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usage: split-window [-bdefhipvz] [-c start-directory] [-e environment] [-f f



tmux是linux下的管理窗口的程序,那什么是管理窗口?众所周知,linux系统支持远程终端(terminal)连接,(使用终端通过ssh 命令去远程连接服务器,并执行各种命令),看看一下场景:

  • 我们通过终端连接到远程服务器,去执行tar命令,去压缩一个很大的文件,需要很长时间,这时候网络不稳定,我们断开了连接,当我们网络恢复之后,发现刚才执行一般的tar命令,被强制中断了(broken pipe)。我们需要重新执行tar操作。
  • 我们想在同一个窗口,去执行不同的命令,但是我们又不想去重复执行ssh命令,去连接服务器。

总结:通过以上场景,我们看到当我们想要在关闭或断开ssh的情况下, 依然可以后台执行命令;当我们想在一个ssh的窗口下面,去同时执行多个命令,并且不想要多个tab的terminal软件ssh窗口。






  • Session:通常用来概括同一个任务。可以为session起名字,一个terminal终端软件连接到服务器,使用tmux就会创建一个session。(tmux命令,会创建一个新的session)
  • Window:单个可见的窗口,window有自己的编号。也可以认为是iterm2中tab,通常在不同的窗口中完成不同的工作
  • Pane窗格:一个窗口可以被划分为多个小的窗格





  • CentOS系统下安装

    $ brew install tmux
  • MacOS系统下安装

    $ sudo yum install tmux -y


  1. 创建session。

    1. # tmux
    2. //使用tmux命令直接新建一个session,并进入系统会为session自动分配一个id编号,当然我们创建session的时候,为sesion起名字。
    3. # tmux new -s mysession //创建一个session,并为session命名为mysession
    4. # tmux new-session -s mysession //这种方式和上面你的方式是一样的,都会创建一个名为myseession的会话。
  2. 常用命令

    • 信息查询
    1. # tmux list-keys 列出所有可以的快捷键和其运行的tmux命令
    2. # tmux list-commands 列出所有的tmux命令以及其参数
    3. # tmux info 列出所有的session,window,pane,运行的进程号
    • 会话控制
    1. # tmux new -s session_name //创建一个叫做session_name的tmux session
    2. # tmux attach -t session_name //重新连接叫做sessioin_name的tmux session
    3. # tmux switch -t session_name //转换到叫做session_name的tmux session
    4. # tmux list-sessions / tmux ls //列出所有session
    5. # tmux detach //离开当前开启的session
    6. # tmux kill-server //关闭所有的session
    • 窗口控制
    1. # tmux new-window //创建一个新的 window
    2. # tmux list-windows //列出上一次连接的session下的所有的 window
    3. # tmux select-window -t :0-9 //根据索引转到该 window
    4. # tmux rename-window //重命名当前 window
    • 窗格控制
    1. # tmux split-windowwindow 垂直划分为两个 pane
    2. # tmux split-window -h 将 window 水平划分为两个 pane
    3. # tmux swap-pane -[UDLR] 在指定的方向交换 pane
    4. # tmux select-pane -[UDLR] 在指定的方向选择下一个 pane
  3. 常用快捷键

    注意:在连接到session中的时候,我们就可以使用tmux的快捷键了,所有快捷键的使用都必须加上命令前缀,默认是 Ctrl+b。在tmux的conf中定义为C-b

    • 基本操作

      ?列出所有快捷键;按 q 返回
      d脱离当前会话,可暂时返回 Shell 界面
      :进入命令行模式;此时可输入支持的命令,例如 kill-server 关闭所有tmux会话
      [复制模式,光标移动到复制内容位置,空格键开始,方向键选择复制,回车确认,q/Esc 退出
      ]进入粘贴模式,粘贴之前复制的内容,按 q/Esc 退出
      ~列出提示信息缓存;其中包含了之前 tmux 返回的各种提示信息
    • 窗口操作

    • 窗格操作

      page up向上滚动屏幕,q 退出
      page down向下滚动屏幕,q 退出
      ctrl+方向键以 1 个单元格为单位移动边缘以调整当前面板大小
      alt+方向键以 5 个单元格为单位移动边缘以调整当前面板大小
  4. 复制模式

    Tmux 的使用类似于 vim, 在窗口中要自由的复制文本,可以进入复制模式,使用 prefix+[


    • space 开始复制,移动光标选择复制区域
    • Enter 复制并退出 copy-mode。
    • 将光标移动到指定位置,按 prefix+] 粘贴

    如果启用了鼠标,可以直接用鼠标选中要复制的文本,然后用 prefix + ] 进行粘贴。

    还可以按住 shift 键,然后再用鼠标选中要复制的文本,此时是系统正常的复制,需要鼠标右键选择复制才能复制文本。在 Mac OSX 上,该快捷功能键是 option.

  5. 可以在一个窗口下的多个窗格中同步执行一个命令操作,实现该功能需要开启 synchronize-panes 配置,进入命令模式(Ctrl-B 或者 Ctrl-A)然后输入:

    1. :setw synchronize-panes on # 开启窗口同步
    2. :setw synchronize-panes off # 关闭窗口同步


Tmux 支持自定义的配置文件,/etc/tmux.conf 是全局的配置,~/.tmux.conf 是用户配置。例如 Tmux 也可以想 vim 一样使用底行命令模式,我们重新配置其快捷键跟 vim 一样使用 :,在配置文件中添加如下内容:

  1. # bind : to command-prompt like vim
  2. # this is the default in tmux already
  3. bind : command-prompt


