面试题12:矩阵中的路径 。。。
面试题13:机器人的运动范围 。。。
面试题14:剪绳子 。。。
面试题19:正则表达式匹配 。。。
面试题20:表示数值的字符串 。。。
面试题46:把数字翻译成字符串 。。。
面试题59:队列的最大值 。。。差offer解法
面试题60:n个骰子的点数 。。。
面试题63:股票的最大利润 。。。
面试题66:构建乘枳数组 。。。
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param numbers int整型vector * @return int整型 */ int duplicate(vector<int>& numbers) { sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end()); for(int i=0; i<numbers.size()-1; ++i){ if(numbers[i] == numbers[i+1]) return numbers[i]; } return -1; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param numbers int整型vector * @return int整型 */ int duplicate(vector<int>& numbers) { set<int> se; for(int i=0; i<numbers.size(); ++i){ if(se.find(numbers[i]) == se.end()) se.insert(numbers[i]); else return numbers[i]; } return -1; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param numbers int整型vector * @return int整型 */ int duplicate(vector<int>& numbers) { map<int, int> mp; for(int i=0; i<numbers.size(); ++i){ if(mp.find(numbers[i]) == mp.end()) mp[numbers[i]] = 1; else{ mp[numbers[i]] += 1; return numbers[i]; } } return -1; } };
在map中查找numbers[i]改成mp[nums[i]] == 0,等于零说明nums[i]这个key不存在
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param numbers int整型vector * @return int整型 */ int duplicate(vector<int>& numbers) { map<int, int> mp; for(int i=0; i<numbers.size(); ++i){ if (mp[numbers[i]] == 0) mp[numbers[i]] = 1; else{ mp[numbers[i]] += 1; return numbers[i]; } } return -1; } };
class Solution { public: bool Find(int target, vector<vector<int> > array) { if (!array.size() || !array[0].size()) return false; //以主对角线为划分,遇到第一个大于target的元素,则在上一个对角线元素和当前这个对角线元素中间遍历所有元素就一定可以找到 int row = array.size(); //n int col = array[0].size(); //m int i = 0, j = col - 1; //右上角下标 while (i < row && j >= 0 ) { if (target > array[i][j]) i++; else if (target < array[i][j]) j--; else return true; //target == matrix[i][j] } return false; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param s string字符串 * @return string字符串 */ string replaceSpace(string s) { int len = s.size(); string tmp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (s[i] == ' '){ tmp += "%20"; continue; } tmp += s[i]; } return tmp; } };
/** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param s string字符串 * @return string字符串 */ char* replaceSpace(char* s ) { int countBlank = 0, len = 0; char* tmp = s; while (*tmp != '\0') { if (*tmp++ == ' ') countBlank++; len++; } //使用辅助空间 tmp = (char*)malloc(len + 1 + countBlank * 2); memset(tmp, 0, len + 1 + countBlank * 2); int index = len - 1 + countBlank * 2; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (s[i] != ' ') tmp[index--] = s[i]; else { tmp[index--] = '0'; tmp[index--] = '2'; tmp[index--] = '%'; } } return tmp; }
class Solution { public: vector<int> printListFromTailToHead(ListNode* head) { //得到节点数 int count = 0; ListNode* tmp = head; while(tmp != NULL){ count++; tmp = tmp->next; } tmp = head; vector<int> res(count, 0); //遍历数组得到初步结果数组 count--; while(tmp != NULL){ res[count--] = tmp->val; tmp = tmp->next; } return res; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> printListFromTailToHead(ListNode* head) { stack<int, vector<int>> st; while(head != nullptr){ st.push(head->val); head = head->next; } vector<int> res(st.size(), 0); int index = 0; while(!st.empty()){ res[index++] = st.top(); st.pop(); } return res; } };
class Solution {
TreeNode* reConstructBinaryTree(vector<int> pre,vector<int> vin) {
return build(pre, vin, 0, 0, vin.size() - 1);
TreeNode* build(vector<int>& preorder, vector<int>& inorder, int root, int start, int end){// 中序的start和end
if(start > end) return NULL;
TreeNode *tree = new TreeNode(preorder[root]);
int i = start;
while(i < end && preorder[root] != inorder[i]) i++;
tree->left = build(preorder, inorder, root + 1, start, i - 1);
tree->right = build(preorder, inorder, root + 1 + i - start, i + 1, end);
return tree;
class Solution { public: TreeLinkNode* GetNext(TreeLinkNode* pNode) { if(!pNode) return nullptr; //给定节点有右子树 if(pNode->right){ TreeLinkNode* tmp = pNode->right; //往左找 while(tmp->left) tmp = tmp->left; return tmp; //往右找(没有左子树往右找) while(tmp->right) tmp = tmp->right; return tmp; //直接返回根(没有左右子树) return tmp; } //在叶子节点-->给的节点根的左子节点是自己则返回根 if(pNode->next && pNode->next->left == pNode) return pNode->next; //右叶子节点-->给的节点没有右子树(往前找节点是右子树的根节点) while(pNode->next && pNode->next->right == pNode) pNode = pNode->next; return pNode->next; } };
class Solution { public: void push(int node) { //首先将Pop栈全挪到Push栈 while(!stack2.empty()){ stack1.push(stack2.top()); stack2.pop(); } stack1.push(node); } int pop() { //首先将Push栈全部挪到pop栈 while(!stack1.empty()){ stack2.push(stack1.top()); stack1.pop(); } if(stack2.empty())return -1; int tmp = stack2.top(); stack2.pop(); return tmp; } private: stack<int> stack1; //push栈 stack<int> stack2; //pop栈 };
