afs.Stats object. It looks like this:

异步调用stat(2),读取文件元信息,回调函数将返回两个参数(err, stats),其中statsfs.Stats的一个对象,如下所示:

  1. { dev: 2049,
  2. ino: 305352,
  3. mode: 16877,
  4. nlink: 12,
  5. uid: 1000,
  6. gid: 1000,
  7. rdev: 0,
  8. size: 4096,
  9. blksize: 4096,
  10. blocks: 8,
  11. atime: '2009-06-29T11:11:55Z',
  12. mtime: '2009-06-29T11:11:40Z',
  13. ctime: '2009-06-29T11:11:40Z' }

See the fs.Stats section below for more information.


fs.lstat(path, [callback])

Asynchronous lstat(2). The callback gets two arguments (err, stats) wherestats is afs.Stats object. lstat() is identical to stat(), except that ifpath is a symbolic link, then the link itself is stat-ed, not the file that itrefers to.

异步形式调用lstat(2),回调函数返回两个参数(err, stats),其中statsfs.Stats的一个对象,lstat()和stat()类似,区别在于当path是一个符号链接时,它指向该链接的属性,而不是所指向文件的属性.

fs.fstat(fd, [callback])

Asynchronous fstat(2). The callback gets two arguments (err, stats) wherestats is afs.Stats object.

异步形式调用fstat(2),回调函数返回两个参数(err, stats),其中statsfs.Stats的一个对象。


Synchronous stat(2). Returns an instance of fs.Stats.



Synchronous lstat(2). Returns an instance of fs.Stats.



Synchronous fstat(2). Returns an instance of fs.Stats.


Asynchronous link(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are given tothe completion callback.


fs.linkSync(srcpath, dstpath)

Synchronous link(2).


Asynchronous symlink(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.


fs.symlinkSync(linkdata, path)

Synchronous symlink(2).


Asynchronous readlink(2). The callback gets two arguments (err,resolvedPath).



Synchronous readlink(2). Returns the resolved path.


fs.realpath(path, [callback])

Asynchronous realpath(2). The callback gets two arguments (err,resolvedPath).



Synchronous realpath(2). Returns the resolved path.


Asynchronous unlink(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.



Synchronous unlink(2).


fs.rmdir(path, [callback])

Asynchronous rmdir(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.



Synchronous rmdir(2).


fs.mkdir(path, mode, [callback])

Asynchronous mkdir(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.


fs.mkdirSync(path, mode)

Synchronous mkdir(2).


fs.readdir(path, [callback])

Asynchronous readdir(3). Reads the contents of a directory.The callback gets two arguments(err, files) where files is an array ofthe names of the files in the directory excluding'.' and '..'.

异步调用readdir(3),读取目录中的内容。回调函数接受两个参数(err, files),其中files参数是保存了目录中所有文件名的数组('.''..'除外)。


Synchronous readdir(3). Returns an array of filenames excluding '.' and'..'.


fs.close(fd, [callback])

Asynchronous close(2). No arguments other than a possible exception are givento the completion callback.



Synchronous close(2).


fs.open(path, flags, mode=0666, [callback])

Asynchronous file open. See open(2). Flags can be 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+', 'a',or 'a+'. The callback gets two arguments(err, fd).

异步开启文件,详阅open(2)。标签可为'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+', 'a', 或 'a+'。回调函数接受两个参数(err, fd)

fs.openSync(path, flags, mode=0666)

Synchronous open(2).


fs.utimes(path, atime, mtime, callback)

fs.utimesSync(path, atime, mtime)

Change file timestamps.


fs.futimes(path, atime, mtime, callback)

fs.futimesSync(path, atime, mtime)

Change file timestamps with the difference that if filename refers to asymbolic link, then the link is not dereferenced.


fs.write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, [callback])

Write buffer to the file specified by fd.


offset and length determine the part of the buffer to be written.


position refers to the offset from the beginning of the file where this datashould be written. Ifposition is null, the data will be written at thecurrent position.See pwrite(2).


The callback will be given two arguments (err, written) where writtenspecifies how many bytes were written.

回调函数接受两个参数(err, written),其中written标识有多少字节的数据已经写入。

fs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position)

Synchronous version of buffer-based fs.write(). Returns the number of byteswritten.


fs.writeSync(fd, str, position, encoding='utf8')

Synchronous version of string-based fs.write(). Returns the number of byteswritten.


fs.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, [callback])

Read data from the file specified by fd.


buffer is the buffer that the data will be written to.


offset is offset within the buffer where writing will start.


length is an integer specifying the number of bytes to read.


position is an integer specifying where to begin reading from in the file.Ifposition is null, data will be read from the current file position.


The callback is given the two arguments, (err, bytesRead).

回调函数接受两个参数,(err, bytesRead)

fs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position)

Synchronous version of buffer-based fs.read. Returns the number ofbytesRead.


fs.readSync(fd, length, position, encoding)

Synchronous version of string-based fs.read. Returns the number ofbytesRead.


fs.readFile(filename, [encoding], [callback])

Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file. Example:


  1. fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', function (err, data) {
  2. if (err) throw err;
  3. console.log(data);
  4. });

The callback is passed two arguments (err, data), where data is thecontents of the file.

回调函数将传入两个参数(err, data),其中data为文件内容。

If no encoding is specified, then the raw buffer is returned.


fs.readFileSync(filename, [encoding])

Synchronous version of fs.readFile. Returns the contents of the filename.


If encoding is specified then this function returns a string. Otherwise itreturns a buffer.


fs.writeFile(filename, data, encoding='utf8', [callback])

Asynchronously writes data to a file. data can be a string or a buffer.




  1. fs.writeFile('message.txt', 'Hello Node', function (err) {
  2. if (err) throw err;
  3. console.log('It\'s saved!');
  4. });

fs.writeFileSync(filename, data, encoding='utf8')

The synchronous version of fs.writeFile.


fs.watchFile(filename, [options], listener)

Watch for changes on filename. The callback listener will be called eachtime the file is accessed.


The second argument is optional. The options if provided should be an objectcontaining two members a boolean,persistent, and interval, a pollingvalue in milliseconds. The default is{ persistent: true, interval: 0 }.

第二个参数是可选项,如果指定了options参数,它应该是一个包含如下内容的对象:名为persistent的布尔值,和名为interval单位为毫秒的轮询时间间隔,默认值为{ persistent: true, interval: 0 }

The listener gets two arguments the current stat object and the previousstat object:


  1. fs.watchFile(f, function (curr, prev) {
  2. console.log('the current mtime is: ' + curr.mtime);
  3. console.log('the previous mtime was: ' + prev.mtime);
  4. });

These stat objects are instances of fs.Stat.


If you want to be notified when the file was modified, not just accessedyou need to comparecurr.mtime and `prev.mtime.



Stop watching for changes on filename.



Objects returned from fs.stat() and fs.lstat() are of this type.


  • stats.isFile()
  • stats.isDirectory()
  • stats.isBlockDevice()
  • stats.isCharacterDevice()
  • stats.isSymbolicLink() (only valid with fs.lstat())stats.isSymbolicLink() (仅对fs.lstat()有效)
  • stats.isFIFO()
  • stats.isSocket()


ReadStream is a Readable Stream.

ReadStream是一个Readable Stream可读流。

fs.createReadStream(path, [options])

Returns a new ReadStream object (See Readable Stream).

返回一个新的可读流对象(参见Readable Stream)。

options is an object with the following defaults:


  1. { flags: 'r',
  2. encoding: null,
  3. fd: null,
  4. mode: 0666,
  5. bufferSize: 64 * 1024
  6. }

options can include start and end values to read a range of bytes fromthe file instead of the entire file. Bothstart and end are inclusive andstart at 0. When used, both the limits must be specified always.


An example to read the last 10 bytes of a file which is 100 bytes long:


fs.createReadStream('sample.txt', {start: 90, end: 99});


WriteStream is a Writable Stream.


Event: 'open' 事件:'open'

function (fd) { }

fd is the file descriptor used by the WriteStream.


fs.createWriteStream(path, [options])

Returns a new WriteStream object (See Writable Stream).

返回一个新的可写流对象(参见Writable Stream)。

options is an object with the following defaults:


  1. { flags: 'w',
  2. encoding: null,
  3. mode: 0666 }

Path 路径模块

This module contains utilities for dealing with file paths. Userequire('path') to use it. It provides the following methods:



Normalize a string path, taking care of '..' and '.' parts.

该方法用于标准化一个字符型的路径,请注意'..''.' 的使用。

When multiple slashes are found, they're replaces by a single one;when the path contains a trailing slash, it is preserved.On windows backslashes are used.




  1. path.normalize('/foo/bar//baz/asdf/quux/..')
  2. // returns
  3. '/foo/bar/baz/asdf'

path.join([path1], [path2], [...])

Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.




  1. node> require('path').join(
  2. ... '/foo', 'bar', 'baz/asdf', 'quux', '..')
  3. '/foo/bar/baz/asdf'

path.resolve([from ...], to)

Resolves to to an absolute path.


If to isn't already absolute from arguments are prepended in right to leftorder, until an absolute path is found. If after using allfrom paths stillno absolute path is found, the current working directory is used as well. Theresulting path is normalized, and trailing slashes are removed unless the path gets resolved to the root directory.

