安装库:pip install pure-python-adb
- from ppadb.client import Client as adbct
- client = adbct(host='', port=5037) # 创建连接
- devices = client.devices() # 连接设备
- print(len(devices), devices) # 打印连接设备数量和连接对象
- if len(devices) != 0:
- device = devices[0] # 获取第一个连接对象
- print(device.cpu_times()) # 获取CPU信息
- print(device.shell('getprop ro.product.model')) # 获取手机名称
- print(device.shell('getprop ro.build.version.release')) # 获取手机版本
- print(device.shell('getprop ro.product.brand')) # 获取手机厂商
- print(device.wm_size()) # 获取屏幕分辨率
- device.input_swipe(800, 2000, 800, 300, 500) # 滑动
- device.input_text('123456') # 输入内容
- device.input_tap(300, 500) # 点击
- device.input_keyevent('26') # 点击电源键
- screenshort = device.screencap()
- with open('手机截屏.png', 'wb') as f:
- f.write(screenshort)
- from ppadb.client import Client as adbct
- client = adbct(host='', port=5037) # 创建连接
- devices = client.devices() # 连接设备
- if len(devices) != 0:
- print('当前有{}台设备'.format(len(devices)))
- ds = [devices[i] for i in range((len(devices)))]
- dl = list(enumerate(ds))
- for d in dl:
- print('设备{}为{}'.format(d[0], d[1].shell('getprop ro.product.model')))
- else:
- quit()
- index = eval(input('输入要操作的设备设备序号:'))
- device = devices[index]
- while 1:
- t = input('<<回车继续截图,输入任意字符回车退出截图:')
- if not t:
- screenshort = device.screencap()
- with open(f'手机截屏{int(time.time() * 100000)}.png', 'wb') as f:
- f.write(screenshort)
- print('已截图保存')
- else:
- break
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