Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs):These SOPs play a critical role in supporting task decomposition and effective coordination. Furthermore, SOPs outline the responsibilities of each team member, while establishing standards for intermediate outputs. Well-defined SOPs improve the consistent and accurate exe- cution of tasks that align with defined roles and quality standards .
本文提出MetaGPT,基于大模型的Meta -Programming(programing-to-program,相当于借用了meta-learning的learning-to-learn思想)生成框架,旨在生成结构化的输出,包括高质量的需求文档、设计图、流程图和具体的实现接口等。
对于一个比较复杂的工程任务(例如让大模型写一个flappy bird游戏),需要通过扮演不同角色的大模型之间相互协同来完成这个庞大的任务。每个角色的大模型完成具体的一个子环节的工作,例如如下图所示:
In MetaGPT, we specify the agent’s profile, which includes their name, profile, goal, and constraints for each role. We also initialize the specific context and skills for each role.
定义好各个Agent的角色后,需要设置工作流程(Work Flow):
Sharing all information with every agent can lead to information overload. During task execution, an agent typically prefers to receive only task-related information and avoid distractions through irrelevant details
(A) Executability: this metric rates code from 1 (failure/non- functional) to 4 (flawless). ‘1’ is for non-functional, ‘2’ for runnable but imperfect, ‘3’ for nearly perfect, and ‘4’ for flawless code.
(B) Cost: the cost evaluations here include the (1) running time, (2) token usage, and (3) expenses.
© Code Statistics: this includes (1) code files, (2) lines of code per file, and (3) total code lines.
(D) Productivity: basically, it is defined as the number of token usage divided by the number of lines of code, which refers to the consumption of tokens per code line.
(E) Human Revision Cost: quantified by the number of rounds of revision needed to ensure the smooth running of the code, this indicates the frequency of human interventions, such as debugging or importing packages.
def generate_repo( idea, investment=3.0, n_round=5, code_review=True, run_tests=False, implement=True, project_name="", inc=False, project_path="", reqa_file="", max_auto_summarize_code=0, recover_path=None, ) -> ProjectRepo: """Run the startup logic. Can be called from CLI or other Python scripts.""" from metagpt.config2 import config from metagpt.context import Context from metagpt.roles import ( Architect, Engineer, ProductManager, ProjectManager, QaEngineer, ) from metagpt.team import Team config.update_via_cli(project_path, project_name, inc, reqa_file, max_auto_summarize_code) ctx = Context(config=config) if not recover_path: company = Team(context=ctx) # 添加软件开发相关的Agent角色,即在环境中添加所有角色 company.hire( [ ProductManager(), Architect(), ProjectManager(), ] ) if implement or code_review: company.hire([Engineer(n_borg=5, use_code_review=code_review)]) if run_tests: company.hire([QaEngineer()]) else: stg_path = Path(recover_path) if not stg_path.exists() or not str(stg_path).endswith("team"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{recover_path} not exists or not endswith `team`") company = Team.deserialize(stg_path=stg_path, context=ctx) idea = company.idea company.invest(investment) # 针对用户输入的任务(idea)执行一系列的pipeline company.run_project(idea) # 重复执行多次 asyncio.run(company.run(n_round=n_round)) return ctx.repo
# 将用户的idea消息投放出去
def run_project(self, idea, send_to: str = ""):
"""Run a project from publishing user requirement."""
self.idea = idea
# Human requirement.
Message(role="Human", content=idea, cause_by=UserRequirement, send_to=send_to or MESSAGE_ROUTE_TO_ALL),
# 根据用户的idea,对所有角色依次进行执行
async def run(self, n_round=3, idea="", send_to="", auto_archive=True):
"""Run company until target round or no money"""
if idea:
self.run_project(idea=idea, send_to=send_to)
while n_round > 0:
n_round -= 1
await self.env.run()
logger.debug(f"max {n_round=} left.")