如果参数 to当前不是绝对的,系统会将from 参数按从右到左的顺序依次前缀到to上,直到在from中找到一个绝对路径时停止。如果遍历所有from中的路径后,系统依然没有找到一个绝对路径,那么当前工作目录也会作为参数使用。最终得到的路径是标准化的字符串,并且标准化时系统会自动删除路径末尾的斜杠,但是如果获取的路径是解析到根目录的,那么系统将保留路径末尾的斜杠。

Another way to think of it is as a sequence of cd commands in a shell.


path.resolve('foo/bar', '/tmp/file/', '..', 'a/../subfile')

Is similar to:


  1. cd foo/bar
  2. cd /tmp/file/
  3. cd ..
  4. cd a/../subfile
  5. pwd

The difference is that the different paths don't need to exist and may also befiles.




  1. path.resolve('/foo/bar', './baz')
  2. // returns
  3. '/foo/bar/baz'
  4. path.resolve('/foo/bar', '/tmp/file/')
  5. // returns
  6. '/tmp/file'
  7. path.resolve('wwwroot', 'static_files/png/', '../gif/image.gif')
  8. // if currently in /home/myself/node, it returns
  9. '/home/myself/node/wwwroot/static_files/gif/image.gif'


Return the directory name of a path. Similar to the Unix dirname command.




  1. path.dirname('/foo/bar/baz/asdf/quux')
  2. // returns
  3. '/foo/bar/baz/asdf'

path.basename(p, [ext])

Return the last portion of a path. Similar to the Unix basename command.

该方法返回一个路径中最低一级目录名,类似于Unix中的 basename命令。



  1. path.basename('/foo/bar/baz/asdf/quux.html')
  2. // returns
  3. 'quux.html'
  4. path.basename('/foo/bar/baz/asdf/quux.html', '.html')
  5. // returns
  6. 'quux'


Return the extension of the path. Everything after the last '.' in the last portionof the path. If there is no '.' in the last portion of the path or the only '.' isthe first character, then it returns an empty string.

该方法返回路径中的文件扩展名,即路径最低一级的目录中'.'字符后的任何字符串。如果路径最低一级的目录中'没有'.' 或者只有'.',那么该方法返回一个空字符串。



  1. path.extname('index.html')
  2. // returns
  3. '.html'
  4. path.extname('index')
  5. // returns
  6. ''

path.exists(p, [callback])

Test whether or not the given path exists. Then, call the callback argumentwith either true or false. Example:


  1. path.exists('/etc/passwd', function (exists) {
  2. util.debug(exists ? "it's there" : "no passwd!");
  3. });


Synchronous version of path.exists.

path.exists的同步版本。## net 网络模块

The net module provides you with an asynchronous network wrapper. It containsmethods for creating both servers and clients (called streams). You can includethis module withrequire("net");


net.createServer([options], [connectionListener])

Creates a new TCP server. The connectionListener argument isautomatically set as a listener for the'connection' event.


options is an object with the following defaults:

options参数为一个对象,默认值如下: { allowHalfOpen: false }

If allowHalfOpen is true, then the socket won't automatically send FINpacket when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet. The socket becomesnon-readable, but still writable. You should call the end() method explicitly.See'end' event for more information.



Construct a new socket object and opens a socket to the given location. Whenthe socket is established the'connect' event will be emitted.


The arguments for this method change the type of connection:


  • net.createConnection(port, [host])

    Creates a TCP connection to port on host. If host is omitted,localhostwill be assumed.


  • net.createConnection(path)

    Creates unix socket connection to path

    创建连接到path路径的unix socket。


This class is used to create a TCP or UNIX server.


Here is an example of a echo server which listens for connectionson port 8124:


  1. var net = require('net');
  2. var server = net.createServer(function (c) {
  3. c.write('hello\r\n');
  4. c.pipe(c);
  5. });
  6. server.listen(8124, 'localhost');

Test this by using telnet:


telnet localhost 8124

To listen on the socket /tmp/echo.sock the last line would just bechanged to

如要监听socket /tmp/echo.sock,最后一行代码需要修改成:


Use nc to connect to a UNIX domain socket server:


nc -U /tmp/echo.sock

net.Server is an EventEmitter with the following events:

net.Server是下列事件的 EventEmitter(事件触发器):

server.listen(port, [host], [callback])

Begin accepting connections on the specified port and host. If thehost is omitted, the server will accept connections directed to anyIPv4 address (INADDR_ANY).


This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be calledwhen the server has been bound.


One issue some users run into is getting EADDRINUSE errors. Meaninganother server is already running on the requested port. One way of handling thiswould be to wait a second and the try again. This can be done with

一些用户可能会遇到EADDRINUSE 错误,该错误消息的意思是已经有另一个服务运行在请求的端口上,一个解决方法就是等一会再试一下,就像下面的代码这样:

  1. server.on('error', function (e) {
  2. if (e.code == 'EADDRINUSE') {
  3. console.log('Address in use, retrying...');
  4. setTimeout(function () {
  5. server.close();
  6. server.listen(PORT, HOST);
  7. }, 1000);
  8. }
  9. });

(Note: All sockets in Node are set SO_REUSEADDR already)


server.listen(path, [callback])

Start a UNIX socket server listening for connections on the given path.

启动一个UNIX socket服务,监听指定的path路径上的连接。

This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be calledwhen the server has been bound.



Start a server listening for connections on the given file descriptor.


This file descriptor must have already had the bind(2) and listen(2) systemcalls invoked on it.

此文件描述符上必须已经执行了 bind(2)listen(2) 系统调用。


Stops the server from accepting new connections. This function isasynchronous, the server is finally closed when the server emits a'close'event.



Returns the bound address of the server as seen by the operating system.Useful to find which port was assigned when giving getting an OS-assigned address



  1. var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
  2. socket.end("goodbye\n");
  3. });
  4. // grab a random port.
  5. server.listen(function() {
  6. address = server.address();
  7. console.log("opened server on %j", address);
  8. });

Set this property to reject connections when the server's connection count gets high.



The number of concurrent connections on the server.


Event: 'connection' 事件:'connection'

function (socket) {}

Emitted when a new connection is made. socket is an instance ofnet.Socket.


Event: 'close'

function () {}

Emitted when the server closes.



This object is an abstraction of of a TCP or UNIX socket. net.Socketinstances implement a duplex Stream interface. They can be created by theuser and used as a client (withconnect()) or they can be created by Nodeand passed to the user through the'connection' event of a server.

这是TCP或UNIX socket的抽象对象。net.Socket实例实现了一个全双工的流接口。此实例可以是由用户建立用作客户端(使用connect()方法),也可能由Node建立并通过服务器的'connection'事件传给用户。

net.Socket instances are EventEmitters with the following events:

net.Socket 的实例是下列事件的事件触发器:

new net.Socket([options])

Construct a new socket object.


options is an object with the following defaults:


  1. { fd: null
  2. type: null
  3. allowHalfOpen: false
  4. }

fd allows you to specify the existing file descriptor of socket. typespecified underlying protocol. It can be 'tcp4', 'tcp6', or'unix'.About allowHalfOpen, refer to createServer() and'end' event.


socket.connect(port, [host], [callback])
socket.connect(path, [callback])

Opens the connection for a given socket. If port and host are given,then the socket will be opened as a TCP socket, ifhost is omitted,localhost will be assumed. If a path is given, the socket will beopened as a unix socket to that path.

打开一下指定socket的连接。如果给出了porthost,将作为一个TCP socket打开,如果省略了host,将默认连接到localhost。如果指定了path,该socket将作为一个UNIX socket打开,并连接到path路径。

Normally this method is not needed, as net.createConnection opens thesocket. Use this only if you are implementing a custom Socket or if aSocket is closed and you want to reuse it to connect to another server.

通常情况下该方法并不需要,使用 net.createConnection 就可以打开socket。只有在你实现一个自定义的socket,或者你想重用一个已经关闭的socket连接到另一个服务器。

This function is asynchronous. When the 'connect' event is emitted thesocket is established. If there is a problem connecting, the'connect'event will not be emitted, the 'error' event will be emitted withthe exception.

这个函数是异步函数。当发生 'connect'事件时socket被建立,如果连接遇到问题, 'connect'事件不会被触发,而携带异常信息的'error' 事件将被触发。

The callback parameter will be added as an listener for the 'connect'event.

参数callback将作为 connect事件的监听器被增加进来。


net.Socket has the property that socket.write() always works. This is tohelp users get up an running quickly. The computer cannot necessarily keep upwith the amount of data that is written to a socket - the network connection simplymight be too slow. Node will internally queue up the data written to a socket andsend it out over the wire when it is possible. (Internally it is polling onthe socket's file descriptor for being writable).


The consequence of this internal buffering is that memory may grow. Thisproperty shows the number of characters currently buffered to be written.(Number of characters is approximately equal to the number of bytes to bewritten, but the buffer may contain strings, and the strings are lazilyencoded, so the exact number of bytes is not known.)


Users who experience large or growing bufferSize should attempt to"throttle" the data flows in their program withpause() and resume().



Sets the encoding (either 'ascii', 'utf8', or 'base64') for data that isreceived.

设置接收到的数据的编码(可以是'ascii''utf8''base64') 。


This function has been removed in v0.3. It used to upgrade the connection toSSL/TLS. See the TLS for the new API.


socket.write(data, [encoding], [callback])

Sends data on the socket. The second parameter specifies the encoding in thecase of a string--it defaults to UTF8 encoding.