class Solution {
int Fibonacci(int n) {
if(n == 0)return 0;
if(n == 1 || n == 2)return 1;
return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2);
class Solution {
int Fibonacci(int n) {
if(n<=1) return n;
int cur=1, pre=0;
for(int i=2; i<=n; ++i){
int tmp = cur;
cur += pre;
pre = tmp;
return cur;
class Solution { public: int Fibonacci(int n) { if (!n) return 0; if (1 == n) return 1; if (2 == n) return 1; //矩阵a vector<vector<int>> a(2, vector<int>(2, 1)); a[1][1] = 0; vector<vector<int>> a_tmp(2, vector<int>(2, 1)); a_tmp[1][1] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n-2; ++i) { int res_0_0 = a_tmp[0][0] * a[0][0] + a_tmp[0][1] * a[1][0]; int res_0_1 = a_tmp[0][0] * a[0][1] + a_tmp[0][1] * a[1][1]; int res_1_0 = a_tmp[1][0] * a[0][0] + a_tmp[1][1] * a[1][0]; int res_1_1 = a_tmp[1][0] * a[0][1] + a_tmp[1][1] * a[1][1]; a_tmp[0][0] = res_0_0; a_tmp[0][1] = res_0_1; a_tmp[1][0] = res_1_0; a_tmp[1][1] = res_1_1; } return a_tmp[0][0] + a_tmp[1][0]; } };
class Solution { public: int minNumberInRotateArray(vector<int> rotateArray) { int left = 0; int right = rotateArray.size()-1; int mid = 0; if(rotateArray[left] < rotateArray[right]) return rotateArray[left]; while(left+1 < right){ mid = (left+right)>>1; if(rotateArray[left] == rotateArray[right] && rotateArray[right] == rotateArray[mid]){ //顺序查找 int min = rotateArray[left]; for(int i=left+1; i<=right; ++i) if(min > rotateArray[i]) min = rotateArray[i]; return min; } else if(rotateArray[mid]>=rotateArray[left]) left = mid; else if(rotateArray[mid]<=rotateArray[right]) right = mid; } return rotateArray[right]; } };
class Solution {
int NumberOf1(int n) {
uint32_t flag = 1;
char res = 0;
flag <<= 1;
return res;
class Solution { public: bool equal(double x, double y) { if (x - y > -0.0000001 && x - y < 0.0000001) return true; else return false; } double Power(double base, int exponent) { if (equal(base, 1.0)) return 1.0; unsigned int n_tmp = exponent; //防止n=-2147483648时 n*=-1溢出 //n<0 if (exponent < 0) { base = 1.0 / base; //n *= -1 exponent += 1; exponent *= -1; n_tmp = exponent; ++n_tmp; } //x == -1.0 if (equal(base, -1.0) && n_tmp % 2) return -1.0; if (equal(base, -1.0) && !(n_tmp % 2)) return 1.0; double res = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n_tmp; ++i) { res *= base; if (equal(res, 0.0)) return 0.0; } return res; } };
class Solution { public: //删除节点核心函数O(1) ListNode* deleteNode(ListNode** head, ListNode* del) { //del是头节点并且链表只有一个节点 if (del == *head && !del->next) { return *head = del->next; } //del不是最后一个节点,-->O(1)删除方式 if (del->next) { del->val = del->next->val; del->next = del->next->next; return *head; } //del已经是最后一个节点了,只能遍历找到del的前一个节点然后删除-->退变为O(n)方式 ListNode* cur = *head; while (cur != nullptr) { if (cur->next == del) break; cur = cur->next; } cur->next = cur->next->next; return *head; } ListNode* deleteDuplication(ListNode* pHead) { ListNode* pre = pHead, * nex = pHead; while (nex) { if (!nex->next) break; while (nex->next && nex->next->val == pre->val) nex = nex->next; ListNode* conti = nex->next; //删除[pre, nex]上的节点 if (pre != nex) { pre->next = nex->next; conti = pre; pHead = deleteNode(&pHead, pre); } pre = nex = conti; } return pHead; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param array int整型vector * @return int整型vector */ vector<int> reOrderArray(vector<int>& array) { int first = 0, last = array.size() - 1; while (first < last-1) { //first:当前状态下从前往后第一个偶数 while (first < array.size() && array[first] % 2 != 0) ++first; //last:当前状态下从后往前第一个奇数 while (last > 0 && array[last] % 2 == 0) --last; //first >= last:说明已经奇前偶后 //first或者last已经超出数组边界,说明数组全是奇数或者偶数则不需要任何交换 if (first >= array.size() || last < 0 || first >= last)break; //位操作的交换效率可能高一点 array[first] ^= array[last]; array[last] ^= array[first]; array[first] ^= array[last]; } return array; } };
/** * struct ListNode { * int val; * struct ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param pHead ListNode类 * @param k int整型 * @return ListNode类 */ ListNode* FindKthToTail(ListNode* pHead, int k) { ListNode* res = nullptr; stack<ListNode*> st; while(pHead){ st.push(pHead); pHead = pHead->next; } while(k){ if(st.empty()) return nullptr; //该链表长度小于k res = st.top(); st.pop(); --k; } return res; } };