1、tmux man手册

  1. TMUX(1) BSD General Commands Manual TMUX(1)
  2. NAME
  3. tmux — terminal multiplexer
  5. tmux [-28lCquvV] [-c shell-command] [-f file] [-L socket-name] [-S socket-path] [command [flags]]
  7. tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue run
  8. ning in the background, then later reattached.
  9. When tmux is started it creates a new session with a single window and displays it on screen. A status line at the bottom of the screen shows information on the current session and
  10. is used to enter interactive commands.
  11. A session is a single collection of pseudo terminals under the management of tmux. Each session has one or more windows linked to it. A window occupies the entire screen and may
  12. be split into rectangular panes, each of which is a separate pseudo terminal (the pty(4) manual page documents the technical details of pseudo terminals). Any number of tmux
  13. instances may connect to the same session, and any number of windows may be present in the same session. Once all sessions are killed, tmux exits.
  14. Each session is persistent and will survive accidental disconnection (such as ssh(1) connection timeout) or intentional detaching (with the ‘C-b d’ key strokes). tmux may be reat‐
  15. tached using:
  16. $ tmux attach
  17. In tmux, a session is displayed on screen by a client and all sessions are managed by a single server. The server and each client are separate processes which communicate through a
  18. socket in /tmp.
  19. The options are as follows:
  20. -2 Force tmux to assume the terminal supports 256 colours.
  21. -8 Like -2, but indicates that the terminal supports 88 colours.
  22. -C Start in control mode. Given twice (-CC) disables echo.
  23. -c shell-command
  24. Execute shell-command using the default shell. If necessary, the tmux server will be started to retrieve the default-shell option. This option is for compatibility
  25. with sh(1) when tmux is used as a login shell.
  26. -f file Specify an alternative configuration file. By default, tmux loads the system configuration file from /etc/tmux.conf, if present, then looks for a user configuration
  27. file at ~/.tmux.conf.
  28. The configuration file is a set of tmux commands which are executed in sequence when the server is first started. tmux loads configuration files once when the server
  29. process has started. The source-file command may be used to load a file later.
  30. tmux shows any error messages from commands in configuration files in the first session created, and continues to process the rest of the configuration file.
  31. -L socket-name
  32. tmux stores the server socket in a directory under /tmp (or TMPDIR if set); the default socket is named default. This option allows a different socket name to be
  33. specified, allowing several independent tmux servers to be run. Unlike -S a full path is not necessary: the sockets are all created in the same directory.
  34. If the socket is accidentally removed, the SIGUSR1 signal may be sent to the tmux server process to recreate it.
  35. -l Behave as a login shell. This flag currently has no effect and is for compatibility with other shells when using tmux as a login shell.
  36. -q Set the quiet server option to prevent the server sending various informational messages.
  37. -S socket-path
  38. Specify a full alternative path to the server socket. If -S is specified, the default socket directory is not used and any -L flag is ignored.
  39. -u tmux attempts to guess if the terminal is likely to support UTF-8 by checking the first of the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG environment variables to be set for the string
  40. "UTF-8". This is not always correct: the -u flag explicitly informs tmux that UTF-8 is supported.
  41. If the server is started from a client passed -u or where UTF-8 is detected, the utf8 and status-utf8 options are enabled in the global window and session options
  42. respectively.
  43. -v Request verbose logging. This option may be specified multiple times for increasing verbosity. Log messages will be saved into tmux-client-PID.log and
  44. tmux-server-PID.log files in the current directory, where PID is the PID of the server or client process.
  45. -V Report the tmux version.
  46. command [flags]
  47. This specifies one of a set of commands used to control tmux, as described in the following sections. If no commands are specified, the new-session command is
  48. assumed.
  50. tmux may be controlled from an attached client by using a key combination of a prefix key, ‘C-b’ (Ctrl-b) by default, followed by a command key.
  51. The default command key bindings are:
  52. C-b Send the prefix key (C-b) through to the application.
  53. C-o Rotate the panes in the current window forwards.
  54. C-z Suspend the tmux client.
  55. ! Break the current pane out of the window.
  56. " Split the current pane into two, top and bottom.
  57. # List all paste buffers.
  58. $ Rename the current session.
  59. % Split the current pane into two, left and right.
  60. & Kill the current window.
  61. ' Prompt for a window index to select.
  62. , Rename the current window.
  63. - Delete the most recently copied buffer of text.
  64. . Prompt for an index to move the current window.
  65. 0 to 9 Select windows 0 to 9.
  66. : Enter the tmux command prompt.
  67. ; Move to the previously active pane.
  68. = Choose which buffer to paste interactively from a list.
  69. ? List all key bindings.
  70. D Choose a client to detach.
  71. [ Enter copy mode to copy text or view the history.
  72. ] Paste the most recently copied buffer of text.
  73. c Create a new window.
  74. d Detach the current client.
  75. f Prompt to search for text in open windows.
  76. i Display some information about the current window.
  77. l Move to the previously selected window.
  78. n Change to the next window.
  79. o Select the next pane in the current window.
  80. p Change to the previous window.
  81. q Briefly display pane indexes.
  82. r Force redraw of the attached client.
  83. s Select a new session for the attached client interactively.
  84. L Switch the attached client back to the last session.
  85. t Show the time.
  86. w Choose the current window interactively.
  87. x Kill the current pane.
  88. { Swap the current pane with the previous pane.
  89. } Swap the current pane with the next pane.
  90. ~ Show previous messages from tmux, if any.
  91. Page Up Enter copy mode and scroll one page up.
  92. Up, Down
  93. Left, Right
  94. Change to the pane above, below, to the left, or to the right of the current pane.
  95. M-1 to M-5 Arrange panes in one of the five preset layouts: even-horizontal, even-vertical, main-horizontal, main-vertical, or tiled.
  96. M-n Move to the next window with a bell or activity marker.
  97. M-o Rotate the panes in the current window backwards.
  98. M-p Move to the previous window with a bell or activity marker.
  99. C-Up, C-Down
  100. C-Left, C-Right
  101. Resize the current pane in steps of one cell.
  102. M-Up, M-Down
  103. M-Left, M-Right
  104. Resize the current pane in steps of five cells.
  105. Key bindings may be changed with the bind-key and unbind-key commands.
  107. This section contains a list of the commands supported by tmux. Most commands accept the optional -t argument with one of target-client, target-session target-window, or
  108. target-pane. These specify the client, session, window or pane which a command should affect. target-client is the name of the pty(4) file to which the client is connected, for
  109. example either of /dev/ttyp1 or ttyp1 for the client attached to /dev/ttyp1. If no client is specified, the current client is chosen, if possible, or an error is reported. Clients
  110. may be listed with the list-clients command.
  111. target-session is the session id prefixed with a $, the name of a session (as listed by the list-sessions command), or the name of a client with the same syntax as target-client, in
  112. which case the session attached to the client is used. When looking for the session name, tmux initially searches for an exact match; if none is found, the session names are
  113. checked for any for which target-session is a prefix or for which it matches as an fnmatch(3) pattern. If a single match is found, it is used as the target session; multiple
  114. matches produce an error. If a session is omitted, the current session is used if available; if no current session is available, the most recently used is chosen.
  115. target-window specifies a window in the form session:window. session follows the same rules as for target-session, and window is looked for in order: as a window index, for example
  116. mysession:1; as a window ID, such as @1; as an exact window name, such as mysession:mywindow; then as an fnmatch(3) pattern or the start of a window name, such as mysession:mywin*
  117. or mysession:mywin. An empty window name specifies the next unused index if appropriate (for example the new-window and link-window commands) otherwise the current window in
  118. session is chosen. The special character ‘!’ uses the last (previously current) window, ‘^’ selects the highest numbered window, ‘$’ selects the lowest numbered window, and ‘+’ and
  119. ‘-’ select the next window or the previous window by number. When the argument does not contain a colon, tmux first attempts to parse it as window; if that fails, an attempt is
  120. made to match a session.
  121. target-pane takes a similar form to target-window but with the optional addition of a period followed by a pane index, for example: mysession:mywindow.1. If the pane index is omit‐
  122. ted, the currently active pane in the specified window is used. If neither a colon nor period appears, tmux first attempts to use the argument as a pane index; if that fails, it is
  123. looked up as for target-window. A ‘+’ or ‘-’ indicate the next or previous pane index, respectively. One of the strings top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left
  124. or bottom-right may be used instead of a pane index.
  125. The special characters ‘+’ and ‘-’ may be followed by an offset, for example:
  126. select-window -t:+2
  127. When dealing with a session that doesn't contain sequential window indexes, they will be correctly skipped.
  128. tmux also gives each pane created in a server an identifier consisting of a ‘%’ and a number, starting from zero. A pane's identifier is unique for the life of the tmux server and
  129. is passed to the child process of the pane in the TMUX_PANE environment variable. It may be used alone to target a pane or the window containing it.
  130. shell-command arguments are sh(1) commands. These must be passed as a single item, which typically means quoting them, for example:
  131. new-window 'vi /etc/passwd'
  132. command [arguments] refers to a tmux command, passed with the command and arguments separately, for example:
  133. bind-key F1 set-window-option force-width 81
  134. Or if using sh(1):
  135. $ tmux bind-key F1 set-window-option force-width 81
  136. Multiple commands may be specified together as part of a command sequence. Each command should be separated by spaces and a semicolon; commands are executed sequentially from left
  137. to right and lines ending with a backslash continue on to the next line, except when escaped by another backslash. A literal semicolon may be included by escaping it with a back‐
  138. slash (for example, when specifying a command sequence to bind-key).
  139. Example tmux commands include:
  140. refresh-client -t/dev/ttyp2
  141. rename-session -tfirst newname
  142. set-window-option -t:0 monitor-activity on
  143. new-window ; split-window -d
  144. bind-key R source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; \
  145. display-message "source-file done"
  146. Or from sh(1):
  147. $ tmux kill-window -t :1
  148. $ tmux new-window \; split-window -d
  149. $ tmux new-session -d 'vi /etc/passwd' \; split-window -d \; attach
  151. The tmux server manages clients, sessions, windows and panes. Clients are attached to sessions to interact with them, either when they are created with the new-session command, or
  152. later with the attach-session command. Each session has one or more windows linked into it. Windows may be linked to multiple sessions and are made up of one or more panes, each
  153. of which contains a pseudo terminal. Commands for creating, linking and otherwise manipulating windows are covered in the WINDOWS AND PANES section.