Returns true if the entire data was flushed successfully to the kernelbuffer. Returnsfalse if all or part of the data was queued in user memory.'drain' will be emitted when the buffer is again free.

在所有数据被成功的写入系统内核缓冲区时返回true,如果全部或部分数据进入了用户内存的队列则返回false。当缓冲区再次变空时,'drain' 事件将被触发。

The optional callback parameter will be executed when the data is finallywritten out - this may not be immediately.

可选参数callback 将在数据最终被写出时执行——可能不是立即执行。

socket.write(data, [encoding], [fileDescriptor], [callback])

For UNIX sockets, it is possible to send a file descriptor through thesocket. Simply add thefileDescriptor argument and listen for the 'fd'event on the other end.

对于UNIX socket,可以通过socket发送一个文件描述符,简单的增加参数 fileDescriptor,并在另一端监听'fd'事件。

socket.end([data], [encoding])

Half-closes the socket. I.E., it sends a FIN packet. It is possible theserver will still send some data.


If data is specified, it is equivalent to calling socket.write(data, encoding)followed bysocket.end().

如果指定了data ,等同于依次调用socket.write(data, encoding)socket.end()


Ensures that no more I/O activity happens on this socket. Only necessary incase of errors (parse error or so).



Pauses the reading of data. That is, 'data' events will not be emitted.Useful to throttle back an upload.



Resumes reading after a call to pause().


socket.setTimeout(timeout, [callback])

Sets the socket to timeout after timeout milliseconds of inactivity onthe socket. By defaultnet.Socket do not have a timeout.

设置socket不活动时间超过timeout 毫秒后进入超时状态。默认情况下net.Socket不会超时。

When an idle timeout is triggered the socket will receive a 'timeout'event but the connection will not be severed. The user must manuallyend()or destroy() the socket.


If timeout is 0, then the existing idle timeout is disabled.

如果 timeout设置成0,已经存在的闲置超时将被禁用。

The optional callback parameter will be added as a one time listener for the'timeout' event.

可选参数callback 将作为一次性监听器添加到 'timeout' 事件。


Disables the Nagle algorithm. By default TCP connections use the Naglealgorithm, they buffer data before sending it off. SettingnoDelay willimmediately fire off data each time socket.write() is called.


socket.setKeepAlive(enable=false, [initialDelay])

Enable/disable keep-alive functionality, and optionally set the initialdelay before the first keepalive probe is sent on an idle socket.SetinitialDelay (in milliseconds) to set the delay between the lastdata packet received and the first keepalive probe. Setting 0 forinitialDelay will leave the value unchanged from the default(or previous) setting.



The string representation of the remote IP address. For example,'' or'2001:4860:a005::68'.


This member is only present in server-side connections.


Event: 'connect' 事件:'connect'

function () { }

Emitted when a socket connection successfully is established.See connect().

当一个socket连接成功建立时触发,参考 connect()

Event: 'data' 事件:'data'

function (data) { }

Emitted when data is received. The argument data will be a Buffer orString. Encoding of data is set by socket.setEncoding().(See the section onReadable Socket for more information.)

当收到数据时触发,参数data将是一个缓冲区(Buffer)或者字符串(String)。数据的编码方式通过socket.setEncoding()设置。( 更多信息请参考章节Readable Socket

Event: 'end' 事件:'end'

function () { }

Emitted when the other end of the socket sends a FIN packet.


By default (allowHalfOpen == false) the socket will destroy its filedescriptor once it has written out its pending write queue. However, bysettingallowHalfOpen == true the socket will not automatically end()its side allowing the user to write arbitrary amounts of data, with thecaveat that the user is required toend() their side now.

默认情况下(allowHalfOpen == false)一旦待写出队列中的内容全部被写出,socket将自动销毁它的文件描述符。然而如果设置allowHalfOpen == true,则socket不会自动调用end(),而是允许用户继续写入任意数量的数据,这种情况下需要用户主动调用end()关闭半连接。

Event: 'timeout' 事件:'timeout'

function () { }

Emitted if the socket times out from inactivity. This is only to notify thatthe socket has been idle. The user must manually close the connection.


See also: socket.setTimeout()

参考: socket.setTimeout()

Event: 'drain' 事件:'drain'

function () { }

Emitted when the write buffer becomes empty. Can be used to throttle uploads.


Event: 'error' 事件:'error'

function (exception) { }

Emitted when an error occurs. The 'close' event will be called directlyfollowing this event.

当有错误发生时触发, 'close' 事件紧跟其后被调用。

Event: 'close' 事件:'close'

function (had_error) { }

Emitted once the socket is fully closed. The argument had_error is a booleanwhich says if the socket was closed due to a transmission error.

当连接字完全被关闭时触发,参数had_error是一个布尔型变量, 用来说明连接字是否由于一个传输错误而关闭。



Tests if input is an IP address. Returns 0 for invalid strings,returns 4 for IP version 4 addresses, and returns 6 for IP version 6 addresses.



Returns true if input is a version 4 IP address, otherwise returns false.



Returns true if input is a version 6 IP address, otherwise returns false.



Use require('dns') to access this module.


Here is an example which resolves 'www.google.com' then reverseresolves the IP addresses which are returned.


  1. var dns = require('dns');
  2. dns.resolve4('www.google.com', function (err, addresses) {
  3. if (err) throw err;
  4. console.log('addresses: ' + JSON.stringify(addresses));
  5. addresses.forEach(function (a) {
  6. dns.reverse(a, function (err, domains) {
  7. if (err) {
  8. console.log('reverse for ' + a + ' failed: ' +
  9. err.message);
  10. } else {
  11. console.log('reverse for ' + a + ': ' +
  12. JSON.stringify(domains));
  13. }
  14. });
  15. });
  16. });

dns.lookup(domain, family=null, callback)

Resolves a domain (e.g. 'google.com') into the first found A (IPv4) orAAAA (IPv6) record.


The callback has arguments (err, address, family). The address argumentis a string representation of a IP v4 or v6 address. Thefamily argumentis either the integer 4 or 6 and denotes the family ofaddress (notnecessarily the value initially passed to lookup).

回调函数有(err, address, family)这三个参数。address参数是一个代表IPv4或IPv6地址的字符串。family是一个表示地址版本的整数4或6(并不一定和调用lookup时传入的family参数值相同)。

dns.resolve(domain, rrtype='A', callback)

Resolves a domain (e.g. 'google.com') into an array of the record typesspecified by rrtype. Valid rrtypes areA (IPV4 addresses), AAAA (IPV6addresses), MX (mail exchange records),TXT (text records), SRV (SRVrecords), and PTR (used for reverse IP lookups).


The callback has arguments (err, addresses). The type of each iteminaddresses is determined by the record type, and described in thedocumentation for the corresponding lookup methods below.

回调函数接受两个参数:(err, addresses)。参数address中的每一项的类型根据所要求的记录类型进行判断,在下面相应的解析方法的文档里有详细的解释。

On error, err would be an instanceof Error object, whereerr.errno isone of the error codes listed below and err.message is a string describingthe error in English.


dns.resolve4(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for IPv4 queries (A records).addresses is an array of IPv4 addresses (e.g.['', '', '']).

dns.resolve()类似,但是仅对IPV4地址进行查询(A记录)。addresses是一个IPV4地址数组(例如['', '', ''])。

dns.resolve6(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve4() except for IPv6 queries (an AAAA query).


dns.resolveMx(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for mail exchange queries (MX records).


addresses is an array of MX records, each with a priority and an exchangeattribute (e.g.[{'priority': 10, 'exchange': 'mx.example.com'},...]).

回调函数的参数addresses是一个MX类型记录的数组,每个记录有一个优先级属性和一个交换属性(类似[{'priority': 10, 'exchange': 'mx.example.com'},...])。

dns.resolveTxt(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for text queries (TXT records).addresses is an array of the text records available fordomain (e.g.,['v=spf1 ip4: ~all']).

dns.resolve()很相似,但是仅可以进行文本查询(TXT记录)。addressed是一个对于domain域有效的文本记录数组(类似['v=spf1 ip4: ~all'])。

dns.resolveSrv(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for service records (SRV records).addresses is an array of the SRV records available fordomain. Propertiesof SRV records are priority, weight, port, and name (e.g.,[{'priority': 10, {'weight': 5, 'port': 21223, 'name': 'service.example.com'}, ...]).

dns.resolve()很类似,但仅是只查询服务记录(SRV类型记录)。addresses是一个对于域来说有效的SRV记录的数组,SRV记录的属性有优先级、权重、端口,名字(例如[{'priority': 10, {'weight': 5, 'port': 21223, 'name': 'service.example.com'}, ...])。

dns.reverse(ip, callback)

Reverse resolves an ip address to an array of domain names.


The callback has arguments (err, domains).

回调函数的参数为 (err, domains)

If there an an error, err will be non-null and an instanceof the Errorobject.


Each DNS query can return an error code.