/* struct ListNode { int val; struct ListNode *next; ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) { } }; */ class Solution { public: ListNode* EntryNodeOfLoop(ListNode* pHead) { ListNode* fast = pHead, * slow = pHead; while (fast && slow) { fast = fast->next; slow = slow->next; slow = !slow?slow:slow->next; if (fast == slow) break; } //没有环 if (!fast || !slow) return nullptr; int count = 1; //计算环的节点数 slow = slow->next; while (slow != fast) { slow = slow->next; ++count; } fast = pHead; slow = pHead; while (count) { slow = slow->next; --count; } while (fast != slow) { fast = fast->next; slow = slow->next; } return fast; } };
/* struct ListNode { int val; struct ListNode *next; ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) { } }; */ class Solution { public: ListNode* EntryNodeOfLoop(ListNode* pHead) { map<ListNode*, char > mp; while(pHead){ if(!mp[pHead]) mp[pHead] = 1; else return pHead; pHead = pHead->next; } return nullptr; } };
class Solution { public: ListNode* ReverseList(ListNode* pHead) { ListNode* newHead = nullptr; while(pHead){ ListNode* tmp = pHead; pHead = pHead->next; if(!newHead){ newHead = tmp; newHead->next = nullptr; } else{ tmp->next = newHead; newHead = tmp; } } return newHead; } };
class Solution { public: ListNode* Merge(ListNode* pHead1, ListNode* pHead2) { ListNode* tmp = nullptr; ListNode* res = nullptr; ListNode* res_end = nullptr; //取两个链表中最小值的节点尾插到结果链表 while(pHead1 && pHead2){ tmp = pHead1->val <= pHead2->val ? pHead1 : pHead2; tmp == pHead1 ? pHead1 = pHead1->next : pHead2 = pHead2->next; res_end = !res ? res = tmp : res_end->next = tmp; } //有一个链表是空了就将非空连接到结果链表尾 if(pHead1) !res ? res = pHead1 : res_end->next = pHead1; else !res ? res = pHead2 : res_end->next = pHead2; return res; } };
class Solution { public: bool HasSubtree(TreeNode* pRoot1, TreeNode* pRoot2) { return isSubStructure(pRoot1, pRoot2); } bool isSubStructure(TreeNode* A, TreeNode* B) { bool result = false; if(A && B){ if(A->val == B->val) result = doesTree1HaveTree2(A, B); if(!result) result = isSubStructure(A->left, B); if(!result) result = isSubStructure(A->right, B); } return result; } bool doesTree1HaveTree2(TreeNode* Tree1, TreeNode* Tree2){ if(!Tree2) return true; if(!Tree1) return false; if(Tree1->val != Tree2->val) return false; return doesTree1HaveTree2(Tree1->left, Tree2->left) && doesTree1HaveTree2(Tree1->right, Tree2->right); } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param pRoot TreeNode类 * @return TreeNode类 */ TreeNode* Mirror(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(!pRoot) return pRoot; TreeNode* tmp = pRoot->left; pRoot->left = pRoot->right; pRoot->right = tmp; Mirror(pRoot->left); Mirror(pRoot->right); return pRoot; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param pRoot TreeNode类 * @return TreeNode类 */ TreeNode* Mirror(TreeNode* pRoot) { stack<TreeNode*> sck; sck.push(pRoot); while(!sck.empty()) { TreeNode* tmp = sck.top(); sck.pop(); if(!tmp) continue; swap(tmp->left,tmp->right); if(tmp->right != NULL) sck.push(tmp->right); if(tmp->left != NULL) sck.push(tmp->left); } return pRoot; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param pRoot TreeNode类 * @return TreeNode类 */ TreeNode* Mirror(TreeNode* pRoot) { queue<TreeNode*> que; que.push(pRoot); while(!que.empty()) { TreeNode* tmp = que.front(); que.pop(); if(tmp == NULL) continue; swap(tmp->left,tmp->right); if(tmp->left) que.push(tmp->left); if(tmp->right) que.push(tmp->right); } return pRoot; } };
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(pRoot == NULL) return true; return comRoot(pRoot->left, pRoot->right); } bool comRoot(TreeNode* left, TreeNode* right){ if(left == NULL) return right == NULL; if(right == NULL) return false; if(left->val != right->val) return false; return comRoot(left->left, right->right) && comRoot(left->right, right->left); } };
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if (pRoot == NULL) return true; queue<TreeNode*> que; que.push(pRoot->left); // 将左子树头结点加入队列 que.push(pRoot->right); // 将右子树头结点加入队列 while (!que.empty()) { // 接下来就要判断这这两个树是否相互翻转 TreeNode* leftNode = que.front(); que.pop(); TreeNode* rightNode = que.front(); que.pop(); if (!leftNode && !rightNode) { // 左节点为空、右节点为空,此时说明是对称的 continue; } // 左右一个节点不为空,或者都不为空但数值不相同,返回false if ((!leftNode || !rightNode || (leftNode->val != rightNode->val))) { return false; } que.push(leftNode->left); // 加入左节点左孩子 que.push(rightNode->right); // 加入右节点右孩子 que.push(leftNode->right); // 加入左节点右孩子 que.push(rightNode->left); // 加入右节点左孩子 } return true; } };