  154. The following commands are available to manage clients and sessions:
  155. attach-session [-dr] [-t target-session]
  156. (alias: attach)
  157. If run from outside tmux, create a new client in the current terminal and attach it to target-session. If used from inside, switch the current client. If -d is specified,
  158. any other clients attached to the session are detached. -r signifies the client is read-only (only keys bound to the detach-client or switch-client commands have any
  159. effect)
  160. If no server is started, attach-session will attempt to start it; this will fail unless sessions are created in the configuration file.
  161. The target-session rules for attach-session are slightly adjusted: if tmux needs to select the most recently used session, it will prefer the most recently used unattached
  162. session.
  163. detach-client [-P] [-a] [-s target-session] [-t target-client]
  164. (alias: detach)
  165. Detach the current client if bound to a key, the client specified with -t, or all clients currently attached to the session specified by -s. The -a option kills all but the
  166. client given with -t. If -P is given, send SIGHUP to the parent process of the client, typically causing it to exit.
  167. has-session [-t target-session]
  168. (alias: has)
  169. Report an error and exit with 1 if the specified session does not exist. If it does exist, exit with 0.
  170. kill-server
  171. Kill the tmux server and clients and destroy all sessions.
  172. kill-session
  173. [-a] [-t target-session] Destroy the given session, closing any windows linked to it and no other sessions, and detaching all clients attached to it. If -a is given, all
  174. sessions but the specified one is killed.
  175. list-clients [-F format] [-t target-session]
  176. (alias: lsc)
  177. List all clients attached to the server. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section. If target-session is specified, list only clients connected to that ses‐
  178. sion.
  179. list-commands
  180. (alias: lscm)
  181. List the syntax of all commands supported by tmux.
  182. list-sessions [-F format]
  183. (alias: ls)
  184. List all sessions managed by the server. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section.
  185. lock-client [-t target-client]
  186. (alias: lockc)
  187. Lock target-client, see the lock-server command.
  188. lock-session [-t target-session]
  189. (alias: locks)
  190. Lock all clients attached to target-session.
  191. new-session [-AdDP] [-F format] [-n window-name] [-s session-name] [-t target-session] [-x width] [-y height] [shell-command]
  192. (alias: new)
  193. Create a new session with name session-name.
  194. The new session is attached to the current terminal unless -d is given. window-name and shell-command are the name of and shell command to execute in the initial window.
  195. If -d is used, -x and -y specify the size of the initial window (80 by 24 if not given).
  196. If run from a terminal, any termios(4) special characters are saved and used for new windows in the new session.
  197. The -A flag makes new-session behave like attach-session if session-name already exists; in the case, -D behaves like -d to attach-session.
  198. If -t is given, the new session is grouped with target-session. This means they share the same set of windows - all windows from target-session are linked to the new ses‐
  199. sion and any subsequent new windows or windows being closed are applied to both sessions. The current and previous window and any session options remain independent and
  200. either session may be killed without affecting the other. Giving -n or shell-command are invalid if -t is used.
  201. The -P option prints information about the new session after it has been created. By default, it uses the format ‘#{session_name}:’ but a different format may be specified
  202. with -F.
  203. refresh-client [-S] [-t target-client]
  204. (alias: refresh)
  205. Refresh the current client if bound to a key, or a single client if one is given with -t. If -S is specified, only update the client's status bar.
  206. rename-session [-t target-session] new-name
  207. (alias: rename)
  208. Rename the session to new-name.
  209. show-messages [-t target-client]
  210. (alias: showmsgs)
  211. Any messages displayed on the status line are saved in a per-client message log, up to a maximum of the limit set by the message-limit session option for the session
  212. attached to that client. This command displays the log for target-client.
  213. source-file path
  214. (alias: source)
  215. Execute commands from path.
  216. start-server
  217. (alias: start)
  218. Start the tmux server, if not already running, without creating any sessions.
  219. suspend-client [-t target-client]
  220. (alias: suspendc)
  221. Suspend a client by sending SIGTSTP (tty stop).
  222. switch-client [-lnpr] [-c target-client] [-t target-session]
  223. (alias: switchc)
  224. Switch the current session for client target-client to target-session. If -l, -n or -p is used, the client is moved to the last, next or previous session respectively. -r
  225. toggles whether a client is read-only (see the attach-session command).
  227. A tmux window may be in one of several modes. The default permits direct access to the terminal attached to the window. The other is copy mode, which permits a section of a window
  228. or its history to be copied to a paste buffer for later insertion into another window. This mode is entered with the copy-mode command, bound to ‘[’ by default. It is also entered
  229. when a command that produces output, such as list-keys, is executed from a key binding.
  230. The keys available depend on whether emacs or vi mode is selected (see the mode-keys option). The following keys are supported as appropriate for the mode:
  231. Function vi emacs
  232. Back to indentation ^ M-m
  233. Bottom of history G M-<
  234. Clear selection Escape C-g
  235. Copy selection Enter M-w
  236. Cursor down j Down
  237. Cursor left h Left
  238. Cursor right l Right
  239. Cursor to bottom line L
  240. Cursor to middle line M M-r
  241. Cursor to top line H M-R
  242. Cursor up k Up
  243. Delete entire line d C-u
  244. Delete/Copy to end of line D C-k
  245. End of line $ C-e
  246. Go to line : g
  247. Half page down C-d M-Down
  248. Half page up C-u M-Up
  249. Jump forward f f
  250. Jump to forward t
  251. Jump backward F F
  252. Jump to backward T
  253. Jump again ; ;
  254. Jump again in reverse , ,
  255. Next page C-f Page down
  256. Next space W
  257. Next space, end of word E
  258. Next word w
  259. Next word end e M-f
  260. Paste buffer p C-y
  261. Previous page C-b Page up
  262. Previous word b M-b
  263. Previous space B
  264. Quit mode q Escape
  265. Rectangle toggle v R
  266. Scroll down C-Down or C-e C-Down
  267. Scroll up C-Up or C-y C-Up
  268. Search again n n
  269. Search again in reverse N N
  270. Search backward ? C-r
  271. Search forward / C-s
  272. Start of line 0 C-a
  273. Start selection Space C-Space
  274. Top of history g M->
  275. Transpose characters C-t
  276. The next and previous word keys use space and the ‘-’, ‘_’ and ‘@’ characters as word delimiters by default, but this can be adjusted by setting the word-separators session option.
  277. Next word moves to the start of the next word, next word end to the end of the next word and previous word to the start of the previous word. The three next and previous space keys
  278. work similarly but use a space alone as the word separator.
  279. The jump commands enable quick movement within a line. For instance, typing ‘f’ followed by ‘/’ will move the cursor to the next ‘/’ character on the current line. A ‘;’ will then
  280. jump to the next occurrence.
  281. Commands in copy mode may be prefaced by an optional repeat count. With vi key bindings, a prefix is entered using the number keys; with emacs, the Alt (meta) key and a number
  282. begins prefix entry. For example, to move the cursor forward by ten words, use ‘M-1 0 M-f’ in emacs mode, and ‘10w’ in vi.
  283. When copying the selection, the repeat count indicates the buffer index to replace, if used.
  284. Mode key bindings are defined in a set of named tables: vi-edit and emacs-edit for keys used when line editing at the command prompt; vi-choice and emacs-choice for keys used when
  285. choosing from lists (such as produced by the choose-window command); and vi-copy and emacs-copy used in copy mode. The tables may be viewed with the list-keys command and keys mod‐
  286. ified or removed with bind-key and unbind-key. One command accepts an argument, copy-pipe, which copies the selection and pipes it to a command. For example the following will
  287. bind ‘C-q’ to copy the selection into /tmp as well as the paste buffer:
  288. bind-key -temacs-copy C-q copy-pipe "cat >/tmp/out"
  289. The paste buffer key pastes the first line from the top paste buffer on the stack.
  290. The synopsis for the copy-mode command is:
  291. copy-mode [-u] [-t target-pane]
  292. Enter copy mode. The -u option scrolls one page up.
  293. Each window displayed by tmux may be split into one or more panes; each pane takes up a certain area of the display and is a separate terminal. A window may be split into panes
  294. using the split-window command. Windows may be split horizontally (with the -h flag) or vertically. Panes may be resized with the resize-pane command (bound to ‘C-up’, ‘C-down’
  295. ‘C-left’ and ‘C-right’ by default), the current pane may be changed with the select-pane command and the rotate-window and swap-pane commands may be used to swap panes without
  296. changing their position. Panes are numbered beginning from zero in the order they are created.
  297. A number of preset layouts are available. These may be selected with the select-layout command or cycled with next-layout (bound to ‘Space’ by default); once a layout is chosen,
  298. panes within it may be moved and resized as normal.
  299. The following layouts are supported:
  300. even-horizontal
  301. Panes are spread out evenly from left to right across the window.
  302. even-vertical
  303. Panes are spread evenly from top to bottom.
  304. main-horizontal
  305. A large (main) pane is shown at the top of the window and the remaining panes are spread from left to right in the leftover space at the bottom. Use the main-pane-height
  306. window option to specify the height of the top pane.
  307. main-vertical
  308. Similar to main-horizontal but the large pane is placed on the left and the others spread from top to bottom along the right. See the main-pane-width window option.
  309. tiled Panes are spread out as evenly as possible over the window in both rows and columns.
  310. In addition, select-layout may be used to apply a previously used layout - the list-windows command displays the layout of each window in a form suitable for use with select-layout.
  311. For example:
  312. $ tmux list-windows
  313. 0: ksh [159x48]
  314. layout: bb62,159x48,0,0{79x48,0,0,79x48,80,0}
  315. $ tmux select-layout bb62,159x48,0,0{79x48,0,0,79x48,80,0}
  316. tmux automatically adjusts the size of the layout for the current window size. Note that a layout cannot be applied to a window with more panes than that from which the layout was
  317. originally defined.
  318. Commands related to windows and panes are as follows:
  319. break-pane [-dP] [-F format] [-t target-pane]
  320. (alias: breakp)
  321. Break target-pane off from its containing window to make it the only pane in a new window. If -d is given, the new window does not become the current window. The -P option
  322. prints information about the new window after it has been created. By default, it uses the format ‘#{session_name}:#{window_index}’ but a different format may be specified
  323. with -F.
  324. capture-pane [-aepPq] [-b buffer-index] [-E end-line] [-S start-line] [-t target-pane]
  325. (alias: capturep)
  326. Capture the contents of a pane. If -p is given, the output goes to stdout, otherwise to the buffer specified with -b or a new buffer if omitted. If -a is given, the alter‐
  327. nate screen is used, and the history is not accessible. If no alternate screen exists, an error will be returned unless -q is given. If -e is given, the output includes
  328. escape sequences for text and background attributes. -C also escapes non-printable characters as octal \xxx. -J joins wrapped lines and preserves trailing spaces at each
