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一、搭建单群组 FISCO BCOS 联盟链


2.创建操作目录, 下载安装脚本








3.下载共享库 native library(可以跳过)

4. 获取控制台并回到fisco目录




HelloWorld 一下吧


一、搭建单群组 FISCO BCOS 联盟链


  • 首先需要安装 openssl curl
  • 开发部署工具 build_chain.sh
  • 安装 unzip 工具
  1. sudo yum install -y openssl openssl-devel
  2. 使用以下命令来安装 unzip 工具:
  3. sudo yum install unzip

2.创建操作目录, 下载安装脚本

  1. ## 创建操作目录
  2. cd ~ && mkdir -p fisco && cd fisco
  3. ## 下载脚本
  4. curl -#LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/v2.9.1/build_chain.sh && chmod u+x build_chain.sh
  5. 如果因为网络问题导致长时间无法下载build_chain.sh脚本
  6. 请尝试 curl -#LO https://osp-1257653870.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/v2.9.1/build_chain.sh && chmod u+x build_chain.sh


bash build_chain.sh -l -p 30300,20200,8545

命令执行成功会输出All completed。如果执行出错,请检查nodes/build.log文件中的错误信息

  1. 提示[WARN] /root/fisco/nodes DIR exists,please clean old DIR! 执行以下命令清除已有旧数据
  2. rm -rf /root/fisco/nodes


bash nodes/

启动成功会输出类似下面内容的响应。否则请使用netstat -an | grep tcp检查机器的30300~30303,20200~20203,8545~8548端口是否被占用。

  1. 使用以下命令进行查找端口是否被占用
  2. netstat -anp | grep 30300
  1. try to start node0
  2. try to start node1
  3. try to start node2
  4. try to start node3
  5. node1 start successfully
  6. node2 start successfully
  7. node0 start successfully
  8. node3 start successfully


  1. 提示信息如:ERROR:Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock.
  2. Is the docker daemon running?
  3. 如何提示docker启动失败的话,执行以下命令:
  4. sudo systemctl start docker


ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep fisco-bcos

 正常情况会有类似下面的输出; 如果进程数不为4,则进程没有启动(一般是端口被占用导致的)

  1. fisco 5453 1 1 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.ini
  2. fisco 5459 1 1 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.ini
  3. fisco 5464 1 1 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.ini
  4. fisco 5476 1 1 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.ini


  1. ## 如下,查看节点node0链接的节点数
  2. tail -f nodes/* | grep connected
  3. ## 正常情况会不停地输出连接信息,从输出可以看出node0与另外3个节点有连接。
  4. info|2019-01-21 17:30:58.316769| [P2P][Service] heartBeat,connected count=3
  5. info|2019-01-21 17:30:58.316769| [P2P][Service] heartBeat,connected count=3
  6. info|2019-01-21 17:31:18.317105| [P2P][Service] heartBeat,connected count=3
  7. ## 执行下面指令,检查是否在共识
  8. tail -f nodes/* | grep +++
  9. ## 正常情况会不停输出++++Generating seal,表示共识正常。
  10. info|2020-12-22 17:24:43.729402|[g:1][CONSENSUS][SEALER]++++++++++++++++ Generating seal on,blkNum=1,tx=0,nodeIdx=1,hash=2e133146...
  11. info|2020-12-22 17:24:47.740603|[g:1][CONSENSUS][SEALER]++++++++++++++++ Generating seal on,blkNum=1,tx=0,nodeIdx=1,hash=eb199760...



  1. !!! 必须安装java14才可以
  2. 本人安装时是2.9.2的控制台
  3. // 下载java14安装包
  4. jdk-14.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
  5. https://www.oracle.com/cn/java/technologies/javase/jdk14-archive-downloads.html
  1. // 下载保存到
  2. cd /usr/local/source/java
  3. // 解压命令
  4. tar -zxvf jdk-14.0.2_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
  5. // 将解压后的包移动到路径下
  6. mv jdk-14.0.2 /usr/local/soft/
  1. // 配置环境变量
  2. vi /etc/profile
  3. // 将以下命令复制到最后一行
  4. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/soft/jdk-14.0.2
  5. export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre
  6. export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JRE_HOME/lib
  7. export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JRE_HOME/bin
  8. // 刷新环境变量
  9. source /etc/profile


  1. 切换路径
  2. cd /usr/lib
  3. 使用 yum 命令安装 Java 开发包:
  4. sudo yum install java-devel
  5. 下载并解压 Maven 安装包
  6. wget https://mirror-hk.koddos.net/apache/maven/maven-3/3.8.4/binaries/apache-maven-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz
  7. tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz
  8. 配置 Maven 环境变量
  9. sudo vi /etc/profile
  10. 将以下内容添加到 /etc/profile 文件末尾:
  11. export M2_HOME=[your-maven-directory]
  12. export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
  13. 重新加载 /etc/profile 文件并应用更改:
  14. source /etc/profile
  15. 检查 Maven 是否正确安装
  16. mvn -version
  17. 之后,使用 Maven 在 CentOS 系统上下载 netty-tcnative
  18. 例如,您可以使用以下命令从 Maven 中央仓库下载 netty-tcnative(版本为2.0.32.Final):
  19. mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=io.netty:netty-tcnative:2.0.32.Final

3.下载共享库 native library(可以跳过)