class Solution { public: bool isSymmetrical(TreeNode* pRoot) { if (pRoot == NULL) return true; stack<TreeNode*> st; // 这里改成了栈 st.push(pRoot->left); st.push(pRoot->right); while (!st.empty()) { TreeNode* leftNode = st.top(); st.pop(); TreeNode* rightNode = st.top(); st.pop(); if (!leftNode && !rightNode) { continue; } if ((!leftNode || !rightNode || (leftNode->val != rightNode->val))) { return false; } st.push(leftNode->left); st.push(rightNode->right); st.push(leftNode->right); st.push(rightNode->left); } return true; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> printMatrix(vector<vector<int> > matrix) { int row = matrix.size(); int col = matrix[0].size(); int left = 0; int right = col-1; int top = 0; int floor = row - 1; int count = 0; vector<int> res(row*col, 0); while(left<right && top<floor){ //往右 for(int i=left; i<=right; ++i) res[count++] = matrix[top][i]; top++; //往下 for(int i=top; i<=floor; ++i) res[count++] = matrix[i][right]; right--; //往左 for(int i=right; i>=left; --i) res[count++] = matrix[floor][i]; floor--; //往上 for(int i=floor; i>=top; --i) res[count++] = matrix[i][left]; left++; } if(left == right) //往下 for (int i = top; i <= floor; ++i) res[count++] = matrix[i][right]; else if(top == floor) //往右 for(int i=left; i<=right; ++i) res[count++] = matrix[top][i]; return res; } };
class Solution { public: void push(int value) { this->s_stack.push(value); if(this->min_stack.empty() || value <= this->min_stack.top()) this->min_stack.push(value); else this->min_stack.push(this->min_stack.top()); } void pop() { this->s_stack.pop(); this->min_stack.pop(); } int top() { return s_stack.top(); } int min() { return this->min_stack.top(); } private: stack<int> min_stack; stack<int> s_stack; };
class Solution { public: bool IsPopOrder(vector<int> pushV,vector<int> popV) { stack<int> pushed_st; //依次查看popped[i] int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < popV.size(); ++i) { //栈空,就直接入栈到popV[i];栈非空但栈顶元素不是popV[i]也需要入栈(pushed_st.empty() || !pushed_st.empty() && pushed_st.top() != popV[i]) //循环每次都是入栈直到ppopV[i]入栈才停止,栈顶元素不是popV[i]说明这个元素还未入栈 if (index < popV.size() && (pushed_st.empty() || !pushed_st.empty() && pushed_st.top() != popV[i])) { //按照pushV顺序入栈,循环入栈直到遇到popV[i]才停止 while (index < popV.size() && pushV[index] != popV[i]) pushed_st.push(pushV[index++]); //popV[i]入栈 if(index < popV.size()) pushed_st.push(pushV[index++]); } //栈顶此时是popV[i]就出栈 if (pushed_st.top() == popV[i]) pushed_st.pop(); } //最终栈空说明按pushed顺序入栈以及出栈操作可以得到popped栈 return pushed_st.empty(); } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> PrintFromTopToBottom(TreeNode* root) { //空树,直接返回空 if (!root) return res; //队列 queue<TreeNode*> qu; qu.push(root); //结果字符串 vector<int> res; //保存层次遍历的节点 TreeNode* element; //层次遍历 while (!qu.empty()) { element = qu.front(); if(element) res.push_back(element->val); qu.pop(); //出队一个根节点 //入队这个根的两个子节点(先左后右) if (element) qu.push(element->left); if (element) qu.push(element->right); } return res; } };
class Solution { public: bool VerifySquenceOfBST(vector<int> sequence) { if(!sequence.size()) return false; return _verifyPostorder(sequence, 0, sequence.size() - 1); } bool _verifyPostorder(vector<int>& postorder, int start, int end) { //[start, end] if (end < start) return false; if (start == end) return true; //if (start + 1 == end) return postorder[start] < postorder[end]; //子树没有右节点 int s1 = start, e1 = start, s2 = start, e2 = end - 1; while (postorder[s2] < postorder[end]) s2++; // if (s2 == end) return true; //只有左子树,判断所有节点是不是都小于根节点 if (s2 == end) return _verifyPostorder(postorder, start, end - 1); //只有左子树 if (s2 == start) { //只有右子树,判断所有节点是不是都大于根节点 for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) if (postorder[i] < postorder[end]) return false; return _verifyPostorder(postorder, start, end - 1); } e1 = s2 - 1; //判断右子树节点全部大于根 postorder[s2, e2]>postorder[end] for (int i = s2; i <= e2; ++i) if (postorder[i] < postorder[end]) return false; return _verifyPostorder(postorder, s1, e1) && _verifyPostorder(postorder, s2, e2); } };
class Solution { public: RandomListNode* Clone(RandomListNode* pHead) { if(!pHead) return nullptr; map<RandomListNode*, RandomListNode*> ma;//记录原节点和复制节点的映射关系 RandomListNode* cur = pHead; RandomListNode* newHead = nullptr, * newHeadEnd = nullptr; while(cur){ //复制链表 if(cur == pHead) newHead = newHeadEnd = new RandomListNode(cur->label); else{ newHeadEnd->next = new RandomListNode(cur->label); newHeadEnd = newHeadEnd->next; } //建立原节点和复制之后的节点的映射关系 ma[cur] = newHeadEnd; cur = cur->next; } for(map<RandomListNode*, RandomListNode*>::iterator it = ma.begin(); it != ma.end(); ++it){ if(it->first->random) it->second->random = ma[it->first->random]; } return newHead; } };