  329. line's end. -P captures only any output that the pane has received that is the beginning of an as-yet incomplete escape sequence.
  330. -S and -E specify the starting and ending line numbers, zero is the first line of the visible pane and negative numbers are lines in the history. The default is to capture
  331. only the visible contents of the pane.
  332. choose-client [-F format] [-t target-window] [template]
  333. Put a window into client choice mode, allowing a client to be selected interactively from a list. After a client is chosen, ‘%%’ is replaced by the client pty(4) path in
  334. template and the result executed as a command. If template is not given, "detach-client -t '%%'" is used. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section. This
  335. command works only if at least one client is attached.
  336. choose-list [-l items] [-t target-window] [template]
  337. Put a window into list choice mode, allowing items to be selected. items can be a comma-separated list to display more than one item. If an item has spaces, that entry
  338. must be quoted. After an item is chosen, ‘%%’ is replaced by the chosen item in the template and the result is executed as a command. If template is not given, "run-shell
  339. '%%'" is used. items also accepts format specifiers. For the meaning of this see the FORMATS section. This command works only if at least one client is attached.
  340. choose-session [-F format] [-t target-window] [template]
  341. Put a window into session choice mode, where a session may be selected interactively from a list. When one is chosen, ‘%%’ is replaced by the session name in template and
  342. the result executed as a command. If template is not given, "switch-client -t '%%'" is used. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section. This command works
  343. only if at least one client is attached.
  344. choose-tree [-suw] [-b session-template] [-c window-template] [-S format] [-W format] [-t target-window]
  345. Put a window into tree choice mode, where either sessions or windows may be selected interactively from a list. By default, windows belonging to a session are indented to
  346. show their relationship to a session.
  347. Note that the choose-window and choose-session commands are wrappers around choose-tree.
  348. If -s is given, will show sessions. If -w is given, will show windows.
  349. By default, the tree is collapsed and sessions must be expanded to windows with the right arrow key. The -u option will start with all sessions expanded instead.
  350. If -b is given, will override the default session command. Note that ‘%%’ can be used and will be replaced with the session name. The default option if not specified is
  351. "switch-client -t '%%'". If -c is given, will override the default window command. Like -b, ‘%%’ can be used and will be replaced with the session name and window index.
  352. When a window is chosen from the list, the session command is run before the window command.
  353. If -S is given will display the specified format instead of the default session format. If -W is given will display the specified format instead of the default window for‐
  354. mat. For the meaning of the -s and -w options, see the FORMATS section.
  355. This command works only if at least one client is attached.
  356. choose-window [-F format] [-t target-window] [template]
  357. Put a window into window choice mode, where a window may be chosen interactively from a list. After a window is selected, ‘%%’ is replaced by the session name and window
  358. index in template and the result executed as a command. If template is not given, "select-window -t '%%'" is used. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section.
  359. This command works only if at least one client is attached.
  360. display-panes [-t target-client]
  361. (alias: displayp)
  362. Display a visible indicator of each pane shown by target-client. See the display-panes-time, display-panes-colour, and display-panes-active-colour session options. While
  363. the indicator is on screen, a pane may be selected with the ‘0’ to ‘9’ keys.
  364. find-window [-CNT] [-F format] [-t target-window] match-string
  365. (alias: findw)
  366. Search for the fnmatch(3) pattern match-string in window names, titles, and visible content (but not history). The flags control matching behavior: -C matches only visible
  367. window contents, -N matches only the window name and -T matches only the window title. The default is -CNT. If only one window is matched, it'll be automatically selected,
  368. otherwise a choice list is shown. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section. This command works only if at least one client is attached.
  369. join-pane [-bdhv] [-l size | -p percentage] [-s src-pane] [-t dst-pane]
  370. (alias: joinp)
  371. Like split-window, but instead of splitting dst-pane and creating a new pane, split it and move src-pane into the space. This can be used to reverse break-pane. The -b
  372. option causes src-pane to be joined to left of or above dst-pane.
  373. kill-pane [-a] [-t target-pane]
  374. (alias: killp)
  375. Destroy the given pane. If no panes remain in the containing window, it is also destroyed. The -a option kills all but the pane given with -t.
  376. kill-window [-a] [-t target-window]
  377. (alias: killw)
  378. Kill the current window or the window at target-window, removing it from any sessions to which it is linked. The -a option kills all but the window given with -t.
  379. last-pane [-t target-window]
  380. (alias: lastp)
  381. Select the last (previously selected) pane.
  382. last-window [-t target-session]
  383. (alias: last)
  384. Select the last (previously selected) window. If no target-session is specified, select the last window of the current session.
  385. link-window [-dk] [-s src-window] [-t dst-window]
  386. (alias: linkw)
  387. Link the window at src-window to the specified dst-window. If dst-window is specified and no such window exists, the src-window is linked there. If -k is given and
  388. dst-window exists, it is killed, otherwise an error is generated. If -d is given, the newly linked window is not selected.
  389. list-panes [-as] [-F format] [-t target]
  390. (alias: lsp)
  391. If -a is given, target is ignored and all panes on the server are listed. If -s is given, target is a session (or the current session). If neither is given, target is a
  392. window (or the current window). For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section.
  393. list-windows [-a] [-F format] [-t target-session]
  394. (alias: lsw)
  395. If -a is given, list all windows on the server. Otherwise, list windows in the current session or in target-session. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS sec‐
  396. tion.
  397. move-pane [-bdhv] [-l size | -p percentage] [-s src-pane] [-t dst-pane]
  398. (alias: movep)
  399. Like join-pane, but src-pane and dst-pane may belong to the same window.
  400. move-window [-rdk] [-s src-window] [-t dst-window]
  401. (alias: movew)
  402. This is similar to link-window, except the window at src-window is moved to dst-window. With -r, all windows in the session are renumbered in sequential order, respecting
  403. the base-index option.
  404. new-window [-adkP] [-c start-directory] [-F format] [-n window-name] [-t target-window] [shell-command]
  405. (alias: neww)
  406. Create a new window. With -a, the new window is inserted at the next index up from the specified target-window, moving windows up if necessary, otherwise target-window is
  407. the new window location.
  408. If -d is given, the session does not make the new window the current window. target-window represents the window to be created; if the target already exists an error is
  409. shown, unless the -k flag is used, in which case it is destroyed. shell-command is the command to execute. If shell-command is not specified, the value of the
  410. default-command option is used. -c specifies the working directory in which the new window is created. It may have an absolute path or one of the following values (or a
  411. subdirectory):
  412. Empty string Current pane's directory
  413. ~ User's home directory
  414. - Where session was started
  415. . Where server was started
  416. When the shell command completes, the window closes. See the remain-on-exit option to change this behaviour.
  417. The TERM environment variable must be set to “screen” for all programs running inside tmux. New windows will automatically have “TERM=screen” added to their environment,
  418. but care must be taken not to reset this in shell start-up files.
  419. The -P option prints information about the new window after it has been created. By default, it uses the format ‘#{session_name}:#{window_index}’ but a different format may
  420. be specified with -F.
  421. next-layout [-t target-window]
  422. (alias: nextl)
  423. Move a window to the next layout and rearrange the panes to fit.
  424. next-window [-a] [-t target-session]
  425. (alias: next)
  426. Move to the next window in the session. If -a is used, move to the next window with an alert.
  427. pipe-pane [-o] [-t target-pane] [shell-command]
  428. (alias: pipep)
  429. Pipe any output sent by the program in target-pane to a shell command. A pane may only be piped to one command at a time, any existing pipe is closed before shell-command
  430. is executed. The shell-command string may contain the special character sequences supported by the status-left option. If no shell-command is given, the current pipe (if
  431. any) is closed.
  432. The -o option only opens a new pipe if no previous pipe exists, allowing a pipe to be toggled with a single key, for example:
  433. bind-key C-p pipe-pane -o 'cat >>~/output.#I-#P'
  434. previous-layout [-t target-window]
  435. (alias: prevl)
  436. Move to the previous layout in the session.
  437. previous-window [-a] [-t target-session]
  438. (alias: prev)
  439. Move to the previous window in the session. With -a, move to the previous window with an alert.
  440. rename-window [-t target-window] new-name
  441. (alias: renamew)
  442. Rename the current window, or the window at target-window if specified, to new-name.
  443. resize-pane [-DLRUZ] [-t target-pane] [-x width] [-y height] [adjustment]
  444. (alias: resizep)
  445. Resize a pane, up, down, left or right by adjustment with -U, -D, -L or -R, or to an absolute size with -x or -y. The adjustment is given in lines or cells (the default is
  446. 1).
  447. With -Z, the active pane is toggled between zoomed (occupying the whole of the window) and unzoomed (its normal position in the layout).
  448. respawn-pane [-k] [-t target-pane] [shell-command]
  449. (alias: respawnp)
  450. Reactivate a pane in which the command has exited (see the remain-on-exit window option). If shell-command is not given, the command used when the pane was created is exe‐
  451. cuted. The pane must be already inactive, unless -k is given, in which case any existing command is killed.
  452. respawn-window [-k] [-t target-window] [shell-command]
  453. (alias: respawnw)
  454. Reactivate a window in which the command has exited (see the remain-on-exit window option). If shell-command is not given, the command used when the window was created is
  455. executed. The window must be already inactive, unless -k is given, in which case any existing command is killed.
  456. rotate-window [-DU] [-t target-window]
  457. (alias: rotatew)
  458. Rotate the positions of the panes within a window, either upward (numerically lower) with -U or downward (numerically higher).
  459. select-layout [-np] [-t target-window] [layout-name]
  460. (alias: selectl)
  461. Choose a specific layout for a window. If layout-name is not given, the last preset layout used (if any) is reapplied. -n and -p are equivalent to the next-layout and
  462. previous-layout commands.
  463. select-pane [-lDLRU] [-t target-pane]
  464. (alias: selectp)
  465. Make pane target-pane the active pane in window target-window. If one of -D, -L, -R, or -U is used, respectively the pane below, to the left, to the right, or above the
  466. target pane is used. -l is the same as using the last-pane command.
  467. select-window [-lnpT] [-t target-window]
  468. (alias: selectw)
  469. Select the window at target-window. -l, -n and -p are equivalent to the last-window, next-window and previous-window commands. If -T is given and the selected window is
