这个回调函数 HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback
是用于处理 UART(通用异步收发传输器)接收到的数据。在接收数据的过程中会首先对接收到的字符进行判断,并且判断接收缓冲区是否还有空间,如果已满,则调用 ProcessReceivedFrame
- void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
- {
- // 用于检查当前触发中断的 UART 实例是否是我们期望处理的那个实例 xPort。
- if (huart->Instance == xPort.Instance)
- {
- // 如果这是接收到的第一个字节,清空接收缓冲区
- if (rx_index == 0)
- {
- //如果当前接收到的数据是本次接收的第一个字节(rx_index 为 0),
- //则将接收缓冲区清空。
- memset(rx_buffer, '\0', xPort_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
- }
- // 如果接收到回车符 '\r',目前没有处理逻辑
- if (received_char == '\r') // || cRxedChar == '\r'
- {
- // 这里可以添加处理回车符的逻辑
- }
- // 如果接收到换行符 '\n'
- else if (received_char == '\n') // || cRxedChar == '\r'
- {
- if (rx_index != 0)
- {
- // 处理接收到的一帧数据
- // 在此处添加处理逻辑,例如将数据复制到另一个缓冲区或进行解析
- ProcessReceivedFrame(rx_buffer, &rx_index);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // 将接收到的字符存储到接收缓冲区
- rx_buffer[rx_index++] = (char)received_char;
- // 检查接收缓冲区是否已满
- if (rx_index >= xPort_RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
- {
- // 处理接收到的一帧数据
- ProcessReceivedFrame(rx_buffer, &rx_index);
- }
- }
- // 重新启动 UART 接收中断,以接收下一个字节
- HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&xPort, &received_char, 1);
- }
- }

结合之前对 HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback
首先通过 osPoolAlloc
从内存池中分配内存,以存储接收到的数据,接着使用 memset
函数将分配的内存初始化为零。然后将当前帧数据的长度存储到 message->len
中,并使用 strncpy
函数将缓冲区的数据拷贝到 message->buff
中,最后将拷贝的数据放入消息队列中,等待处理。重置缓冲区长度指针 plength
为 0,表示缓冲区已处理完毕。使用 memset
- void ProcessReceivedFrame(char *buffer, uint8_t* plength)
- {
- // // 处理接收到的一帧数据
- // // 例如,打印接收到的数据
- // buffer[length - 2] = '\0'; // 替换 "\r\n" 为字符串终止符
- // printf("Received frame: %s\n", buffer);
- // osMessagePut(uartQueueHandle, (uint32_t)buffer, osWaitForever);
- USART_Msg_Def *message;
- message = (USART_Msg_Def *)osPoolAlloc(uartmsgPoolHandle); // 申请内存
- //osPoolAlloc There is dirt in this memory pool
- memset(message->buff, '\0', xPort_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
- message->len = *plength;
- strncpy(message->buff, buffer, message->len); // 数据拷贝
- osMessagePut(uartQueueHandle, (uint32_t)message, osWaitForever); // 写入队列
- *plength = 0;
- memset(buffer, '\0', xPort_RX_BUFFER_SIZE);
- }

函数通过以下步骤来启动 UART 命令控制台任务:
函数,注册一些示例 CLI 命令,这些命令将在命令控制台任务中使用。xTxMutex
,用于保护对 UART 发送操作的访问,确保线程安全。使用 configASSERT
创建一个新的任务,该任务将实现 UART 命令控制台。- void vUARTCommandConsoleStart(void)
- {
- uint16_t usStackSize = 512;
- UBaseType_t uxPriority = 0;
- // 注册示例 CLI 命令
- vRegisterSampleCLICommands();
- // 创建用于访问 UART Tx 的信号量(互斥量)
- xTxMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
- configASSERT(xTxMutex);
- // 创建处理命令控制台的任务
- xTaskCreate(prvUARTCommandConsoleTask, // 实现命令控制台的任务函数
- "CLI", // 任务名称,用于调试
- usStackSize, // 分配给任务的堆栈大小
- NULL, // 任务参数,这里未使用,传递 NULL
- uxPriority, // 任务优先级
- NULL); // 任务句柄,这里未使用,传递 NULL
- // 启动 UART 接收
- StartUARTReception();
- }

函数是一个 FreeRTOS 任务,用于处理 UART 命令控制台。这个任务从消息队列中读取接收到的 UART 数据,并将其传递给命令解释器进行处理。
