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QGC parameters

1. Battery Callbration

BAT_A_PER_VBattery current per volt (A/V)每伏电池电流
BAT_CAPACITYBattery capacity
BAT_CNT_V_CURRScaling from ADC counts to volt on the ADC input(battery current)从ADC计数到ADC输入电压的缩放比例(电池电流)
BAT_CNT_V_VOLTScaling from ADC counts to volt on the ADC input(battery voltage)从ADC计数到ADC输入电压的比例(电池电压)
BAT_CRIT_THRCritical threshold临界阈值
BAT_EMERGEN_THREmergency threshold紧急阈值
BAT_LOW_THRLow threshold低阈值
BAT_N_CELLSNumber of cells电芯数
BAT_R_INTERNALExplicitly defines the per cell internal resistance明确定义每个电池的内部电阻
BAT_SOURCEBattery monitoring source电池监控源
BAT_V_CHARGEDFull cell voltage(5C load)满电池电压(5C负载)
BAT_V_DIVBattery voltage divider(V divider)电池分压器(V分压器)
BAT_V_EMPTYEmpty cell voltage(V devider)空电池电压(分压器)
BAT_V_LOAD_DROPVoltage drop per cell on full throttle全油门时每个电池的电压降
BAT_V_OFFS_CURRoffset in volt as seen by the ADC input of the current sensor电流传感器的ADC输入所见的伏特偏移量

2. Camera trigger

3. Commander

COM_ARM_AUTHArm authorization parameters,this uint32_t will be split between starting from the LSB
COM_ARM_EKF_ABMaximum value of EKF accelerometer delta velocity bias estimate that will allow arming
COM_ARM_EKF_GBMaximum value of EKF gyro delta angle bias estimate that will allow arming
COM_ARM_EKF_HGTMaximum EKF height innovation test ratio that willl allow arming
COM_ARM_EKF_POSMaximum EKF position innovation test ratio that willl allow arming
COM_ARM_EKF_VELMaximum EKF velocity innovation test ratio that will allow arming最大EKF速度创新测试比率,可进行布防
COM_ARM_EKF_YAWMaximum EKF yaw innovation test ratio that will allow arming允许武装的最大EKF偏航创新测试比率
COM_ARM_IMU_ACCMaximum accelerometer inconsistency between IMU units that will allow armingIMU单元之间最大加速度计不一致将允许布防
COM_ARM_IMU_GYRMaximum rate gyro inconsistency between IMU units that will allow armingIMU单元之间最大速率陀螺仪不一致,这将允许布防
COM_ARM_MAGMaximum magnetic field inconsistency between IMU units that will allow armingIMU单元之间的最大磁场不一致将允许布防