  470. already the current window, the command behaves like last-window.
  471. split-window [-dhvP] [-c start-directory] [-l size | -p percentage] [-t target-pane] [shell-command] [-F format]
  472. (alias: splitw)
  473. Create a new pane by splitting target-pane: -h does a horizontal split and -v a vertical split; if neither is specified, -v is assumed. The -l and -p options specify the
  474. size of the new pane in lines (for vertical split) or in cells (for horizontal split), or as a percentage, respectively. All other options have the same meaning as for the
  475. new-window command.
  476. swap-pane [-dDU] [-s src-pane] [-t dst-pane]
  477. (alias: swapp)
  478. Swap two panes. If -U is used and no source pane is specified with -s, dst-pane is swapped with the previous pane (before it numerically); -D swaps with the next pane
  479. (after it numerically). -d instructs tmux not to change the active pane.
  480. swap-window [-d] [-s src-window] [-t dst-window]
  481. (alias: swapw)
  482. This is similar to link-window, except the source and destination windows are swapped. It is an error if no window exists at src-window.
  483. unlink-window [-k] [-t target-window]
  484. (alias: unlinkw)
  485. Unlink target-window. Unless -k is given, a window may be unlinked only if it is linked to multiple sessions - windows may not be linked to no sessions; if -k is specified
  486. and the window is linked to only one session, it is unlinked and destroyed.
  488. tmux allows a command to be bound to most keys, with or without a prefix key. When specifying keys, most represent themselves (for example ‘A’ to ‘Z’). Ctrl keys may be prefixed
  489. with ‘C-’ or ‘^’, and Alt (meta) with ‘M-’. In addition, the following special key names are accepted: Up, Down, Left, Right, BSpace, BTab, DC (Delete), End, Enter, Escape, F1 to
  490. F20, Home, IC (Insert), NPage/PageDown/PgDn, PPage/PageUp/PgUp, Space, and Tab. Note that to bind the ‘"or'’ keys, quotation marks are necessary, for example:
  491. bind-key '"' split-window
  492. bind-key "'" new-window
  493. Commands related to key bindings are as follows:
  494. bind-key [-cnr] [-t key-table] key command [arguments]
  495. (alias: bind)
  496. Bind key key to command. By default (without -t) the primary key bindings are modified (those normally activated with the prefix key); in this case, if -n is specified, it
  497. is not necessary to use the prefix key, command is bound to key alone. The -r flag indicates this key may repeat, see the repeat-time option.
  498. If -t is present, key is bound in key-table: the binding for command mode with -c or for normal mode without. To view the default bindings and possible commands, see the
  499. list-keys command.
  500. list-keys [-t key-table]
  501. (alias: lsk)
  502. List all key bindings. Without -t the primary key bindings - those executed when preceded by the prefix key - are printed.
  503. With -t, the key bindings in key-table are listed; this may be one of: vi-edit, emacs-edit, vi-choice, emacs-choice, vi-copy or emacs-copy.
  504. send-keys [-lR] [-t target-pane] key ...
  505. (alias: send)
  506. Send a key or keys to a window. Each argument key is the name of the key (such as ‘C-a’ or ‘npage’ ) to send; if the string is not recognised as a key, it is sent as a
  507. series of characters. The -l flag disables key name lookup and sends the keys literally. All arguments are sent sequentially from first to last. The -R flag causes the
  508. terminal state to be reset.
  509. send-prefix [-2] [-t target-pane]
  510. Send the prefix key, or with -2 the secondary prefix key, to a window as if it was pressed.
  511. unbind-key [-acn] [-t key-table] key
  512. (alias: unbind)
  513. Unbind the command bound to key. Without -t the primary key bindings are modified; in this case, if -n is specified, the command bound to key without a prefix (if any) is
  514. removed. If -a is present, all key bindings are removed.
  515. If -t is present, key in key-table is unbound: the binding for command mode with -c or for normal mode without.
  516. OPTIONS
  517. The appearance and behaviour of tmux may be modified by changing the value of various options. There are three types of option: server options, session options and window options.
  518. The tmux server has a set of global options which do not apply to any particular window or session. These are altered with the set-option -s command, or displayed with the
  519. show-options -s command.
  520. In addition, each individual session may have a set of session options, and there is a separate set of global session options. Sessions which do not have a particular option con‐
  521. figured inherit the value from the global session options. Session options are set or unset with the set-option command and may be listed with the show-options command. The avail‐
  522. able server and session options are listed under the set-option command.
  523. Similarly, a set of window options is attached to each window, and there is a set of global window options from which any unset options are inherited. Window options are altered
  524. with the set-window-option command and can be listed with the show-window-options command. All window options are documented with the set-window-option command.
  525. tmux also supports user options which are prefixed with a ‘@’. User options may have any name, so long as they are prefixed with ‘@’, and be set to any string. For example
  526. $ tmux setw -q @foo "abc123"
  527. $ tmux showw -v @foo
  528. abc123
  529. Commands which set options are as follows:
  530. set-option [-agoqsuw] [-t target-session | target-window] option value
  531. (alias: set)
  532. Set a window option with -w (equivalent to the set-window-option command), a server option with -s, otherwise a session option.
  533. If -g is specified, the global session or window option is set. With -a, and if the option expects a string, value is appended to the existing setting. The -u flag unsets
  534. an option, so a session inherits the option from the global options. It is not possible to unset a global option.
  535. The -o flag prevents setting an option that is already set.
  536. The -q flag suppresses the informational message (as if the quiet server option was set).
  537. Available window options are listed under set-window-option.
  538. value depends on the option and may be a number, a string, or a flag (on, off, or omitted to toggle).
  539. Available server options are:
  540. buffer-limit number
  541. Set the number of buffers; as new buffers are added to the top of the stack, old ones are removed from the bottom if necessary to maintain this maximum length.
  542. escape-time time
  543. Set the time in milliseconds for which tmux waits after an escape is input to determine if it is part of a function or meta key sequences. The default is 500 mil‐
  544. liseconds.
  545. exit-unattached [on | off]
  546. If enabled, the server will exit when there are no attached clients.
  547. quiet [on | off]
  548. Enable or disable the display of various informational messages (see also the -q command line flag).
  549. set-clipboard [on | off]
  550. Attempt to set the terminal clipboard content using the \e]52;...\007 xterm(1) escape sequences. This option is on by default if there is an Ms entry in the
  551. terminfo(5) description for the client terminal. Note that this feature needs to be enabled in xterm(1) by setting the resource:
  552. disallowedWindowOps: 20,21,SetXprop
  553. Or changing this property from the xterm(1) interactive menu when required.
  554. Available session options are:
  555. assume-paste-time milliseconds
  556. If keys are entered faster than one in milliseconds, they are assumed to have been pasted rather than typed and tmux key bindings are not processed. The default is
  557. one millisecond and zero disables.
  558. base-index index
  559. Set the base index from which an unused index should be searched when a new window is created. The default is zero.
  560. bell-action [any | none | current]
  561. Set action on window bell. any means a bell in any window linked to a session causes a bell in the current window of that session, none means all bells are ignored
  562. and current means only bells in windows other than the current window are ignored.
  563. bell-on-alert [on | off]
  564. If on, ring the terminal bell when an alert occurs.
  565. default-command shell-command
  566. Set the command used for new windows (if not specified when the window is created) to shell-command, which may be any sh(1) command. The default is an empty string,
  567. which instructs tmux to create a login shell using the value of the default-shell option.
  568. default-path path
  569. Set the default working directory for new panes. If empty (the default), the working directory is determined from the process running in the active pane, from the
  570. command line environment or from the working directory where the session was created. Otherwise the same options are available as for the -c flag to new-window.
  571. default-shell path
  572. Specify the default shell. This is used as the login shell for new windows when the default-command option is set to empty, and must be the full path of the exe‐
  573. cutable. When started tmux tries to set a default value from the first suitable of the SHELL environment variable, the shell returned by getpwuid(3), or /bin/sh.
  574. This option should be configured when tmux is used as a login shell.
  575. default-terminal terminal
  576. Set the default terminal for new windows created in this session - the default value of the TERM environment variable. For tmux to work correctly, this must be set
  577. to ‘screen’ or a derivative of it.
  578. destroy-unattached [on | off]
  579. If enabled and the session is no longer attached to any clients, it is destroyed.
  580. detach-on-destroy [on | off]
  581. If on (the default), the client is detached when the session it is attached to is destroyed. If off, the client is switched to the most recently active of the
  582. remaining sessions.
  583. display-panes-active-colour colour
  584. Set the colour used by the display-panes command to show the indicator for the active pane.
  585. display-panes-colour colour
  586. Set the colour used by the display-panes command to show the indicators for inactive panes.
  587. display-panes-time time
  588. Set the time in milliseconds for which the indicators shown by the display-panes command appear.
  589. display-time time
  590. Set the amount of time for which status line messages and other on-screen indicators are displayed. time is in milliseconds.
  591. history-limit lines
  592. Set the maximum number of lines held in window history. This setting applies only to new windows - existing window histories are not resized and retain the limit at
  593. the point they were created.
  594. lock-after-time number
  595. Lock the session (like the lock-session command) after number seconds of inactivity, or the entire server (all sessions) if the lock-server option is set. The
  596. default is not to lock (set to 0).
  597. lock-command shell-command
  598. Command to run when locking each client. The default is to run lock(1) with -np.
  599. lock-server [on | off]
  600. If this option is on (the default), instead of each session locking individually as each has been idle for lock-after-time, the entire server will lock after all
  601. sessions would have locked. This has no effect as a session option; it must be set as a global option.
  602. message-attr attributes
  603. Set status line message attributes, where attributes is either none or a comma-delimited list of one or more of: bright (or bold), dim, underscore, blink, reverse,
  604. hidden, or italics.
  605. message-bg colour
  606. Set status line message background colour, where colour is one of: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, aixterm bright variants (if supported:
  607. brightred, brightgreen, and so on), colour0 to colour255 from the 256-colour set, default, or a hexadecimal RGB string such as ‘#ffffff’, which chooses the closest
  608. match from the default 256-colour set.
  609. message-command-attr attributes
  610. Set status line message attributes when in command mode.
  611. message-command-bg colour
  612. Set status line message background colour when in command mode.
  613. message-command-fg colour
  614. Set status line message foreground colour when in command mode.
  615. message-fg colour