/* struct TreeNode { int val; struct TreeNode *left; struct TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) { } };*/ class Solution { public: TreeNode* Convert(TreeNode* pRootOfTree) { return treeToDoublyList(pRootOfTree); } TreeNode* treeToDoublyList(TreeNode* root) { if(!root) return nullptr; queue<TreeNode*> que = inOrderTraverse2(root); //得到中序遍历的队列 TreeNode* head = nullptr, *end = nullptr; //出队链接成双向循环链表 while(!que.empty()){ TreeNode* cur = que.front(); if(!head){ end = head = cur; } else{ cur->left = end; end->right = cur; end = cur; } que.pop(); } return head; } //中序遍历,返回中序遍历得到的队列 queue<TreeNode*> inOrderTraverse2(TreeNode* des) { stack<TreeNode*> st; queue<TreeNode*> res; //结果数组 TreeNode* pNode = des; while (pNode != nullptr || !st.empty()) { if (pNode != nullptr) { st.push(pNode); pNode = pNode->left; } else { //pNode == null && !stack.isEmpty() TreeNode* node = st.top(); st.pop(); res.push(node); pNode = node->right; } } return res; } };
/* struct TreeNode { int val; struct TreeNode *left; struct TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) { } };*/ class Solution { public: TreeNode* Convert(TreeNode* pRootOfTree) { return treeToDoublyList(pRootOfTree); } TreeNode* treeToDoublyList(TreeNode* root) { TreeNode *pLastNodeInList = nullptr; ConvertNode(root, &pLastNodeInList); // pLastNodeInList指向双向链表的尾结点, // 我们需要返回头结点 TreeNode *pHeadOfList = pLastNodeInList; while(pHeadOfList != nullptr && pHeadOfList->left != nullptr) pHeadOfList = pHeadOfList->left; return pHeadOfList; } void ConvertNode(TreeNode* pNode, TreeNode** pLastNodeInList) { if(pNode == nullptr) return; TreeNode *pCurrent = pNode; if (pCurrent->left != nullptr) ConvertNode(pCurrent->left, pLastNodeInList); pCurrent->left = *pLastNodeInList; if(*pLastNodeInList != nullptr) (*pLastNodeInList)->right = pCurrent; *pLastNodeInList = pCurrent; if (pCurrent->right != nullptr) ConvertNode(pCurrent->right, pLastNodeInList); } };
class Solution { public: char* Serialize(TreeNode *root) { //空树,直接返回空 char* r = new char(0); if (!root) return r; //队列 queue<TreeNode*> qu; qu.push(root); //结果字符串 string res = "["; //保存层次遍历的节点 TreeNode* element; //层次遍历 while (!qu.empty()) { element = qu.front(); res += !element ? "#," : to_string(element->val) + ","; qu.pop(); //出队一个根节点 //入队这个根的两个子节点(先左后右) if (element) qu.push(element->left); if (element) qu.push(element->right); } res.erase(res.size() - 1, 1); //删除最后一个多的, res += "]"; char* re = new char[res.size()+1](); strcpy(re, res.c_str()); return re; } TreeNode* Deserialize(char *str) { string data(str); if (!data.size()) return nullptr; data.erase(0, 1); data.erase(data.size()-1, 1); //string --> vector<string> queue<string> series; int i = 0, n = data.size(); while (i < data.size()) { string tmp = ""; while (i < data.size() && data[i] != ',') tmp += data[i++]; series.push(tmp); ++i; } TreeNode* root = nullptr; TreeNode* left, * right; TreeNode* child_left = nullptr, * child_right = nullptr; queue<TreeNode*> child_left_queue; queue<TreeNode*> child_right_queue; //按层次遍历顺序建立二叉树 while (!series.empty()) { if (!root) { left = right = str2node(series.front()); series.pop(); } else { left = child_left_queue.front(); child_left_queue.pop(); right = child_right_queue.front(); child_right_queue.pop(); } if (left) { child_left = !series.empty() ? str2node(series.front()) : nullptr; if(!series.empty())series.pop(); child_right = !series.empty() ? str2node(series.front()) : nullptr; if (!series.empty())series.pop(); left->left = child_left; left->right = child_right; child_left_queue.push(child_left); child_right_queue.push(child_right); } if (root) { if (right) { child_left = !series.empty() ? str2node(series.front()) : nullptr; if(!series.empty())series.pop(); child_right = !series.empty() ? str2node(series.front()) : nullptr; if (!series.empty())series.pop(); right->left = child_left; right->right = child_right; child_left_queue.push(child_left); child_right_queue.push(child_right); } } if (!root)root = left; } return root; } //将字符串转化成节点 TreeNode* str2node(string& str) { if (!str.compare("#")) return nullptr; return new TreeNode(stoi(str)); } };
class Solution { public: vector<string> res; vector<string> Permutation(string str) { vector<char> temp; for(int i = 0;i < str.length();i++) temp.push_back(str[i]); sort(temp.begin(),temp.end(),compare); dfs(temp,0); return res; } void dfs(vector<char> temp,int left){ if(left == temp.size()-1){ string s; for(int i = 0;i < temp.size();i++) s += temp[i]; res.emplace_back(s); return; } for(int i = left;i < temp.size();i++){ if(i != left && temp[left] == temp[i]) continue; swap(temp[left],temp[i]); dfs(temp,left+1); } } static bool compare(const char& a,const char& b){ return a <= b; } };
