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  5. <title>4个自定义倒计时</title>
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  152. <!-- logo -->
  153. <figure class="logo">
  154. <a href="https://blog.csdn.net/lulei5153?spm=1011.2415.3001.5343" title="与妖为邻CSDN博客" target="_blank">
  155. <img class="kong" src="file:///D:/img/icon.ico" alt="与妖为邻">
  156. </a>
  157. <figcaption class="my_name1">与妖为邻</figcaption>
  158. <figcaption class="my_name2">与妖为邻</figcaption>
  159. <a href="file:///D:/web/html%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5/%E5%A4%87%E5%BF%98%E5%BD%95.html" class="home_page"
  160. title="首页" target="_blank">
  161. <img class="ying" src="file:///D:/img/ying.png" alt="与妖为邻">
  162. </a>
  163. </figure>
  164. <!-- 时间 -->
  165. <time datetime="2024-07-10" title="2024-07-10" id="dateTime">2024-07-10</time>
  166. <!-- 天气 -->
  167. <iframe class="tianqi" frameborder="0" width="280" height="36" scrolling="no" hspace="0"
  168. src="https://i.tianqi.com/?c=code&id=99">
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  178. </header>
  179. <main id="countdownContainer">
  180. <div>
  181. <h2>2025主要节日时间表</h2>
  182. <ul>
  183. <li>元旦:2025年1月1日</li>
  184. <li>春节:2025年2月12日</li>
  185. <li>清明节:2025年4月4日</li>
  186. <li>劳动节:2025年5月1日</li>
  187. <li>端午节:2025年6月2日</li>
  188. <li>中秋节:2025年9月21日</li>
  189. <li>国庆节:2025年10月1日</li>
  190. </ul>
  191. </div>
  192. </main>
  193. </body>
  194. <script>
  195. /* 现在时间*/
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  201. var day = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
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  203. var min = ("0" + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
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  206. "星期日",
  207. "星期一",
  208. "星期二",
  209. "星期三",
  210. "星期四",
  211. "星期五",
  212. "星期六",
  213. ][now.getDay()];
  214. var time = `${year}-${month}-${day}<sub id='sub'>${week}</sub> ${hour}:${min}:${second}`;
  215. current_time.innerHTML = time;
  216. }
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  258. function closeAll() {
  259. window.close();
  260. }
  261. /* 全屏功能与关闭 结束*/
  262. /* 倒计时功能渲染*/
  263. const countdownContainer = document.getElementById('countdownContainer');
  264. function createCountdownElement(id) {
  265. const button = document.createElement('button');
  266. button.textContent = `第${id}个倒计时`;
  267. button.id = `countdownElement${id}`;
  268. button.onclick = () => document.getElementById(`dialogCountdownElement${id}`).showModal();
  269. const dialog = document.createElement('dialog');
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  277. const messageInput = document.createElement('input');
  278. messageInput.type = 'text';
  279. messageInput.id = `message${id}`;
  280. messageInput.value = '距离2024年国庆节还有:';
  281. messageDiv.appendChild(messageLabel);
  282. messageDiv.appendChild(messageInput);
  283. const targetDateDiv = document.createElement('div');
  284. const targetDateLabel = document.createElement('label');
  285. targetDateLabel.textContent = '更改目标日期:';
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  304. for (let i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
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  306. }
  307. /* 倒计时功能渲染 结束*/
  308. /* 倒计时功能实现*/
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  311. 2: { message: 'message2', targetDate: 'targetDate2' },
  312. 3: { message: 'message3', targetDate: 'targetDate3' },
  313. 4: { message: 'message4', targetDate: 'targetDate4' }
  314. };
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  316. window.onload = function () {
  317. for (let id in countdownData) {
  318. const message = localStorage.getItem(countdownData[id].message);
  319. const targetDate = localStorage.getItem(countdownData[id].targetDate);
  320. if (message) {
  321. document.getElementById(countdownData[id].message).value = message;
  322. }
  323. if (targetDate) {
  324. document.getElementById(countdownData[id].targetDate).value = targetDate;
  325. }
  326. }
  327. };
  328. // 保存数据到localStorage
  329. function saveData(id) {
  330. const message = document.getElementById(countdownData[id].message).value;
  331. const targetDate = document.getElementById(countdownData[id].targetDate).value;
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  335. // 监听输入框的变化并保存数据
  336. for (let id in countdownData) {
  337. document.getElementById(countdownData[id].message).addEventListener('input', () => saveData(id));
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  340. function showCountdown(id) {
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  342. const targetDateInput = document.getElementById(countdownData[id].targetDate);
  343. const targetDateValue = targetDateInput.value;
  344. const now = new Date();
  345. let targetDate;
  346. if (targetDateValue) {
  347. targetDate = new Date(targetDateValue);
  348. } else {
  349. targetDate = new Date(2024, 9, 1); // 默认值:2024年10月1日
  350. }
  351. const diff = targetDate - now;
  352. const days = Math.floor(diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
  353. const hours = Math.floor((diff % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));
  354. const minutes = Math.floor((diff % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
  355. const seconds = Math.floor((diff % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
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  357. countdownElement.innerHTML = `${message}${days}${hours}小时${minutes}${seconds}秒`;
  358. }
  359. for (let id in countdownData) {
  360. showCountdown(id);
  361. setInterval(() => showCountdown(id), 1000);
  362. }
  363. /* 倒计时功能实现 结束*/
  364. </script>
  365. </html>