  616. Set status line message foreground colour.
  617. message-limit number
  618. Set the number of error or information messages to save in the message log for each client. The default is 20.
  619. mouse-resize-pane [on | off]
  620. If on, tmux captures the mouse and allows panes to be resized by dragging on their borders.
  621. mouse-select-pane [on | off]
  622. If on, tmux captures the mouse and when a window is split into multiple panes the mouse may be used to select the current pane. The mouse click is also passed
  623. through to the application as normal.
  624. mouse-select-window [on | off]
  625. If on, clicking the mouse on a window name in the status line will select that window.
  626. mouse-utf8 [on | off]
  627. If enabled, request mouse input as UTF-8 on UTF-8 terminals.
  628. pane-active-border-bg colour
  629. pane-active-border-fg colour
  630. Set the pane border colour for the currently active pane.
  631. pane-border-bg colour
  632. pane-border-fg colour
  633. Set the pane border colour for panes aside from the active pane.
  634. prefix key
  635. Set the key accepted as a prefix key.
  636. prefix2 key
  637. Set a secondary key accepted as a prefix key.
  638. renumber-windows [on | off]
  639. If on, when a window is closed in a session, automatically renumber the other windows in numerical order. This respects the base-index option if it has been set.
  640. If off, do not renumber the windows.
  641. repeat-time time
  642. Allow multiple commands to be entered without pressing the prefix-key again in the specified time milliseconds (the default is 500). Whether a key repeats may be
  643. set when it is bound using the -r flag to bind-key. Repeat is enabled for the default keys bound to the resize-pane command.
  644. set-remain-on-exit [on | off]
  645. Set the remain-on-exit window option for any windows first created in this session. When this option is true, windows in which the running program has exited do not
  646. close, instead remaining open but inactivate. Use the respawn-window command to reactivate such a window, or the kill-window command to destroy it.
  647. set-titles [on | off]
  648. Attempt to set the client terminal title using the tsl and fsl terminfo(5) entries if they exist. tmux automatically sets these to the \e]2;...\007 sequence if the
  649. terminal appears to be an xterm. This option is off by default. Note that elinks will only attempt to set the window title if the STY environment variable is set.
  650. set-titles-string string
  651. String used to set the window title if set-titles is on. Character sequences are replaced as for the status-left option.
  652. status [on | off]
  653. Show or hide the status line.
  654. status-attr attributes
  655. Set status line attributes.
  656. status-bg colour
  657. Set status line background colour.
  658. status-fg colour
  659. Set status line foreground colour.
  660. status-interval interval
  661. Update the status bar every interval seconds. By default, updates will occur every 15 seconds. A setting of zero disables redrawing at interval.
  662. status-justify [left | centre | right]
  663. Set the position of the window list component of the status line: left, centre or right justified.
  664. status-keys [vi | emacs]
  665. Use vi or emacs-style key bindings in the status line, for example at the command prompt. The default is emacs, unless the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables
  666. are set and contain the string ‘vi’.
  667. status-left string
  668. Display string to the left of the status bar. string will be passed through strftime(3) before being used. By default, the session name is shown. string may con‐
  669. tain any of the following special character sequences:
  670. Character pair Replaced with
  671. #(shell-command) First line of the command's output
  672. #[attributes] Colour or attribute change
  673. #H Hostname of local host
  674. #h Hostname of local host without the domain name
  675. #F Current window flag
  676. #I Current window index
  677. #D Current pane unique identifier
  678. #P Current pane index
  679. #S Session name
  680. #T Current pane title
  681. #W Current window name
  682. ## A literal ‘#’
  683. The #(shell-command) form executes ‘shell-command’ and inserts the first line of its output. Note that shell commands are only executed once at the interval speci‐
  684. fied by the status-interval option: if the status line is redrawn in the meantime, the previous result is used. Shell commands are executed with the tmux global
  685. environment set (see the ENVIRONMENT section).
  686. For details on how the names and titles can be set see the NAMES AND TITLES section.
  687. #[attributes] allows a comma-separated list of attributes to be specified, these may be ‘fg=colour’ to set the foreground colour, ‘bg=colour’ to set the background
  688. colour, the name of one of the attributes (listed under the message-attr option) to turn an attribute on, or an attribute prefixed withnoto turn one off, for
  689. example nobright. Examples are:
  690. #(sysctl vm.loadavg)
  691. #[fg=yellow,bold]#(apm -l)%%#[default] [#S]
  692. Where appropriate, special character sequences may be prefixed with a number to specify the maximum length, for example ‘#24T’.
  693. By default, UTF-8 in string is not interpreted, to enable UTF-8, use the status-utf8 option.
  694. status-left-attr attributes
  695. Set the attribute of the left part of the status line.
  696. status-left-bg colour
  697. Set the background colour of the left part of the status line.
  698. status-left-fg colour
  699. Set the foreground colour of the left part of the status line.
  700. status-left-length length
  701. Set the maximum length of the left component of the status bar. The default is 10.
  702. status-position [top | bottom]
  703. Set the position of the status line.
  704. status-right string
  705. Display string to the right of the status bar. By default, the current window title in double quotes, the date and the time are shown. As with status-left, string
  706. will be passed to strftime(3), character pairs are replaced, and UTF-8 is dependent on the status-utf8 option.
  707. status-right-attr attributes
  708. Set the attribute of the right part of the status line.
  709. status-right-bg colour
  710. Set the background colour of the right part of the status line.
  711. status-right-fg colour
  712. Set the foreground colour of the right part of the status line.
  713. status-right-length length
  714. Set the maximum length of the right component of the status bar. The default is 40.
  715. status-utf8 [on | off]
  716. Instruct tmux to treat top-bit-set characters in the status-left and status-right strings as UTF-8; notably, this is important for wide characters. This option
  717. defaults to off.
  718. terminal-overrides string
  719. Contains a list of entries which override terminal descriptions read using terminfo(5). string is a comma-separated list of items each a colon-separated string made
  720. up of a terminal type pattern (matched using fnmatch(3)) and a set of name=value entries.
  721. For example, to set the ‘clear’ terminfo(5) entry to ‘\e[H\e[2J’ for all terminal types and the ‘dch1’ entry to ‘\e[P’ for the ‘rxvt’ terminal type, the option could
  722. be set to the string:
  723. "*:clear=\e[H\e[2J,rxvt:dch1=\e[P"
  724. The terminal entry value is passed through strunvis(3) before interpretation. The default value forcibly corrects the ‘colors’ entry for terminals which support 88
  725. or 256 colours:
  726. "*88col*:colors=88,*256col*:colors=256,xterm*:XT"
  727. update-environment variables
  728. Set a space-separated string containing a list of environment variables to be copied into the session environment when a new session is created or an existing ses‐
  729. sion is attached. Any variables that do not exist in the source environment are set to be removed from the session environment (as if -r was given to the
  731. visual-activity [on | off]
  732. If on, display a status line message when activity occurs in a window for which the monitor-activity window option is enabled.
  733. visual-bell [on | off]
  734. If this option is on, a message is shown on a bell instead of it being passed through to the terminal (which normally makes a sound). Also see the bell-action
  735. option.
  736. visual-content [on | off]
  737. Like visual-activity, display a message when content is present in a window for which the monitor-content window option is enabled.
  738. visual-silence [on | off]
  739. If monitor-silence is enabled, prints a message after the interval has expired on a given window.
  740. word-separators string
  741. Sets the session's conception of what characters are considered word separators, for the purposes of the next and previous word commands in copy mode. The default
  742. is ‘ -_@’.
  743. set-window-option [-agqu] [-t target-window] option value
  744. (alias: setw)
  745. Set a window option. The -a, -g, -q and -u flags work similarly to the set-option command.
  746. Supported window options are:
  747. aggressive-resize [on | off]
  748. Aggressively resize the chosen window. This means that tmux will resize the window to the size of the smallest session for which it is the current window, rather
  749. than the smallest session to which it is attached. The window may resize when the current window is changed on another sessions; this option is good for full-screen
  750. programs which support SIGWINCH and poor for interactive programs such as shells.
  751. allow-rename [on | off]
  752. Allow programs to change the window name using a terminal escape sequence (\033k...\033\\). The default is on.
  753. alternate-screen [on | off]
  754. This option configures whether programs running inside tmux may use the terminal alternate screen feature, which allows the smcup and rmcup terminfo(5) capabilities.
  755. The alternate screen feature preserves the contents of the window when an interactive application starts and restores it on exit, so that any output visible before
  756. the application starts reappears unchanged after it exits. The default is on.
  757. automatic-rename [on | off]
  758. Control automatic window renaming. When this setting is enabled, tmux will attempt - on supported platforms - to rename the window to reflect the command currently
  759. running in it. This flag is automatically disabled for an individual window when a name is specified at creation with new-window or new-session, or later with
  760. rename-window, or with a terminal escape sequence. It may be switched off globally with:
  761. set-window-option -g automatic-rename off
  762. c0-change-interval interval
  763. c0-change-trigger trigger
  764. These two options configure a simple form of rate limiting for a pane. If tmux sees more than trigger C0 sequences that modify the screen (for example, carriage
  765. returns, linefeeds or backspaces) in one millisecond, it will stop updating the pane immediately and instead redraw it entirely every interval milliseconds. This
  766. helps to prevent fast output (such as yes(1) overwhelming the terminal). The default is a trigger of 250 and an interval of 100. A trigger of zero disables the
  767. rate limiting.
  768. clock-mode-colour colour
  769. Set clock colour.
  770. clock-mode-style [12 | 24]
  771. Set clock hour format.
  772. force-height height
  773. force-width width
  774. Prevent tmux from resizing a window to greater than width or height. A value of zero restores the default unlimited setting.
  775. main-pane-height height
  776. main-pane-width width
  777. Set the width or height of the main (left or top) pane in the main-horizontal or main-vertical layouts.
  778. mode-attr attributes
  779. Set window modes attributes.
  780. mode-bg colour
  781. Set window modes background colour.
  782. mode-fg colour
  783. Set window modes foreground colour.
  784. mode-keys [vi | emacs]
  785. Use vi or emacs-style key bindings in copy and choice modes. As with the status-keys option, the default is emacs, unless VISUAL or EDITOR contains ‘vi’.
  786. mode-mouse [on | off | copy-mode]
  787. Mouse state in modes. If on, the mouse may be used to enter copy mode and copy a selection by dragging, to enter copy mode and scroll with the mouse wheel, or to
  788. select an option in choice mode. If set to copy-mode, the mouse behaves as set to on, but cannot be used to enter copy mode.
  789. monitor-activity [on | off]