return self.env.history
class Engineer(Role): """ Represents an Engineer role responsible for writing and possibly reviewing code. Attributes: name (str): Name of the engineer. profile (str): Role profile, default is 'Engineer'. goal (str): Goal of the engineer. constraints (str): Constraints for the engineer. n_borg (int): Number of borgs. use_code_review (bool): Whether to use code review. """ name: str = "Alex" profile: str = "Engineer" goal: str = "write elegant, readable, extensible, efficient code" constraints: str = ( "the code should conform to standards like google-style and be modular and maintainable. " "Use same language as user requirement" ) n_borg: int = 1 use_code_review: bool = False code_todos: list = [] summarize_todos: list = [] next_todo_action: str = "" n_summarize: int = 0 def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_actions([WriteCode]) self._watch([WriteTasks, SummarizeCode, WriteCode, WriteCodeReview, FixBug, WriteCodePlanAndChange]) self.code_todos = [] self.summarize_todos = [] self.next_todo_action = any_to_name(WriteCode) @staticmethod def _parse_tasks(task_msg: Document) -> list[str]: m = json.loads(task_msg.content) return m.get(TASK_LIST.key) or m.get(REFINED_TASK_LIST.key) async def _act_sp_with_cr(self, review=False) -> Set[str]: changed_files = set() for todo in self.code_todos: """ # Select essential information from the historical data to reduce the length of the prompt (summarized from human experience): 1. All from Architect 2. All from ProjectManager 3. Do we need other codes (currently needed)? TODO: The goal is not to need it. After clear task decomposition, based on the design idea, you should be able to write a single file without needing other codes. If you can't, it means you need a clearer definition. This is the key to writing longer code. """ coding_context = await todo.run() # Code review if review: action = WriteCodeReview(i_context=coding_context, context=self.context, llm=self.llm) self._init_action(action) coding_context = await action.run() dependencies = {coding_context.design_doc.root_relative_path, coding_context.task_doc.root_relative_path} if self.config.inc: dependencies.add(coding_context.code_plan_and_change_doc.root_relative_path) await self.project_repo.srcs.save( filename=coding_context.filename, dependencies=list(dependencies), content=coding_context.code_doc.content, ) msg = Message( content=coding_context.model_dump_json(), instruct_content=coding_context, role=self.profile, cause_by=WriteCode, ) self.rc.memory.add(msg) changed_files.add(coding_context.code_doc.filename) if not changed_files: logger.info("Nothing has changed.") return changed_files async def _act(self) -> Message | None: """Determines the mode of action based on whether code review is used.""" if self.rc.todo is None: return None if isinstance(self.rc.todo, WriteCodePlanAndChange): self.next_todo_action = any_to_name(WriteCode) return await self._act_code_plan_and_change() if isinstance(self.rc.todo, WriteCode): self.next_todo_action = any_to_name(SummarizeCode) return await self._act_write_code() if isinstance(self.rc.todo, SummarizeCode): self.next_todo_action = any_to_name(WriteCode) return await self._act_summarize() return None async def _act_write_code(self): changed_files = await self._act_sp_with_cr(review=self.use_code_review) return Message( content="\n".join(changed_files), role=self.profile, cause_by=WriteCodeReview if self.use_code_review else WriteCode, send_to=self, sent_from=self, ) async def _act_summarize(self): tasks = [] for todo in self.summarize_todos: summary = await todo.run() summary_filename = Path(todo.i_context.design_filename).with_suffix(".md").name dependencies = {todo.i_context.design_filename, todo.i_context.task_filename} for filename in todo.i_context.codes_filenames: rpath = self.project_repo.src_relative_path / filename dependencies.add(str(rpath)) await self.project_repo.resources.code_summary.save( filename=summary_filename, content=summary, dependencies=dependencies ) is_pass, reason = await self._is_pass(summary) if not is_pass: todo.i_context.reason = reason tasks.append(todo.i_context.model_dump()) await self.project_repo.docs.code_summary.save( filename=Path(todo.i_context.design_filename).name, content=todo.i_context.model_dump_json(), dependencies=dependencies, ) else: await self.project_repo.docs.code_summary.delete(filename=Path(todo.i_context.design_filename).name) logger.info(f"--max-auto-summarize-code={self.config.max_auto_summarize_code}") if not tasks or self.config.max_auto_summarize_code == 0: return Message( content="", role=self.profile, cause_by=SummarizeCode, sent_from=self, send_to="Edward", # The name of QaEngineer ) # The maximum