  • dns.TEMPFAIL: timeout, SERVFAIL or similar.

    dns.TEMPFAIL: 超时,SERVFAIL或者类似的错误。

  • dns.PROTOCOL: got garbled reply.

    dns.PROTOCOL: 返回内容混乱。

  • dns.NXDOMAIN: domain does not exists.

    dns.NXDOMAIN: 域名不存在。

  • dns.NODATA: domain exists but no data of reqd type.

    dns.NODATA: 域名存在但是没有所请求的查询类型的数据。

  • dns.NOMEM: out of memory while processing.

    dns.NOMEM: 处理过程中内存溢出。

  • dns.BADQUERY: the query is malformed.

    dns.BADQUERY: 查询语句语法错误。## UDP / Datagram Sockets 数据报套接字模块

Datagram sockets are available through require('dgram'). Datagrams are most commonlyhandled as IP/UDP messages but they can also be used over Unix domain sockets.


Event: 'message' 事件:'message'

function (msg, rinfo) { }

Emitted when a new datagram is available on a socket. msg is a Buffer and rinfo isan object with the sender's address information and the number of bytes in the datagram.


Event: 'listening' 事件:'listening'

function () { }

Emitted when a socket starts listening for datagrams. This happens as soon as UDP socketsare created. Unix domain sockets do not start listening until callingbind() on them.


Event: 'close' 事件:'close'

function () { }

Emitted when a socket is closed with close(). No new message events will be emittedon this socket.


dgram.createSocket(type, [callback])

Creates a datagram socket of the specified types. Valid types are:udp4,udp6, and unix_dgram.


Takes an optional callback which is added as a listener for message events.


dgram.send(buf, offset, length, path, [callback])

For Unix domain datagram sockets, the destination address is a pathname in the filesystem.An optional callback may be supplied that is invoked after thesendto call is completedby the OS. It is not safe to re-use buf until the callback is invoked. Note thatunless the socket is bound to a pathname withbind() there is no way to receive messageson this socket.


Example of sending a message to syslogd on OSX via Unix domain socket /var/run/syslog:


  1. var dgram = require('dgram');
  2. var message = new Buffer("A message to log.");
  3. var client = dgram.createSocket("unix_dgram");
  4. client.send(message, 0, message.length, "/var/run/syslog",
  5. function (err, bytes) {
  6. if (err) {
  7. throw err;
  8. }
  9. console.log("Wrote " + bytes + " bytes to socket.");
  10. });

dgram.send(buf, offset, length, port, address, [callback])

For UDP sockets, the destination port and IP address must be specified. A stringmay be supplied for theaddress parameter, and it will be resolved with DNS. Anoptional callback may be specified to detect any DNS errors and whenbuf may bere-used. Note that DNS lookups will delay the time that a send takes place, atleast until the next tick. The only way to know for sure that a send has taken placeis to use the callback.


Example of sending a UDP packet to a random port on localhost;


  1. var dgram = require('dgram');
  2. var message = new Buffer("Some bytes");
  3. var client = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
  4. client.send(message, 0, message.length, 41234, "localhost");
  5. client.close();


For Unix domain datagram sockets, start listening for incoming datagrams on asocket specified bypath. Note that clients may send() without bind(),but no datagrams will be received without abind().


Example of a Unix domain datagram server that echoes back all messages it receives:


  1. var dgram = require("dgram");
  2. var serverPath = "/tmp/dgram_server_sock";
  3. var server = dgram.createSocket("unix_dgram");
  4. server.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) {
  5. console.log("got: " + msg + " from " + rinfo.address);
  6. server.send(msg, 0, msg.length, rinfo.address);
  7. });
  8. server.on("listening", function () {
  9. console.log("server listening " + server.address().address);
  10. })
  11. server.bind(serverPath);

Example of a Unix domain datagram client that talks to this server:


  1. var dgram = require("dgram");
  2. var serverPath = "/tmp/dgram_server_sock";
  3. var clientPath = "/tmp/dgram_client_sock";
  4. var message = new Buffer("A message at " + (new Date()));
  5. var client = dgram.createSocket("unix_dgram");
  6. client.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) {
  7. console.log("got: " + msg + " from " + rinfo.address);
  8. });
  9. client.on("listening", function () {
  10. console.log("client listening " + client.address().address);
  11. client.send(message, 0, message.length, serverPath);
  12. });
  13. client.bind(clientPath);

dgram.bind(port, [address])

For UDP sockets, listen for datagrams on a named port and optionaladdress. Ifaddress is not specified, the OS will try to listen on all addresses.

对于UDP套接字而言,该方法会在port指定的端口和可选地址 address上监听数据报。如果address没有指定,则操作系统会监听所有有效地址。

Example of a UDP server listening on port 41234:


  1. var dgram = require("dgram");
  2. var server = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
  3. var messageToSend = new Buffer("A message to send");
  4. server.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) {
  5. console.log("server got: " + msg + " from " +
  6. rinfo.address + ":" + rinfo.port);
  7. });
  8. server.on("listening", function () {
  9. var address = server.address();
  10. console.log("server listening " +
  11. address.address + ":" + address.port);
  12. });
  13. server.bind(41234);
  14. // server listening


Close the underlying socket and stop listening for data on it. UDP socketsautomatically listen for messages, even if they did not callbind().



Returns an object containing the address information for a socket. For UDP sockets,this object will containaddress and port. For Unix domain sockets, it will containonlyaddress.



Sets or clears the SO_BROADCAST socket option. When this option is set, UDP packetsmay be sent to a local interface's broadcast address.



Sets the IP_TTL socket option. TTL stands for "Time to Live," but in this context itspecifies the number of IP hops that a packet is allowed to go through. Each router orgateway that forwards a packet decrements the TTL. If the TTL is decremented to 0 by arouter, it will not be forwarded. Changing TTL values is typically done for networkprobes or when multicasting.


The argument to setTTL() is a number of hops between 1 and 255. The default on mostsystems is 64.



Sets the IP_MULTICAST_TTL socket option. TTL stands for "Time to Live," but in thiscontext it specifies the number of IP hops that a packet is allowed to go through,specifically for multicast traffic. Each router or gateway that forwards a packetdecrements the TTL. If the TTL is decremented to 0 by a router, it will not be forwarded.

设置套接字的IP_MULTICAST_TTL选项。TTL全称"Time to Live",原指存活时间,但在这里特指在组播通信中数据包允许经过的IP跳数。每经过一个路由器或者网关TTL的值都会减一。如果TTL被一个路由器减少到0,那么该数据包将不会继续传播。

The argument to setMulticastTTL() is a number of hops between 0 and 255. The default on mostsystems is 64.



Sets or clears the IP_MULTICAST_LOOP socket option. When this option is set, multicastpackets will also be received on the local interface.


dgram.addMembership(multicastAddress, [multicastInterface])

Tells the kernel to join a multicast group with IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP socket option.


If multicastAddress is not specified, the OS will try to add membership to all validinterfaces.


dgram.dropMembership(multicastAddress, [multicastInterface])

Opposite of addMembership - tells the kernel to leave a multicast group withIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP socket option. This is automatically called by the kernelwhen the socket is closed or process terminates, so most apps will never need to callthis.


If multicastAddress is not specified, the OS will try to drop membership to all validinterfaces.



To use the HTTP server and client one must require('http').


The HTTP interfaces in Node are designed to support many featuresof the protocol which have been traditionally difficult to use.In particular, large, possibly chunk-encoded, messages. The interface iscareful to never buffer entire requests or responses--theuser is able to stream data.


HTTP message headers are represented by an object like this:


  1. { 'content-length': '123',
  2. 'content-type': 'text/plain',
  3. 'connection': 'keep-alive',
  4. 'accept': '*/*' }

Keys are lowercased. Values are not modified.


In order to support the full spectrum of possible HTTP applications, Node'sHTTP API is very low-level. It deals with stream handling and messageparsing only. It parses a message into headers and body but it does notparse the actual headers or the body.

为了支持尽可能多的HTTP应用,Node提供非常底层的HTTP API。它只处理流相关的操作以及进行信息解析。API将信息解析为头部和正文,但并不解析实际的头部和正文内的具体内容。


This is an EventEmitter with the following events:


Event: 'request' 事件:'request'

function (request, response) { }

request is an instance of http.ServerRequest and response is an instance of http.ServerResponse


Event: 'connection' 事件:'connection'

function (stream) { }

When a new TCP stream is established. stream is an object of typenet.Stream. Usually users will not want to access this event. The stream can also be accessed at request.connection.


Event: 'close' 事件:'close'

function (errno) { }

Emitted when the server closes.


Event: 'request' 事件:'request'

function (request, response) {}

Emitted each time there is request. Note that there may be multiple requestsper connection (in the case of keep-alive connections).


Event: 'checkContinue' 事件:'checkContinue'

function (request, response) {}

Emitted each time a request with an http Expect: 100-continue is received.If this event isn't listened for, the server will automatically respondwith a 100 Continue as appropriate.

每当带有Exception: 100-continue头的请求被接收到时触发此事件。如果该事件未被监听,服务器会视情况自动的使用100 Continue应答。

Handling this event involves calling response.writeContinue if the clientshould continue to send the request body, or generating an appropriate HTTPresponse (e.g., 400 Bad Request) if the client should not continue to send therequest body.


Note that when this event is emitted and handled, the request event willnot be emitted.


Event: 'upgrade' 事件:'upgrade'

function (request, socket, head)

Emitted each time a client requests a http upgrade. If this event isn'tlistened for, then clients requesting an upgrade will have their connectionsclosed.