  790. Monitor for activity in the window. Windows with activity are highlighted in the status line.
  791. monitor-content match-string
  792. Monitor content in the window. When fnmatch(3) pattern match-string appears in the window, it is highlighted in the status line.
  793. monitor-silence [interval]
  794. Monitor for silence (no activity) in the window within interval seconds. Windows that have been silent for the interval are highlighted in the status line. An
  795. interval of zero disables the monitoring.
  796. other-pane-height height
  797. Set the height of the other panes (not the main pane) in the main-horizontal layout. If this option is set to 0 (the default), it will have no effect. If both the
  798. main-pane-height and other-pane-height options are set, the main pane will grow taller to make the other panes the specified height, but will never shrink to do so.
  799. other-pane-width width
  800. Like other-pane-height, but set the width of other panes in the main-vertical layout.
  801. pane-base-index index
  802. Like base-index, but set the starting index for pane numbers.
  803. remain-on-exit [on | off]
  804. A window with this flag set is not destroyed when the program running in it exits. The window may be reactivated with the respawn-window command.
  805. synchronize-panes [on | off]
  806. Duplicate input to any pane to all other panes in the same window (only for panes that are not in any special mode).
  807. utf8 [on | off]
  808. Instructs tmux to expect UTF-8 sequences to appear in this window.
  809. window-status-bell-attr attributes
  810. Set status line attributes for windows which have a bell alert.
  811. window-status-bell-bg colour
  812. Set status line background colour for windows with a bell alert.
  813. window-status-bell-fg colour
  814. Set status line foreground colour for windows with a bell alert.
  815. window-status-content-attr attributes
  816. Set status line attributes for windows which have a content alert.
  817. window-status-content-bg colour
  818. Set status line background colour for windows with a content alert.
  819. window-status-content-fg colour
  820. Set status line foreground colour for windows with a content alert.
  821. window-status-activity-attr attributes
  822. Set status line attributes for windows which have an activity (or silence) alert.
  823. window-status-activity-bg colour
  824. Set status line background colour for windows with an activity alert.
  825. window-status-activity-fg colour
  826. Set status line foreground colour for windows with an activity alert.
  827. window-status-attr attributes
  828. Set status line attributes for a single window.
  829. window-status-bg colour
  830. Set status line background colour for a single window.
  831. window-status-current-attr attributes
  832. Set status line attributes for the currently active window.
  833. window-status-current-bg colour
  834. Set status line background colour for the currently active window.
  835. window-status-current-fg colour
  836. Set status line foreground colour for the currently active window.
  837. window-status-current-format string
  838. Like window-status-format, but is the format used when the window is the current window.
  839. window-status-last-attr attributes
  840. Set status line attributes for the last active window.
  841. window-status-last-bg colour
  842. Set status line background colour for the last active window.
  843. window-status-last-fg colour
  844. Set status line foreground colour for the last active window.
  845. window-status-fg colour
  846. Set status line foreground colour for a single window.
  847. window-status-format string
  848. Set the format in which the window is displayed in the status line window list. See the status-left option for details of special character sequences available.
  849. The default is ‘#I:#W#F’.
  850. window-status-separator string
  851. Sets the separator drawn between windows in the status line. The default is a single space character.
  852. xterm-keys [on | off]
  853. If this option is set, tmux will generate xterm(1) -style function key sequences; these have a number included to indicate modifiers such as Shift, Alt or Ctrl. The
  854. default is off.
  855. wrap-search [on | off]
  856. If this option is set, searches will wrap around the end of the pane contents. The default is on.
  857. show-options [-gqsvw] [-t target-session | target-window] [option]
  858. (alias: show)
  859. Show the window options (or a single window option if given) with -w (equivalent to show-window-options), the server options with -s, otherwise the session options for
  860. target session. Global session or window options are listed if -g is used. -v shows only the option value, not the name. If -q is set, no error will be returned if option
  861. is unset.
  862. show-window-options [-gv] [-t target-window] [option]
  863. (alias: showw)
  864. List the window options or a single option for target-window, or the global window options if -g is used. -v shows only the option value, not the name.
  865. FORMATS
  866. Certain commands accept the -F flag with a format argument. This is a string which controls the output format of the command. Special character sequences are replaced as docu‐
  867. mented under the status-left option and an additional long form is accepted. Replacement variables are enclosed in ‘#{’ and ‘}’, for example ‘#{session_name}’ is equivalent to
  868. ‘#S’. Conditionals are also accepted by prefixing with ‘?’ and separating two alternatives with a comma; if the specified variable exists and is not zero, the first alternative is
  869. chosen, otherwise the second is used. For example ‘#{?session_attached,attached,not attached}’ will include the string ‘attached’ if the session is attached and the string ‘not
  870. attached’ if it is unattached.
  871. The following variables are available, where appropriate:
  872. Variable name Replaced with
  873. alternate_on If pane is in alternate screen
  874. alternate_saved_x Saved cursor X in alternate screen
  875. alternate_saved_y Saved cursor Y in alternate screen
  876. buffer_sample First 50 characters from the specified buffer
  877. buffer_size Size of the specified buffer in bytes
  878. client_activity Integer time client last had activity
  879. client_activity_string String time client last had activity
  880. client_created Integer time client created
  881. client_created_string String time client created
  882. client_cwd Working directory of client
  883. client_height Height of client
  884. client_last_session Name of the client's last session
  885. client_prefix 1 if prefix key has been pressed
  886. client_readonly 1 if client is readonly
  887. client_session Name of the client's session
  888. client_termname Terminal name of client
  889. client_tty Pseudo terminal of client
  890. client_utf8 1 if client supports utf8
  891. client_width Width of client
  892. cursor_flag Pane cursor flag
  893. cursor_x Cursor X position in pane
  894. cursor_y Cursor Y position in pane
  895. history_bytes Number of bytes in window history
  896. history_limit Maximum window history lines
  897. history_size Size of history in bytes
  898. host Hostname of local host
  899. insert_flag Pane insert flag
  900. keypad_cursor_flag Pane keypad cursor flag
  901. keypad_flag Pane keypad flag
  902. line Line number in the list
  903. mouse_any_flag Pane mouse any flag
  904. mouse_button_flag Pane mouse button flag
  905. mouse_standard_flag Pane mouse standard flag
  906. mouse_utf8_flag Pane mouse UTF-8 flag
  907. pane_active 1 if active pane
  908. pane_current_command Current command if available
  909. pane_current_path Current path if available
  910. pane_dead 1 if pane is dead
  911. pane_height Height of pane
  912. pane_id Unique pane ID
  913. pane_in_mode If pane is in a mode
  914. pane_index Index of pane
  915. pane_pid PID of first process in pane
  916. pane_start_command Command pane started with
  917. pane_start_path Path pane started with
  918. pane_tabs Pane tab positions
  919. pane_title Title of pane
  920. pane_tty Pseudo terminal of pane
  921. pane_width Width of pane
  922. saved_cursor_x Saved cursor X in pane
  923. saved_cursor_y Saved cursor Y in pane
  924. scroll_region_lower Bottom of scroll region in pane
  925. scroll_region_upper Top of scroll region in pane
  926. session_attached 1 if session attached
  927. session_created Integer time session created
  928. session_created_string String time session created
  929. session_group Number of session group
  930. session_grouped 1 if session in a group
  931. session_height Height of session
  932. session_id Unique session ID
  933. session_name Name of session
  934. session_width Width of session
  935. session_windows Number of windows in session
  936. window_active 1 if window active
  937. window_find_matches Matched data from the find-window command if available
  938. window_flags Window flags
  939. window_height Height of window
  940. window_id Unique window ID
  941. window_index Index of window
  942. window_layout Window layout description
  943. window_name Name of window
  944. window_panes Number of panes in window
  945. window_width Width of window
  946. wrap_flag Pane wrap flag
  948. tmux distinguishes between names and titles. Windows and sessions have names, which may be used to specify them in targets and are displayed in the status line and various lists:
  949. the name is the tmux identifier for a window or session. Only panes have titles. A pane's title is typically set by the program running inside the pane and is not modified by
  950. tmux. It is the same mechanism used to set for example the xterm(1) window title in an X(7) window manager. Windows themselves do not have titles - a window's title is the title
  951. of its active pane. tmux itself may set the title of the terminal in which the client is running, see the set-titles option.
  952. A session's name is set with the new-session and rename-session commands. A window's name is set with one of:
  953. 1. A command argument (such as -n for new-window or new-session).
  954. 2. An escape sequence:
  955. $ printf '\033kWINDOW_NAME\033\\'
  956. 3. Automatic renaming, which sets the name to the active command in the window's active pane. See the automatic-rename option.
  957. When a pane is first created, its title is the hostname. A pane's title can be set via the OSC title setting sequence, for example:
  958. $ printf '\033]2;My Title\033\\'
  960. When the server is started, tmux copies the environment into the global environment; in addition, each session has a session environment. When a window is created, the session and
  961. global environments are merged. If a variable exists in both, the value from the session environment is used. The result is the initial environment passed to the new process.
  962. The update-environment session option may be used to update the session environment from the client when a new session is created or an old reattached. tmux also initialises the
  963. TMUX variable with some internal information to allow commands to be executed from inside, and the TERM variable with the correct terminal setting of ‘screen’.
  964. Commands to alter and view the environment are:
  965. set-environment [-gru] [-t target-session] name [value]
  966. (alias: setenv)
  967. Set or unset an environment variable. If -g is used, the change is made in the global environment; otherwise, it is applied to the session environment for target-session.
  968. The -u flag unsets a variable. -r indicates the variable is to be removed from the environment before starting a new process.
  969. show-environment [-g] [-t target-session] [variable]
  970. (alias: showenv)
  971. Display the environment for target-session or the global environment with -g. If variable is omitted, all variables are shown. Variables removed from the environment are
  972. prefixed with ‘-’.
  974. tmux includes an optional status line which is displayed in the bottom line of each terminal. By default, the status line is enabled (it may be disabled with the status session
  975. option) and contains, from left-to-right: the name of the current session in square brackets; the window list; the title of the active pane in double quotes; and the time and date.
  976. The status line is made of three parts: configurable left and right sections (which may contain dynamic content such as the time or output from a shell command, see the status-left,
