CPU、GPU 和 DSP 等资源或许能够利用框架的再处理功能,但内存等资源将以线性方式增加。
您可以将多个摄像头视频流合并到单个 CameraCaptureRequest 中。以下代码段展示了如何设置一个相机会话,其中包含一个用于相机预览的数据流和另一个用于图片处理的数据流:
val session: CameraCaptureSession = ... // from CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback // You will use the preview capture template for the combined streams // because it is optimized for low latency; for high-quality images, use // TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE, and for a steady frame rate use TEMPLATE_RECORD val requestTemplate = CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW val combinedRequest = session.device.createCaptureRequest(requestTemplate) // Link the Surface targets with the combined request combinedRequest.addTarget(previewSurface) combinedRequest.addTarget(imReaderSurface) // In this simple case, the SurfaceView gets updated automatically. ImageReader // has its own callback that you have to listen to in order to retrieve the // frames so there is no need to set up a callback for the capture request session.setRepeatingRequest(combinedRequest.build(), null, null)
CameraCaptureSession session = …; // from CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback // You will use the preview capture template for the combined streams // because it is optimized for low latency; for high-quality images, use // TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE, and for a steady frame rate use TEMPLATE_RECORD CaptureRequest.Builder combinedRequest = session.getDevice().createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW); // Link the Surface targets with the combined request combinedRequest.addTarget(previewSurface); combinedRequest.addTarget(imReaderSurface); // In this simple case, the SurfaceView gets updated automatically. ImageReader // has its own callback that you have to listen to in order to retrieve the // frames so there is no need to set up a callback for the capture request session.setRepeatingRequest(combinedRequest.build(), null, null);
如果您正确配置目标 surface,此代码将仅生成达到由 StreamComfigurationMap.GetOutputMinFrameDuration(int, Size) 和 StreamComfigurationMap.GetOutputStallDuration(int, Size) 确定的最低 FPS 的数据流。 实际性能因设备而异,但 Android 根据以下三个变量保证支持特定组合:输出类型、输出大小和硬件级别。
使用不受支持的变量组合可能会以较低的帧速率运行;如果无效,将会触发一次失败回调。createCaptureSession 的文档介绍了保证能正常运行的功能。
输出类型是指帧的编码格式。可能的值包括 PRIV、YUV、JPEG 和 RAW。createCaptureSession 的文档对其进行了介绍。
选择应用的输出类型时,如果目标是最大限度地提高兼容性,则对帧使用 ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 进行帧分析,对静态图片使用 ImageFormat.JPEG。对于预览和录制场景,您可能会使用 SurfaceView、TextureView、MediaRecorder、MediaCodec 或 RenderScript.Allocation。在这种情况下,请不要指定图片格式,为了确保兼容性,无论内部使用的实际格式如何,均计为 ImageFormat.PRIVATE。如需根据设备的 CameraCharacteristics 查询设备支持的格式,请使用以下代码:
val characteristics: CameraCharacteristics = ...
val supportedFormats = characteristics.get(
CameraCharacteristics characteristics = …;
int[] supportedFormats = characteristics.get(
所有可用的输出大小都由 StreamConfigurationMap.getOutputSizes() 列出,但只有两种大小与兼容性相关:PREVIEW 和 MAXIMUM。尺寸将作为上限。如果大小为 PREVIEW 的内容有效,则小于 PREVIEW 的内容也会生成。MAXIMUM 也是如此。CameraDevice 的文档介绍了这些大小。
可用的输出大小取决于所选的格式。根据 CameraCharacteristics 和格式,您可以查询可用的输出大小,如下所示:
val characteristics: CameraCharacteristics = ...
val outputFormat: Int = ... // such as ImageFormat.JPEG
val sizes = characteristics.get(
CameraCharacteristics characteristics = …;
int outputFormat = …; // such as ImageFormat.JPEG
Size[] sizes = characteristics.get(
val characteristics: CameraCharacteristics = ...
