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eNlight Cloud –应有的云计算。 自动缩放并完全具有成本效益


eNlight UK Cloud Hosting Mascot Image

Today, eUKhost Ltd. introduces an entirely new cloud computing product called “eNlight Cloud” – a cost-effective, auto-scaling, pay-per-use cloud hosting solution. While “pay-per-use” sounds daunting, with eNlight Cloud, it allows you to pay only for the resources you may need and only pay for what you use, and so you will only be charged for what resources you use on your virtual machine. And eNlight will intelligently auto-scale resources to meet the demand and needs of your eNlight Virtual Machine up to the maximum resources that you have allocated to pay for, in the event that those resources are required; for example in the event of peak traffic to your business or online website(s). It is “pay-per-use” done right. With eNlight Cloud, you are always in control so no nasty surprises at the end of your billing period.

今天,eUKhost Ltd.推出了一种全新的云计算产品,称为“ eNlight Cloud” –一种经济高效,自动扩展,按使用付费的云托管解决方案。 使用eNlight Cloud时,“按使用付费”听起来令人生畏,但它允许您仅为可能需要的资源付费,而仅为您使用的资源付费,因此,您仅需为在虚拟机上使用的资源付费机。 如果需要,eNlight将智能地自动扩展资源以满足eNlight虚拟机的需求,直至达到您已分配的最大资源。 例如,在您的公司或在线网站的流量高峰时。 这是“按使用付费”的正确做法。 借助eNlight Cloud,您将始终处于控制之中,因此在结算期结束时不会出现令人讨厌的惊喜。

eNlight Cloud如何工作? (How does eNlight Cloud work?)

“eNlight” is an intelligent cloud computing platform that works on the hardware virtualisation technique, with eNlight residing between the system hardware and the operating system of virtual machines. Resources (such as CPU and RAM) are automatically loaded as per the requirements of your virtual machine, with the resource scaling done automatically which is incredibly cost-effective, meaning eNlight Cloud will turn out to be a much more affordable solution to a dedicated or virtual private server.

“ eNlight”是一种基于硬件虚拟化技术的智能云计算平台,其中eNlight位于系统硬件和虚拟机操作系统之间。 资源(例如CPU和RAM)会根据您的虚拟机的要求自动加载,并且资源自动缩放非常划算,这意味着成本高昂,这意味着eNlight Cloud将成为专用服务器或专用服务器的负担得起的解决方案。虚拟专用服务器。

The eNlight Cloud platform is powered with metering tools, which allows “pay per use” billing for eNlight Cloud customers, with resource usage statistics recorded every minute.

eNlight Cloud平台配备了计量工具,该工具允许对eNlight Cloud客户进行“按使用付费”计费,并每分钟记录一次资源使用情况统计信息。

eNlight can intelligently detect when your virtual machine requires more capacity and resources, and will de-scale resources accordingly as required. This equates to a complete hosting solution while being cheaper than a virtual private or dedicated server, as for a large majority of server customers, not all the resources are used at any one time while a server is online, so you are not paying for resources you aren’t using unlike a virtual private or dedicated server.

eNlight可以智能地检测您的虚拟机何时需要更多容量和资源,并将根据需要对资源进行相应的缩放。 这相当于一个完整的托管解决方案,同时比虚拟专用服务器或专用服务器便宜,因为对于大多数服务器客户而言,并非所有资源都在服务器处于联机状态时一次使用,因此您无需为资源付费您使用的不是虚拟专用服务器或专用服务器。

eNlight Cloud具有完全的root /管理员访问权限。 (eNlight Cloud comes with full root/administrator access.)

Like a dedicated and virtual private server, eNlight Cloud comes with full root/administrator access, meaning you have full control over your eNlight Cloud VM while giving you the convenience of a ‘managed server’ solution by our in-house technicians, as do our VPS and Dedicated Server hosting customers enjoy. While you have full control over your eNlight VM, you can also ask our technicians to install any necessary services or software you may require on your eNlight VM at any time.

像专用和虚拟专用服务器一样,eNlight Cloud具有完全的root /管理员访问权限,这意味着您可以完全控制eNlight Cloud VM,同时为我们的内部技术人员提供“托管服务器”解决方案的便利, VPS和专用服务器托管客户享受。 在完全控制eNlight VM的同时,您也可以要求我们的技术人员随时在eNlight VM上安装任何可能需要的必要服务或软件。

eNlight comes with the eNlight Control Panel, which provides server management of your eNlight VM. eNlight is like a standalone virtual server and so you can easily go ahead and install cPanel or Plesk if you wish by choosing the CentOSCP template when setting up a new VM upon after ordering your eNlight, for the management of web-based applications and data, while having the benefits of the eNlight Cloud scaling technology.

eNlight随附eNlight控制面板,该面板提供对eNlight VM的服务器管理。 eNlight就像一台独立的虚拟服务器,因此您可以轻松地继续安装cPanel或Plesk,如果需要,可以在订购eNlight后选择新的VM时选择CentOSCP模板,以管理基于Web的应用程序和数据,同时拥有eNlight Cloud扩展技术的优势。

与eNlight没有合同期限。 (There are no contract periods with eNlight.)

eNlight comes with absolutely no time-bound contracts, which equates to greater flexibility and freedom on the duration of your eNlight Cloud service. You can shut down your eNlight Virtual Machine at any time and only pay for what you have used.

eNlight完全没有时间限制的合同,这意味着eNlight Cloud服务的持续时间具有更大的灵活性和自由度。 您可以随时关闭eNlight虚拟机,而只需支付使用过的费用。

eNlight是一个云环境。 (eNlight is a cloud environment.)

