- import os
- import time
- class Problem: # 定义试题信息的类
- def __init__(self, num, question, choice_a, choice_b, choice_c, choice_d, answer):
- self.num = num
- self.question = question
- self.choice_a = choice_a
- self.choice_b = choice_b
- self.choice_c = choice_c
- self.choice_d = choice_d
- self.answer = answer
- class Student: # 定义学生信息的类
- def __init__(self, name, user_name, user_password, grade, usetime):
- self.name = name
- self.user_name = user_name
- self.user_password = user_password
- self.grade = grade
- self.usetime = usetime
- # 基本功能都由这个类的方法实现
- class Manage:
- def __init__(self):
- self.StudentInfo = []
- self.ProblemInfo = []
- @staticmethod
- def main_menu():
- print("***************")
- print("1.管理员端登录")
- print("2.学生端登录")
- print("3.注册学生端账户")
- print("4.退出系统")
- print("***************")
- @staticmethod
- def administrator_menu():
- print("***************")
- print("1.录入试题信息")
- print("2.查看学生信息")
- print("3.排名学生成绩")
- print("4.查看试题信息")
- print("5.分析总体答题情况")
- print("6.删除学生信息")
- print("7.删除试题信息")
- print("8.返回上级")
- print("***************")
- @staticmethod
- def student_menu():
- print("***************")
- print("1.开始答题")
- print("2.返回上级")
- print("***************")
- @staticmethod
- def log_in():
- psw = int(input("请输入管理员密码"))
- if psw == 123456:
- Manage.administrator_menu()
- while 1:
- operate_administrator = int(input("请输入要选择的操作"))
- if operate_administrator == 1:
- Manage.add_problem(start)
- Manage.administrator_menu()
- if operate_administrator == 2:
- Manage.show_student(start)
- if operate_administrator == 3:
- Manage.rank_student(start)
- if operate_administrator == 4:
- Manage.show_problem(start)
- if operate_administrator == 5:
- Manage.analysis_student(start)
- if operate_administrator == 6:
- Manage.del_student(start)
- if operate_administrator == 7:
- Manage.del_problem(start)
- if operate_administrator == 8:
- Manage.main_menu()
- return
- else:
- print("账号或密码错误,已返回上级!")
- Manage.main_menu()
- def register(self):
- print("***************")
- new_student = Student(name=input("输入你的用户名"),
- user_name=input("输入你的账号"),
- user_password=input("输入你的密码"),
- grade="暂无成绩",
- usetime="暂无信息")
- temp = {"用户名": new_student.name, "账号": new_student.user_name, "密码": new_student.user_password,
- "成绩": new_student.grade, "答题时间": new_student.usetime}
- # 这里的new_student不能直接传入列表,要放在一个字典里把数据”打包“过去
- self.StudentInfo.append(temp)
- print("注册成功!")
- self.save_information()
- self.main_menu()
- def student_login(self):
- print("***************")
- temp1 = input("请输入你的账号")
- temp2 = input("请输入你的密码")
- if len(self.StudentInfo) == 0:
- # 如果学生信息为空,说明还没有账号注册,当作账号或密码错误处理
- print("账号或密码错误!已返回上级")
- self.main_menu()
- return
- for stu in self.StudentInfo: # 循环遍历列表判断账号和密码是否正确
- if stu["账号"] == temp1 and stu["密码"] == temp2:
- print("登录成功!欢迎你%s同学" % (stu["用户名"]))
- self.student_menu()
- while 1:
- operate_student = int(input("请输入要选择的操作"))
- if operate_student == 1:
- self.test_begin(stu["用户名"])
- self.main_menu()
- return
- if operate_student == 2:
- self.main_menu()
- return
- else:
- print("账号或密码错误!已返回上级")
- self.main_menu()
- def add_problem(self):
- new_problem = Problem(num=input("输入题号"),
- question=input("输入题目"),
- choice_a=input("输入选项A"),
- choice_b=input("输入选项B"),
- choice_c=input("输入选项C"),
- choice_d=input("输入选项D"),
- answer=input("输入正确答案"))
- temp = {"题号": new_problem.num, "题目": new_problem.question, "选项A": new_problem.choice_a,
- "选项B": new_problem.choice_b, "选项C": new_problem.choice_c, "选项D": new_problem.choice_d,
- "正确答案": new_problem.answer}
- self.ProblemInfo.append(temp)
- # 和学生信息一样,试题信息也要打包在一个字典里面后添加到列表
- print("录入成功!")