class Solution { public: int MoreThanHalfNum_Solution(vector<int> numbers) { partition(numbers,0,numbers.size()-1); return numbers[numbers.size()/2]; } void partition(vector<int>& nums, int lo, int hi){ int num = nums[lo]; int i =lo,j=hi+1; while(true){ while(i<hi && nums[++i]<num); while(j>lo && nums[--j]>num); if(i>=j) break; swap(nums,i,j); } swap(nums,lo,j); int mid = nums.size()>>1; if(j == mid) return; if(j>mid) partition(nums,lo,j-1); else partition(nums,j+1,hi); } void swap(vector<int>& nums, int i ,int j ){ int temp = nums[i];nums[i] = nums[j];nums[j] = temp; } };
class Solution {
int MoreThanHalfNum_Solution(vector<int> numbers) {
int res = 0, count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.size(); i++){
if(count == 0){
res = numbers[i];
res==numbers[i] ? count++:count--;
return res;
class Solution {
int MoreThanHalfNum_Solution(vector<int> numbers) {
unordered_map<int,int> hash;
int res = 0, len = numbers.size();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if(hash[numbers[i]] > len/2)
res = numbers[i];
return res;
class Solution {
vector<int> GetLeastNumbers_Solution(vector<int> input, int k) {
if(k > input.size()) return {};
sort(input.begin(), input.end());
return vector<int> (input.begin(), input.begin()+k);
class Solution { public: vector<int> GetLeastNumbers_Solution(vector<int> input, int k) { if(k<=0 || k > input.size()) return {}; int start = 0; int end = input.size()-1; int index = Partition(input, start, end); while(index != k-1){ if(index > k-1){ end = index - 1; index = Partition(input, start, end); }else{ start = index + 1; index = Partition(input, start, end); } } return vector<int> (input.begin(), input.begin()+k); } void swap(vector<int>& nums, int i_a, int i_b){ int tmp = nums[i_a]; nums[i_a] = nums[i_b]; nums[i_b] = tmp; } int Partition(vector<int>& a,int left,int right) { int i=left; int j=right+1; int pivot=a[left]; while(true) { while(i<right && a[++i]<pivot) {} while(j>0 && a[--j]>pivot) {} if(i>=j) break; else swap(a,i,j); } swap(a,left,j); return j; } };
class Solution {
vector<int> GetLeastNumbers_Solution(vector<int> input, int k) {
if(k > input.size()) return {};
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> pq;
vector<int > res;
for(int i=0; i<input.size(); ++i)
for(int i=0; i<k; ++i){
return res;
class Solution { public: void Insert(int num) { //插入大小堆 //大根堆初始没有元素、小于等于大根堆堆顶就插入大根堆 if (0 == bigRootHeap.size() || num <= bigRootHeap.top()) bigRootHeap.push(num); //大于大根堆堆顶就放入小根堆 else littleRootHeap.push(num); //调整大小堆,使它们元素个数相差不大于1 //大堆元素多,弹出堆顶元素放入另一个 if ((int)(bigRootHeap.size() - littleRootHeap.size()) > 1) { //弹出大堆堆顶 int tmp = bigRootHeap.top(); bigRootHeap.pop(); //插入小堆 littleRootHeap.push(tmp); } if ((int)(littleRootHeap.size() - bigRootHeap.size()) > 1) { //弹出小堆堆顶 int tmp = littleRootHeap.top(); littleRootHeap.pop(); //插入大堆 bigRootHeap.push(tmp); } } double GetMedian() { int notNUll = 0; //记录当有一个堆是空堆时,另一个堆必然只有一个元素,便是当前状态的中位数 //中位数就是任意时刻大根堆和小根堆的堆顶元素之和的均值 if (0 == bigRootHeap.size()) notNUll = littleRootHeap.top(); else notNUll = bigRootHeap.top(); if(1 == bigRootHeap.size() - littleRootHeap.size()) return bigRootHeap.top(); if(1 == littleRootHeap.size() - bigRootHeap.size()) return littleRootHeap.top(); return bigRootHeap.size() > 0 && littleRootHeap.size() > 0 ? (bigRootHeap.top() + littleRootHeap.top()) / 2 : notNUll; } private: priority_queue<double, vector<double>, greater<double>> littleRootHeap; priority_queue<double, vector<double>, less<double>> bigRootHeap; };
class Solution { public: int FindGreatestSumOfSubArray(vector<int> array) { if(array.empty()) return 0; //F[0] = a[0] vector<int> maxSum(array); for(int i=1; i<array.size(); ++i){ //F[i] = max(F[i-1]+a[i], a[i]) maxSum[i] = max(maxSum[i-1]+array[i], array[i]); } //max(F[i]) int ret = maxSum[0]; for(int i=1; i<maxSum.size(); ++i){ ret = max(ret, maxSum[i]); } return ret; } };
class Solution { public: int NumberOf1Between1AndN_Solution(int n) { return numberOf1Between1AndN(n); } int PowerBase10(unsigned int n) { //return 10^n int result = 1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result *= 10; return result; } int numberOf1(const char* strN) { if (!strN || *strN < '0' || *strN>'9' || *strN == '\0') return 0; int first = *strN - '0'; unsigned int length = static_cast<unsigned int>(strlen(strN)); // if (length == 1 && first == 0) return 0; if (length == 1 && first > 0) return 1; //假设strN是"21345" //numFirstDigit 是数字10000~19999的第一个位中的数目 int numFirstDigit = 0; if (first > 1) //最高位大于1则数最高位是1的个数 numFirstDigit = PowerBase10(length-1); else if(first == 1) //最高位是1则最高位1出现的次数就是后面数+1 numFirstDigit = atoi(strN+1)+1; //numOtherDigits是1346~21345除了第一位之外的数位中的数目 int numOtherDigits = first * (length - 1) * PowerBase10(length-2); //numRecursive 是1~1345中的数目 int numRecursize = numberOf1(strN+1); return numFirstDigit + numOtherDigits + numRecursize; } int numberOf1Between1AndN(int n) { if (n <= 0) return 0; char strN[11]; sprintf(strN, "%d", n); //将整形数字变成字符串 return numberOf1(strN); } };