每当一个客户端请求http upgrade时触发此消息。如果这个事件没有监听,那么请求upgrade的客户端的连接将被关闭。

  • request is the arguments for the http request, as it is in the request event.request代表一个http请求的相关参数,和它在request事件中的意思相同。

  • socket is the network socket between the server and client.socket是在服务器与客户端之间连接使用的网络套接字。

  • head is an instance of Buffer, the first packet of the upgraded stream, this may be empty.head是一个缓冲器实例,是upgraded流的第一个包,这个缓冲器可以是空的。

After this event is emitted, the request's socket will not have a dataevent listener, meaning you will need to bind to it in order to handle datasent to the server on that socket.


Event: 'clientError' 事件:'clientError'

function (exception) {}

If a client connection emits an 'error' event - it will forwarded here.



Returns a new web server object.

返回一个新的web server对象。

The requestListener is a function which is automaticallyadded to the'request' event.


server.listen(port, [hostname], [callback])

Begin accepting connections on the specified port and hostname. If thehostname is omitted, the server will accept connections directed to anyIPv4 address (INADDR_ANY).


To listen to a unix socket, supply a filename instead of port and hostname.


This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be calledwhen the server has been bound to the port.


server.listen(path, [callback])

Start a UNIX socket server listening for connections on the given path.


This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be calledwhen the server has been bound.



Stops the server from accepting new connections.



This object is created internally by a HTTP server -- not bythe user -- and passed as the first argument to a'request' listener.


This is an EventEmitter with the following events:


Event: 'data' 事件:'data'

function (chunk) { }

Emitted when a piece of the message body is received.


Example: A chunk of the body is given as the singleargument. The transfer-encoding has been decoded. Thebody chunk is a string. The body encoding is set withrequest.setBodyEncoding().


Event: 'end' 事件:'end'

function () { }

Emitted exactly once for each message. No arguments. Afteremitted no other events will be emitted on the request.



The request method as a string. Read only. Example:'GET', 'DELETE'.



Request URL string. This contains only the URL that ispresent in the actual HTTP request. If the request is:


  1. GET /status?name=ryan HTTP/1.1\r\n
  2. Accept: text/plain\r\n
  3. \r\n

Then request.url will be:



If you would like to parse the URL into its parts, you can userequire('url').parse(request.url). Example:


  1. node> require('url').parse('/status?name=ryan')
  2. { href: '/status?name=ryan',
  3. search: '?name=ryan',
  4. query: 'name=ryan',
  5. pathname: '/status' }

If you would like to extract the params from the query string,you can use the require('querystring').parse function, or passtrue as the second argument torequire('url').parse. Example:


  1. node> require('url').parse('/status?name=ryan', true)
  2. { href: '/status?name=ryan',
  3. search: '?name=ryan',
  4. query: { name: 'ryan' },
  5. pathname: '/status' }


Read only.



Read only; HTTP trailers (if present). Only populated after the 'end' event.



The HTTP protocol version as a string. Read only. Examples:'1.1','1.0'.Also request.httpVersionMajor is the first integer andrequest.httpVersionMinor is the second.



Set the encoding for the request body. Either 'utf8' or 'binary'. Defaultstonull, which means that the 'data' event will emit a Buffer object..



Pauses request from emitting events. Useful to throttle back an upload.



Resumes a paused request.



The net.Stream object associated with the connection.


With HTTPS support, use request.connection.verifyPeer() andrequest.connection.getPeerCertificate() to obtain the client'sauthentication details.



This object is created internally by a HTTP server--not by the user. It ispassed as the second parameter to the'request' event. It is a Writable Stream.

这个对象由HTTP服务器(而非用户)自动建立。它作为'request'事件的第二个参数,这是一个Writable Stream可写流。


Sends a HTTP/1.1 100 Continue message to the client, indicating thatthe request body should be sent. See the thecheckContinue event onServer.

发送HTTP/1.1 100 Continue消息给客户端,通知客户端可以发送请求的正文。参见服务器Server中的checkContinue事件。

response.writeHead(statusCode, [reasonPhrase], [headers])

Sends a response header to the request. The status code is a 3-digit HTTPstatus code, like404. The last argument, headers, are the response headers.Optionally one can give a human-readablereasonPhrase as the secondargument.



  1. var body = 'hello world';
  2. response.writeHead(200, {
  3. 'Content-Length': body.length,
  4. 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });

This method must only be called once on a message and it mustbe called before response.end() is called.


If you call response.write() or response.end() before calling this, theimplicit/mutable headers will be calculated and call this function for you.



When using implicit headers (not calling response.writeHead() explicitly), this propertycontrols the status code that will be send to the client when the headers getflushed.




response.statusCode = 404;

response.setHeader(name, value)

Sets a single header value for implicit headers. If this header already existsin the to-be-sent headers, it's value will be replaced. Use an array of stringshere if you need to send multiple headers with the same name.




response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");


response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", ["type=ninja", "language=javascript"]);


Reads out a header that's already been queued but not sent to the client. Notethat the name is case insensitive. This can only be called before headers getimplicitly flushed.




var contentType = response.getHeader('content-type');


Removes a header that's queued for implicit sending.





response.write(chunk, encoding='utf8')

If this method is called and response.writeHead() has not been called, it willswitch to implicit header mode and flush the implicit headers.


This sends a chunk of the response body. This method maybe called multiple times to provide successive parts of the body.


chunk can be a string or a buffer. If chunk is a string,the second parameter specifies how to encode it into a byte stream.By default theencoding is 'utf8'.


Note: This is the raw HTTP body and has nothing to do withhigher-level multi-part body encodings that may be used.


The first time response.write() is called, it will send the bufferedheader information and the first body to the client. The second timeresponse.write() is called, Node assumes you're going to be streamingdata, and sends that separately. That is, the response is buffered up to thefirst chunk of body.

第一次调用response.write()时,此方法会将已经缓冲的消息头和第一块正文发送给客户。 当第二次调用response.write()的时候,Node将假定你想要逐次发送流数据。换句话说,响应被缓冲直到正文的第一块被发送。


This method adds HTTP trailing headers (a header but at the end of themessage) to the response.


Trailers will only be emitted if chunked encoding is used for theresponse; if it is not (e.g., if the request was HTTP/1.0), they willbe silently discarded.


Note that HTTP requires the Trailer header to be sent if you intend toemit trailers, with a list of the header fields in its value. E.g.,


  1. response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
  2. 'Trailer': 'TraceInfo' });
  3. response.write(fileData);
  4. response.addTrailers({'Content-MD5': "7895bf4b8828b55ceaf47747b4bca667"});
  5. response.end();

response.end([data], [encoding])

This method signals to the server that all of the response headers and bodyhas been sent; that server should consider this message complete.The method,response.end(), MUST be called on eachresponse.


If data is specified, it is equivalent to calling response.write(data, encoding)followed byresponse.end().

如果指定了data参数,就相当先调用response.write(data, encoding)再调用response.end()

http.request(options, callback)

Node maintains several connections per server to make HTTP requests.This function allows one to transparently issue requests.




  • host: A domain name or IP address of the server to issue the request to.host: 请求的服务器域名或者IP地址。

  • port: Port of remote server.port: 远端服务器的端口。

  • method: A string specifying the HTTP request method. Possible values:'GET' (default),'POST', 'PUT', and 'DELETE'.method: 指定HTTP请求的方法类型,可选的值有:'GET'(默认),'POST''PUT',以及'DELETE'

  • path: Request path. Should include query string and fragments if any.E.G.'/index.html?page=12'path: 请求地址,可包含查询字符串以及可能存在的锚点。例如'/index.html?page=12'

  • headers: An object containing request headers.headers: 一个包含请求头的对象。

http.request() returns an instance of the http.ClientRequestclass. TheClientRequest instance is a writable stream. If one needs toupload a file with a POST request, then write to theClientRequest object.




  1. var options = {
  2. host: 'www.google.com',
  3. port: 80,
  4. path: '/upload',
  5. method: 'POST'
  6. };
  7. var req = http.request(options, function(res) {
  8. console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode);
  9. console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers));
  10. res.setEncoding('utf8');
  11. res.on('data', function (chunk) {
  12. console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);
  13. });
  14. });
  15. // write data to request body
  16. req.write('data\n');
  17. req.write('data\n');
  18. req.end();

Note that in the example req.end() was called. With http.request() onemust always callreq.end() to signify that you're done with the request -even if there is no data being written to the request body.


If any error is encountered during the request (be that with DNS resolution,TCP level errors, or actual HTTP parse errors) an'error' event is emittedon the returned request object.


There are a few special headers that should be noted.


  • Sending a 'Connection: keep-alive' will notify Node that the connection tothe server should be persisted until the next request.

    发送'Connection: keep-alive'头部将通知Node此连接将保持到下一此请求。

  • Sending a 'Content-length' header will disable the default chunked encoding.


  • Sending an 'Expect' header will immediately send the request headers.Usually, when sending 'Expect: 100-continue', you should both set a timeoutand listen for thecontinue event. See RFC2616 Section 8.2.3 for moreinformation.

    发送'Expect'头部将引起请求头部立即被发送。通常情况,当发送'Expect: 100-continue'时,你需要监听continue事件的同时设置超时。参见RFC2616 8.2.3章节以获得更多的信息。

http.get(options, callback)

Since most requests are GET requests without bodies, Node provides thisconvenience method. The only difference between this method andhttp.request() isthat it sets the method to GET and calls req.end() automatically.