- self.save_information()
- def del_student(self):
- user_name = input("输入要删除的学生账号")
- index = 0
- for stu in self.StudentInfo:
- if stu["账号"] == user_name:
- del self.StudentInfo[index]
- self.save_information()
- print("删除成功")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- index += 1
- print("未查询到学生信息!")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- def del_problem(self):
- num = input("输入要删除的题目题号")
- index = 0
- for pro in self.ProblemInfo:
- if pro["题号"] == num:
- del self.ProblemInfo[index]
- self.save_information()
- print("删除成功")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- index += 1
- print("未查询到试题信息!")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- def show_student(self):
- if len(self.StudentInfo) == 0:
- print("暂无学生信息")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- for stu in self.StudentInfo:
- print(stu)
- input("按任意键继续")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- def show_problem(self):
- if len(self.ProblemInfo) == 0:
- print("暂无试题信息")
- for pro in self.ProblemInfo:
- print("%s:%s\n"
- "A.%s\n"
- "B.%s\n"
- "C.%s\n"
- "D.%s\n"
- "正确答案:%s"
- % (pro["题号"], pro["题目"], pro["选项A"], pro["选项B"], pro["选项C"], pro["选项D"],
- pro["正确答案"]))
- input("按任意键继续")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- def test_begin(self, name):
- # 答题功能的主要功能由循坏遍历列表和time模板实现
- if len(self.ProblemInfo) == 0:
- print("暂无试题信息")
- self.student_menu()
- return
- grade = 0
- print("Test Begin!")
- start_time = time.time()
- for pro in self.ProblemInfo:
- print("%s:%s\n"
- "A.%s\n"
- "B.%s\n"
- "C.%s\n"
- "D.%s\n"
- % (pro["题号"], pro["题目"], pro["选项A"], pro["选项B"], pro["选项C"], pro["选项D"]))
- answer = input("输入你的答案")
- if answer == pro["正确答案"]:
- grade += 5
- end_time = time.time()
- for stu in self.StudentInfo:
- if stu["用户名"] == name:
- stu["成绩"] = str(grade)
- stu["答题时间"] = str(int((end_time - start_time)))
- break
- print("Test Over!\n你的成绩是%d分,用时%d秒" % (grade, end_time - start_time))
- self.save_information()
- return
- def rank_student(self):
- if len(start.StudentInfo) == 0:
- print("暂无学生信息")
- return
- tool = self.StudentInfo
- for del_zero in tool:
- if del_zero["成绩"] == "暂无成绩":
- del_zero["成绩"] = -1
- temp = sorted(tool, key=lambda x: int(x["成绩"]), reverse=True)
- rank = 1
- for stu in temp:
- if stu["成绩"] == -1:
- stu["成绩"] = "暂无成绩"
- print("第%d名:%s %s分 用时%s秒" % (rank, stu["用户名"], stu["成绩"], stu["答题时间"]))
- rank += 1
- input("按任意键继续")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- def analysis_student(self):
- # 分析参加考试的人数,平均分
- if len(self.StudentInfo) == 0:
- print("暂无答题信息")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- print("本次测试有%d道题目" % (len(self.ProblemInfo)))
- print("满分%d分" % (len(self.ProblemInfo) * 5))
- student_num = 0
- total = 0
- for stu in self.StudentInfo:
- if stu["成绩"] == "暂无成绩":
- continue
- total += int(stu["成绩"])
- student_num += 1
- if student_num == 0:
- print("暂无答题信息")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- print("参与测试%d人" % student_num)
- print("平均分:%0.2f" % (total / student_num))
- input("按任意键继续")
- self.administrator_menu()
- return
- def save_information(self): # 以字符串的数据类型向文件中写入
- with open("StudentInfo.txt", "w", encoding="utf_8") as fp:
- for stu in self.StudentInfo:
- fp.write(stu["用户名"])
- fp.write(",")
- fp.write(stu["账号"])
- fp.write(",")
- fp.write(stu["密码"])
- fp.write(",")
- fp.write(stu["成绩"])
- fp.write(",")
- fp.write(stu["答题时间"])
- fp.write(",")
- fp.close() # 写入的时候数据之间用”,“分割开,读取的时候再用split函数分割分别读取
- with open("ProblemInfo.txt", "w", encoding="utf_8") as fp1:
- for pro in self.ProblemInfo:
- fp1.write(pro["题号"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.write(pro["题目"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.write(pro["选项A"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.write(pro["选项B"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.write(pro["选项C"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.write(pro["选项D"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.write(pro["正确答案"])
- fp1.write(",")
- fp1.close()
- return
- def read_information(self):
- if not os.path.exists("StudentInfo.txt"):
- print("暂无学生信息,跳过读取!")