With centralised storage and backup servers in the case of hardware failure, with eNlight, we are able to offer a 100% uptime guarantee for your eNlight VM which is represented in our 100% uptime Service Level Agreement (SLA). This is the power of a centralised cloud hosting infrastructure.

如果发生硬件故障,则使用集中式存储和备份服务器,借助eNlight,我们能够为您的eNlight VM提供100%的正常运行时间保证,这体现在我们的100%正常运行时间服务水平协议(SLA)中。 这是集中式云托管基础架构的强大功能。

eNlight控制面板。 (eNlight Control Panel.)

The eNlight Control Panel allows you to create and manage multiple virtual machines while leveraging the eNlight Cloud scaling technology with the power of a centralised cloud hosting infrastructure.

使用eNlight控制面板,您可以创建和管理多个虚拟机,同时利用eNlight Cloud扩展技术和集中式云托管基础架构的功能。

You can purchase multiple virtual machines running under eNlight right within the eNlight Control Panel.


eNlight适用于什么? (What is eNlight suitable for?)

eNlight is a perfect replacement for virtual private or dedicated server customers that are looking for a cloud computing alternative, with the benefits of our auto-scaling technology with the inherent cost-savings as a result.


You can easily have cPanel or Plesk as the control panel environment for website management on your virtual machine(s). If you are a web hosting provider, your customers being hosted on your servers with the eNlight backend will enjoy continuous speed and reliability irregardless of the resource requirements of your server. You can always ensure your eNlight service has adequate resources for any eventuality, for example in the event of a new product launch with your business.

您可以轻松地将cPanel或Plesk用作虚拟机上网站管理的控制面板环境。 如果您是网络托管服务提供商,则无论服务器资源需求如何,通过eNlight后端托管在服务器上的客户都将享受连续的速度和可靠性。 您始终可以确保eNlight服务具有足够的资源来应对任何可能的情况,例如,与您的企业一起推出新产品时。

eNlight和独立服务器之间的区别? (Differences between eNlight and a standalone server?)

eNlight is much like a virtual private server, using virtualisation techniques. Your eNight Cloud will consist of “virtual machines” and the resources of these virtual machines are managed automatically by eNlight in the background. Like a virtual private or dedicated server, you will have full (root) access to your virtual servers allowing you to the same control and customisability as you’d expect on a standard virtual private or dedicated server from us or any other web hosting provider. And of course, eNlight is fully managed too, so you can contact our senior technicians to install, update or upgrade any software or package you require on your virtual machines at any time.

eNlight非常类似于使用虚拟化技术的虚拟专用服务器。 您的eNight Cloud将由“虚拟机”组成,这些虚拟机的资源由eNlight在后台自动管理。 就像虚拟专用服务器一样,您将拥有对虚拟服务器的完全(根)访问权限,从而可以实现我们或其他任何Web托管提供商对标准虚拟专用服务器的控制和可定制性。 当然,eNlight也受到完全管理,因此您可以随时与我们的高级技术人员联系,以在您的虚拟机上安装,更新或升级所需的任何软件或软件包。

如何购买eNlight Cloud或获取更多信息? (How do I purchase eNlight Cloud or get further information?)

You will find more information via our eNlight Cloud section of our company website, which is where you can also buy eNlight Cloud hosting. You can customise the resources you may need at any time throughout the lifespan of your eNlight VM on the page, prior to ordering (which are the maximum values of your VM). You can also change the maximum values of your VM (such as RAM and CPU) at any time.

您可以通过公司网站上的eNlight Cloud部分找到更多信息,您也可以在该部分购买eNlight Cloud托管。 在订购之前,您可以在页面上的eNlight VM整个生命周期中的任何时间自定义可能需要的资源(这是VM的最大值)。 您也可以随时更改VM的最大值(例如RAM和CPU)。

If you have any questions, please contact our sales department. You can contact us via the client area, over the phone or talk to us over live chat.

如有任何疑问,请联系我们的销售部门 。 您可以通过客户区域 ,通过电话与我们联系,或者通过实时聊天与我们联系

销售(电话):0800 862 0380 (Sales (Tel.) : 0800 862 0380)

销售(电子邮件): [受电子邮件保护] (Sales (E-mail) : [email protected])

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/enlight-cloud-cloud-computing-as-it-should-be-auto-scaling-and-completely-cost-effective/

