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为android编写linux内核驱动_android 内核驱动 kthread

android 内核驱动 kthread


#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include "hello.h"
static int hello_major = 0 ;
static int hello_minor = 0 ;
static struct class * hello_class = NULL;
static struct hello_android_dev *hello_dev = NULL;
static int hello_open(struct inode *inode,struct file * filp);
static int hello_release(struct inode * inode,struct file * filp);
static ssize_t hello_read(struct file *filp,char __user *buf,size_t count,loff_t* f_pos);
static ssize_t hello_write(struct file * filp,const char __user *buf ,size_t count ,loff_t * f_ops);
static struct file_operations hello_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.open  = hello_open,
.release = hello_release,
.read = hello_read,
.write = hello_write,
static ssize_t hello_val_show(struct device *dev,struct device_attribute* attr,char *buf);
static ssize_t hello_val_store(struct device *dev,struct device_attribute* attr,const char* buf ,size_t count);
static DEVICE_ATTR(val,S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,hello_val_show,hello_val_store);
static int hello_open(struct inode* inode,struct file* filp)
struct hello_android_dev* dev;
 dev = container_of(inode->i_cdev,struct hello_android_dev,dev);
 filp->private_data = dev;
 return 0;
static int hello_release(struct inode* inode,struct file* file)
 return 0;
static ssize_t hello_read(struct file* filp ,char __user *buf ,size_t count,loff_t* f_pos)
 ssize_t err = 0;
  struct hello_android_dev* dev = filp->private_data;
  return -ERESTARTSYS;
 if(count < sizeof(dev->val))
  goto out;
  err= -EFAULT;
  goto out;
 err= sizeof(dev->val);
 return err;
static ssize_t hello_write(struct file * filp,const char __user* buf ,size_t count,loff_t* f_pos)
 struct hello_android_dev* dev = filp->private_data;
 ssize_t err = 0 ;
  return -ERESTARTSYS;
 goto out;
 err = -EFAULT;
 goto out;
 err = sizeof(dev->val);
 return err;

static ssize_t __hello_get_val(struct hello_android_dev* dev,char* buf) 
 int val = 0;
  return -ERESTARTSYS;
 val = dev-> val;
 return snprintf(buf,PAGE_SIZE,"%d\n",val);
static ssize_t __hello_set_val(struct hello_android_dev* dev,const char* buf,size_t count)
 int val= 0;
 val = simple_strtol(buf,NULL,10);
  return -ERESTARTSYS;
 dev->val = val;
 return count ;
static ssize_t hello_val_show(struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr,char* buf)
 struct hello_android_dev* hdev =(struct hello_android_dev*)dev_get_drvdata(dev);
 return __hello_get_val(hdev,buf);
static ssize_t hello_val_store(struct device* dev,struct device_attribute* attr,const char * buf,size_t count)
 struct hello_android_dev* hdev = (struct hello_android_dev*)dev_get_drvdata(dev);
 return __hello_set_val(hdev,buf,count);

 ssize_t hello_proc_read (struct file *file, char __user *buff, size_t len, loff_t *data)
//static ssize_t hello_proc_read(char* page,char** start,off_t off, int count ,int* eof,void* data)
 /*off_t off;
 int *eof;
 char *page;
 if(off > 0) 
 *eof = 1;
 return 0; 
 return __hello_get_val(hello_dev,buff);
ssize_t hello_proc_write (struct file *filp, const char __user *buff, size_t len, loff_t *data)
//static ssize_t hello_proc_write(struct file* filp,const char __user *buff,unsigned long len,void* data)
 int err = 0;
// unsigned long len;
 char* page = NULL;
 printk(KERN_ALERT"The buff is too large : .\n");
 return -EFAULT;
 page = (char*)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to alloc page.\n");
 return -ENOMEM;
  printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to copy buff from user.\n");
  err = -EFAULT;
  goto out;
 err= __hello_set_val(hello_dev,page,len);
 free_page((unsigned long)page);
 return err;
static const struct file_operations proc_hello_fops={
// .owner = THIS_MODULE,
 .read  = hello_proc_read,
 .write = hello_proc_write,
static void hello_create_proc(void)
 static struct proc_dir_entry* entry;
 entry = proc_create(HELLO_DEVICE_PROC_NAME,0,NULL,&proc_hello_fops);
/* if(entry)
 entry->owner = THIS_MODULE;
 entry->read_proc = hello_proc_read;
 entry->write_proc = hello_proc_write;
static void hello_remove_proc(void)

static int __hello_setup_dev(struct hello_android_dev* dev)
 int err;
 dev_t devno = MKDEV(hello_major,hello_minor);
 memset(dev,0,sizeof(struct hello_android_dev));
 dev->dev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
 dev->dev.ops = &hello_fops;
 err= cdev_add(&(dev->dev),devno,1);
 return err;
 return 0;
static int __init hello_init(void)
 int err = -1 ;
 dev_t dev = 0;
 struct device* temp = NULL;
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Initializing hello device .\n");
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Faile to alloc char dev region.\n");
 goto fail;
 hello_major = MAJOR(dev);
 hello_minor = MINOR(dev);
 hello_dev = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hello_android_dev),GFP_KERNEL);
 err = -ENOMEM;
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to alloc hello_dev.\n");
 goto unregister;
 err = __hello_setup_dev(hello_dev);
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to alloc hello_dev.\n");
 goto cleanup;
 hello_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE,HELLO_DEVICE_CLASS_NAME);
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to create hello class. \n");
 goto destroy_cdev;
 temp = device_create(hello_class,NULL,dev,"%s",HELLO_DEVICE_FILE_NAME);
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to create hello device");
 goto destroy_class;
 err= device_create_file(temp,&dev_attr_val);
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to create attribute val");
 goto destroy_device;
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Succedded to initialize hello device.\n");
 return 0 ;
 return err;

static void __exit hello_exit(void)
 dev_t devno = MKDEV(hello_major,hello_minor);
 printk(KERN_ALERT"Destroy hello device.\n");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("First Android Driver");