- else:
- with open("StudentInfo.txt", "r", encoding="utf_8") as fp:
- stu = fp.read()
- stu = stu.split(",") # 文件的字符串split后变成列表类型,再通过列表循环读取,每次读取一批数据打包成一个字典,再append到程序当前存储信息的列表中
- stu.pop()
- for i in range(len(stu) // 5):
- stu_pass = {"用户名": stu[5 * i + 0],
- "账号": stu[5 * i + 1],
- "密码": stu[5 * i + 2],
- "成绩": stu[5 * i + 3],
- "答题时间": stu[5 * i + 4]}
- self.StudentInfo.append(stu_pass)
- fp.close()
- print("学生信息读取成功!")
- if not os.path.exists("ProblemInfo.txt"):
- print("暂无试卷信息,跳过读取!")
- else:
- with open("ProblemInfo.txt", "r", encoding="utf_8") as fp1:
- pro = fp1.read()
- pro = pro.split(",")
- pro.pop()
- for j in range(len(pro) // 7):
- pro_pass = {"题号": pro[7 * j + 0],
- "题目": pro[7 * j + 1],
- "选项A": pro[7 * j + 2],
- "选项B": pro[7 * j + 3],
- "选项C": pro[7 * j + 4],
- "选项D": pro[7 * j + 5],
- "正确答案": pro[7 * j + 6]}
- self.ProblemInfo.append(pro_pass)
- fp1.close()
- print("试卷信息读取成功!")
- start = Manage()
- import time
- import tkinter as tk
- import SystemDesign
- start = SystemDesign.Manage()
- start.read_information()
- # root:主菜单 root2:管理员菜单 root3:管理员登录界面 root4:学生登陆界面
- def administrator_menu():
- root.withdraw()
- root2 = tk.Tk()
- root2.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root2.geometry("900x700")
- root2.config(background='pink')
- bt1 = tk.Button(root2, text='1.录入试题信息', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_1(root2))
- bt1.place(x=300, y=20)
- bt2 = tk.Button(root2, text='2.查看学生信息', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_2(root2))
- bt2.place(x=300, y=100)
- bt3 = tk.Button(root2, text='3. 排名学生成绩', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_3(root2))
- bt3.place(x=300, y=180)
- bt4 = tk.Button(root2, text='4.查看试题信息', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_4(root2))
- bt4.place(x=300, y=260)
- bt5 = tk.Button(root2, text='5.分析总体答题情况', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_5(root2))
- bt5.place(x=300, y=340)
- bt6 = tk.Button(root2, text='6.删除试题信息', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_6(root2))
- bt6.place(x=300, y=420)
- bt7 = tk.Button(root2, text='7.删除学生信息', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_7(root2))
- bt7.place(x=300, y=500)
- bt8 = tk.Button(root2, text='8.返回上级', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_ad_8(root2))
- bt8.place(x=300, y=580)
- def func_ad_1(x): # 管理员功能一
- x.destroy()
- root_func1 = tk.Tk()
- root_func1.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_func1.geometry("900x700")
- root_func1.config(background='pink')
- func1title = tk.Label(root_func1, text="输入你的试题信息", font=("Helvetica", 40), background="pink")
- func1title.pack()
- func1_lb1 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="题号", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb1.place(x=220, y=80)
- func1_entry1 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry1.place(x=320, y=90)
- func1_lb2 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="题目", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb2.place(x=220, y=120)
- func1_entry2 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry2.place(x=320, y=130)
- func1_lb3 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="选项A", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb3.place(x=220, y=160)
- func1_entry3 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry3.place(x=320, y=170)
- func1_lb4 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="选项B", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb4.place(x=220, y=200)
- func1_entry4 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry4.place(x=320, y=210)
- func1_lb5 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="选项C", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb5.place(x=220, y=240)
- func1_entry5 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry5.place(x=320, y=250)
- func1_lb6 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="选项D", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb6.place(x=220, y=280)
