m 赞 踩 https://github.com/gera2ld/markmap/tree/master/packages/markmap-cli 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 赞 踩 Copyright © 2003-2013 www.wpsshop.cn 版权所有,并保留所有权利。
vim markmap思维导图安装_markmap-cli
"" markMap
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
安装 coc-markmap
"" markmap
" Create markmap from the whole file
nmap <Leader>m <Plug>(coc-markmap-create)
" Create markmap from the selected lines
vmap <Leader>m <Plug>(coc-markmap-create-v)
:CocInstall coc-markmap
输入下面任一命令重载 ~/.vimrc::so $MYVIMRC 或者 :source ~/.vimrc命令使用
$ yarn global add markmap-cli
# or
$ npm install -g markmap-cli
# 使用
markmap -w note.md