COM_ARM_MIS_REQRequire valid mission to arm需要有效的武装任务
COM_ARM_SWISBTNArm switch is only a button手臂开关只是一个按钮
COM_ARM_WO_GPSAllow arming without GPS无需GPS即可布防
COM_DISARM_LANDTime-out for auto disarm after landing登陆后自动撤防超时
COM_DL_LOSS_TDatalink loss time threshold数据链路丢失时间阈值
COM_REG_TDatalink regain time threshold数据链路恢复时间阈值
COM_EF_C2TEngine Failure Current/Throttle Threshold发动机故障电流/油门阈值
COM_EF_THROTEngine Failure throttle Threshold发动机故障油门阀值
COM_EF_TIMEEngine Failure Time Threshold发动机故障时间阈值
COM_FLTMOED1First flightmode slot(1000-1160)第一个飞行模式插槽(1000-1160)
COM_FLTMOED2Second flightmode slot(1160-1320)第二个飞行模式插槽(1160-1320)
COM_FLTMOED3Third flightmode slot(1320-1480)第三个飞行模式插槽(1000-1160)
COM_FLTMOED4Fourth flightmode slot(1480-1640)第四个飞行模式插槽(1000-1160)
COM_FLTMOED5Fifth flightmode slot(1640-1800)第五个飞行模式插槽(1000-1160)
COM_FLTMOED6Sixth flightmode slot(1800-2000)第六个飞行模式插槽(1000-1160)
COM_HLDL_LOSS_THigh Latency Datalink loss time threshold高延迟数据链路丢失时间阈值
COM_HLDL_REG_THigh Latency Datalink regain time threshold高延迟数据链路恢复时间阈值
COM_HOME_H_THome set horizontal thresholdHome点设置水平阈值
COM_HOME_V_THome set vertical thresholdHome点设置垂直阈值
COM_LOW_BAT_ACTBattery failsafe mode电池故障保护模式
COM_OF_LOSS_TTime-out wait when offboard connection is lost before triggering offboard lost action在触发非车载丢失操作之前,当非车载连接丢失时等待超时
COM_POS_FS_DELAYLoss of position failsafe activation delay位置丢失故障安全激活延迟
COM_POS_FS_EPHHorizontal position error threshold水平位置误差阈值
COM_POS_FS_EPVVertical position error threshold垂直位置误差阈值
COM_POS_FS_GAINLoss of position probation gain factor职位空缺试用权获得因子
COM_POS_FS_PROBLoss of position probation delay at takeoff起飞时失去试用期延误
COM_RC_ARM_HYSTRC input arm/disarm command durationRC输入布/撤防命令持续时间
COM_RC_IN_MODERC control input modeRC控制输入模式
COM_RC_LOSS_TRC loss time thresholdRC丢失时间阈值
COM_RC_OVERRIDEEnable RC stick override of auto modes启用自动模式下的RC摇杆覆盖
COM_RC_STICK_OVRC stick override thresholdRC杆超控阈值
COM_VEL_FS_EVHHorizontal velocity error thresholdRC杆超控阈值

