下面的代码里我都添加了(* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = “true” *) ,是禁用vivado的interface自动推断,可以不加
Y = 0.299R +0.587G + 0.114B
Y = (77 R + 150G + 29 *B)>>8
`timescale 1ns / 1ps //作者:抢公主的大魔王 //功能:将来自ov5640视频流从RGB格式转化为灰度图像 //日期:24.5.5 //版本:1v0 //联系方式:2376635586@qq.com module rgb2gray( (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input cmos_frame_vsync, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input [23:0] cmos_frame_data, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input cmos_frame_href, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input cmos_frame_clk, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input cmos_rstn,//同步复位 (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input cmos_frame_ce, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output dataout_frame_vsync, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output [23:0] dataout_frame_data, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output dataout_frame_href, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output dataout_frame_ce ); // Y = 0.299R +0.587G + 0.114B // Y = (77 *R + 150*G + 29 *B)>>8 reg [15:0] r_gray1; reg [15:0] g_gray1; reg [15:0] b_gray1; reg [15:0] y1; reg [7:0] y2; reg [2:0] dataout_frame_vsync_r; reg [2:0] dataout_frame_href_r; reg [2:0] dataout_frame_ce_r; always@(posedge cmos_frame_clk)begin if(!cmos_rstn)begin r_gray1 <= 8'h00; g_gray1 <= 8'h00; b_gray1 <= 8'h00; end else begin r_gray1 <= cmos_frame_data[23:16] * 8'd77 ; g_gray1 <= cmos_frame_data[15:8] * 8'd150; b_gray1 <= cmos_frame_data[7:0] * 8'd29 ; end end always@(posedge cmos_frame_clk)begin if(!cmos_rstn)begin y1 <= 16'h0000; end else begin y1 <= r_gray1 + g_gray1 + b_gray1; end end always@(posedge cmos_frame_clk)begin if(!cmos_rstn)begin y2 <= 8'h0000; end else begin y2 <= y1[15:8]; end end always@(posedge cmos_frame_clk)begin if(!cmos_rstn)begin dataout_frame_ce_r <= 3'b000; dataout_frame_vsync_r <= 3'b000; dataout_frame_href_r <= 3'b000; end else begin dataout_frame_ce_r <= {dataout_frame_ce_r[1:0] ,cmos_frame_ce}; dataout_frame_vsync_r <= {dataout_frame_vsync_r[1:0] ,cmos_frame_vsync}; dataout_frame_href_r <= {dataout_frame_href_r[1:0] ,cmos_frame_href}; end end assign dataout_frame_data = {y2,y2,y2}; assign dataout_frame_ce = dataout_frame_ce_r[2]; assign dataout_frame_vsync = dataout_frame_vsync_r[2]; assign dataout_frame_href = dataout_frame_href_r[2]; endmodule
`timescale 1ns / 1ps //作者:抢公主的大魔王 //功能:根据阈值对灰度图像进行二值化处理 //日期:24.5.5 //版本:1v0 //联系方式:2376635586@qq.com module global_binary( (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input datain_vsync, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input [23:0] datain, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input datain_href, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input datain_clk, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input datain_rstn,//同步复位 (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input datain_frame_ce, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) input [7:0]threshold, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output dataout_vsync, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output reg [23:0] dataout, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output dataout_vaild, (* X_INTERFACE_IGNORE = "true" *) output dataout_frame_ce ); reg [1:0] dataout_vsync_r; reg [1:0] dataout_valid_r; reg [1:0] dataout_frame_ce_r; always@(posedge datain_clk)begin if(!datain_rstn) dataout <= 24'hff_ff_ff; else if(datain[7:0]>=threshold) dataout <= 24'hff_ff_ff; else dataout <= 24'h00_00_00; end always@(posedge datain_clk)begin if(!datain_rstn) begin dataout_vsync_r <= 3'b000; dataout_valid_r <= 3'b000; dataout_frame_ce_r <= 3'b000; end else begin dataout_vsync_r <= {dataout_vsync_r[0] , datain_vsync}; dataout_valid_r <= {dataout_valid_r[0] , datain_href}; dataout_frame_ce_r <= {dataout_frame_ce_r[0] , datain_frame_ce}; end end assign dataout_vsync = dataout_vsync_r[1]; assign dataout_vaild = dataout_valid_r[1]; assign dataout_frame_ce = dataout_frame_ce_r[1]; endmodule
