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java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize display event receiver. status=-2147483648

failed to initialize display event receiver

java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize display event receiver. status=-2147483648
at android.view.DisplayEventReceiver.nativeInit(Native Method)
at android.view.DisplayEventReceiver.(DisplayEventReceiver.java:61)
at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.(Choreographer.java:707)
at android.view.Choreographer.(Choreographer.java:168)
at android.view.Choreographer.(Choreographer.java:72)
at android.view.Choreographer$1.initialValue(Choreographer.java:98)
at android.view.Choreographer 1. i n i t i a l V a l u e ( C h o r e o g r a p h e r . j a v a : 91 ) a t j a v a . l a n g . T h r e a d L o c a l 1.initialValue(Choreographer.java:91) at java.lang.ThreadLocal 1.initialValue(Choreographer.java:91)atjava.lang.ThreadLocalValues.getAfterMiss(ThreadLocal.java:430)
at java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(ThreadLocal.java:65)
at android.view.Choreographer.getInstance(Choreographer.java:194)
at com.google.android.exoplayer2.video.f b . d ( V i d e o F r a m e R e l e a s e T i m e H e l p e r . j a v a : 341 ) a t c o m . g o o g l e . a n d r o i d . e x o p l a y e r 2. v i d e o . f b.d(VideoFrameReleaseTimeHelper.java:341) at com.google.android.exoplayer2.video.f b.d(VideoFrameReleaseTimeHelper.java:341)atcom.google.android.exoplayer2.video.fb.handleMessage(VideoFrameReleaseTimeHelper.java:323)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:159)
at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)

有时候app启动失败,发现是在application初始化时调用了谷歌播放器的初始化,初始化调用了VideoFrameReleaseTimeHelper,内部出现错误,具体原因还未细分析,在初始化地方加了try catch,保证app正常启动