  977. status-left-length, status-right, and status-right-length options below), and a central window list. By default, the window list shows the index, name and (if any) flag of the win‐
  978. dows present in the current session in ascending numerical order. It may be customised with the window-status-format and window-status-current-format options. The flag is one of
  979. the following symbols appended to the window name:
  980. Symbol Meaning
  981. * Denotes the current window.
  982. - Marks the last window (previously selected).
  983. # Window is monitored and activity has been detected.
  984. ! A bell has occurred in the window.
  985. + Window is monitored for content and it has appeared.
  986. ~ The window has been silent for the monitor-silence interval.
  987. Z The window's active pane is zoomed.
  988. The # symbol relates to the monitor-activity and + to the monitor-content window options. The window name is printed in inverted colours if an alert (bell, activity or content) is
  989. present.
  990. The colour and attributes of the status line may be configured, the entire status line using the status-attr, status-fg and status-bg session options and individual windows using
  991. the window-status-attr, window-status-fg and window-status-bg window options.
  992. The status line is automatically refreshed at interval if it has changed, the interval may be controlled with the status-interval session option.
  993. Commands related to the status line are as follows:
  994. command-prompt [-I inputs] [-p prompts] [-t target-client] [template]
  995. Open the command prompt in a client. This may be used from inside tmux to execute commands interactively.
  996. If template is specified, it is used as the command. If present, -I is a comma-separated list of the initial text for each prompt. If -p is given, prompts is a comma-sepa‐
  997. rated list of prompts which are displayed in order; otherwise a single prompt is displayed, constructed from template if it is present, or ‘:’ if not.
  998. Both inputs and prompts may contain the special character sequences supported by the status-left option.
  999. Before the command is executed, the first occurrence of the string ‘%%’ and all occurrences of ‘%1are replaced by the response to the first prompt, the second ‘%%’ and all
  1000. ‘%2are replaced with the response to the second prompt, and so on for further prompts. Up to nine prompt responses may be replaced (‘%1to ‘%9’).
  1001. confirm-before [-p prompt] [-t target-client] command
  1002. (alias: confirm)
  1003. Ask for confirmation before executing command. If -p is given, prompt is the prompt to display; otherwise a prompt is constructed from command. It may contain the special
  1004. character sequences supported by the status-left option.
  1005. This command works only from inside tmux.
  1006. display-message [-p] [-c target-client] [-t target-pane] [message]
  1007. (alias: display)
  1008. Display a message. If -p is given, the output is printed to stdout, otherwise it is displayed in the target-client status line. The format of message is described in the
  1009. FORMATS section; information is taken from target-pane if -t is given, otherwise the active pane for the session attached to target-client.
  1010. BUFFERS
  1011. tmux maintains a stack of paste buffers. Up to the value of the buffer-limit option are kept; when a new buffer is added, the buffer at the bottom of the stack is removed. Buffers
  1012. may be added using copy-mode or the set-buffer command, and pasted into a window using the paste-buffer command.
  1013. A configurable history buffer is also maintained for each window. By default, up to 2000 lines are kept; this can be altered with the history-limit option (see the set-option com‐
  1014. mand above).
  1015. The buffer commands are as follows:
  1016. choose-buffer [-F format] [-t target-window] [template]
  1017. Put a window into buffer choice mode, where a buffer may be chosen interactively from a list. After a buffer is selected, ‘%%’ is replaced by the buffer index in template
  1018. and the result executed as a command. If template is not given, "paste-buffer -b '%%'" is used. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section. This command
  1019. works only if at least one client is attached.
  1020. clear-history [-t target-pane]
  1021. (alias: clearhist)
  1022. Remove and free the history for the specified pane.
  1023. delete-buffer [-b buffer-index]
  1024. (alias: deleteb)
  1025. Delete the buffer at buffer-index, or the top buffer if not specified.
  1026. list-buffers [-F format]
  1027. (alias: lsb)
  1028. List the global buffers. For the meaning of the -F flag, see the FORMATS section.
  1029. load-buffer [-b buffer-index] path
  1030. (alias: loadb)
  1031. Load the contents of the specified paste buffer from path.
  1032. paste-buffer [-dpr] [-b buffer-index] [-s separator] [-t target-pane]
  1033. (alias: pasteb)
  1034. Insert the contents of a paste buffer into the specified pane. If not specified, paste into the current one. With -d, also delete the paste buffer from the stack. When
  1035. output, any linefeed (LF) characters in the paste buffer are replaced with a separator, by default carriage return (CR). A custom separator may be specified using the -s
  1036. flag. The -r flag means to do no replacement (equivalent to a separator of LF). If -p is specified, paste bracket control codes are inserted around the buffer if the
  1037. application has requested bracketed paste mode.
  1038. save-buffer [-a] [-b buffer-index] path
  1039. (alias: saveb)
  1040. Save the contents of the specified paste buffer to path. The -a option appends to rather than overwriting the file.
  1041. set-buffer [-b buffer-index] data
  1042. (alias: setb)
  1043. Set the contents of the specified buffer to data.
  1044. show-buffer [-b buffer-index]
  1045. (alias: showb)
  1046. Display the contents of the specified buffer.
  1048. Miscellaneous commands are as follows:
  1049. clock-mode [-t target-pane]
  1050. Display a large clock.
  1051. if-shell [-b] [-t target-pane] shell-command command [command]
  1052. (alias: if)
  1053. Execute the first command if shell-command returns success or the second command otherwise. Before being executed, shell-command is expanded using the rules specified in
  1054. the FORMATS section, including those relevant to target-pane. With -b, shell-command is run in the background.
  1055. lock-server
  1056. (alias: lock)
  1057. Lock each client individually by running the command specified by the lock-command option.
  1058. run-shell -b [-t target-pane] shell-command
  1059. (alias: run)
  1060. Execute shell-command in the background without creating a window. Before being executed, shell-command is expanded using the rules specified in the FORMATS section. With
  1061. -b, the command is run in the background. After it finishes, any output to stdout is displayed in copy mode (in the pane specified by -t or the current pane if omitted).
  1062. If the command doesn't return success, the exit status is also displayed.
  1063. server-info
  1064. (alias: info)
  1065. Show server information and terminal details.
  1066. wait-for -LSU channel
  1067. (alias: wait)
  1068. When used without options, prevents the client from exiting until woken using wait-for -S with the same channel. When -L is used, the channel is locked and any clients that
  1069. try to lock the same channel are made to wait until the channel is unlocked with wait-for -U. This command only works from outside tmux.
  1071. tmux understands some extensions to terminfo(5):
  1072. Cc, Cr Set the cursor colour. The first takes a single string argument and is used to set the colour; the second takes no arguments and restores the default cursor colour. If
  1073. set, a sequence such as this may be used to change the cursor colour from inside tmux:
  1074. $ printf '\033]12;red\033\\'
  1075. Cs, Csr
  1076. Change the cursor style. If set, a sequence such as this may be used to change the cursor to an underline:
  1077. $ printf '\033[4 q'
  1078. If Csr is set, it will be used to reset the cursor style instead of Cs.
  1079. Ms This sequence can be used by tmux to store the current buffer in the host terminal's selection (clipboard). See the set-clipboard option above and the xterm(1) man page.
  1081. tmux offers a textual interface called control mode. This allows applications to communicate with tmux using a simple text-only protocol.
  1082. In control mode, a client sends tmux commands or command sequences terminated by newlines on standard input. Each command will produce one block of output on standard output. An
  1083. output block consists of a %begin line followed by the output (which may be empty). The output block ends with a %end or %error. %begin and matching %end or %error have two argu‐
  1084. ments: an integer time (as seconds from epoch) and command number. For example:
  1085. %begin 1363006971 2
  1086. 0: ksh* (1 panes) [80x24] [layout b25f,80x24,0,0,2] @2 (active)
  1087. %end 1363006971 2
  1088. In control mode, tmux outputs notifications. A notification will never occur inside an output block.
  1089. The following notifications are defined:
  1090. %exit [reason]
  1091. The tmux client is exiting immediately, either because it is not attached to any session or an error occurred. If present, reason describes why the client exited.
  1092. %layout-change window-id window-layout
  1093. The layout of a window with ID window-id changed. The new layout is window-layout.
  1094. %output pane-id value
  1095. A window pane produced output. value escapes non-printable characters and backslash as octal \xxx.
  1096. %session-changed session-id name
  1097. The client is now attached to the session with ID session-id, which is named name.
  1098. %session-renamed name
  1099. The current session was renamed to name.
  1100. %sessions-changed
  1101. A session was created or destroyed.
  1102. %unlinked-window-add window-id
  1103. The window with ID window-id was created but is not linked to the current session.
  1104. %window-add window-id
  1105. The window with ID window-id was linked to the current session.
  1106. %window-close window-id
  1107. The window with ID window-id closed.
  1108. %window-renamed window-id name
  1109. The window with ID window-id was renamed to name.
  1110. FILES
  1111. ~/.tmux.conf Default tmux configuration file.
  1112. /etc/tmux.conf System-wide configuration file.
  1113. EXAMPLES
  1114. To create a new tmux session running vi(1):
  1115. $ tmux new-session vi
  1116. Most commands have a shorter form, known as an alias. For new-session, this is new:
  1117. $ tmux new vi
  1118. Alternatively, the shortest unambiguous form of a command is accepted. If there are several options, they are listed:
  1119. $ tmux n
  1120. ambiguous command: n, could be: new-session, new-window, next-window
  1121. Within an active session, a new window may be created by typing ‘C-b c’ (Ctrl followed by the ‘b’ key followed by the ‘c’ key).
  1122. Windows may be navigated with: ‘C-b 0’ (to select window 0), ‘C-b 1’ (to select window 1), and so on; ‘C-b n’ to select the next window; and ‘C-b p’ to select the previous window.
  1123. A session may be detached using ‘C-b d’ (or by an external event such as ssh(1) disconnection) and reattached with:
  1124. $ tmux attach-session
  1125. Typing ‘C-b ?’ lists the current key bindings in the current window; up and down may be used to navigate the list or ‘q’ to exit from it.
  1126. Commands to be run when the tmux server is started may be placed in the ~/.tmux.conf configuration file. Common examples include:
  1127. Changing the default prefix key:
  1128. set-option -g prefix C-a
  1129. unbind-key C-b
  1130. bind-key C-a send-prefix
  1131. Turning the status line off, or changing its colour:
  1132. set-option -g status off
  1133. set-option -g status-bg blue
  1134. Setting other options, such as the default command, or locking after 30 minutes of inactivity:
  1135. set-option -g default-command "exec /bin/ksh"
  1136. set-option -g lock-after-time 1800
  1137. Creating new key bindings:
  1138. bind-key b set-option status
  1139. bind-key / command-prompt "split-window 'exec man %%'"
  1140. bind-key S command-prompt "new-window -n %1 'ssh %1'"
  1141. SEE ALSO
  1142. pty(4)
  1143. AUTHORS
  1144. Nicholas Marriott <nicm@users.sourceforge.net>
  1145. BSD July 20, 2019 BSD


