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[摘要] 如今已经有很多的音乐网站,但是界面不够友好,不能给用户提供快速找到自己喜欢的音乐的方式。基于HTML5的音乐网站是一个无需用户输入详细资料,便能够挖掘到自己喜爱的音乐的网站。本网站实现以专题,专辑,单曲推荐的方式,向用户呈现高质量的音乐。管理员会细心的将高质量的音乐分门别类,分成不同的专题。同时考虑到用户的需求,故将提供专辑的和单曲的推荐。为提高网站的互动性,本网站提供评论模块和用户上传原创单曲模块。用户可以收听完音乐后,添加自己的感想或者发表自己的评论。用户可以上传原创歌曲,参加本网站的点击排行榜。本网站整体采用MVC模式[1],分为前台用户使用界面,后台管理员管理界面。前台使用了Semantic-UI框架,后台采用Jsp+Servlet技术。MVC是经过时间和无数的实践,前辈们总结出来的精华所在,是比较好用的模式之一。Semantic-UI是基于HTML5的比较好用的前台框架,虽然HTML5还没有一个完全成型的规范,但是HTML5.1[2]正式草案已于2013年5月6日正式公布,现在各大网站也已经在使用部分HTML5的功能,HTML5也将是今后网站发展的方向。

[关键词] HTML5;音乐;MVC;Servlet

Abstract: Today, there are a lot of music website, but the UI is not friendly enough,can not provide a way which users can find their favorite music quickly. Music website which basic on HTM5 does not need the details of music but users can find their favorite music. The website will provide high quality music to users by vol, album and singles way. The manager of website will put the music into the different vol according to the different styles of music mood and classification. Thinking about the demand of users, the website will provide album and single music to users. To improve the interaction of the website, users can write comment and upload the original music. Users can add their feelings or comments about the vol,album and ohers of the website without logon. If users uploaded their original music, there will be a charts of click number. The website use MVC model, and which divided into front user interface, background administrator management interface. The front user interface is based on Semantic-UI framework, background administrator management interface using the Jsp and Servlet. MVC is a model which already through the test of time and summarized by our seniors, whick is one of the best mode. Semantic-UI is a good framework based on HTML5. Although HTML5 is not a fully formed specification, but HTML5.1 formal draft was formally announced May 6, 2013, and some of the website had been used HTML5 for a long time.