- static void prvUARTCommandConsoleTask(void *pvParameters)
- {
- char *pcOutputString;
- BaseType_t xReturned;
- (void)pvParameters;
- /* Obtain the address of the output buffer. Note there is no mutual
- exclusion on this buffer as it is assumed only one command console interface
- will be used at any one time. */
- pcOutputString = FreeRTOS_CLIGetOutputBuffer();
- /* Send the welcome message. */
- vSerialPutString(pcWelcomeMessage, (uint16_t)strlen((char*)pcWelcomeMessage));
- for (;;)
- {
- osEvent eEventTmp;
- USART_Msg_Def *message;
- // 等待从消息队列中接收消息
- eEventTmp = osMessageGet(uartQueueHandle, 0);
- if (eEventTmp.status == osEventMessage)
- {
- // 处理接收到的数据帧
- message = (USART_Msg_Def *)eEventTmp.value.p;
- char cInputString[cmdMAX_INPUT_SIZE];
- memcpy(cInputString, message->buff, cmdMAX_INPUT_SIZE);
- int8_t cInputLen = message->len;
- osPoolFree(uartmsgPoolHandle, message); // 释放内存
- #if debug
- char tmp[50];
- sprintf(tmp, "len=%d,strlen=%d\n", cInputLen, strlen(cInputString));
- HAL_UART_Transmit(&xPort, (const uint8_t *)tmp, strlen(tmp), portMAX_DELAY);
- #endif
- if (xSemaphoreTake(xTxMutex, cmdMAX_MUTEX_WAIT) == pdPASS)
- {
- vSerialPutString(cInputString, cInputLen);
- vSerialPutString(pcNewLine, (uint16_t)strlen((char*)pcNewLine));
- do
- {
- /* Get the next output string from the command interpreter. */
- xReturned = FreeRTOS_CLIProcessCommand(cInputString, pcOutputString, configCOMMAND_INT_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE);
- /* Write the generated string to the UART. */
- vSerialPutString(pcOutputString, (uint16_t)strlen((char*)pcOutputString));
- } while (xReturned != pdFALSE);
- vSerialPutString("\r\n>", 3);
- memset(cInputString, 0x00, cmdMAX_INPUT_SIZE);
- /* Must ensure to give the mutex back. */
- xSemaphoreGive(xTxMutex);
- }
- }
- osDelay(1);
- }
- }

这个任务实现了一个简单的 UART 命令控制台,通过消息队列接收 UART 输入数据,使用命令解释器处理输入命令,并将结果输出到 UART。任务使用互斥量确保对 UART 发送操作的线程安全。通过这种方式,系统可以处理并执行来自 UART 的命令,同时确保并发访问的安全性。
和 AT
- /* FreeRTOS includes. */
- #include "FreeRTOS.h"
- #include "task.h"
- /* Standard includes. */
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /* FreeRTOS+CLI includes. */
- #include "FreeRTOS_CLI.h"
- #include "CLI.h"
- static BaseType_t prvATCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString);
- static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xATCommand =
- {
- "AT",
- "\r\nATcmd:\r\n +RST +MODE=0/1 +M=1/2,0~180\r\n",
- prvATCommand, /* The function to run. */
- 0 /* The user can enter any number of commands. */
- };
- static BaseType_t prvATCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString)
- {
- BaseType_t xReturn;
- char *p = pcCommandString+2;
- ATcmdAnalyse(p);
- strncat(pcWriteBuffer, "\r\nOK", strlen("\r\nOK"));
- // strncpy( pcWriteBuffer, "what can i say, man!!!\r\n", xWriteBufferLen );
- xReturn = pdFALSE;
- return xReturn;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*
- * Implements the task-stats command.