这个就是自己打包的标准的AXILite IP核,然后加了两句代码,一句是将threshold的0到7为连接到这个IP内部的第一个reg的低八位,另一句就是让这个reg复位是被复位为128,而不是0,因为我的图像阈值二值化算法的缺省阈值为128。
然后到了这个AXILite IP内部添加下面的代码
assign threshold = slv_reg0[7:0];
if ( S_AXI_ARESETN == 1'b0 )
slv_reg0 <= 32'd128;
slv_reg1 <= 0;
slv_reg2 <= 0;
slv_reg3 <= 0;
output wire [7:0] threshold
//作者:抢公主的大魔王 //功能:阈值可调的图像二值化 //日期:24.5.5 //版本:1v0 //联系方式:2376635586@qq.com #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "xil_types.h" #include "xil_cache.h" #include "xparameters.h" #include "xgpiops.h" #include "xscugic.h" #include "xil_exception.h" #include "xplatform_info.h" #include "xaxivdma.h" #include "xaxivdma_i.h" #include "display_ctrl_hdmi/display_ctrl.h" #include "vdma_api/vdma_api.h" #include "emio_sccb_cfg/emio_sccb_cfg.h" #include "ov5640/ov5640_init.h" #include "sleep.h" //宏定义 #define DYNCLK_BASEADDR XPAR_AXI_DYNCLK_0_BASEADDR //动态时钟基地址 #define VDMA_ID XPAR_AXIVDMA_0_DEVICE_ID //VDMA器件ID #define DISP_VTC_ID XPAR_VTC_0_DEVICE_ID //VTC器件ID #define THRESHOLD_BASEADDR XPAR_AXICTRLTHRESHOLD_0_S00_AXI_BASEADDR #define EMIO_SCL_NUM 54 #define EMIO_SDA_NUM 55 #define KEY1 56 //T19 #define KEY2 57 //P19 #define KEY3 58 //U20 #define KEY4 59 //U19 #define KEY5 60 //V20 #define LED1 61 //H18 #define LED2 62 //K17 #define LED3 63 //E19 #define GPIO_DEVICE_ID XPAR_XGPIOPS_0_DEVICE_ID XGpioPs Gpio; #define GPIO_BANK XGPIOPS_BANK0 /* Bank 0 of the GPIO Device */ #define INTC_DEVICE_ID XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID #define GPIO_INTERRUPT_ID XPAR_XGPIOPS_0_INTR //全局变量 //frame buffer的起始地址 unsigned int const frame_buffer_addr = (XPAR_PS7_DDR_0_S_AXI_BASEADDR + 0x1000000); u8 binary_threshold = 128; XAxiVdma vdma; DisplayCtrl dispCtrl; VideoMode vd_mode; static XScuGic Intc; /* The Instance of the Interrupt Controller Driver */ static void IntrHandler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Bank, u32 Status) { XGpioPs *Gpio_cb = (XGpioPs *)CallBackRef; if (XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(Gpio_cb, KEY1)){ binary_threshold++; Xil_Out32(THRESHOLD_BASEADDR, binary_threshold); xil_printf("The threshold has been changed\n\rThe threshold now is %d\n\r",binary_threshold); XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(Gpio_cb, KEY1); } else if (XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(Gpio_cb, KEY4)){ binary_threshold--; Xil_Out32(THRESHOLD_BASEADDR, binary_threshold); xil_printf("The threshold has been changed\n\rThe threshold now is %d\n\r",binary_threshold); XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(Gpio_cb, KEY4); } else if (XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(Gpio_cb, KEY2)){ binary_threshold = binary_threshold+10; Xil_Out32(THRESHOLD_BASEADDR, binary_threshold); xil_printf("The threshold has been changed\n\rThe threshold now is %d\n\r",binary_threshold); XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(Gpio_cb, KEY2); } else if (XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(Gpio_cb, KEY5)){ binary_threshold = binary_threshold-10; Xil_Out32(THRESHOLD_BASEADDR, binary_threshold); xil_printf("The threshold has been changed\n\rThe threshold now is %d\n\r",binary_threshold); XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(Gpio_cb, KEY5); } else if (XGpioPs_IntrGetStatusPin(Gpio_cb, KEY3)){ binary_threshold = 