- # 处理同一个数据集下多个json文件时,仅运行一次class_txt即可
- import json
- import os
- "存储标签与预测框到txt文件中"
- def json_txt(json_path, txt_path):
- "json_path: 需要处理的json文件的路径"
- "txt_path: 将json文件处理后txt文件存放的文件夹名"
- # 生成存放json文件的路径
- if not os.path.exists(txt_path):
- os.mkdir(txt_path)
- # 读取json文件
- with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
- dict = json.load(f)
- # 得到images和annotations信息
- images_value = dict.get("images") # 得到某个键下对应的值
- annotations_value = dict.get("annotations") # 得到某个键下对应的值
- # 使用images下的图像名的id创建txt文件
- list=[] # 将文件名存储在list中
- for i in images_value:
- open(txt_path + str(i.get("id")) + '.txt', 'w')
- #open(txt_path + str(i.get("file_name")) + '.txt', 'w')
- list.append(i.get("id"))
- # 将id对应图片的bbox写入txt文件中
- for i in list:
- for j in annotations_value:
- if j.get("image_id") == i:
- # bbox标签归一化处理
- num = sum(j.get('bbox'))
- new_list = [round(m / num, 6) for m in j.get('bbox')] # 保留六位小数
- with open(txt_path + str(i) + '.txt', 'a') as file1: # 写入txt文件中
- #print(j.get("category_id"), new_list[0], new_list[1], new_list[2], new_list[3], file=file1) #Json文件中categories的id是从1开始的,而YOLOV5的要求标签是从0开始的,所以需要进行一个“-1”的操作。
- print(j.get("category_id") - 1, new_list[0], new_list[1], new_list[2], new_list[3], file=file1) #修改后的
- "将id对应的标签存储在class.txt中"
- def class_txt(json_path, class_txt_path):
- "json_path: 需要处理的json文件的路径"
- "txt_path: 将json文件处理后存放所需的txt文件名"
- # 生成存放json文件的路径
- with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
- dict = json.load(f)
- # 得到categories下对应的信息
- categories_value = dict.get("categories") # 得到某个键下对应的值
- # 将每个类别id与类别写入txt文件中
- with open(class_txt_path, 'a') as file0:
- for i in categories_value:
- print(i.get("id"), i.get('name'), file=file0)
- json_txt("instances_test.json", "test_annotations/")
- # class_txt("eval.json", "id_categories.txt")
- #处理同一个数据集下多个json文件时,仅运行一次class_txt即可
- import json
- import os
- "存储标签与预测框到txt文件中"
- def json_txt(json_path, txt_path):
- "json_path: 需要处理的json文件的路径"
- "txt_path: 将json文件处理后txt文件存放的文件夹名"
- #生成存放json文件的路径
- if not os.path.exists(txt_path):
- os.mkdir(txt_path)
- # 读取json文件
- with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
- dict = json.load(f)
- # 得到images和annotations信息
- images_value = dict.get("images") # 得到某个键下对应的值
- annotations_value = dict.get("annotations") # 得到某个键下对应的值
- # 使用images下的图像名的id创建txt文件
- #nano_path = './images/train'
- #need_path = './labels/train/'
- nano_path = './images/test'
- need_path = './labels/test/'
- dir = os.listdir(nano_path)
- for i in dir:
- file_name = os.path.basename(i)
- file_name1 = file_name.split('.')[0]
- print(file_name1)
- open(need_path + file_name1 + '.txt', 'w')
- for i in images_value:
- open(txt_path + str(i.get("id")) + '.txt', 'w')
- #将id对应图片的bbox写入txt文件中
- print(len(images_value))
- for i in images_value:
- a = i.get('id')
- b = i.get('file_name')
- d = b.split('.')[0]
- for j in annotations_value:
- if j.get("image_id") == a:
- #bbox标签归一化处理
- num = sum(j.get('bbox'))
- new_list = [round(i / num, 6) for i in j.get('bbox')] # 保留六位小数
- with open(need_path + str(d) + '.txt', 'a') as file1: # 写入txt文件中
- print(j.get("category_id")-1, new_list[0], new_list[1], new_list[2], new_list[3], file=file1)
- "将id对应的标签存储在class.txt中"
- def class_txt(json_path, class_txt_path):
- "json_path: 需要处理的json文件的路径"
- "txt_path: 将json文件处理后存放所需的txt文件名"
- # 生成存放json文件的路径
- with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
- dict = json.load(f)
- # 得到categories下对应的信息
- categories_value = dict.get("categories") # 得到某个键下对应的值
- # 将每个类别id与类别写入txt文件中
- with open(class_txt_path, 'a') as file0:
- for i in categories_value:
- print(i.get("id"), i.get('name'), file=file0)
- json_txt("instances_test.json", "test_img/")
- json_txt('instances_train.json', 'train_img/')
- #class_txt("eval.json", "class.txt")
- import os
- from pycocotools.coco import COCO
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- json_path = "instances_train.json"
- #img_path = "E:\Pycharm\PycharmProjects\datasets\DUO\images\train"
- # load coco data
- coco = COCO(annotation_file=json_path)
- # get all image index info
- ids = list(sorted(coco.imgs.keys()))
- print("number of images: {}".format(len(ids)))
- # get all coco class labels
- coco_classes = dict([(v["id"], v["name"]) for k, v in coco.cats.items()])
- print("classes: {}".format(coco_classes))
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