- */
- static BaseType_t prvParameterEchoCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString);
- /* Structure that defines the "echo_parameters" command line command. This
- takes a variable number of parameters that the command simply echos back one at
- a time. */
- static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xParameterEcho =
- {
- "Echo",
- "\r\nEcho <...>:\r\n Take variable number of parameters, echos each in turn\r\n",
- prvParameterEchoCommand, /* The function to run. */
- -1 /* The user can enter any number of commands. */
- };
- static BaseType_t prvParameterEchoCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString)
- {
- const char *pcParameter;
- BaseType_t xParameterStringLength, xReturn;
- static UBaseType_t uxParameterNumber = 0;
- /* Remove compile time warnings about unused parameters, and check the
- write buffer is not NULL. NOTE - for simplicity, this example assumes the
- write buffer length is adequate, so does not check for buffer overflows. */
- (void)pcCommandString;
- (void)xWriteBufferLen;
- configASSERT(pcWriteBuffer);
- if (uxParameterNumber == 0)
- {
- /* The first time the function is called after the command has been
- entered just a header string is returned. */
- sprintf(pcWriteBuffer, "The parameters were:\r\n");
- /* Next time the function is called the first parameter will be echoed
- back. */
- uxParameterNumber = 1U;
- /* There is more data to be returned as no parameters have been echoed
- back yet. */
- xReturn = pdPASS;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Obtain the parameter string. */
- pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter(
- pcCommandString, /* The command string itself. */
- uxParameterNumber, /* Return the next parameter. */
- &xParameterStringLength /* Store the parameter string length. */
- );
- if (pcParameter != NULL)
- {
- /* Return the parameter string. */
- memset(pcWriteBuffer, 0x00, xWriteBufferLen);
- sprintf(pcWriteBuffer, "%d: ", (int)uxParameterNumber);
- strncat(pcWriteBuffer, (char *)pcParameter, (size_t)xParameterStringLength);
- strncat(pcWriteBuffer, "\r\n", strlen("\r\n"));
- /* There might be more parameters to return after this one. */
- xReturn = pdTRUE;
- uxParameterNumber++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* No more parameters were found. Make sure the write buffer does
- not contain a valid string. */
- pcWriteBuffer[0] = 0x00;
- /* No more data to return. */
- xReturn = pdFALSE;
- /* Start over the next time this command is executed. */
- uxParameterNumber = 0;
- }
- }
- return xReturn;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- void vRegisterSampleCLICommands(void)
- {
- /* Register all the command line commands defined immediately above. */
- FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand(&xParameterEcho);
- FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand(&xATCommand);
- }

1. AT 命令
- static BaseType_t prvATCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString);
- static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xATCommand =
- {
- "AT",
- "\r\nATcmd:\r\n +RST +MODE=0/1 +M=1/2,0~180\r\n",
- prvATCommand, /* The function to run. */
- 0 /* The user can enter any number of commands. */
- };
是一个 CLI_Command_Definition_t
结构体,定义了一个名为 AT
。2. AT 命令处理函数
- static BaseType_t prvATCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString)
- {
- BaseType_t xReturn;
- char *p = pcCommandString[2];
- ATcmdAnalyse(p);
- strncat(pcWriteBuffer, "\r\nOK", strlen("\r\nOK"));
- xReturn = pdFALSE;
- return xReturn;
- }
是处理 AT
(写缓冲区长度)和 pcCommandString
追加到写缓冲区中,并返回 pdFALSE
。3. Echo 命令
- static BaseType_t prvParameterEchoCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString);
- static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xParameterEcho =
- {
- "Echo",
- "\r\nEcho <...>:\r\n Take variable number of parameters, echos each in turn\r\n",
- prvParameterEchoCommand, /* The function to run. */
- -1 /* The user can enter any number of commands. */
- };
是一个 CLI_Command_Definition_t
结构体,定义了一个名为 Echo
。4. Echo 命令处理函数
- static BaseType_t prvParameterEchoCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString)
- {
- const char *pcParameter;
- BaseType_t xParameterStringLength, xReturn;
- static UBaseType_t uxParameterNumber = 0;
- // 省略部分代码...
- return xReturn;
- }
是处理 Echo
(写缓冲区长度)和 pcCommandString
。5. 注册命令函数
- void vRegisterSampleCLICommands(void)
- {
- FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand(&xParameterEcho);
- FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand(&xATCommand);
- }
函数注册 Echo
和 AT
命令。这些命令通过 FreeRTOS 的 CLI 模块注册,可以在命令行界面中使用。
- /* Standard includes. */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- /* FreeRTOS includes. */
- #include "FreeRTOS.h"
- #include "task.h"
- /* Utils includes. */
- #include "FreeRTOS_CLI.h"
- typedef struct xCOMMAND_INPUT_LIST
- {
- const CLI_Command_Definition_t *pxCommandLineDefinition;
- struct xCOMMAND_INPUT_LIST *pxNext;
- } CLI_Definition_List_Item_t;
- /*
- * The callback function that is executed when "help" is entered. This is the
- * only default command that is always present.