- func1_entry6 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry6.place(x=320, y=290)
- func1_lb7 = tk.Label(root_func1, text="正确答案", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink")
- func1_lb7.place(x=200, y=320)
- func1_entry7 = tk.Entry(root_func1, width=45)
- func1_entry7.place(x=320, y=330)
- func1_bt1 = tk.Button(root_func1, text="确定", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink",
- command=lambda: func_ad_1_1(func1_entry1.get(), func1_entry2.get(), func1_entry3.get(),
- func1_entry4.get(), func1_entry5.get(), func1_entry6.get(),
- func1_entry7.get(), root_func1))
- func1_bt1.place(x=460, y=380)
- func1_bt2 = tk.Button(root_func1, text="取消", font=("Helvetica", 20), background="pink",
- command=lambda: func_back(root_func1))
- func1_bt2.place(x=560, y=380)
- def func_ad_1_1(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, root_func1): # 功能一的衍生函数
- root_func1.destroy()
- new_problem = SystemDesign.Problem(num=x1,
- question=x2,
- choice_a=x3,
- choice_b=x4,
- choice_c=x5,
- choice_d=x6,
- answer=x7)
- temp = {"题号": new_problem.num, "题目": new_problem.question, "选项A": new_problem.choice_a,
- "选项B": new_problem.choice_b, "选项C": new_problem.choice_c, "选项D": new_problem.choice_d,
- "正确答案": new_problem.answer}
- start.ProblemInfo.append(temp)
- start.save_information()
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="添加成功!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=lambda: func_back(message))
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- def func_back(x):
- x.destroy()
- administrator_menu()
- def func_ad_2(x):
- x.destroy()
- root_func2 = tk.Tk()
- root_func2.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_func2.geometry("800x600")
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_func2, text="返回", width=600, font=("Helvetica", 20), command=lambda: func_back(root_func2))
- bt1.pack()
- frame_func2 = tk.Frame(root_func2)
- frame_func2.pack()
- scrollbar1 = tk.Scrollbar(frame_func2)
- scrollbar1.pack(side="right", fill="y")
- scrollbar2 = tk.Scrollbar(frame_func2, orient="horizontal")
- scrollbar2.pack(side="bottom", fill="x")
- list_func2 = tk.Listbox(frame_func2, selectmode='browse', width=500, height=20, font=("等线", 30),
- xscrollcommand=scrollbar2.set, yscrollcommand=scrollbar1.set)
- for stu in start.StudentInfo:
- list_func2.insert("end", stu)
- list_func2.pack()
- scrollbar1.config(command=list_func2.yview)
- scrollbar2.config(command=list_func2.xview)
- def func_ad_3(r):
- r.destroy()
- root_func3 = tk.Tk()
- root_func3.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_func3.geometry("800x600")
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_func3, text="返回", width=600, font=("Helvetica", 20), command=lambda: func_back(root_func3))
- bt1.pack()
- frame_func3 = tk.Frame(root_func3)
- frame_func3.pack()
- scrollbar1 = tk.Scrollbar(frame_func3)
- scrollbar1.pack(side="right", fill="y")
- scrollbar2 = tk.Scrollbar(frame_func3, orient="horizontal")
- scrollbar2.pack(side="bottom", fill="x")
- list_func3 = tk.Listbox(frame_func3, selectmode='browse', width=500, height=20, font=("等线", 30),
- xscrollcommand=scrollbar2.set, yscrollcommand=scrollbar1.set)
- tool = start.StudentInfo
- for del_zero in tool:
- if del_zero["成绩"] == "暂无成绩":
- del_zero["成绩"] = -1
- temp = sorted(tool, key=lambda x: int(x["成绩"]), reverse=True)
- list_stu = []
- for stu in temp:
- if stu["成绩"] == -1:
- stu["成绩"] = "暂无成绩"
- stu_pass = {"用户名": stu["用户名"],
- "成绩": stu["成绩"],
- "答题用时": stu["答题时间"]}
- list_stu.append(stu_pass)
- for stu in list_stu:
- list_func3.insert("end", stu)
- list_func3.pack()
- scrollbar1.config(command=list_func3.yview)
- scrollbar2.config(command=list_func3.xview)
- def func_ad_4(x):
- x.destroy()
- root_func4 = tk.Tk()
- root_func4.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_func4.geometry("800x600")
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_func4, text="返回", width=600, font=("Helvetica", 20), command=lambda: func_back(root_func4))
- bt1.pack()