  1. var options = {
  2. host: 'www.google.com',
  3. port: 80,
  4. path: '/index.html'
  5. };
  6. http.get(options, function(res) {
  7. console.log("Got response: " + res.statusCode);
  8. }).on('error', function(e) {
  9. console.log("Got error: " + e.message);
  10. });


http.getAgent(host, port)

http.request() uses a special Agent for managing multiple connections toan HTTP server. NormallyAgent instances should not be exposed to usercode, however in certain situations it's useful to check the status of theagent. Thehttp.getAgent() function allows you to access the agents.


Event: 'upgrade' 事件:'upgrade'

function (request, socket, head)

Emitted each time a server responds to a request with an upgrade. If this eventisn't being listened for, clients receiving an upgrade header will have theirconnections closed.


See the description of the upgrade event for http.Server for further details.


Event: 'continue' 事件:'continue'

function ()

Emitted when the server sends a '100 Continue' HTTP response, usually becausethe request contained 'Expect: 100-continue'. This is an instruction thatthe client should send the request body.

当服务器发送'100 Continue'答复时触发此事件,这通常是因为请求头信息中包含'Expect: 100-continue'。此事件指示客户端可是开始发送请求正文了。


By default set to 5. Determines how many concurrent sockets the agent can have open.



An array of sockets currently in use by the Agent. Do not modify.



A queue of requests waiting to be sent to sockets.



This object is created internally and returned from http.request(). Itrepresents anin-progress request whose header has already been queued. The header is still mutable using thesetHeader(name, value), getHeader(name),removeHeader(name) API. The actual header will be sent along with the firstdata chunk or when closing the connection.

这个对象是在调用http.request()时产生并返回的。它表示一个正在进行中且头部信息已经排列好了的请求。这时候通过setHeader(name, value)getHeader(name)removeHeader(name)这些API还可以改变头部信息,实际的头部信息将随着第一块数据发送,或者在关闭连接时发送出去。

To get the response, add a listener for 'response' to the request object.'response' will be emitted from the request object when the responseheaders have been received. The'response' event is executed with oneargument which is an instance ofhttp.ClientResponse.


During the 'response' event, one can add listeners to theresponse object; particularly to listen for the'data' event. Note thatthe 'response' event is called before any part of the response body is received,so there is no need to worry about racing to catch the first part of thebody. As long as a listener for'data' is added during the 'response'event, the entire body will be caught.


  1. // Good
  2. request.on('response', function (response) {
  3. response.on('data', function (chunk) {
  4. console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);
  5. });
  6. });
  7. // Bad - misses all or part of the body
  8. request.on('response', function (response) {
  9. setTimeout(function () {
  10. response.on('data', function (chunk) {
  11. console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);
  12. });
  13. }, 10);
  14. });

This is a Writable Stream.

这是一个Writable Stream可写流。

This is an EventEmitter with the following events:


Event 'response' 事件:'response'

function (response) { }

Emitted when a response is received to this request. This event is emitted only once. Theresponse argument will be an instance ofhttp.ClientResponse.


request.write(chunk, encoding='utf8')

Sends a chunk of the body. By calling this methodmany times, the user can stream a request body to aserver--in that case it is suggested to use the['Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked'] header line whencreating the request.

发送正文中的一块。用户可以通过多次调用这个方法将请求正文以流的方式发送到服务器。此种情况建议在建立请求时使用['Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked']请求头。

The chunk argument should be an array of integersor a string.


The encoding argument is optional and onlyapplies when chunk is a string.


request.end([data], [encoding])

Finishes sending the request. If any parts of the body areunsent, it will flush them to the stream. If the request ischunked, this will send the terminating'0\r\n\r\n'.


If data is specified, it is equivalent to calling request.write(data, encoding)followed byrequest.end().

如果使用参数data,就等于在调用request.write(data, encoding)之后紧接着调用request.end()。


Aborts a request. (New since v0.3.8.)



This object is created when making a request with http.request(). It ispassed to the'response' event of the request object.


The response implements the Readable Stream interface.


Event: 'data' 事件:'data'

function (chunk) {}

Emitted when a piece of the message body is received.


Event: 'end' 事件:'end'

function () {}

Emitted exactly once for each message. No arguments. Afteremitted no other events will be emitted on the response.



The 3-digit HTTP response status code. E.G. 404.



The HTTP version of the connected-to server. Probably either'1.1' or'1.0'.Also response.httpVersionMajor is the first integer andresponse.httpVersionMinor is the second.

连接至服务器端的HTTP版本,可能的值为'1.1' or '1.0',你也可以使用response.httpVersionMajor获得版本号第一位,使用response.httpVersionMinor获得版本号第二位。


The response headers object.



The response trailers object. Only populated after the 'end' event.



Set the encoding for the response body. Either 'utf8', 'ascii', or'base64'.Defaults to null, which means that the 'data' event will emit aBuffer object..



Pauses response from emitting events. Useful to throttle back a download.



Resumes a paused response.



HTTPS is the HTTP protocol over TLS/SSL. In Node this is implemented as aseparate module.

HTTPS是基于TLS(Transport Layer Security 传输层安全)/SSL(Secure Sockets Layer 安全套接层)的HTTP协议,在Node中,它作为一个独立的模块被实现





  1. // curl -k https://localhost:8000/
  2. var https = require('https');
  3. var fs = require('fs');
  4. var options = {
  5. key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
  6. cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')
  7. };
  8. https.createServer(options, function (req, res) {
  9. res.writeHead(200);
  10. res.end("hello world\n");
  11. }).listen(8000);

https.request(options, callback)

Makes a request to a secure web server.Similar options to http.request().




  1. var https = require('https');
  2. var options = {
  3. host: 'encrypted.google.com',
  4. port: 443,
  5. path: '/',
  6. method: 'GET'
  7. };
  8. var req = https.request(options, function(res) {
  9. console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
  10. console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
  11. res.on('data', function(d) {
  12. process.stdout.write(d);
  13. });
  14. });
  15. req.end();
  16. req.on('error', function(e) {
  17. console.error(e);
  18. });

The options argument has the following options


  • host: IP or domain of host to make request to. Defaults to 'localhost'.host: 要访问的主机的IP地址或域名。默认为'localhost'
  • port: port of host to request to. Defaults to 443.port: 要访问的主机端口。默认为433。
  • path: Path to request. Default '/'.path: 要访问的路径。默认为'/'
  • method: HTTP request method. Default 'GET'.method: HTTP请求方式。默认为'GET'
  • key: Private key to use for SSL. Default null.key: SSL所使用的私钥。默认为null
  • cert: Public x509 certificate to use. Default null.cert: 所使用的x509公钥证书。默认为null
  • ca: An authority certificate or array of authority certificates to checkthe remote host against.ca: 用于验证远程主机身份的一个认证中心证书(或多个认证中心证书数组)。

https.get(options, callback)

Like http.get() but for HTTPS.




  1. var https = require('https');
  2. https.get({ host: 'encrypted.google.com', path: '/' }, function(res) {
  3. console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
  4. console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
  5. res.on('data', function(d) {
  6. process.stdout.write(d);
  7. });
  8. }).on('error', function(e) {
  9. console.error(e);
  10. });


This module has utilities for URL resolution and parsing.Call require('url') to use it.


Parsed URL objects have some or all of the following fields, depending onwhether or not they exist in the URL string. Any parts that are not in the URLstring will not be in the parsed object. Examples are shown for the URL



  • href: The full URL that was originally parsed.


    Example: 'http://user:pass@host.com:8080/p/a/t/h?query=string#hash'


  • protocol: The request protocol.


    Example: 'http:'


  • host: The full host portion of the URL, including port and authentication information.


    Example: 'user:pass@host.com:8080'


  • auth: The authentication information portion of a URL.


    Example: 'user:pass'


  • hostname: Just the hostname portion of the host.


    Example: 'host.com'


  • port: The port number portion of the host.


    Example: '8080'


  • pathname: The path section of the URL, that comes after the host and before the query, including the initial slash if present.


    Example: '/p/a/t/h'


  • search: The 'query string' portion of the URL, including the leading question mark.

    search:URL中的'query string'(查询字符串)部分,包括前导的'?'

    Example: '?query=string'


  • query: Either the 'params' portion of the query string, or a querystring-parsed object.


    Example: 'query=string' or {'query':'string'}

    例如:'query=string' or {'query':'string'}

  • hash: The 'fragment' portion of the URL including the pound-sign.


    Example: '#hash'


The following methods are provided by the URL module:


url.parse(urlStr, parseQueryString=false)

Take a URL string, and return an object. Pass true as the second argument to also parsethe query string using thequerystring module.

以一个 URL字符串为参数,返回一个解析后的对象。如设置第二个参数为true,则会使用querystring模块解析URL中的查询字符串。


Take a parsed URL object, and return a formatted URL string.


url.resolve(from, to)

Take a base URL, and a href URL, and resolve them as a browser would for an anchor tag.

指定一个默认URL地址,和一个链接的目标URL地址,返回链接的绝对URL地址。处理方式与浏览器处理锚点标签的方法一致。## Query String 查询字符串模块

This module provides utilities for dealing with query strings.It provides the following methods:


querystring.stringify(obj, sep='&', eq='=')

Serialize an object to a query string.Optionally override the default separator and assignment characters.