- */
- static BaseType_t prvHelpCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString);
- /*
- * Return the number of parameters that follow the command name.
- */
- static int8_t prvGetNumberOfParameters(const char *pcCommandString);
- /* The definition of the "help" command. This command is always at the front
- of the list of registered commands. */
- static const CLI_Command_Definition_t xHelpCommand =
- {
- "Help",
- "\r\nHelp:\r\n Lists all the registered commands\r\n",
- prvHelpCommand,
- 0};
- /* The definition of the list of commands. Commands that are registered are
- added to this list. */
- static CLI_Definition_List_Item_t xRegisteredCommands =
- {
- &xHelpCommand, /* The first command in the list is always the help command, defined in this file. */
- NULL /* The next pointer is initialised to NULL, as there are no other registered commands yet. */
- };
- /* A buffer into which command outputs can be written is declared here, rather
- than in the command console implementation, to allow multiple command consoles
- to share the same buffer. For example, an application may allow access to the
- command interpreter by UART and by Ethernet. Sharing a buffer is done purely
- to save RAM. Note, however, that the command console itself is not re-entrant,
- so only one command interpreter interface can be used at any one time. For that
- reason, no attempt at providing mutual exclusion to the cOutputBuffer array is
- attempted.
- configAPPLICATION_PROVIDES_cOutputBuffer is provided to allow the application
- writer to provide their own cOutputBuffer declaration in cases where the
- buffer needs to be placed at a fixed address (rather than by the linker). */
- static char cOutputBuffer[configCOMMAND_INT_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE];
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- BaseType_t FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand(const CLI_Command_Definition_t *const pxCommandToRegister)
- {
- static CLI_Definition_List_Item_t *pxLastCommandInList = &xRegisteredCommands;
- CLI_Definition_List_Item_t *pxNewListItem;
- BaseType_t xReturn = pdFAIL;
- /* Check the parameter is not NULL. */
- configASSERT(pxCommandToRegister);
- /* Create a new list item that will reference the command being registered. */
- pxNewListItem = (CLI_Definition_List_Item_t *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(CLI_Definition_List_Item_t));
- configASSERT(pxNewListItem);
- if (pxNewListItem != NULL)
- {
- {
- /* Reference the command being registered from the newly created
- list item. */
- pxNewListItem->pxCommandLineDefinition = pxCommandToRegister;
- /* The new list item will get added to the end of the list, so
- pxNext has nowhere to point. */
- pxNewListItem->pxNext = NULL;
- /* Add the newly created list item to the end of the already existing
- list. */
- pxLastCommandInList->pxNext = pxNewListItem;
- /* Set the end of list marker to the new list item. */
- pxLastCommandInList = pxNewListItem;
- }
- xReturn = pdPASS;
- }
- return xReturn;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- BaseType_t FreeRTOS_CLIProcessCommand(const char *const pcCommandInput, char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen)
- {
- static const CLI_Definition_List_Item_t *pxCommand = NULL;
- BaseType_t xReturn = pdTRUE;
- const char *pcRegisteredCommandString;
- size_t xCommandStringLength;
- /* Note: This function is not re-entrant. It must not be called from more
- thank one task. */
- if (pxCommand == NULL)
- {
- /* Search for the command string in the list of registered commands. */
- for (pxCommand = &xRegisteredCommands; pxCommand != NULL; pxCommand = pxCommand->pxNext)
- {
- pcRegisteredCommandString = pxCommand->pxCommandLineDefinition->pcCommand;
- xCommandStringLength = strlen(pcRegisteredCommandString);