- frame_func4 = tk.Frame(root_func4)
- frame_func4.pack()
- scrollbar1 = tk.Scrollbar(frame_func4)
- scrollbar1.pack(side="right", fill="y")
- scrollbar2 = tk.Scrollbar(frame_func4, orient="horizontal")
- scrollbar2.pack(side="bottom", fill="x")
- list_func2 = tk.Listbox(frame_func4, selectmode='browse', width=500, height=20, font=("等线", 30),
- xscrollcommand=scrollbar2.set, yscrollcommand=scrollbar1.set)
- for stu in start.ProblemInfo:
- list_func2.insert("end", stu)
- list_func2.pack()
- scrollbar1.config(command=list_func2.yview)
- scrollbar2.config(command=list_func2.xview)
- def func_ad_5(x):
- x.destroy()
- root_func5 = tk.Tk()
- root_func5.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_func5.geometry("800x600")
- root_func5.config(background="pink")
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_func5, text="返回", width=600, font=("Helvetica", 20), command=lambda: func_back(root_func5))
- bt1.pack()
- lb1 = tk.Label(root_func5, background="pink", text="本次测试有%d道题目" % len(start.ProblemInfo),
- font=("Helvetica", 40))
- lb1.pack()
- lb2 = tk.Label(root_func5, background="pink", text="满分%d分" % (len(start.ProblemInfo) * 5),
- font=("Helvetica", 40))
- lb2.pack()
- student_num = 0
- total = 0
- for stu in start.StudentInfo:
- if stu["成绩"] == "暂无成绩":
- continue
- total += int(stu["成绩"])
- student_num += 1
- lb3 = tk.Label(root_func5, background="pink", text="参与测试%d人" % student_num, font=("Helvetica", 40))
- lb3.pack()
- lb3 = tk.Label(root_func5, background="pink", text="平均分:%0.2f" % (total / student_num), font=("Helvetica", 40))
- lb3.pack()
- def func_ad_6(x):
- x.destroy()
- root_func6 = tk.Tk()
- root_func6.geometry("600x300")
- root_func6.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- lb_func6 = tk.Label(root_func6, text="请输入要删除的试题题号!", font=("Helvetica", 20))
- lb_func6.pack()
- entry_func6 = tk.Entry(root_func6)
- entry_func6.place(x=220, y=60)
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_func6, height=1, width=8, text="确认",
- command=lambda: func_ad_6_1(entry_func6.get()))
- bt1.place(x=220, y=100)
- bt2 = tk.Button(root_func6, height=1, width=8, text="取消", command=lambda: func_back(root_func6))
- bt2.place(x=300, y=100)
- def func_ad_6_1(x):
- index = 0
- for pro in start.ProblemInfo:
- if pro["题号"] == x:
- del start.ProblemInfo[index]
- start.save_information()
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="删除成功!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- return
- index += 1
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="未找到试题信息", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- def func_ad_7(x):
- x.destroy()
- root_func7 = tk.Tk()
- root_func7.geometry("600x300")
- root_func7.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- lb_func7 = tk.Label(root_func7, text="请输入要删除的学生账号!", font=("Helvetica", 20))
- lb_func7.pack()
- entry_func7 = tk.Entry(root_func7)
- entry_func7.place(x=220, y=60)
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_func7, height=1, width=8, text="确认",
- command=lambda: func_ad_7_1(entry_func7.get()))
- bt1.place(x=220, y=100)
- bt2 = tk.Button(root_func7, height=1, width=8, text="取消", command=lambda: func_back(root_func7))
- bt2.place(x=300, y=100)
- def func_ad_7_1(x):
- index = 0
- for pro in start.StudentInfo:
- if pro["账号"] == x:
- del start.StudentInfo[index]
- start.save_information()
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="删除成功!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- return
- index += 1
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="未找到学生信息", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- def func_ad_8(x):
- x.destroy()
- root.deiconify()
- def student_menu(x):
- index = 0
- global grade
- grade = 0
- start_time = time.time()
- root.withdraw()
- root_stu = tk.Tk()
- root_stu.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_stu.geometry("900x700")
- root_stu.config(background='pink')
- lb1 = tk.Label(root_stu, text="欢迎你%s同学" % x, font=("Helvetica", 40), background='pink')
