class CustomYolov5DetectionModel(DetectionModel): def check_dependencies(self) -> None: check_requirements(["torch", "yolov5"]) def load_model(self): """ Detection model is initialized and set to self.model. """ import torch try: model = torch.hub.load("yolov5-master", "custom", path=self.model_path, source="local") # Import local custom yolov5 model self.set_model(model) except Exception as e: raise TypeError("model_path is not a valid yolov5 model path: ", e) def set_model(self, model: Any): """ Sets the underlying YOLOv5 model. Args: model: Any A YOLOv5 model """ if model.__class__.__module__ not in ["yolov5.models.common", "models.common"]: raise Exception(f"Not a yolov5 model: {type(model)}") model.conf = self.confidence_threshold self.model = model # set category_mapping if not self.category_mapping: category_mapping = {str(ind): category_name for ind, category_name in enumerate(self.category_names)} self.category_mapping = category_mapping def perform_inference(self, image: np.ndarray): """ Prediction is performed using self.model and the prediction result is set to self._original_predictions. Args: image: np.ndarray A numpy array that contains the image to be predicted. 3 channel image should be in RGB order. """ # Confirm model is loaded if self.model is None: raise ValueError("Model is not loaded, load it by calling .load_model()") if self.image_size is not None: prediction_result = self.model(image, size=self.image_size) else: prediction_result = self.model(image) self._original_predictions = prediction_result @property def num_categories(self): """ Returns number of categories """ return len(self.model.names) @property def has_mask(self): """ Returns if model output contains segmentation mask """ import yolov5 from packaging import version if version.parse(yolov5.__version__) < version.parse("6.2.0"): return False else: return False # fix when yolov5 supports segmentation models @property def category_names(self): if check_package_minimum_version("yolov5", "6.2.0"): return list(self.model.names.values()) else: return self.model.names def _create_object_prediction_list_from_original_predictions( self, shift_amount_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = [[0, 0]], full_shape_list: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, ): """ self._original_predictions is converted to a list of prediction.ObjectPrediction and set to self._object_prediction_list_per_image. Args: shift_amount_list: list of list To shift the box and mask predictions from sliced image to full sized image, should be in the form of List[[shift_x, shift_y],[shift_x, shift_y],...] full_shape_list: list of list Size of the full image after shifting, should be in the form of List[[height, width],[height, width],...] """ original_predictions = self._original_predictions # compatilibty for sahi v0.8.15 shift_amount_list = fix_shift_amount_list(shift_amount_list) full_shape_list = fix_full_shape_list(full_shape_list) # handle all predictions object_prediction_list_per_image = [] for image_ind, image_predictions_in_xyxy_format in enumerate(original_predictions.xyxy): shift_amount = shift_amount_list[image_ind] full_shape = None if full_shape_list is None else full_shape_list[image_ind] object_prediction_list = [] # process predictions for prediction in image_predictions_in_xyxy_format.cpu().detach().numpy(): x1 = prediction[0] y1 = prediction[1] x2 = prediction[2] y2 = prediction[3] bbox = [x1, y1, x2, y2] score = prediction[4] category_id = int(prediction[5]) category_name = self.category_mapping[str(category_id)] # fix negative box coords bbox[0] = max(0, bbox[0]) bbox[1] = max(0, bbox[1]) bbox[2] = max(0, bbox[2]) bbox[3] = max(0, bbox[3]) # fix out of image box coords if full_shape is not None: bbox[0] = min(full_shape[1], bbox[0]) bbox[1] = min(full_shape[0], bbox[1]) bbox[2] = min(full_shape[1], bbox[2]) bbox[3] = min(full_shape[0], bbox[3]) # ignore invalid predictions if not (bbox[0] < bbox[2]) or not (bbox[1] < bbox[3]): logger.warning(f"ignoring invalid prediction with bbox: {bbox}") continue object_prediction = ObjectPrediction( bbox=bbox, category_id=category_id, score=score, bool_mask=None, category_name=category_name, shift_amount=shift_amount, full_shape=full_shape, ) object_prediction_list.append(object_prediction) object_prediction_list_per_image.append(object_prediction_list) self._object_prediction_list_per_image = object_prediction_list_per_image detection_model = CustomYolov5DetectionModel( model_path='yolov5m_Objects365.pt', confidence_threshold=0.3, device="cuda:0", # or 'cuda:0' ) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' result = get_prediction("small-vehicles1.jpeg", detection_model) result.export_visuals(export_dir="demo_data/") ''' result = get_sliced_prediction( "small-vehicles1.jpeg", detection_model, slice_height = 256, slice_width = 256, overlap_height_ratio = 0.2, overlap_width_ratio = 0.2, perform_standard_pred = True, postprocess_match_threshold = 0.2, postprocess_class_agnostic = True ) ''' perform_standard_pred = True, postprocess_match_threshold = 0.2, postprocess_class_agnostic = True ''' #有用的是result.object_prediction_list ''' ObjectPrediction< bbox: BoundingBox: <(447, 308, 496, 342), w: 49, h: 34>, mask: None, score: PredictionScore: <value: 0.9154329299926758>, category: Category: <id: 2, name: car>> ''' #result.export_visuals(export_dir="ddd")
# import required functions, classes from sahi import AutoDetectionModel from sahi.utils.cv import read_image from sahi.utils.file import download_from_url from sahi.predict import get_prediction, get_sliced_prediction, predict import time import numpy as np import cv2 import random import torch import logging from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from sahi.models.base import DetectionModel from sahi.prediction import ObjectPrediction from sahi.utils.compatibility import fix_full_shape_list, fix_shift_amount_list from sahi.utils.import_utils import check_package_minimum_version, check_requirements logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
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