val targetClass: Class <T> = ... // such as SurfaceView::class.java
val sizes = characteristics.get(
CameraCharacteristics characteristics = …;
int outputFormat = …; // such as ImageFormat.JPEG
Size[] sizes = characteristics.get(
如需获取 MAXIMUM 大小,请按面积对输出大小进行排序,并返回最大的大小:
fun <T>getMaximumOutputSize(
characteristics: CameraCharacteristics, targetClass: Class <T>, format: Int? = null):
Size {
val config = characteristics.get(
// If image format is provided, use it to determine supported sizes; or else use target class
val allSizes = if (format == null)
config.getOutputSizes(targetClass) else config.getOutputSizes(format)
return allSizes.maxBy { it.height * it.width }
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N) <T> Size getMaximumOutputSize(CameraCharacteristics characteristics, Class <T> targetClass, Integer format) { StreamConfigurationMap config = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); // If image format is provided, use it to determine supported sizes; else use target class Size[] allSizes; if (format == null) { allSizes = config.getOutputSizes(targetClass); } else { allSizes = config.getOutputSizes(format); } return Arrays.stream(allSizes).max(Comparator.comparing(s -> s.getHeight() * s.getWidth())).get(); }
PREVIEW 是指与设备的屏幕分辨率或 1080p (1920x1080)(以较低者为准)匹配的最佳尺寸。宽高比可能与屏幕的宽高比不完全一致,因此您可能需要对视频流应用遮幅式黑边或剪裁,以便在全屏模式下显示。为了获得合适的预览大小,请将可用的输出大小与显示大小进行比较,同时考虑到屏幕可能会旋转。
以下代码定义了一个辅助类 SmartSize,可以更轻松地比较大小:
/** Helper class used to pre-compute shortest and longest sides of a [Size] */ class SmartSize(width: Int, height: Int) { var size = Size(width, height) var long = max(size.width, size.height) var short = min(size.width, size.height) override fun toString() = "SmartSize(${long}x${short})" } /** Standard High Definition size for pictures and video */ val SIZE_1080P: SmartSize = SmartSize(1920, 1080) /** Returns a [SmartSize] object for the given [Display] */ fun getDisplaySmartSize(display: Display): SmartSize { val outPoint = Point() display.getRealSize(outPoint) return SmartSize(outPoint.x, outPoint.y) } /** * Returns the largest available PREVIEW size. For more information, see: * https://d.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice */ fun <T>getPreviewOutputSize( display: Display, characteristics: CameraCharacteristics, targetClass: Class <T>, format: Int? = null ): Size { // Find which is smaller: screen or 1080p val screenSize = getDisplaySmartSize(display) val hdScreen = screenSize.long >= SIZE_1080P.long || screenSize.short >= SIZE_1080P.short val maxSize = if (hdScreen) SIZE_1080P else screenSize // If image format is provided, use it to determine supported sizes; else use target class val config = characteristics.get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP)!! if (format == null) assert(StreamConfigurationMap.isOutputSupportedFor(targetClass)) else assert(config.isOutputSupportedFor(format)) val allSizes = if (format == null) config.getOutputSizes(targetClass) else config.getOutputSizes(format) // Get available sizes and sort them by area from largest to smallest val validSizes = allSizes .sortedWith(compareBy { it.height * it.width }) .map { SmartSize(it.width, it.height) }.reversed() // Then, get the largest output size that is smaller or equal than our max size return validSizes.first { it.long <= maxSize.long && it.short <= maxSize.short }.size }
/** Helper class used to pre-compute shortest and longest sides of a [Size] */ class SmartSize { Size size; double longSize; double shortSize; public SmartSize(Integer width, Integer height) { size = new Size(width, height); longSize = max(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()); shortSize = min(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("SmartSize(%sx%s)", longSize, shortSize); } } /** Standard High Definition size for pictures and video */ SmartSize SIZE_1080P = new SmartSize(1920, 1080); /** Returns a [SmartSize] object for the given [Display] */ SmartSize getDisplaySmartSize(Display display) { Point outPoint = new Point(); display.getRealSize(outPoint); return new SmartSize(outPoint.x, outPoint.y); } /** * Returns the largest available PREVIEW size. For more information, see: * https://d.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice */ @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.N) <T> Size getPreviewOutputSize( Display display, CameraCharacteristics characteristics, Class <T> targetClass, Integer format ){ // Find which is smaller: screen or 1080p SmartSize screenSize = getDisplaySmartSize(display); boolean hdScreen = screenSize.longSize >= SIZE_1080P.longSize || screenSize.shortSize >= SIZE_1080P.shortSize; SmartSize maxSize; if (hdScreen) { maxSize = SIZE_1080P; } else { maxSize = screenSize; } // If image format is provided, use it to determine supported sizes; else use target class StreamConfigurationMap config = characteristics.get( CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP); if (format == null) assert(StreamConfigurationMap.isOutputSupportedFor(targetClass)); else assert(config.isOutputSupportedFor(format)); Size[] allSizes; if (format == null) { allSizes = config.getOutputSizes(targetClass); } else { allSizes = config.getOutputSizes(format); } // Get available sizes and sort them by area from largest to smallest List <Size> sortedSizes = Arrays.asList(allSizes); List <SmartSize> validSizes = sortedSizes.stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparing(s -> s.getHeight() * s.getWidth())) .map(s -> new SmartSize(s.getWidth(), s.getHeight())) .sorted(Collections.reverseOrder()).collect(Collectors.toList()); // Then, get the largest output size that is smaller or equal than our max size return validSizes.stream() .filter(s -> s.longSize <= maxSize.longSize && s.shortSize <= maxSize.shortSize) .findFirst().get().size; }
如需确定运行时的可用功能,请使用 CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL 检查支持的硬件级别。
借助 CameraCharacteristics 对象,您可以通过一条语句检索硬件级别:
val characteristics: CameraCharacteristics = ...