- lb1.pack()
- bt1 = tk.Button(root_stu, text='1.开始答题', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_stu_1(root_stu, x, index, start_time))
- bt1.place(x=320, y=240)
- bt2 = tk.Button(root_stu, text='2.返回上级', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink',
- command=lambda: func_stu_2(root_stu))
- bt2.place(x=320, y=360)
- def func_stu_1(win, name, index_pro, start_time):
- win.destroy()
- root_func1 = tk.Tk()
- root_func1.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root_func1.geometry("900x700")
- root_func1.config(background='pink')
- func1title = tk.Label(root_func1, text="做下一题前请先提交当前题目!", font=("Helvetica", 40), background="pink")
- func1title.pack()
- temp = start.ProblemInfo[index_pro]
- pro_num = tk.Label(root_func1, text="%s." % temp["题号"], font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink", )
- pro_num.place(x=200, y=80)
- pro_question = tk.Label(root_func1, text="%s" % temp["题目"], font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- pro_question.place(x=260, y=80)
- pro_a = tk.Label(root_func1, text="A.%s" % temp["选项A"], font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- pro_a.place(x=220, y=160)
- pro_b = tk.Label(root_func1, text="B.%s" % temp["选项B"], font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- pro_b.place(x=220, y=240)
- pro_c = tk.Label(root_func1, text="C.%s" % temp["选项C"], font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- pro_c.place(x=220, y=320)
- pro_d = tk.Label(root_func1, text="D.%s" % temp["选项D"], font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- pro_d.place(x=220, y=400)
- pro_answer = tk.Label(root_func1, text="你的选项为", font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- pro_answer.place(x=220, y=480)
- answer_get = tk.Entry(root_func1, font=("Helvetica", 30), width=2)
- answer_get.place(x=450, y=480)
- bt_ensure = tk.Button(root_func1, text="提 交", command=lambda: check_answer(answer_get.get(), temp["正确答案"]),
- font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- bt_ensure.place(x=220, y=560)
- if index_pro == len(start.ProblemInfo) - 1: # 目前只能下一题,且无法返回更改
- for stu in start.StudentInfo:
- if stu["用户名"] == name:
- stu["成绩"] = str(grade)
- stu["答题时间"] = str(int(time.time() - start_time))
- start.save_information()
- bt_end = tk.Button(root_func1, text="结束考试", command=lambda: func_stu_1_1(root_func1),
- font=("Helvetica", 30), background="pink")
- bt_end.place(x=480, y=560)
- else:
- bt_down = tk.Button(root_func1, text="下一题",
- command=lambda: func_stu_1(root_func1, name, index_pro + 1, start_time),
- font=("Helvetica", 30),
- background="pink")
- bt_down.place(x=480, y=560)
- def check_answer(x, y):
- global grade
- if x == y:
- grade += 5
- def func_stu_1_1(x):
- x.destroy()
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="答题结束!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=lambda: func_stu_2(message))
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- def func_stu_1_2(x):
- x.destroy()
- root.deiconify()
- def func_stu_2(x):
- x.destroy()
- root.deiconify()
- def check_psw(x, y):
- if x == "123456":
- y.destroy()
- administrator_menu()
- else:
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("300x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="密码错误!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=120, y=75)
- def administrator_login():
- root3 = tk.Tk()
- root3.geometry("600x300")
- root3.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- ad_login = tk.Label(root3, text="请输入管理员密码!", font=("Helvetica", 20))
- ad_login.pack()
- ad_login_entry = tk.Entry(root3, show="*")
- ad_login_entry.place(x=220, y=60)
- ad_login_bt1 = tk.Button(root3, height=1, width=8, text="确认",
- command=lambda: check_psw(ad_login_entry.get(), root3))
- ad_login_bt1.place(x=220, y=100)
- ad_login_bt2 = tk.Button(root3, height=1, width=8, text="取消", command=root3.destroy)
- ad_login_bt2.place(x=300, y=100)
- def student_login():
- root4 = tk.Tk()
- root4.geometry("600x300")
