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    1、ecos for smartarm2200经常死机的原因是PSRM读写速度比较慢(好象掉电不丢数据?),用较高速度访问时容易出现采样错误,把PSRAM读写访问长度各增加1个时钟周期后,系统就很稳定了,不再出现死机现象,升级版本已经提供。
    4、关于monitor监控程序的实现原理,主要就是用软件中断指令替换断点处的语句,引发异常中断后进入处理程序,收集现场信息,然后通过通信接口部分传送到宿主机显示出来。难点是单步step调试断点的插入需要知道下一条语句的位置,不过好在有跟踪T标志,实现就容易多了。GDB的使用和串行通信协议见《Debugging with GDB》。软件包里提供了全部实现源码。
    * 第一讲 多任务编程 *
        线程函数参数,//对应线程函数的(cyg_addrword_t data)入口参数
        线程名,      //用于调试目的
    cyg_thread_resume(线程句柄);   //线程恢复
    cyg_thread_delay(延时时间);    //以10ms为单位
    cyg_scheduler_start();         //启动调度器开始工作。该函数被调用后不会返回,类似ucos中的OSStart();


RedBoot> lo -b 0x81010000 -r -m xmodem
Raw file loaded 0x81010000-0x810252cb, assumed entry at 0x81010000
xyzModem - CRC mode, 679(SOH)/0(STX)/0(CAN) packets, 2 retries
RedBoot> go 0x81010000

            *     Hello! The world.       *

        AAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is 1.
        BBBBBB333333 is active.thread data is 2.
        CCCCCC666666 is active.thread data is 3.
        AAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is 1.
        AAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is 1.
        BBBBBB333333 is active.thread data is 2.
        AAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is 1.
        AAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is 1.
        AAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is 1.
        CCCCCC666666 is active.thread data is 3.
        BBBBBB333333 is active.thread data is 2.


#include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>

#define STACK_SIZE 4096

char stack[4][STACK_SIZE];
static cyg_thread thread_data[4];
static cyg_handle_t thread_handle[4];

void taska(cyg_addrword_t data)
    int message = (int) data;
        printf("/tAAAAAA111111 is active.thread data is %d./n",message);

void taskb(cyg_addrword_t data)
    int message = (int) data;
        printf("/tBBBBBB333333 is active.thread data is %d./n",message);

void taskc(cyg_addrword_t data)
    int message = (int) data;
        printf("/tCCCCCC666666 is active.thread data is %d./n",message);

test(cyg_addrword_t data)
    printf("/t    *******************************/n");
    printf("/t    *     Hello! The world.       */n");
    printf("/t    *******************************/n/n/n");

    // Create a main thread, so we can run the scheduler and have time 'pass'
    cyg_thread_create(10,                // Priority - just a number
                      taska,             // entry
                      1,                 // entry parameter
                      "taska",           // Name
                      &stack[1],         // Stack
                      STACK_SIZE,        // Size
                      &thread_handle[1], // Handle
                      &thread_data[1]    // Thread data structure
    cyg_thread_resume(thread_handle[1]); // Start it
    // Create a main thread, so we can run the scheduler and have time 'pass'
    cyg_thread_create(10,                // Priority - just a number
                      taskb,             // entry
                      2,                 // entry parameter
                      "taskb",           // Name
                      &stack[2],         // Stack
                      STACK_SIZE,        // Size
                      &thread_handle[2], // Handle
                      &thread_data[2]    // Thread data structure
    cyg_thread_resume(thread_handle[2]); // Start it
    // Create a main thread, so we can run the scheduler and have time 'pass'
    cyg_thread_create(10,                // Priority - just a number
                      taskc,             // entry
                      3,                 // entry parameter
                      "taskc",           // Name
                      &stack[3],         // Stack
                      STACK_SIZE,        // Size
                      &thread_handle[3], // Handle
                      &thread_data[3]    // Thread data structure
    cyg_thread_resume(thread_handle[3]); // Start it

    // Create a main thread, so we can run the scheduler and have time 'pass'
    cyg_thread_create(10,                // Priority - just a number
                      test,              // entry
                      0,                 // entry parameter
                      "test",            // Name
                      &stack[0],         // Stack
                      STACK_SIZE,        // Size
                      &thread_handle[0], // Handle
                      &thread_data[0]    // Thread data structure
    cyg_thread_resume(thread_handle[0]); // Start it