4. Data Link Loss

NAV_AH_ALTAirfield home alt机场Home高度
NAV_AH_LATAirfield home Lat机场Home纬度
NAV_AH_LONAirfield home Lon机场Home经度
NAV_DLL_AH_TAirfield home wait time机场Home等待时间
NAV_DLL_CHSKSkip comms hold wp跳过通讯保持wp
NAV_DLL_CH_ALTComms hold alt通信保持高度
NAV_DLL_CH_LATComms hold Lat通信保持维度
NAV_DLL_CH_LONComms hold Lon通信保持经度
NAV_DLL_CH_TComms hold wait time通信保持等待时间
NAV_DLL_NNumber of allowed Datalink timeouts允许的数据链路超时数

5. EKF2

EKF2_ABIAS_INIT1-sigma IMU accelerometer switch-on bias1-sigma IMU加速度计开启偏置
EKF2_ABL_ACCLIMMaximum IMU accel magnitude that allows IMU bias learning最大IMU加速幅度,允许IMU偏向学习
EKF2_ABL_GYRLIMMaximum IMU gyro angular rate magnitude that allows IMU bias learning允许IMU偏差学习的最大IMU陀螺角速率幅度
EKF2_ABL_LIMAccelerometer bias learning limit加速度计偏差学习极限
EKF2_ABL_TAUTime constant used by acceleration and angular rate magnitude checks used to inhibit delta velocity bias learning加速度和角速度幅度检查使用的时间常数,用于抑制增量速度偏差学习
EKF2_ACC_B_NOISEProcess noise for IMU accelerometer bias predictionIMU加速度计偏差预测的过程噪声
EKF2_ACC_NOISEAccelerometer noise for covariance prediction加速度计噪声用于协方差预测
EKF2_AID_MASKInteger bitmask controlling data fusion and aiding methods整数位掩码控制数据融合和辅助方法
EKF2_ANGERR_INIT1-sigma tilt angle uncertainty after gravity vector alignment重力矢量对齐后的1-sigma倾斜角不确定性
EKF2_ARSP_THRAirspeed fusion threshold空速融合阈值
EKF2_ASPD_MAXUpper limit on airspeed along individual axes used to currect baro for position error effects沿单个轴的空速上限,用于校正气压,以产生位置误差
EKF2_ASP_DELAYAirspeed measurement delay relative to IMU measurements相对于IMU测量的空速测量延迟
EKF2_AVEL_DELAYAuxiliary Velocity Estimate辅助速度估算
EKF2_BARO_DELAYBarometer measurement delay relative to IMU measurements相对于IMU测量的气压计测量延迟
EKF2_BARO_GATEGate size for barometric and GPS height fusion气压和GPS高度融合的闸门尺寸
EKF2_BARO_NOISEMeasurement noise for barometric altitude气压高度的测量噪声
EKF2_BCOEF_XX-axis ballistic coefficient used by the multi-rotor specific drag force model多转子比阻力模型使用的X轴弹道系数
EKF2_BCOEF_YY-axis ballistic coefficient used by the multi-rotor specific drag force model多转子比阻力模型使用的Y轴弹道系数
EKF2_BETA_GATEGate size for synthetic sideslip fusion合成侧滑融合的浇口尺寸
EKF2_BETA_NOISENoise for synthetic sideslip fusion合成侧滑融合的噪音
EKF2_DECL_TYPEInteger bitmask controlling handing of magnetic declination整数位掩码控制磁偏角的处理
EKF2_DRAG_NOISESpecific drag force observation noise variance used by the multi-rotor specific drag force model多转子比阻模型所使用的比阻观测噪声方差
EKF2_EAS_NOISEMeasurement noise for airspeed fusion空速融合的测量噪声
EKF2_EVA_NOISEMeasurement noise for vision angle observation used when the vision system does not supply error estimates视觉系统不提供误差估计值时使用的用于观察视角的测量噪声
EKF2_EVP_NOISEMeasurement noise for vision position observation used when the vision system does not supply error estimates视觉系统不提供误差估计时用于视觉位置观察的测量噪声
EKF2_EV_DELAYVision Position Estimator delay relative to IMU measurements视觉位置估计器相对于IMU测量的延迟
EKF2_EV_GATEGate size for vision estimate fusion视力估计融合的闸门尺寸