- root4.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- st_login = tk.Label(root4, text="请输入账号和密码!", font=("Helvetica", 20))
- st_login.pack()
- st_lb1 = tk.Label(root4, text="账号", font=6)
- st_lb1.place(x=200, y=60)
- st_login_entry1 = tk.Entry(root4)
- st_login_entry1.place(x=250, y=60)
- st_lb2 = tk.Label(root4, text="密码", font=6)
- st_lb2.place(x=200, y=100)
- st_login_entry2 = tk.Entry(root4)
- st_login_entry2.place(x=250, y=100)
- st_login_bt1 = tk.Button(root4, height=1, width=8, text="确认",
- command=lambda: student_check(st_login_entry1.get(), st_login_entry2.get(), root4))
- st_login_bt1.place(x=240, y=130)
- st_login_bt2 = tk.Button(root4, height=1, width=8, text="取消", command=root4.destroy)
- st_login_bt2.place(x=320, y=130)
- '''
- bt2 = tk.Button(root, text='1.开始答题', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink')
- bt2.place(x=300, y=180)
- bt3 = tk.Button(root, text='2.返回上级', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink')
- bt3.place(x=300, y=260)
- '''
- def student_check(x, y, z): # 检查学生的登录信息
- for stu in start.StudentInfo:
- if x == stu["账号"] and y == stu["密码"]:
- z.destroy()
- student_menu(stu["用户名"])
- break
- else:
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="账号或密码错误!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- def student_register(): # 注册学生信息页面
- root5 = tk.Tk()
- root5.geometry("600x300")
- root5.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- st_login = tk.Label(root5, text="填写你的注册信息", font=("Helvetica", 20))
- st_login.pack()
- st_lb1 = tk.Label(root5, text="用户名", font=6)
- st_lb1.place(x=185, y=60)
- st_login_entry1 = tk.Entry(root5)
- st_login_entry1.place(x=250, y=60)
- st_lb2 = tk.Label(root5, text="账号", font=6)
- st_lb2.place(x=200, y=100)
- st_login_entry2 = tk.Entry(root5)
- st_login_entry2.place(x=250, y=100)
- st_lb2 = tk.Label(root5, text="密码", font=6)
- st_lb2.place(x=200, y=140)
- st_login_entry3 = tk.Entry(root5)
- st_login_entry3.place(x=250, y=140)
- st_login_bt1 = tk.Button(root5, height=1, width=8, text="确认",
- command=lambda: add_student(st_login_entry1.get(), st_login_entry2.get(),
- st_login_entry3.get(), root5))
- st_login_bt1.place(x=240, y=180)
- st_login_bt2 = tk.Button(root5, height=1, width=8, text="取消", command=root5.destroy)
- st_login_bt2.place(x=320, y=180)
- def add_student(x, y, z, root5): # 注册成功后的消息弹窗页面
- root5.destroy()
- new_student = SystemDesign.Student(name=x,
- user_name=y,
- user_password=z,
- grade="暂无成绩",
- usetime="暂无信息")
- temp = {"用户名": new_student.name, "账号": new_student.user_name, "密码": new_student.user_password,
- "成绩": new_student.grade, "答题时间": new_student.usetime}
- # 这里的new_student不能直接传入列表,要放在一个字典里把数据”打包“过去
- start.StudentInfo.append(temp)
- start.save_information()
- message = tk.Tk()
- message.geometry("400x150")
- message.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- message_lb = tk.Label(message, text="添加成功!", font=("等线", 30))
- message_lb.config(fg="red")
- message_lb.pack()
- message_bt = tk.Button(message, text="返回", height=1, width=8, command=message.destroy)
- message_bt.place(x=150, y=75)
- root = tk.Tk()
- root.title("单项选择题答题与管理系统")
- root.geometry("900x600")
- root.config(background='pink')
- main_label1 = tk.Label(root, text='单项选择题答题与管理系统', font=("Helvetica", 40), background='pink')
- main_label1.pack()
- main_bt1 = tk.Button(root, text='1.管理员登录', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink', command=administrator_login)
- main_bt1.place(x=300, y=100)
- main_bt2 = tk.Button(root, text='2.学生端登录', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink', command=student_login)
- main_bt2.place(x=300, y=180)
- main_bt3 = tk.Button(root, text='3. 注册学生账户', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink', command=student_register)
- main_bt3.place(x=300, y=260)
- main_bt4 = tk.Button(root, text='4.退出系统', font=("Helvetica", 30), background='pink', command=exit)
- main_bt4.place(x=300, y=340)
- global grade
- root.mainloop()
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