128; Xil_Out32(THRESHOLD_BASEADDR, binary_threshold); xil_printf("The threshold has been reset\n\rThe threshold now is %d\n\r",binary_threshold); XGpioPs_IntrClearPin(Gpio_cb, KEY3); } XGpioPs_WritePin(&Gpio, LED1, !XGpioPs_ReadPin(&Gpio, LED1)); } void SetupInterruptSystem(XScuGic *GicInstancePtr, XGpioPs *Gpio, u16 GpioIntrId){ XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig; Xil_ExceptionInit(); IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(INTC_DEVICE_ID); XScuGic_CfgInitialize(GicInstancePtr, IntcConfig, IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress); Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)XScuGic_InterruptHandler, GicInstancePtr); XScuGic_Connect(GicInstancePtr, GpioIntrId, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)IntrHandler, (void *)Gpio); XScuGic_Enable(GicInstancePtr, GpioIntrId); XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(Gpio, KEY1, XGPIOPS_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(Gpio, KEY2, XGPIOPS_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(Gpio, KEY3, XGPIOPS_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(Gpio, KEY4, XGPIOPS_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); XGpioPs_SetIntrTypePin(Gpio, KEY5, XGPIOPS_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING); XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(Gpio, KEY1); XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(Gpio, KEY2); XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(Gpio, KEY3); XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(Gpio, KEY4); XGpioPs_IntrEnablePin(Gpio, KEY5); Xil_ExceptionEnableMask(XIL_EXCEPTION_IRQ); } void Gpio_Init(void){ XGpioPs_Config *ConfigPtr; ConfigPtr = XGpioPs_LookupConfig(GPIO_DEVICE_ID); XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(&Gpio, ConfigPtr,ConfigPtr->BaseAddr); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, LED1, 1); XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&Gpio, LED1, 1); XGpioPs_WritePin(&Gpio, LED1, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, LED2, 1); XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&Gpio, LED2, 1); XGpioPs_WritePin(&Gpio, LED2, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, LED3, 1); XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&Gpio, LED3, 1); XGpioPs_WritePin(&Gpio, LED3, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, KEY1, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, KEY2, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, KEY3, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, KEY4, 0); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&Gpio, KEY5, 0); SetupInterruptSystem(&Intc, &Gpio, GPIO_INTERRUPT_ID); } int main(void) { u32 status; u16 cmos_h_pixel; //ov5640 DVP 输出水平像素点数 u16 cmos_v_pixel; //ov5640 DVP 输出垂直像素点数 u16 total_h_pixel; //ov5640 水平总像素大小 u16 total_v_pixel; //ov5640 垂直总像素大小 cmos_h_pixel = 1280; cmos_v_pixel = 720; total_h_pixel = 2570; total_v_pixel = 980; emio_init(); status = ov5640_init( cmos_h_pixel, //初始化ov5640 cmos_v_pixel, total_h_pixel, total_v_pixel);//设置OV5640输出分辨率为1280*720 PCLK = 72Mhz if(status == 0) xil_printf("OV5640 detected successful!\r\n"); else xil_printf("OV5640 detected failed!\r\n"); vd_mode = VMODE_1280x720; //配置VDMA run_vdma_frame_buffer(&vdma, VDMA_ID, vd_mode.width, vd_mode.height, frame_buffer_addr,0,0,BOTH); //初始化Display controller DisplayInitialize(&dispCtrl, DISP_VTC_ID, DYNCLK_BASEADDR); //设置VideoMode DisplaySetMode(&dispCtrl, &vd_mode); DisplayStart(&dispCtrl); Gpio_Init(); while(1){ XGpioPs_WritePin(&Gpio, LED3, !XGpioPs_ReadPin(&Gpio, LED3)); sleep(1); } return 0; }
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