在开发的过程中,因为修改错误,想要通过git reset命令恢复到之前的某个版本,但是选择提交ID错误,导致多恢复了一个版本,假定,该版本对应的内容还没有push到远端仓库,并且该提交十分重要,可能决定了一个将要倒闭的公司是否能够继续苟延残喘
,怎么办?肯定要恢复回来,git reflog就可以帮你轻松搞定。本文从纯命令操作方式和sourcetree界面操作方式来进行模拟。
$ pwd
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/test/testreflog/.git/
$ touch a.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ echo "a" > a.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git add a.txt
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in a.txt.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git commit -m'add a.txt'
[master (root-commit) 0c70790] add a.txt
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 a.txt
$ touch b.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ echo 'b' > b.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git add b.txt
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in b.txt.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git commit -m'add b.txt'
[master b68fdbe] add b.txt
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 b.txt
$ touch c.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ echo 'c' > c.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git add c.txt
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in c.txt.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git commit -m'add c.txt'
[master 1b263f8] add c.txt
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 c.txt
$ git log -9 --pretty=oneline
1b263f8227fbb8050cee5bde301c11fa6a4d3467 (HEAD -> master) add c.txt
b68fdbe04611a68e16f538f1efb63727c1fc5e64 add b.txt
0c70790e7d7b54a582c81defe27a49b47df1e6db add a.txt
add c.txt
是我们误操作,因此我们需要执行命令git reset --hard b68fdbe046
来恢复到其之前的一个版本,但是操作失误,一直还原到了add a.txt
对应的提交,如下:$ git reset --hard 0c70790e7d7b
HEAD is now at 0c70790 add a.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git log -n9 --pretty=oneline
0c70790e7d7b54a582c81defe27a49b47df1e6db (HEAD -> master) add a.txt
在准备工作中,当我们执行git reset --hard
后,被恢复代码之后的提交通过git log就看不到了,但是git reflog其实是可以看到的,因为该命令看到的是进行过的所有的操作,对比如下图:
$ git reflog -n9 --pretty=oneline
0c70790 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to 0c70790e7d7b
1b263f8 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to HEAD
1b263f8 HEAD@{2}: commit: add c.txt
b68fdbe HEAD@{3}: commit: add b.txt
0c70790 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{4}: commit (initial): add a.txt
表示head指针在n次移动之前的情况,比如我们要恢复到add b.txt
$ git reset --hard HEAD@{3}
HEAD is now at b68fdbe add b.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ git log -n3 --pretty=oneline
b68fdbe04611a68e16f538f1efb63727c1fc5e64 (HEAD -> master) add b.txt
0c70790e7d7b54a582c81defe27a49b47df1e6db add a.txt
git init
$ touch a.txt
JHP+Administrator@jhp MINGW64 /d/test/testreflog (master)
$ echo "a" > a.txt
假定add c.txt
是我们误操作,因此我们需要恢复到其之前的一个版本,但是操作失误,一直还原到了add a.txt
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