- /* To ensure the string lengths match exactly, so as not to pick up
- a sub-string of a longer command, check the byte after the expected
- end of the string is either the end of the string or a space before
- a parameter. */
- if ((pcCommandInput[xCommandStringLength] == ' ') || (pcCommandInput[xCommandStringLength] == 0x00))
- {
- if (strncmp(pcCommandInput, pcRegisteredCommandString, xCommandStringLength) == 0)
- {
- /* The command has been found. Check it has the expected
- number of parameters. If cExpectedNumberOfParameters is -1,
- then there could be a variable number of parameters and no
- check is made. */
- if (pxCommand->pxCommandLineDefinition->cExpectedNumberOfParameters >= 0)
- {
- if (prvGetNumberOfParameters(pcCommandInput) != pxCommand->pxCommandLineDefinition->cExpectedNumberOfParameters)
- {
- xReturn = pdFALSE;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else if ((strncmp("AT", pcRegisteredCommandString, 2) == 0) && (strncmp("AT", pcCommandInput, 2) == 0))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((pxCommand != NULL) && (xReturn == pdFALSE))
- {
- /* The command was found, but the number of parameters with the command
- was incorrect. */
- strncpy(pcWriteBuffer, "error cmd para(s). Enter \"Help\".\r\n\r\n", xWriteBufferLen);
- pxCommand = NULL;
- }
- else if (pxCommand != NULL)
- {
- /* Call the callback function that is registered to this command. */
- xReturn = pxCommand->pxCommandLineDefinition->pxCommandInterpreter(pcWriteBuffer, xWriteBufferLen, pcCommandInput);
- /* If xReturn is pdFALSE, then no further strings will be returned
- after this one, and pxCommand can be reset to NULL ready to search
- for the next entered command. */
- if (xReturn == pdFALSE)
- {
- pxCommand = NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* pxCommand was NULL, the command was not found. */
- strncpy(pcWriteBuffer, "Command not recognised. Enter 'help' to view a list of available commands.\r\n\r\n", xWriteBufferLen);
- xReturn = pdFALSE;
- }
- return xReturn;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- char *FreeRTOS_CLIGetOutputBuffer(void)
- {
- return cOutputBuffer;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- const char *FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter(const char *pcCommandString, UBaseType_t uxWantedParameter, BaseType_t *pxParameterStringLength)
- {
- UBaseType_t uxParametersFound = 0;
- const char *pcReturn = NULL;
- *pxParameterStringLength = 0;
- while (uxParametersFound < uxWantedParameter)
- {
- /* Index the character pointer past the current word. If this is the start
- of the command string then the first word is the command itself. */
- while (((*pcCommandString) != 0x00) && ((*pcCommandString) != ' '))
- {
- pcCommandString++;
- }
- /* Find the start of the next string. */
- while (((*pcCommandString) != 0x00) && ((*pcCommandString) == ' '))
- {
- pcCommandString++;
- }
- /* Was a string found? */
- if (*pcCommandString != 0x00)
- {
- /* Is this the start of the required parameter? */
- uxParametersFound++;
- if (uxParametersFound == uxWantedParameter)
- {
- /* How long is the parameter? */
- pcReturn = pcCommandString;
- while (((*pcCommandString) != 0x00) && ((*pcCommandString) != ' '))
- {
- (*pxParameterStringLength)++;
- pcCommandString++;
- }
- if (*pxParameterStringLength == 0)
- {
- pcReturn = NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- return pcReturn;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- static BaseType_t prvHelpCommand(char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString)
- {
- static const CLI_Definition_List_Item_t *pxCommand = NULL;
- BaseType_t xReturn;
- (void)pcCommandString;
- if (pxCommand == NULL)
- {
- /* Reset the pxCommand pointer back to the start of the list. */
- pxCommand = &xRegisteredCommands;
- }
- /* Return the next command help string, before moving the pointer on to