class Solution { public: string PrintMinNumber(vector<int> numbers) { sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), compare); // sort(nums.begin(), nums.begin() + nums.size(), compare); string res = ""; int i = 0; while (i < numbers.size()) { res += to_string(numbers[i]); ++i; } return res; } static bool compare(int a, int b) { string a_str = to_string(a); string b_str = to_string(b); //if (a_str.size() == b_str.size()) return a_str.compare(b_str) < 0; int i_a = 0, i_b = 0; while (a_str[i_a] == b_str[i_b]) { i_a = i_a < a_str.size() - 1 ? i_a + 1 : i_a; i_b = i_b < b_str.size() - 1 ? i_b + 1 : i_b; if (a_str[i_a + 1] == b_str[i_b + 1] && b_str[i_b + 1] == '\0') break; } return a_str[i_a] - b_str[i_b] < 0; } };
class Solution { public: int maxValue(vector<vector<int>>& grid) { //f[0, j] = F[0, j-1]+F[0, j] for(int j=1; j<grid[0].size(); ++j) grid[0][j] += grid[0][j-1]; //F[i, 0] = F[i-1. 0]+F[i, 0] for(int i=1; i<grid.size(); ++i) grid[i][0] += grid[i-1][0]; for(int i=1; i<grid.size(); ++i){ for(int j=1; j<grid[0].size(); ++j){ //F[i, j] = max(F[i-1, j], F[i, j-1]) grid[i][j] += max(grid[i-1][j], grid[i][j-1]); } } return grid[grid.size()-1][grid[0].size()-1]; } };
class Solution { public: int GetUglyNumber_Solution(int index) { if (index<=0) return 0; if (index==1) return 1; vector<int>k(index);k[0]=1; int i_2=0,i_3=0,i_5=0; for (int i=1;i<index;i++) { //a[i] = min(2\*a[i_2], 3\*a[i_3], 5*a[i_5]) k[i] = min(k[i_2]*2,min(k[i_3]*3,k[i_5]*5)); //状态变化 if (k[i] == k[i_2]*2) i_2++; if (k[i] == k[i_3]*3) i_3++; if (k[i] == k[i_5]*5) i_5++; } return k[index-1]; } };
class Solution {
int FirstNotRepeatingChar(string str) {
char arr[58]; //一个字符最多的出现次数是10000次,因此使用short就能存储下
memset(arr, 0, 58*sizeof(arr[0]));
for(int i=0; i<str.size(); ++i)
arr[str[i]-'A'] += 1;
for(int i=0; i<str.size(); ++i)
if(1 == arr[str[i]-'A']) return i;
return -1;
class Solution { public: int InversePairs(vector<int> data){ if(data.size() < 0) return 0; vector<int> copy(data.begin(), data.end()); int count = InversePairsCore(data, copy, 0, data.size() - 1); return count; } int InversePairsCore(vector<int> &data, vector<int> ©, int start, int end){ if(start == end){ copy[start] = data[start]; return 0; } int length = (end - start) / 2; int left = InversePairsCore(copy, data, start, start + length); int right = InversePairsCore(copy, data, start + length + 1, end); // i初始化为前半段最后一个数字的下标 int i = start + length; // j初始化为后半段最后一个数字的下标 int j = end; int indexCopy = end; int count = 0; while(i >= start && j >= start + length + 1) { if(data[i] > data[j]) { copy[indexCopy--] = data[i--]; count = (count +j - start - length)%1000000007; } else copy[indexCopy--] = data[j--]; } for(; i >= start; --i) copy[indexCopy--] = data[i]; for(; j >= start + length + 1; --j) copy[indexCopy--] = data[j]; return (left + right + count)%1000000007; } };
class Solution { public: ListNode* FindFirstCommonNode(ListNode* pHead1, ListNode* pHead2) { stack<ListNode* > list1Stack; stack<ListNode* > list2Stack; ListNode* res = nullptr; while (pHead1) { list1Stack.push(pHead1); pHead1 = pHead1->next; } while (pHead2) { list2Stack.push(pHead2); pHead2 = pHead2->next; } while (!list1Stack.empty() && !list2Stack.empty() && list1Stack.top() == list2Stack.top()) { res = list1Stack.top(); list1Stack.pop(); list2Stack.pop(); } return res; } };
class Solution {
int GetNumberOfK(vector<int> data ,int k) {
int first = 0, last = data.size()-1;
while(first < data.size() && data[first] != k) ++first;
while(last >= 0 && data[last] != k) --last;
if(last < first) return 0;
return last-first+1;
class Solution { public: int GetNumberOfK(vector<int> data ,int k) { int lbound = 0, rbound = 0; // 寻找上界 int l = 0, r = data.size(); while (l < r) { //int mid = l + (r - l) / 2; int mid = (r + l) >> 1; if (data[mid] < k) l = mid + 1; else r = mid; } lbound = l; // 寻找下界 r = data.size(); while (l < r) { int mid = (r + l) >> 1; if (data[mid] <= k) l = mid + 1; else r = mid; } rbound = l; return rbound - lbound; } };