  1. querystring.stringify({foo: 'bar'})
  2. // returns
  3. 'foo=bar'
  4. querystring.stringify({foo: 'bar', baz: 'bob'}, ';', ':')
  5. // returns
  6. 'foo:bar;baz:bob'

querystring.parse(str, sep='&', eq='=')

Deserialize a query string to an object.Optionally override the default separator and assignment characters.




  1. querystring.parse('a=b&b=c')
  2. // returns
  3. { a: 'b', b: 'c' }


The escape function used by querystring.stringify,provided so that it could be overridden if necessary.



The unescape function used by querystring.parse,provided so that it could be overridden if necessary.


REPL 交互式解释器

A Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) is available both as a standalone program and easilyincludable in other programs. REPL provides a way to interactively runJavaScript and see the results. It can be used for debugging, testing, orjust trying things out.


By executing node without any arguments from the command-line you will bedropped into the REPL. It has simplistic emacs line-editing.


  1. mjr:~$ node
  2. Type '.help' for options.
  3. > a = [ 1, 2, 3];
  4. [ 1, 2, 3 ]
  5. > a.forEach(function (v) {
  6. ... console.log(v);
  7. ... });
  8. 1
  9. 2
  10. 3

For advanced line-editors, start node with the environmental variable NODE_NO_READLINE=1.This will start the REPL in canonical terminal settings which will allow you to use withrlwrap.


For example, you could add this to your bashrc file:


alias node="env NODE_NO_READLINE=1 rlwrap node"

repl.start(prompt='> ', stream=process.stdin)

Starts a REPL with prompt as the prompt and stream for all I/O.promptis optional and defaults to > . stream is optional and defaults toprocess.stdin.


Multiple REPLs may be started against the same running instance of node. Eachwill share the same global object but will have unique I/O.


Here is an example that starts a REPL on stdin, a Unix socket, and a TCP socket:


  1. var net = require("net"),
  2. repl = require("repl");
  3. connections = 0;
  4. repl.start("node via stdin> ");
  5. net.createServer(function (socket) {
  6. connections += 1;
  7. repl.start("node via Unix socket> ", socket);
  8. }).listen("/tmp/node-repl-sock");
  9. net.createServer(function (socket) {
  10. connections += 1;
  11. repl.start("node via TCP socket> ", socket);
  12. }).listen(5001);

Running this program from the command line will start a REPL on stdin. OtherREPL clients may connect through the Unix socket or TCP socket.telnet is usefulfor connecting to TCP sockets, and socat can be used to connect to both Unix andTCP sockets.


By starting a REPL from a Unix socket-based server instead of stdin, you canconnect to a long-running node process without restarting it.


REPL Features REPL特性

Inside the REPL, Control+D will exit. Multi-line expressions can be input.


The special variable _ (underscore) contains the result of the last expression.


  1. > [ "a", "b", "c" ]
  2. [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
  3. > _.length
  4. 3
  5. > _ += 1
  6. 4

The REPL provides access to any variables in the global scope. You can expose a variableto the REPL explicitly by assigning it to thecontext object associated with eachREPLServer. For example:


  1. // repl_test.js
  2. var repl = require("repl"),
  3. msg = "message";
  4. repl.start().context.m = msg;

Things in the context object appear as local within the REPL:


  1. mjr:~$ node repl_test.js
  2. > m
  3. 'message'

There are a few special REPL commands:


  • .break - While inputting a multi-line expression, sometimes you get lostor just don't care about completing it..break will start over..break - 当你输入多行表达式,如果想放弃当前的输入,可以用.break跳出。
  • .clear - Resets the context object to an empty object and clears any multi-line expression..clear - 将context重置为空对象,并清空当前正在输入的多行表达式。
  • .exit - Close the I/O stream, which will cause the REPL to exit..exit - 该命令用于关闭I/O流,并退出REPL。
  • .help - Show this list of special commands..help - 输出特殊命令的列表。

Child Processes 子进程

Node provides a tri-directional popen(3) facility through the ChildProcessclass.


It is possible to stream data through the child's stdin, stdout, andstderr in a fully non-blocking way.

子进程类中的stdinstdout,和stderr 可以使数据流以完全非阻塞式的方式(non-blocking way)流动(stream)

To create a child process use require('child_process').spawn().

调用require('child_process').spawn()可以创建一个子进程(child process)

Child processes always have three streams associated with them. child.stdin,child.stdout, andchild.stderr.

child.stdinchild.stdout,和 child.stderr等3个流总是伴随着子进程。

ChildProcess is an EventEmitter.

ChildProcess 是一种 EventEmitter(事件触发器)。

Event: 'exit' 事件:'exit'

function (code, signal) {}

This event is emitted after the child process ends. If the process terminatednormally,code is the final exit code of the process, otherwise null. Ifthe process terminated due to receipt of a signal,signal is the string nameof the signal, otherwise null.

当子进程结束时,(Node)触发该事件。如果进程正常终结,那么进程的最终退出代码( final exit code)为code,否则为null。如果进程的结束是因为接收到一个信号,那么signal为string型的信号名称,否则为null

See waitpid(2).



A Writable Stream that represents the child process's stdin.Closing this stream viaend() often causes the child process to terminate.

一个Writable Stream(可写流),表示子进程的stdin。调用end()来关闭这个流通常会终结整个子进程。


A Readable Stream that represents the child process's stdout.

一个Readable Stream(可读流),表示子进程的stdout(标准输出)。


A Readable Stream that represents the child process's stderr.

一个Readable Stream(可读流),表示子进程的stderr(标准错误)。


The PID of the child process.




  1. var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
  2. grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
  3. console.log('Spawned child pid: ' + grep.pid);
  4. grep.stdin.end();

child_process.spawn(command, args=[], [options])

Launches a new process with the given command, with command line arguments inargs.If omitted, args defaults to an empty Array.


The third argument is used to specify additional options, which defaults to:


  1. { cwd: undefined,
  2. env: process.env,
  3. customFds: [-1, -1, -1],
  4. setsid: false
  5. }

cwd allows you to specify the working directory from which the process is spawned.Useenv to specify environment variables that will be visible to the new process.WithcustomFds it is possible to hook up the new process' [stdin, stout, stderr] toexisting streams;-1 means that a new stream should be created. setsid,if set true, will cause the subprocess to be run in a new session.

参数cwd允许你指定要创建的子进程的工作目录(working directory)。参数env可以指定哪些环境变量在新进程中是可见的。参数customFds可以使新进程中的[stdin, stout, stderr]和已存在的流进行挂接(hook up)。参数-1可以建立一个新的流。如果设置参数setsid为true,该子进程将转入到一个新会话(session)中运行。

Example of running ls -lh /usr, capturing stdout, stderr, and the exit code:

例:运行ls -lh /usr命令,捕获stdoutstderr和退出代码:

  1. var util = require('util'),
  2. spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
  3. ls = spawn('ls', ['-lh', '/usr']);
  4. ls.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
  5. console.log('stdout: ' + data);
  6. });
  7. ls.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
  8. console.log('stderr: ' + data);
  9. });
  10. ls.on('exit', function (code) {
  11. console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);
  12. });

Example: A very elaborate way to run 'ps ax | grep ssh'

例:运行'ps ax | grep ssh'命令的完整方法:

  1. var util = require('util'),
  2. spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
  3. ps = spawn('ps', ['ax']),
  4. grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
  5. ps.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
  6. grep.stdin.write(data);
  7. });
  8. ps.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
  9. console.log('ps stderr: ' + data);
  10. });
  11. ps.on('exit', function (code) {
  12. if (code !== 0) {
  13. console.log('ps process exited with code ' + code);
  14. }
  15. grep.stdin.end();
  16. });
  17. grep.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
  18. console.log(data);
  19. });
  20. grep.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
  21. console.log('grep stderr: ' + data);
  22. });
  23. grep.on('exit', function (code) {
  24. if (code !== 0) {
  25. console.log('grep process exited with code ' + code);
  26. }
  27. });

Example of checking for failed exec:


  1. var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
  2. child = spawn('bad_command');
  3. child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
  4. if (/^execvp\(\)/.test(data.asciiSlice(0,data.length))) {
  5. console.log('Failed to start child process.');
  6. }
  7. });

See also: child_process.exec()


child_process.exec(command, [options], callback)

High-level way to execute a command as a child process, buffer theoutput, and return it all in a callback.


  1. var util = require('util'),
  2. exec = require('child_process').exec,
  3. child;
  4. child = exec('cat *.js bad_file | wc -l',
  5. function (error, stdout, stderr) {
  6. console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
  7. console.log('stderr: ' + stderr);
  8. if (error !== null) {
  9. console.log('exec error: ' + error);
  10. }
  11. });

The callback gets the arguments (error, stdout, stderr). On success,errorwill be null. On error, error will be an instance ofError and err.codewill be the exit code of the child process, anderr.signal will be set to thesignal that terminated the process.