// Hardware level will be one of:
// - CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3
val hardwareLevel = characteristics.get(
CameraCharacteristics characteristics = ...;
// Hardware level will be one of:
// - CameraCharacteristics.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_3
Integer hardwareLevel = characteristics.get(
根据输出类型、输出大小和硬件级别,您可以确定哪些声音流组合有效。下图是硬件级别为 LEGACY 的 CameraDevice 支持的配置的快照。
LEGACY 是可能的最低硬件级别。此表显示,每台支持 Camera2(API 级别 21 及更高级别)的设备都可以使用正确的配置同时输出最多 3 个视频流,并且没有过多的开销限制性能(例如内存、CPU 或散热限制)。
您的应用还需要配置目标输出缓冲区。例如,如需以硬件级别为 LEGACY 的设备为目标,您可以设置两个目标输出 surface,一个使用 ImageFormat.PRIVATE,另一个使用 ImageFormat.YUV_420_888。这是一个使用 PREVIEW 尺寸时受支持的组合。使用本主题前面定义的函数,获取相机 ID 所需的预览尺寸需要使用以下代码:
val characteristics: CameraCharacteristics = ...
val context = this as Context // assuming you are inside of an activity
val surfaceViewSize = getPreviewOutputSize(
context, characteristics, SurfaceView::class.java)
val imageReaderSize = getPreviewOutputSize(
context, characteristics, ImageReader::class.java, format = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888)
CameraCharacteristics characteristics = ...;
Context context = this; // assuming you are inside of an activity
Size surfaceViewSize = getPreviewOutputSize(
context, characteristics, SurfaceView.class);
Size imageReaderSize = getPreviewOutputSize(
context, characteristics, ImageReader.class, format = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888);
这需要使用提供的回调等待 SurfaceView 准备就绪:
val surfaceView = findViewById <SurfaceView>(...)
surfaceView.holder.addCallback(object : SurfaceHolder.Callback {
override fun surfaceCreated(holder: SurfaceHolder) {
// You do not need to specify image format, and it will be considered of type PRIV
// Surface is now ready and you could use it as an output target for CameraSession
SurfaceView surfaceView = findViewById <SurfaceView>(...);
surfaceView.getHolder().addCallback(new SurfaceHolder.Callback() {
public void surfaceCreated(@NonNull SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) {
// You do not need to specify image format, and it will be considered of type PRIV
// Surface is now ready and you could use it as an output target for CameraSession
您可以通过调用 SurfaceHolder.setFixedSize() 强制 SurfaceView 与相机输出大小相匹配,也可以采用与 GitHub 上相机示例通用模块中的 AutoFitSurfaceView 类似的方法,该方法设置绝对尺寸,考虑宽高比和可用空间,同时在触发 activity 更改时自动调整。
使用所需格式设置 ImageReader 中的另一个 Surface 会更轻松,因为没有需要等待的回调:
val frameBufferCount = 3 // just an example, depends on your usage of ImageReader
val imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(
imageReaderSize.width, imageReaderSize.height, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888,
int frameBufferCount = 3; // just an example, depends on your usage of ImageReader
ImageReader imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(
imageReaderSize.width, imageReaderSize.height, ImageFormat.YUV_420_888,
使用 ImageReader 等阻塞目标缓冲区时,请在使用后舍弃帧:
val frame = it.acquireNextImage()
// Do something with "frame" here
}, null)
imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(listener -> {
Image frame = listener.acquireNextImage();
// Do something with "frame" here
}, null);
LEGACY 硬件级别针对的是最低标准的设备。您可以为硬件级别为 LIMITED 的设备添加条件分支并针对其中一个输出目标 surface 使用 RECORD 大小,对于硬件级别为 FULL 的设备,则可以将其增加到 MAXIMUM 大小。
本页面上的内容和代码示例受内容许可部分所述许可的限制。Java 和 OpenJDK 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-11-08。
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