class Solution { public: TreeNode* KthNode(TreeNode* pRoot, int k) { if(k<=0) return NULL; vector<TreeNode*> res; inOrderTraverse2(pRoot, res); if(k>res.size()) return NULL; return res[k-1]; } //非递归方式得到中序遍历序列 void inOrderTraverse2(TreeNode* des, vector<TreeNode*> &res) { stack<TreeNode*> st; TreeNode* pNode = des; while (pNode != nullptr || !st.empty()) { if (pNode != nullptr) { st.push(pNode); pNode = pNode->left; } else { //pNode == null && !stack.isEmpty() TreeNode* node = st.top(); st.pop(); res.push_back(node); pNode = node->right; } } } };
/* struct TreeNode { int val; struct TreeNode *left; struct TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) { } };*/ class Solution { public: int TreeDepth(TreeNode* pRoot) { if(!pRoot) return 0; return levelTraverse(pRoot); } //层次遍历(利用队列) int levelTraverse(TreeNode* des) { //空树,直接返回空数组 if (!des) return {}; //计数树层 //队列 queue<TreeNode*> qu; qu.push(des); //保存层次遍历的节点 TreeNode* element; int depth = 0, count = 0, nextCount = 1; //层次遍历 while (!qu.empty()) { element = qu.front(); qu.pop(); //出队一个根节点 count++; //入队这个根的两个子节点(先左后右) if (element->left) qu.push(element->left); if (element->right) qu.push(element->right); if(count == nextCount){ nextCount = qu.size(); count = 0; depth++; } } return depth; } };
class Solution { public: /** * 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 * * * @param array int整型vector * @return int整型vector */ vector<int> FindNumsAppearOnce(vector<int>& array) { //从头到尾异或数组中每一个元素 int xor_ = array[0]; for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); ++i) xor_ ^= array[i]; //探索异或结果的最高非零位 unsigned int tar = INT_MAX +1; //探子 2^31 while (!(tar & xor_)) //(tar & xor) != 0 tar >>= 1; //循环结束tar就是xor_最高非零位是1的数,通过tar划分数组 //子数组不用保存,直接异或进去 int min = 0, max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); ++i) { if (array[i] & tar) //某一位是1的划分 min ^= array[i]; else max ^= array[i]; } //保证min是最小值 if (min > max) { int tmp = min; min = max; max = tmp; } return { min, max }; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> FindNumbersWithSum(vector<int> array, int sum) { char left = 0, right = array.size() - 1; int min = 0, max = 0; char find = 0; while (left < right) { if (array[right] >= sum || array[right] + array[left] > sum) --right; else if (array[right] + array[left] < sum) ++left; //array[left] + array[right] == sum else { if(!find){ min = array[left]; max = array[right]; find = 1; } if(find && min*max > array[left]*array[right]){ min = array[left]; max = array[right]; } ++left; --right; } } if(find) return {min, max}; else return {}; } };
class Solution { public: string ReverseSentence(string str) { reverseWord(str, 0, str.size()-1); int pre = 0, tal = 0; while(tal < str.size()){ while(str[tal] != ' ' && str[tal] != '\0') tal++; reverseWord(str, pre, tal-1); pre = tal = tal+1; } return str; } void reverseWord(string &str, int begin, int end){ //[begin, end] while(begin < end){ char tmp = str[begin]; str[begin] = str[end]; str[end] = tmp; ++begin; --end; } } };
队列:8 1
栈:8 1
队列:8 1 4
栈:8 4 4
队列:8 1 4 5
栈:8 5 5 5
队列:8 1 4 5 6
栈:8 6 6 6 6
队列:8 1 4 5 6 7
栈:8 7 7 7 7 7
class MaxQueue { public: MaxQueue() { } int max_value() { if(q.empty()) return -1; return st_max.top(); } void push_back(int value) { q.push(value); if(st_max.empty()) st_max.push(value); else{ stack<int> tmp; while(!st_max.empty()){ tmp.push(st_max.top()); st_max.pop(); } st_max.push(value); while(!tmp.empty()){ st_max.push(st_max.top()>=tmp.top()?st_max.top():tmp.top()); tmp.pop(); } } } int pop_front() { if(q.empty()) return -1; int res = q.front(); q.pop(); st_max.pop(); return res; } private: queue<int> q; stack<int> st_max; }; /** * Your MaxQueue object will be instantiated and called as such: * MaxQueue* obj = new MaxQueue(); * int param_1 = obj->max_value(); * obj->push_back(value); * int param_3 = obj->pop_front(); */
1. A为1,J为11,Q为12,K为13,A不能视为14
2. 大、小王为 0,0可以看作任意牌
3. 如果给出的五张牌能组成顺子(即这五张牌是连续的)就输出true,否则就输出false。
中间的两个0一个看作3,一个看作5 。即:[6,3,2,5,4]
数据保证每组5个数字,每组最多含有4个零,数组的数取值为 [0, 13]
class Solution { public: bool IsContinuous(vector<int> numbers) { //排序 set<int> se; char count_0 = 0; //非零个数 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) if (!numbers[i]) count_0++; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) if(numbers[i]) se.insert(numbers[i]); set<int>::iterator it = se.begin(); if (*(se.rbegin()) - *it + 1 == 5 || count_0 + *(se.rbegin()) - *it + 1 == 5) return true; return false; } };
class Solution {
int LastRemaining_Solution(int n, int m) {
if (m == 0 || n == 0) return -1;
int index = 0;
for(int i=2; i<=n; ++i){
index = (index+m)%i;
return index;
class Solution {
int Add(int num1, int num2) {
int res;
res = num1^num2;
num2 = (num1&num2)<<1;
num1 = res;
return num1;
OJ中不太可能出现这种测试用例,并且题目也没有提示,如果要返回那只能返回nullptr或者标志值 ↩︎
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