EKF2_EV_POS_XX position of VI sensor focal point in body frameVI传感器焦点在车架中的X位置
EKF2_EV_POS_YY position of VI sensor focal point in body frameVI传感器焦点在车架中的Y位置
EKF2_EV_POS_ZZ position of VI sensor focal point in body frameVI传感器焦点在车架中的Z位置
EKF2_FUSE_BETABoolean determining if synthetic sideslip measurements should fused确定合成侧滑测量是否应该融合的布尔值
EKF2_GBIAS_INIT1-sigma IMU gyro switch-on bias1-sigma IMU陀螺仪开启偏置
EKF2_GPS_CHECKInteger bitmask controlling GPS checks整数位掩码控制GPS检查
EKF2_GPS_DELAYGPS measurement delay relative to IMU measurementsGPS测量相对于IMU测量的延迟
EKF2_GPS_POS_XX position of GPS antenna in body frameGPS天线在车身框架中的X位置
EKF2_GPS_POS_YY position of GPS antenna in body frameGPS天线在车身框架中的Y位置
EKF2_GPS_POS_ZZ position of GPS antenna in body frameGPS天线在机身框架中的Z位置
EKF2_GPS_P_GATEGate size for GPS horizontal position fusionGPS水平位置融合的闸口尺寸
EKF2_GPS_P_NOISEMeasurement noise for gps positionGPS位置的测量噪声
EKF2_GPS_V_GATEGate size for GPS velocity fusionGPS速度融合的闸门尺寸
EKF2_GPS_V_NOISEMeasurement noise for gps horizontal velocityGPS水平速度的测量噪声
EKF2_GYR_B_NOISEProcess noise for IMU rate gyro bias prediction用于IMU速率陀螺仪偏差预测的过程噪声
EKF2_GYR_NOISERate gyro noise for covariance prediction速率陀螺仪噪声用于协方差预测
EKF2_HDG_GATEMeasurement noise for magnetic heading fusion磁航向融合的测量噪声
EKF2_HEAD_NOISEDetermines the primary source of height data used by the EKF确定EKF使用的高度数据的主要来源
EKF2_HGT_MODEDetermines the primary source of height data used by the EKF确定EKF使用的高度数据的主要来源
EKF2_IMU_POS_XX position of IMU in body frameIMU在车架中的X位置
EKF2_IMU_POS_YY position of IMU in body frameIMU在车架中的Y位置
EKF2_IMU_POS_ZZ position of IMU in body frameIMU在车架中的Z位置
EKF2_MAGB_KMaximum fraction of learned mag bias saved at each disarm每次撤防时保存的最大学习磁偏角分数
EKF2_MAGB_VREFState variance assumed for magnetometer bias storage假设用于磁力计偏置存储的状态方差
EKF2_MAG_ACCLIMHorizontal acceleration threshold used by automatic selection of magnetometer fusion method自动选择磁力计融合方法所使用的水平加速度阈值
EKF2_MAG_B_NOISEProcess noise for body magnetic field prediction用于人体磁场预测的过程噪声
EKF2_MAG_DELAYMagnetometer measurement delay relative to IMU measurements相对于IMU测量的磁力计测量延迟
EKF2_MAG_E_NOISEProcess noise for body magnetic field prediction用于人体磁场预测的过程噪声
EKF2_MAG_GATEGate size for magnetometer XYZ component fusion磁力计XYZ组件融合的门尺寸
EKF2_MAG_NOISEMeasurement noise for magnetometer 3-axis fusion磁力计3轴融合的测量噪声
EKF2_MAG_TYPEType of magnetometer fusion磁力计融合类型
EKF2_MAG_YAWLIMYaw rate threshold used by automatic selection of magnetometer fusion method自动选择磁力计融合方法使用的偏航率阈值
EKF2_MIN_OBS_DTMinimum time of arrival delta between non-IMU observations before data is downsampled在非IMU观测数据之间进行下采样之前的最短到达时间增量
EKF2_MIN_RNGMinimum valid range for the range finder测距仪的最小有效范围
EKF2_NOAID_NOISEMeasurement noise for non-aiding position hold非辅助位置保持的测量噪声
EKF2_NOAID_TOUTMaximum lapsed time from last fusion自上次融合以来的最长经过时间