- the next command in the list. */
- strncpy(pcWriteBuffer, pxCommand->pxCommandLineDefinition->pcHelpString, xWriteBufferLen);
- pxCommand = pxCommand->pxNext;
- if (pxCommand == NULL)
- {
- /* There are no more commands in the list, so there will be no more
- strings to return after this one and pdFALSE should be returned. */
- xReturn = pdFALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- xReturn = pdTRUE;
- }
- return xReturn;
- }
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/
- static int8_t prvGetNumberOfParameters(const char *pcCommandString)
- {
- int8_t cParameters = 0;
- BaseType_t xLastCharacterWasSpace = pdFALSE;
- /* Count the number of space delimited words in pcCommandString. */
- while (*pcCommandString != 0x00)
- {
- if ((*pcCommandString) == ' ')
- {
- if (xLastCharacterWasSpace != pdTRUE)
- {
- cParameters++;
- xLastCharacterWasSpace = pdTRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- xLastCharacterWasSpace = pdFALSE;
- }
- pcCommandString++;
- }
- /* If the command string ended with spaces, then there will have been too
- many parameters counted. */
- if (xLastCharacterWasSpace == pdTRUE)
- {
- cParameters--;
- }
- /* The value returned is one less than the number of space delimited words,
- as the first word should be the command itself. */
- return cParameters;
- }

调用 FreeRTOS_CLIRegisterCommand
调用 FreeRTOS_CLIProcessCommand
当输入 Help
这段代码实现了一个简单的 AT 指令解析器。
- #include "CLI.h"
- #include "string.h"
- // "\r\nATcmd:\r\n +RST +MODE=0/1 +M=1/2,0~180\r\n",
- typedef enum
- {
- AT = 0,
- M,
- RST,
- /**将指令添加到上面**/
- } ATCommand;
- typedef enum
- {
- ATERROR = 0,
- }ATStatus;
- typedef ATStatus (*pFuncCallback)(char *str);
- typedef struct
- {
- ATCommand ATCommandName;
- char *ATStr; // 发送的AT指令
- pFuncCallback ATCallback; // AT指令接收完成,指令处理回调函数
- } ATCommandConfig;
- ATStatus MODE_Callback(char *str);
- ATStatus M_Callback(char *str);
- ATStatus RST_Callback(char *str);
- static const ATCommandConfig ATCommandList[] =
- {
- {MODE, "MODE", MODE_Callback},
- {M, "M", M_Callback},
- {RST, "RST", RST_Callback},
- };
- static void ATcmdGetRun(pATcmd, pATcmdLen, pATvalue)
- {
- ATCommandConfig *pxCommand;
- const char *pcRegisteredCommandString;
- for (pxCommand = &ATCommandList[0]; pxCommand != NULL; pxCommand++)
- {
- pcRegisteredCommandString = pxCommand->ATStr;
- if (strncmp(pATcmd, pcRegisteredCommandString, pATcmdLen) == 0)
- {
- pxCommand->ATCallback(pATvalue);
- }
- }
- }
- void ATcmdAnalyse(char *pATcmd)
- {
- if ('+' == pATcmd[0])
- {
- pATcmd++;
- char *pATvalue;
- uint8_t pATcmdLen = 0; // ATcmd lenth
- pATvalue = strstr(pATcmd, "=");
- if (pATvalue)
- {
- pATcmdLen = pATvalue - pATcmd; // ATcmd lenth
- pATvalue++;
- }
- else
- {
- pATvalue = NULL;
- pATcmdLen = strlen(pATcmd);
- }
- ATcmdGetRun(pATcmd, pATcmdLen, pATvalue);
- }
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------
- In fact, the last step callback function of
- the at instruction cannot directly control the hardware.
- There should be a third intermediate layer SDK
- --------------------------------------------------*/
- ATStatus MODE_Callback(char *str)
- {
- //挂起舵机的任务
- }
- ATStatus M_Callback(char *str)
- {
- //Sg90MotorCtl(舵机1/2 , 舵机角度)
- //控制舵机运行到具体角度
- //内部需要对舵机能够转动的最大角度进行限位
- }
- ATStatus RST_Callback(char *str)
- {
- //重启 mcu
- }

枚举定义了一组 AT 指令的名称,包括 AT
,以及一个特殊的枚举 MAXCMDNUM
,用于表示指令数量上限。AT 状态枚举:
枚举定义了一组 AT 操作的状态,包括成功、失败以及可能的其他错误码。函数指针定义:
是一个函数指针类型,指向一个接受 char*
参数并返回 ATStatus
类型的函数。AT 指令配置结构体:
结构体定义了一个 AT 指令的配置,包括指令名称、发送的指令字符串以及指令完成时的回调函数。AT 指令配置列表:
是一个数组,存储了所有 AT 指令的配置信息,包括指令名称、发送的指令字符串和回调函数。列表以 NULL
结尾。AT 指令解析函数:
函数用于解析接收到的 AT 指令。它接收一个指向 AT 指令字符串的指针,并根据指令名称调用相应的回调函数。AT 指令回调函数:
和 RST_Callback
是对应于不同指令的回调函数,用于执行具体的操作。这些函数会根据指令参数进行不同的处理。AT 指令执行函数:
函数根据接收到的 AT 指令名称,在配置列表中查找对应的配置,并调用相应的回调函数执行操作。
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