回调函数获得(error, stdout, stderr)3个参数。成功时,errornull。错误时error为一个Error实例,err.code为该子进程的退出代码,err.signal为使该进程结束的信号。

There is a second optional argument to specify several options. The default options are


  1. { encoding: 'utf8',
  2. timeout: 0,
  3. maxBuffer: 200*1024,
  4. killSignal: 'SIGTERM',
  5. cwd: null,
  6. env: null }

If timeout is greater than 0, then it will kill the child processif it runs longer thantimeout milliseconds. The child process is killed withkillSignal (default:'SIGTERM'). maxBuffer specifies the largestamount of data allowed on stdout or stderr - if this value is exceeded thenthe child process is killed.

如果参数timeout的值超过0,那么当运行超过timeout毫秒后子进程将终止。killSignal 为终止子进程的信号(默认为:'SIGTERM')。 参数maxBuffer指定了stdout或stderr流最大数据量,一旦超过该值,子进程将会终止。


Send a signal to the child process. If no argument is given, the process willbe sent'SIGTERM'. See signal(7) for a list of available signals.

给子进程发送信号。如果没有指定参数,(Node)将会发送'SIGTERM'信号。在signal(7) 中可查阅到可用的信号列表。

  1. var spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
  2. grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']);
  3. grep.on('exit', function (code, signal) {
  4. console.log('child process terminated due to receipt of signal '+signal);
  5. });
  6. // send SIGHUP to process
  7. grep.kill('SIGHUP');

Note that while the function is called kill, the signal delivered to the childprocess may not actually kill it.kill really just sends a signal to a process.


See kill(2)


Assert 断言模块

This module is used for writing unit tests for your applications, you canaccess it withrequire('assert').


assert.fail(actual, expected, message, operator)

Tests if actual is equal to expected using the operator provided.


assert.ok(value, [message])

Tests if value is a true value, it is equivalent to assert.equal(true, value, message);

测试实际值是否为true,和assert.equal(true, value, message);作用一致

assert.equal(actual, expected, [message])

Tests shallow, coercive equality with the equal comparison operator ( == ).

使用等值比较操作符( == )测试真实值是否浅层地(shallow),强制性地(coercive)和预期值相等。

assert.notEqual(actual, expected, [message])

Tests shallow, coercive non-equality with the not equal comparison operator ( != ).

使用不等比较操作符( != )测试真实值是否浅层地(shallow),强制性地(coercive)和预期值不相等。

assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])

Tests for deep equality.


assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message])

Tests for any deep inequality.


assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, [message])

Tests strict equality, as determined by the strict equality operator ( === )

使用严格相等操作符 ( === )测试真实值是否严格地(strict)和预期值相等。

assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])

Tests strict non-equality, as determined by the strict not equal operator ( !== )

使用严格不相等操作符 ( !== )测试真实值是否严格地(strict)和预期值不相等。

assert.throws(block, [error], [message])

Expects block to throw an error. error can be constructor, regexp or validation function.

预期block时抛出一个错误(error), error可以为构造函数,正则表达式或者其他验证器。

Validate instanceof using constructor:


  1. assert.throws(
  2. function() {
  3. throw new Error("Wrong value");
  4. },
  5. Error
  6. );

Validate error message using RegExp:


  1. assert.throws(
  2. function() {
  3. throw new Error("Wrong value");
  4. },
  5. /value/
  6. );

Custom error validation:


  1. assert.throws(
  2. function() {
  3. throw new Error("Wrong value");
  4. },
  5. function(err) {
  6. if ( (err instanceof Error) && /value/.test(err) ) {
  7. return true;
  8. }
  9. },
  10. "unexpected error"
  11. );

assert.doesNotThrow(block, [error], [message])

Expects block not to throw an error, see assert.throws for details.



Tests if value is not a false value, throws if it is a true value. Useful whentesting the first argument,error in callbacks.

测试值是否不为false,当为true时抛出。常用于回调中第一个参数error的测试。## TTY 终端模块

Use require('tty') to access this module.




  1. var tty = require('tty');
  2. tty.setRawMode(true);
  3. process.stdin.resume();
  4. process.stdin.on('keypress', function(char, key) {
  5. if (key && key.ctrl && key.name == 'c') {
  6. console.log('graceful exit');
  7. process.exit()
  8. }
  9. });

tty.open(path, args=[])

Spawns a new process with the executable pointed to by path as the sessionleader to a new pseudo terminal.


Returns an array [slaveFD, childProcess]. slaveFD is the file descriptorof the slave end of the pseudo terminal.childProcess is a child processobject.

返回一个数组 [slaveFD, childProcess]slaveFD 是这个伪终端的从设备文件描述符,childProcess是子进程的对象。


Returns true or false depending on if the fd is associated with aterminal.



mode should be true or false. This sets the properties of the currentprocess's stdin fd to act either as a raw device or default.


tty.setWindowSize(fd, row, col)

ioctls the window size settings to the file descriptor.



Returns [row, col] for the TTY associated with the file descriptor.

返回文件描述符所对应的终端的窗口大小[row, col](行数与列数)。

os Module 操作系统模块

Use require('os') to access this module.

可以通过require('os')访问这个os 模块。


Returns the hostname of the operating system.



Returns the operating system name.



Returns the operating system release.



Returns the system uptime in seconds.



Returns an array containing the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages.



Returns the total amount of system memory in bytes.



Returns the amount of free system memory in bytes.



Returns an array of objects containing information about each CPU/core installed: model, speed (in MHz), and times (an object containing the number of CPU ticks spent in: user, nice, sys, idle, and irq).


Example inspection of os.cpus:


  1. [ { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  2. speed: 2926,
  3. times:
  4. { user: 252020,
  5. nice: 0,
  6. sys: 30340,
  7. idle: 1070356870,
  8. irq: 0 } },
  9. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  10. speed: 2926,
  11. times:
  12. { user: 306960,
  13. nice: 0,
  14. sys: 26980,
  15. idle: 1071569080,
  16. irq: 0 } },
  17. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  18. speed: 2926,
  19. times:
  20. { user: 248450,
  21. nice: 0,
  22. sys: 21750,
  23. idle: 1070919370,
  24. irq: 0 } },
  25. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  26. speed: 2926,
  27. times:
  28. { user: 256880,
  29. nice: 0,
  30. sys: 19430,
  31. idle: 1070905480,
  32. irq: 20 } },
  33. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  34. speed: 2926,
  35. times:
  36. { user: 511580,
  37. nice: 20,
  38. sys: 40900,
  39. idle: 1070842510,
  40. irq: 0 } },
  41. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  42. speed: 2926,
  43. times:
  44. { user: 291660,
  45. nice: 0,
  46. sys: 34360,
  47. idle: 1070888000,
  48. irq: 10 } },
  49. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  50. speed: 2926,
  51. times:
  52. { user: 308260,
  53. nice: 0,
  54. sys: 55410,
  55. idle: 1071129970,
  56. irq: 880 } },
  57. { model: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz',
  58. speed: 2926,
  59. times:
  60. { user: 266450,
  61. nice: 1480,
  62. sys: 34920,
  63. idle: 1072572010,
  64. irq: 30 } } ]

Debugger 调试器

V8 comes with an extensive debugger which is accessible out-of-process via asimpleTCP protocol.Node has a built-in client for this debugger. To use this, start Node with thedebug argument; a prompt will appear:


  1. % node debug myscript.js
  2. debug>

At this point myscript.js is not yet running. To start the script, enterthe commandrun. If everything works okay, the output should look likethis:

此时 myscript.js还没有开始执行,若要执行这段脚本,还需要输入run命令。如果一切运行正常的话输出信息应该如下所示:

  1. % node debug myscript.js
  2. debug> run
  3. debugger listening on port 5858
  4. connecting...ok

Node's debugger client doesn't support the full range of commands, butsimple step and inspection is possible. By putting the statementdebugger;into the source code of your script, you will enable a breakpoint.


For example, suppose myscript.js looked like this:


  1. // myscript.js
  2. x = 5;
  3. setTimeout(function () {
  4. debugger;
  5. console.log("world");
  6. }, 1000);
  7. console.log("hello");

Then once the debugger is run, it will break on line 4.


  1. % ./node debug myscript.js
  2. debug> run
  3. debugger listening on port 5858
  4. connecting...ok
  5. hello
  6. break in #<an Object>._onTimeout(), myscript.js:4
  7. debugger;
  8. ^
  9. debug> next
  10. break in #<an Object>._onTimeout(), myscript.js:5
  11. console.log("world");
  12. ^
  13. debug> print x
  14. 5
  15. debug> print 2+2
  16. 4
  17. debug> next
  18. world
  19. break in #<an Object>._onTimeout() returning undefined, myscript.js:6
  20. }, 1000);
  21. ^
  22. debug> quit
  23. A debugging session is active. Quit anyway? (y or n) y
  24. %

The print command allows you to evaluate variables. The next command stepsover to the next line. There are a few other commands available and more tocome typehelp to see others.


Advanced Usage 高级用法

The V8 debugger can be enabled and accessed either by starting Node withthe --debug command-line flag or by signaling an existing Node processwith SIGUSR1.


Appendixes 附录

Appendix 1 - Third Party Modules 附录 1 - 第三方模块

There are many third party modules for Node. At the time of writing, August2010, the master repository of modules isthe wiki page.


This appendix is intended as a SMALL guide to new-comers to help themquickly find what are considered to be quality modules. It is not intendedto be a complete list. There may be better more complete modules foundelsewhere.


Patches to this list are welcome.


