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RIS 格式参考文献的参数含义_ris参考文献格式

TYType of reference (must be the first tag)
A1Primary Authors (each author on its own line preceded by the A1 tag)
A2Secondary Authors (each author on its own line preceded by the A2 tag)
A3Tertiary Authors (each author on its own line preceded by the A3 tag)
A4Subsidiary Authors (each author on its own line preceded by the A4 tag)
ADAuthor Address
ANAccession Number
AUAuthor (each author on its own line preceded by the AU tag)
AVLocation in Archives
BTThis field maps to T2 for all reference types except for Whole Book and Unpublished Work references. It can contain alphanumeric characters. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
C1Custom 1
C2Custom 2
C3Custom 3
C4Custom 4
C5Custom 5
C6Custom 6
C7Custom 7
C8Custom 8
CNCall Number
CPThis field can contain alphanumeric characters. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
CTTitle of unpublished reference
CYPlace Published
DBName of Database
DPDatabase Provider
EPEnd Page
IDReference ID
ISIssue number
J1Periodical name: user abbreviation 1. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
J2Alternate Title (this field is used for the abbreviated title of a book or journal name, the latter mapped to T2)
JAPeriodical name: standard abbreviation. This is the periodical in which the article was (or is to be, in the case of in-press references) published. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
JFJournal/Periodical name: full format. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
JOJournal/Periodical name: full format. This is an alphanumeric field of up to 255 characters.
KWKeywords (keywords should be entered each on its own line preceded by the tag)
L1Link to PDF. There is no practical limit to the length of this field. URL addresses can be entered individually, one per tag or multiple addresses can be entered on one line using a semi-colon as a separator.
L2Link to Full-text. There is no practical limit to the length of this field. URL addresses can be entered individually, one per tag or multiple addresses can be entered on one line using a semi-colon as a separator.
L3Related Records. There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
L4Image(s). There is no practical limit to the length of this field.
LKWebsite Link
M2Miscellaneous 2. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
M3Type of Work
N2Abstract. This is a free text field and can contain alphanumeric characters. There is no practical length limit to this field.
NVNumber of Volumes
OPOriginal Publication
PPPublishing Place
PYPublication year (YYYY)
RIReviewed Item
RNResearch Notes
RPReprint Edition
SPStart Page
STShort Title
T1Primary Title
T2Secondary Title (journal title, if applicable)
T3Tertiary Title
TATranslated Author
TTTranslated Title
U1User definable 1. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
U2User definable 2. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
U3User definable 3. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
U4User definable 4. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
U5User definable 5. This is an alphanumeric field and there is no practical limit to the length of this field.
VLVolume number
VOPublished Standard number
Y1Primary Date
Y2Access Date
EREnd of Reference (must be empty and the last tag)