  1. 安装 netty-tcnative
  2. sudo yum install apr-devel openssl-devel
  3. wget http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/netty/netty-tcnative/2.0.21.Final/netty-tcnative-2.0.21.Final-linux-x86_64.jar
  4. 创建一个名为 netty-tcnative-2.0.21.Final-linux-x86_64.so 的链接文件,该文件指向 netty-tcnative-2.0.21.Final-linux-x86_64.jar 文件中的本机库
  5. ln -s <path_to_jar_file>/netty-tcnative-2.0.21.Final-linux-x86_64.jar \
  6. /usr/local/lib/libnetty-tcnative-2.0.21.Final-linux-x86_64.so
  7. 在启动 FISCO BCOS 控制台之前,请确保将 /usr/local/lib 目录添加到系统路径中
  8. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

4. 获取控制台并回到fisco目录

  1. cd ~/fisco && curl -LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/releases/download/v2.9.2/download_console.sh && bash download_console.sh
  2. 如果因为网络问题导致长时间无法下载,请尝试
  3. cd ~/fisco && curl -#LO https://gitee.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/raw/master-2.0/tools/download_console.sh && bash download_console.sh


  1. # 最新版本控制台使用如下命令拷贝配置文件
  2. cp -n console/conf/config-example.toml console/conf/config.toml


  1. # 最新版本控制台使用如下命令拷贝配置文件
  2. cp -n console/conf/config-example.toml console/conf/config.tom


cd ~/fisco/console && bash start.sh
  1. centos 中启动fisco控制台时提示
  2. [root@gen-173-168-063-126 fisco]# cd console && bash start.sh
  3. create BcosSDK failed, error info: init channel network error!
  4. org.fisco.bcos.sdk.network.NetworkException:
  6. ----------------------------
  7. ====> STEP1: try to connect nodes with ecdsa context...
  8. <==== STEP1-1: Load certificates for ecdsa context success...
  9. <==== connect nodes failed, reason:
  10. Failed to connect to all the nodes!
  11. * connect to failed! Please make sure the nodes have been started, and the network between the SDK and the nodes are connected normally.reason: 拒绝连接: /
  12. * connect to failed! Please make sure the nodes have been started, and the network between the SDK and the nodes are connected normally.reason: 拒绝连接: /
  13. 如果提示这个,那么就是docker安装和原生安装发生了冲突,请从网络搭建重新进行操作
  1. 输出下述信息表明启动成功 否则请检查conf/config.toml中节点端口配置是否正确
  2. =============================================================================================
  3. Welcome to FISCO BCOS console(2.6.0)!
  4. Type 'help' or 'h' for help. Type 'quit' or 'q' to quit console.
  5. ________ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______
  6. | \| \ / \ / \ / \ | \ / \ / \ / \
  7. | $$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$| $$$$$$\| $$$$$$\| $$$$$$\ | $$$$$$$\| $$$$$$\| $$$$$$\| $$$$$$\
  8. | $$__ | $$ | $$___\$$| $$ \$$| $$ | $$ | $$__/ $$| $$ \$$| $$ | $$| $$___\$$
  9. | $$ \ | $$ \$$ \ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ $$| $$ | $$ | $$ \$$ \
  10. | $$$$$ | $$ _\$$$$$$\| $$ __ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$\| $$ __ | $$ | $$ _\$$$$$$\
  11. | $$ _| $$_ | \__| $$| $$__/ \| $$__/ $$ | $$__/ $$| $$__/ \| $$__/ $$| \__| $$
  12. | $$ | $$ \ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ | $$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$
  13. \$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$ \$$$$$$
  14. =============================================================================================

HelloWorld 一下吧

  1. #为了方便用户快速体验,HelloWorld合约已经内置于控制台中,位于控制台目录下contracts/solidity/HelloWorld.sol,参考下面命令部署即可。
  2. # 在控制台输入以下指令 部署成功则返回合约地址
  3. [group:1]> deploy HelloWorld
  4. transaction hash: 0xd0305411e36d2ca9c1a4df93e761c820f0a464367b8feb9e3fa40b0f68eb23fa
  5. contract address:0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344
  6. # 查看当前块高
  7. [group:1]> getBlockNumber
  8. 1
  9. # 调用get接口获取name变量 此处的合约地址是deploy指令返回的地址
  10. [group:1]> call HelloWorld 0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344 get
  11. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Return code: 0
  13. description: transaction executed successfully
  14. Return message: Success
  15. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Return values:
  17. [
  18. "Hello,World!"
  19. ]
  20. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. # 查看当前块高,块高不变,因为get接口不更改账本状态
  22. [group:1]> getBlockNumber
  23. 1
  24. # 调用set设置name
  25. [group:1]> call HelloWorld 0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344 set "Hello, FISCO BCOS"
  26. transaction hash: 0x7e742c44091e0d6e4e1df666d957d123116622ab90b718699ce50f54ed791f6e
  27. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. transaction status: 0x0
  29. description: transaction executed successfully
  30. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. Output
  32. Receipt message: Success
  33. Return message: Success
  34. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. Event logs
  36. Event: {}
  37. # 再次查看当前块高,块高增加表示已出块,账本状态已更改
  38. [group:1]> getBlockNumber
  39. 2
  40. # 调用get接口获取name变量,检查设置是否生效
  41. [group:1]> call HelloWorld 0xb3c223fc0bf6646959f254ac4e4a7e355b50a344 get
  42. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. Return code: 0
  44. description: transaction executed successfully
  45. Return message: Success
  46. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. Return values:
  48. [
  49. "Hello,FISCO BCOS"
  50. ]
  51. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. # 退出控制台
  53. [group:1]> quit