number of times the 'SummarizeCode' action is automatically invoked, with -1 indicating unlimited. # This parameter is used for debugging the workflow. self.n_summarize += 1 if self.config.max_auto_summarize_code > self.n_summarize else 0 return Message( content=json.dumps(tasks), role=self.profile, cause_by=SummarizeCode, send_to=self, sent_from=self ) async def _act_code_plan_and_change(self): """Write code plan and change that guides subsequent WriteCode and WriteCodeReview""" node = await self.rc.todo.run() code_plan_and_change = node.instruct_content.model_dump_json() dependencies = { REQUIREMENT_FILENAME, str(self.project_repo.docs.prd.root_path / self.rc.todo.i_context.prd_filename), str(self.project_repo.docs.system_design.root_path / self.rc.todo.i_context.design_filename), str(self.project_repo.docs.task.root_path / self.rc.todo.i_context.task_filename), } code_plan_and_change_filepath = Path(self.rc.todo.i_context.design_filename) await self.project_repo.docs.code_plan_and_change.save( filename=code_plan_and_change_filepath.name, content=code_plan_and_change, dependencies=dependencies ) await self.project_repo.resources.code_plan_and_change.save( filename=code_plan_and_change_filepath.with_suffix(".md").name, content=node.content, dependencies=dependencies, ) return Message( content=code_plan_and_change, role=self.profile, cause_by=WriteCodePlanAndChange, send_to=self, sent_from=self, ) async def _is_pass(self, summary) -> (str, str): rsp = await self.llm.aask(msg=IS_PASS_PROMPT.format(context=summary), stream=False) logger.info(rsp) if "YES" in rsp: return True, rsp return False, rsp async def _think(self) -> Action | None: if not self.src_workspace: self.src_workspace = self.git_repo.workdir / self.git_repo.workdir.name write_plan_and_change_filters = any_to_str_set([WriteTasks, FixBug]) write_code_filters = any_to_str_set([WriteTasks, WriteCodePlanAndChange, SummarizeCode]) summarize_code_filters = any_to_str_set([WriteCode, WriteCodeReview]) if not self.rc.news: return None msg = self.rc.news[0] if self.config.inc and msg.cause_by in write_plan_and_change_filters: logger.debug(f"TODO WriteCodePlanAndChange:{msg.model_dump_json()}") await self._new_code_plan_and_change_action(cause_by=msg.cause_by) return self.rc.todo if msg.cause_by in write_code_filters: logger.debug(f"TODO WriteCode:{msg.model_dump_json()}") await self._new_code_actions() return self.rc.todo if msg.cause_by in summarize_code_filters and msg.sent_from == any_to_str(self): logger.debug(f"TODO SummarizeCode:{msg.model_dump_json()}") await self._new_summarize_actions() return self.rc.todo return None async def _new_coding_context(self, filename, dependency) -> CodingContext: old_code_doc = await self.project_repo.srcs.get(filename) if not old_code_doc: old_code_doc = Document(root_path=str(self.project_repo.src_relative_path), filename=filename, content="") dependencies = {Path(i) for i in await dependency.get(old_code_doc.root_relative_path)} task_doc = None design_doc = None code_plan_and_change_doc = await self._get_any_code_plan_and_change() if await self._is_fixbug() else None for i in dependencies: if str(i.parent.as_posix()) == TASK_FILE_REPO: task_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.task.get(i.name) elif str(i.parent.as_posix()) == SYSTEM_DESIGN_FILE_REPO: design_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.system_design.get(i.name) elif str(i.parent.as_posix()) == CODE_PLAN_AND_CHANGE_FILE_REPO: code_plan_and_change_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.code_plan_and_change.get(i.name) if not task_doc or not design_doc: logger.error(f'Detected source code "{filename}" from an unknown origin.') raise ValueError(f'Detected source code "{filename}" from an unknown origin.') context = CodingContext( filename=filename, design_doc=design_doc, task_doc=task_doc, code_doc=old_code_doc, code_plan_and_change_doc=code_plan_and_change_doc, ) return context async def _new_coding_doc(self, filename, dependency): context = await self._new_coding_context(filename, dependency) coding_doc = Document( root_path=str(self.project_repo.src_relative_path), filename=filename, content=context.model_dump_json() ) return coding_doc async def _new_code_actions(self): bug_fix = await self._is_fixbug() # Prepare file repos changed_src_files = self.project_repo.srcs.all_files if bug_fix else self.project_repo.srcs.changed_files changed_task_files = self.project_repo.docs.task.changed_files changed_files = Documents() # Recode caused by upstream changes. for filename in changed_task_files: design_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.system_design.get(filename) task_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.task.get(filename) code_plan_and_change_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.code_plan_and_change.get(filename) task_list = self._parse_tasks(task_doc) for task_filename in task_list: old_code_doc = await self.project_repo.srcs.get(task_filename) if not old_code_doc: old_code_doc = Document( root_path=str(self.project_repo.src_relative_path), filename=task_filename, content="" ) if not code_plan_and_change_doc: context = CodingContext( filename=task_filename, design_doc=design_doc, task_doc=task_doc, code_doc=old_code_doc ) else: context = CodingContext( filename=task_filename, design_doc=design_doc, task_doc=task_doc, code_doc=old_code_doc, code_plan_and_change_doc=code_plan_and_change_doc, ) coding_doc = Document( root_path=str(self.project_repo.src_relative_path), filename=task_filename, content=context.model_dump_json(), ) if task_filename in changed_files.docs: logger.warning( f"Log to expose potential conflicts: {coding_doc.model_dump_json()} & " f"{changed_files.docs[task_filename].model_dump_json()}" ) changed_files.docs[task_filename] = coding_doc self.code_todos = [ WriteCode(i_context=i, context=self.context, llm=self.llm) for i in changed_files.docs.values() ] # Code directly modified by the user. dependency = await self.git_repo.get_dependency() for filename in changed_src_files: if filename in changed_files.docs: continue coding_doc = await self._new_coding_doc(filename=filename, dependency=dependency) changed_files.docs[filename] = coding_doc self.code_todos.append(WriteCode(i_context=coding_doc, context=self.context, llm=self.llm)) if self.code_todos: self.set_todo(self.code_todos[0]) async def _new_summarize_actions(self): src_files = self.project_repo.srcs.all_files # Generate a SummarizeCode action for each pair of (system_design_doc, task_doc). summarizations = defaultdict(list) for filename in src_files: dependencies = await self.project_repo.srcs.get_dependency(filename=filename) ctx = CodeSummarizeContext.loads(filenames=list(dependencies)) summarizations[ctx].append(filename) for ctx, filenames in summarizations.items(): ctx.codes_filenames = filenames new_summarize = SummarizeCode(i_context=ctx, context=self.context, llm=self.llm) for i, act in enumerate(self.summarize_todos): if act.i_context.task_filename == new_summarize.i_context.task_filename: self.summarize_todos[i] = new_summarize new_summarize = None break if new_summarize: self.summarize_todos.append(new_summarize) if self.summarize_todos: self.set_todo(self.summarize_todos[0]) self.summarize_todos.pop(0) async def _new_code_plan_and_change_action(self, cause_by: str): """Create a WriteCodePlanAndChange action for subsequent to-do actions.""" files = self.project_repo.all_files options = {} if cause_by != any_to_str(FixBug): requirement_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.get(REQUIREMENT_FILENAME) options["requirement"] = requirement_doc.content else: fixbug_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.get(BUGFIX_FILENAME) options["issue"] = fixbug_doc.content code_plan_and_change_ctx = CodePlanAndChangeContext.loads(files, **options) self.rc.todo = WriteCodePlanAndChange(i_context=code_plan_and_change_ctx, context=self.context, llm=self.llm) @property def action_description(self) -> str: """AgentStore uses this attribute to display to the user what actions the current role should take.""" return self.next_todo_action async def _is_fixbug(self) -> bool: fixbug_doc = await self.project_repo.docs.get(BUGFIX_FILENAME) return bool(fixbug_doc and fixbug_doc.content) async def _get_any_code_plan_and_change(self) -> Optional[Document]: changed_files = self.project_repo.docs.code_plan_and_change.changed_files for filename in changed_files.keys(): doc = await self.project_repo.docs.code_plan_and_change.get(filename) if doc and doc.content: return doc return None
@role_raise_decorator async def run(self, with_message=None) -> Message | None: """Observe, and think and act based on the results of the observation""" if with_message: msg = None if isinstance(with_message, str): msg = Message(content=with_message) elif isinstance(with_message, Message): msg = with_message elif isinstance(with_message, list): msg = Message(content="\n".join(with_message)) if not msg.cause_by: msg.cause_by = UserRequirement self.put_message(msg) if not await self._observe(): # If there is no new information, suspend and wait logger.debug(f"{self._setting}: no news. waiting.") return rsp = await self.react() # Reset the next action to be taken. self.set_todo(None) # Send the response message to the Environment object to have it relay the message to the subscribers. self.publish_message(rsp) return rsp
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