EKF2_OF_DELAYOptical flow measurement delay relative to IMU measurements相对于IMU测量的光流测量延迟
EKF2_OF_GATEGate size for optical flow fusion光流融合的闸门尺寸
EKF2_OF_N_MAXMeasurement noise for the optical flow sensor光学流量传感器的测量噪声
EKF2_OF_N_MINMeasurement noise for the optical flow sensor when it’s reported quality metric is at the maximum报告的质量指标最大时,光流量传感器的测量噪声
EKF2_OF_POS_XX position of optical flow focal point in body frame身体框架中光流焦点的X位置
EKF2_OF_POS_YY position of optical flow focal point in body frame身体框架中光流焦点的Y位置
EKF2_OF_POS_ZZ position of optical flow focal point in body frame身体框架中光流焦点的Z位置
EKF2_OF_QMINOptical Flow data will only be used if the sensor reports a quality metric>-EKF2_OF_QMIN仅当传感器报告质量指标> -EKF2_OF_QMIN时才使用光流数据
EKF2_PCOEF_XNStatic pressure position error coefficient for the negative X axis负X轴的静压位置误差系数
EKF2_PCOEF_XPStatic pressure position error coefficient for the positive X axisX轴正方向的静压位置误差系数
EKF2_PCOEF_YPressure position error coefficient for the Y axisY轴的压力位置误差系数
EKF2_PCOEF_ZStatic pressure position error coefficient for the Z axisZ轴的静压位置误差系数
EKF2_REQ_EPHRequired EPH to use GPS使用GPS所需的EPH
EKF2_REQ_EPVRequired EPV to use GPS使用GPS所需的EPV
EKF2_REQ_GDOPRequired GDoP to use GPS使用GPS所需的GDoP
EKF2_REQ_HDRIFTMaximum horizontal drift speed to use GPS使用GPS的最大水平漂移速度
EKF2_REQ_NSATSRequired satellite count to use GPS使用GPS所需的卫星计数
EKF2_REQ_SACCRequired speed accuracy to use GPS使用GPS所需的速度精度
EKF2_REQ_VDRIFTMaximum vertical vertical drift speed to use GPS使用GPS的最大垂直垂直漂移速度
EKF2_RNG_AIDRange sensor aid距离传感器辅助
EKF2_RNG_A_HMAXMaximum absolute altitude(height above ground level)allowed for range aid mode范围辅助模式允许的最大绝对高度(高于地面的高度)
EKF2_RNG_A_IGATEGate size used for innovation consistency checks for range aid fusion闸门尺寸,用于距离辅助融合的创新一致性检查
EKF2_RNG_A_VMAXMaximum horizontal velocity allowed for range aid mode范围辅助模式允许的最大水平速度
EKF2_RNG_DELAYRange finder measurement delay relative to IMU measurements相对于IMU测量的测距仪测量延迟
EKF2_RNG_GATEGate size for range finder fusion测距仪融合的闸门尺寸
EKF2_RNG_NOISEMeasurement noise for range finder fusion测距仪融合的测量噪声
EKF2_RNG_PITCHRange sensor pitch offset范围传感器间距偏移
EKF2_RNG_POS_XX position of range finder origin in body frame测距仪原点在车身框架中的X位置
EKF2_RNG_POS_YY position of range finder origin in body frame测距仪原点在车身框架中的Y位置
EKF2_RNG_POS_ZZ position of range finder origin in body frame测距仪原点在车架中的Z位置
EKF2_RNG_SFERange finder range dependant noise scaler测距仪范围相关的噪声缩放器
EKF2_TAS_GATEGate size for TAS fusionTAS融合的闸口尺寸
EKF2_TAU_POSTime constant of the position output prediction and smoothing filter位置输出预测和平滑滤波器的时间常数
EKF2_TAU_VELTime constant of the velocity output prediction and smoothing filter速度输出预测和平滑滤波器的时间常数
EKF2_TERR_GRADMagnitude of terrain gradient地形坡度
EKF2_TERR_NOISETerrain altitude process noise-accounts for instability in vehicle height estimate地形高度过程噪声说明了车辆高度估计的不稳定性
EKF2_WIND_NOISEProcess noise for wind velocity prediction用于风速预测的过程噪声

6. FW Attitude Control

FW_MAN_P_SCManual pitch scale
FW_MAN_R_SCManual roll scale
FW_MAN_Y_SCManual yaw scale

7. Follow target

NAV_FT_DSTDistance to follow target from跟随目标的距离
NAV_FT_FSSide to follow target from跟随目标的方向
NAV_FT_RSDynamic filtering algorithm responsiveness to target movement lover numbers increase the responsiveness to changing long lat but also ignore less noise动态过滤算法对目标运动爱好者数字的响应能力提高了对长经度变化的响应能力,但也忽略了较少的噪声
NAV_MIN_FT_HTMinimum follow target altitude最小跟随目标高度

8. GPS

GPS_DUMP_COMMDump GPS communication to a file将GPS通信转储到文件中
GPS_UBX_DYNMODEu-blox GPS dynamic platform modelu-blox GPS动态平台模型

9. GPS Failure Navigation.

NAV_GPSF_LTLoiter time游荡时间
NAV_GPSF_PFixed pitch angle固定俯仰角
NAV_GPSF_RFixed bank angle固定倾斜角

10. Geofence

GF_ACTIONGeofence violation action违反地理围栏行动
GF_ALTMODEGeofence altitude mode地理围栏高度模式
GF_COUNTGeofence counter limit地理围栏计数器限制
GF_MAX_HOR_DISTMax horizontal distance in meters最大水平距离,以米为单位
GF_MAX_VER_DISTMax vertical distance in meters最大垂直距离(以米为单位)
GF_SOURCEGeofence source地理围栏源

11. Land Detector

LNDMC_ALT_MAXMaximum altitude for multicopters多旋翼的最大高度
LNDMC_FFALL_THRMulticopter specific force threshold多旋翼机比力阈值
LNDMC_FFALL_TTRIMulticopter free-fall trigger time多直升机自由落体触发时间
LNDMC_ROT_MAXMulticopter max rotation多旋翼最大旋转
LNDMC_XY_VEL_MAXMulticopter max horizontal velocity多旋翼机最大水平速度
LNDMC_Z_VEL_MAXMulticopter max climb rate多直升机最大爬升率

12. MAVLink

MAV_BROADCASTBroadcast heartbeats on local network
MAV_COMP_IDMAVLink conponent ID
MAV_FWDEXTSPForward external setpoint messages
MAV_PROTO_VERMAVLink protocol version
MAV_TYPEMAVLink airframe type
MAV_USEHLGPSUse/Accept HL GPS message even if not in HIL mode

13. Mission

COM_OBL_ACTSet offboard failsafe mode
COM_OBL_RC_ACTSet offboard loss failsafe mode when RC is available
COM_POSCTL_NAVLPosition control nacigation loss response
COM_TAKEOFF_ACTAction after TAKEOFF has been accepted
MIS_ALTMODEAltitude setpoint mode
MIS_DIST_1WPMaximal horizontal distance from home to first waypoint
MIS_DIST WPSMaximal horizontal distance between waypoint
MIS_LTRMIN_ALTMinimum Loiter altitude
MIS_MNT_YAW_CTLEnable yaw control of the mount
MIS_TAKEOFF_ALTTake-off altitude
MIS_YAW_ERRMax yaw error in degrees needed for waypoint heading acceptance
MIS_YAW_TMTTime in seconds we wait on reaching target heading at a waypoint if it is forced
NAV_ACC_RADAcceptance Radius
NAV_DLL_ACTSet data link loss failsafe mode
NAV_FORCE_VTForce VTOL mode takeoff and land
NAV_FW_ALT_RADFW Altitude Acceptance Radius
NAC_LOITER_RADLoiter radius(FW only)
NAV_MC_ALT_RADMC Altitude Acceptance Radius
NAV_RCL_ACTSet RC loss failsafe mode
NAV_RCL_LTRC Loss Loiter Time(CASA Outback Challenge rules)
NAV_TRAFF_AVOIDSet traffic avoidance mode

14. Mount

MNT_MODE_INMount input mode

15. Multicopter Attitude Control


16. Multicopter Position Control


17. PWM Outputs


18. Precision Land

PLD_BTOUTLanding Target Timeout
PLD_FAPPR_ALTFinal approach altitude
PLD_HACC_RADHorizontal acceptance radius
PLD_MAC_SRCHMaximum number of search attempts
PLD_SRCH_ALTSearch altitude
PLD_SRCH_TOUTSearch timeout

19. Radio Calibration


20. Radio Switch


21. Return Mode


22. Return To Land

RTL_TYPEReturn type

23. SD Logging

SDLOG_DIRS_MAXMaximum number of log directories to keep
SDLOG_MODELogging Mode
SDLOG_PROFILELogging topic profile(integer birmask)
SDLOG_UTC_OFFSETUTC offset(unit:min)

24. Sensors


25. System


26. Thermal Compensation




28. VTOL Attitude Control

